Chapter 1273 Single Dog

The transaction between Southern Africa and Rwanda immediately attracted the attention of the colonial government of Portuguese West Africa.

Southern Africa is also a habitual offender in this regard. If Southern Africa had not supported the Yao people behind their backs, the Portuguese would not have suffered a crushing defeat in Portuguese East Africa.

Now that southern Africa is repeating the old trick, Portuguese West Africa is also in chaos. The colonial government of Portuguese West Africa and the Portuguese government simultaneously protested to London and Southern Africa, demanding that Southern Africa immediately suspend the transaction with Rwanda, otherwise the colonial government of Portuguese West Africa and the The Portuguese government will regard this as an act of war.

"What do you mean, are the Portuguese going to declare war on us?" Rock was inexplicably surprised. He didn't expect the Portuguese to be so courageous.

In this world, there are really not many countries that dare to declare war on the British Empire. Although Portugal did not suffer much in the world war, its overall strength is far from that of the British Empire, and it is not at the same level at all.

"Declaration of war? No, no, no, the Portuguese don't have the courage. It's a diplomatic strategy. It's difficult for them to even form an expeditionary force." Philip laughed. The world war reminded all countries not to start a war at will.

Regarding West Africa, there is also great controversy in Portugal.

From the standpoint of the Portuguese government, it definitely wants to send an expeditionary force to quell the rebellion and maintain the rule of the West African colonial government.

But the risk of doing so is too high. If everything goes well, it's easy to say, what if you can't beat the rebels?

Europe is now in an economic crisis, and Portugal is also deeply trapped in it and cannot escape. If Laoshi's expedition loses troops, then Portugal's domestic economics and politics will further deteriorate. This result is unacceptable to the Portuguese government.

In a word, the sadness of a small country with few people is vividly reflected in Portugal.

"Forming an expeditionary force is not an easy task." Roque was not optimistic about Portugal and when the Congo Free State rebelled, Belgium vowed to form an expeditionary force at the time, but the result was nothing.

Not everyone, like the British Empire, formed hundreds of thousands of expeditionary forces at every turn to start wars on the other side of the earth.

In the current situation in Portuguese West Africa, it is useless to send less expeditionary troops, and the Portuguese government cannot afford to send too many. If Roque is the president of Portugal, Roque is also in a dilemma.

"So regardless of whether the turmoil in West Africa has anything to do with us, Portugal will pass the responsibility on to us, so that the Portuguese government has a reason not to send an expeditionary force." Philip is very clear about the situation in Portugal.

The word doesn't fit and the Portuguese "outside" isn't strong either.

"If you don't send it—then sit back and watch the West African colonial government be overthrown?" Rock could understand the Portuguese government's difficulties, but he couldn't understand the Portuguese government's decision.

In a general sense, West Africa is now the territory of Portugal, and "colony" is the definition of later generations.

In this way, the problem is very simple. A rebellion broke out in the country, and the government did not want to try to quell the rebellion, but made excuses for failure and tried to throw the pot away.

"Otherwise, what can we do?" Philip was curious, what would Rock do if it was Rock.

Rock smiled and said nothing. If the will is firm, there will always be a way. Portugal has colonized West Africa for hundreds of years, and the accumulated wealth is unknown. If the Portuguese government is really determined to break the boat, then it is not difficult to form an expeditionary force .

I am afraid that the wealth that Portugal has seized from the colonies has been squandered, and now there is not much left, so even if God descends to earth, it will not be able to save Portuguese West Africa.

"What do you think about the split?" Philip didn't bother about the Portuguese's choice. It was a bad start to take back Bloemfontein and Cape Town. This time, Philip is bound to win the split of the state that is too large.

"Yes, Nyasaland can also be split into two states, Nyasaland State, and Beihai State." Rock did not object, and he couldn't always sing against Lao Taishan, and he still had to support it when appropriate.

The current Nyasaland is as long and narrow as Lake Nyasa. From Beihai City at the northernmost point of the North Sea to Port Edward at the southernmost point, the straight-line distance exceeds 1900 kilometers, and the total area reaches an astonishing 75 square kilometers.

The 75 square kilometers here include the entirety of Lake Niassa and the North Sea (Lake Tanganyika), as well as the East Lake (Lake Mweru), plus part of the former Congo Free State.

With such a large area, it is no problem to split into two states. Nyasaland now has nine seats in Congress. After the split, the two states can get at least 12 seats.

Compared with the original Nyasaland, the current Nyasaland has expanded several times in size.

However, Rock's fief is still in the area around Lake Niassa, including Port Edward. Strictly speaking, it is not Rock's fief now, but Rock's private territory.

"Great, what does Cecil say?" Philip was very excited after chewing on a hard bone.

"There is no problem with Cecil. I will do his work." Rock took everything. Rhodesia was originally divided into Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia, which later became Zambia and Zimbabwe. Stoudemire This aspect is consistent with Rock.

"Very well, our current state has a large area of ​​more than 100 million square kilometers, and a small area of ​​only [-] to [-] square kilometers. The gap is really too big." Philip felt relieved, this matter was done, and Philip has also been famous in history. Qualifications.

Fifty or sixty thousand refers to Swaziland.

Swaziland is the smallest state in southern Africa. Another time-space Swaziland has a smaller area of ​​1 to less than [-]. In this time-space, Southern Africa did not forcibly take away Swaziland’s land, so Swaziland is relatively large in size.

When Swaziland was not yet independent, metal mines were discovered in the coastal areas, so Southern Africa forced Swaziland to cede the coastal areas, resulting in Swaziland's land being only 17363 square kilometers.

What is also tragic is Basutoland, another time-space Basutoland, where mines were also discovered, so it was forcibly occupied by southern Africa, resulting in the area of ​​Basutoland being only a little over 3.

Oh, at that time Basutoland was already called Lesotho.

"Will Orange and Cape agree?" Rock reminded Philip not to be proud, there were still two hardest bones waiting for Philip to chew.

"The opinions of Orange and Cape are not important!" Philip laughed, and Rock suddenly remembered that the minority obeys the majority—

Alas, democracy is good. The banner of the minority obeying the majority is raised. The opinions of Orange and Cape really don’t matter. Regardless of whether Orange and Cape oppose it, as long as two-thirds of the members of Congress agree, then The views of Orange and Cape are meaningless.

Most of the time, the true meaning of democracy is the violence of the majority against the minority.

"Then I wish you the best of luck—" Roque stood up and said goodbye. Regarding the Portuguese government's reaction, Roque also wanted to refer to the opinions of Kitchener and Ade.

After Ade retired, he completely relaxed himself and traveled around the mountains and rivers with Kitchina all day long.

Roque came to Ade's manor, and Ade's steward told Roque that Ade went to the Governor's Mansion to find Kitchener.

Roque came to the Governor's Mansion, and the guards of the Governor's Mansion told Rockard and Kitchener to go fishing in the Apis River.

The Apis River is a tributary of the Limpopo River. The Limpopo River is also called the Crocodile River. Crocodiles are often found in the river.

Rock was completely speechless. He could only say that the two old men were really interested. It was impossible to find them. The Apis River runs through Pretoria. God knows where the two old men were squatting.

So Roque simply waited for Kitchener and Ade at the Governor's Mansion.

It didn't take long before Kitchener and Ade went back to the Governor's Mansion talking and laughing.

"Wow, Locke, you are such a rare visitor—" Seeing Rock, Kitchener was enthusiastic.

Ade was a little calmer, nodding and smiling is actually more cordial.

"Let me see how your harvest is?" Rock wanted to see how the fishing skills of the Imperial Governor and the Imperial Prime Minister were.

"Hahahaha——" Kitchina laughed, the tin bucket in his hand was full, wow, the governor of the empire is really powerful.

"Hehe, he asked someone to buy it just now—" The Prime Minister of the Empire didn't show face, and Roque almost laughed out loud.

Kitchener immediately looked at Rock with angry eyes.

Roque is not afraid, who is the retired little old man scaring? Roque was not afraid when he was the Minister of War, and he is not afraid now——

"Why are you here?" Kitchener turned his nose and raised his eyes. The guards of the Governor's Palace didn't dare to keep Rock waiting, so they secretly went to find Kitchener and Ad, that's why Kitchener asked someone to buy fish——

Well, it's finally back.

Rock told the story again, Ade's expression was a little helpless, and Kitchener was merciless: "Rock, you can't blame the Portuguese, you are a repeat offender in this regard."

Rock is speechless, who is Lao Tzu for, and not to expand the territory of the British Empire!

"Before in East Africa, you cheated the Portuguese once, and now you are doing the same trick again. I am really curious, did the Portuguese offend you?" Kitchener also couldn't figure out why Rock always attacked the Portuguese. .

"Oh, no, the Portuguese offended the Africans, the weak preyed on the strong, and the fittest survived. When the Portuguese were strong, they could occupy East and West Africa. Now that the Portuguese are weak, they can't keep their colonies. In our words, this is called The retribution of heaven and reincarnation is not good—” Rock almost wrote a poem.If you don’t believe me, look up, who will the heavens spare——

"Hahahaha, that's right, Locke, that's why I like you. You have perfectly inherited the way of thinking and behavior of the British Empire, and you should be made the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom." Kitchener looked at Rock more and more pleasingly, Rock suddenly felt like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

Ah bah bah bah, Kitchener has never been married, where is the daughter——

Single dog!

ps: The previous chapters were stuffed with dog food, don’t worry—don’t be angry, because I’m also single——

(End of this chapter)

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