Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1274 Knowledge is Money

Chapter 1274 Knowledge is Money

The code of conduct of the Anglo-Saxons is survival of the fittest.

The Chinese are actually the same. If you think about how Goujian dealt with Fucha, you will know how black-bellied Chinese politicians are. "The Analects of Confucius" also teaches people to "repay grievances with straightness, and repay virtue with virtue". It violates the laws of nature and humanity.

Both Kitchener and Adler were colonial officials who experienced the heyday of the British Empire, and their arrogance was unparalleled. In the eyes of Kitchener and Adler, the current British Empire is somewhat weak, so Kitchener Na and Ade will see Rock more and more pleasing to the eye.

Rock came to Kitchener and Ad, not to hear the flattery of Kitchener and Ad, but to hear the opinions of Kitchener and Ad.

"Just do what you want. It's not that you send troops to attack West Africa. What are you afraid of?" Kitchener's thinking is still stuck in the heyday of the British Empire.

The British Empire turned from prosperity to decline since the Second Boer War. After the World War, Britain’s weakness became more and more obvious. Now it is in the quagmire of economic crisis. Southern Africa is the only bright spot of the British Empire, so London’s attitude is actually the same. It’s very ambiguous. Last time when Portugal protested to London because of its support for the Yao people in southern Africa, London sent a few symbolic telegrams to inquire about it. This time, London didn’t even have a telegram.

Andrew Bona Law has a MMP want to say, I can't protect myself now, I don't have time to care about your crap!

"Did you send Luanda?" Ade obviously supported Roque, but he was still worried about Roque, probably because he was afraid that Roque would take the path of militarism.

It was really two wars, which directly frightened the officials of the British Empire. Once the cannons fired, gold and ten thousand dual-purposes were also very suitable here, and fighting wars was too expensive.

Rock also believes that once the cannon fires, the gold is ten thousand taels, but the foothold is different from that of Ade, one is in and the other is out.

Just like the same half glass of water, some people see that there is only half a glass, while others see that there is still half a glass.

"No, I joined the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the Rwanda World War—" Rock briefly introduced the background of Rwanda.

"That's no problem, the Portuguese have to find the reason from themselves." Ade finally felt relieved, at least so far, Rock has not been completely blackened.

Leaving the Governor's Mansion, Roque went to Su Xian again and asked about the physical conditions of Kitchener and Ade.

Su Xian is now the director of a private hospital.

Note that hospitals are much larger than private clinics.

The doctors in the hospital are all students of Su Xian, and the nurses are graduates of regular medical schools. There are three relatively good hospitals in Pretoria, namely Bigwig Hospital and Transvaal State Hospital, and then there is Su Xian. A private hospital run by Sin.

Su Xian's current official position is the director of the Southern African Medical and Health Association, and also serves as a professor at the Johannesburg School of Medicine. As before, he has to travel between Pretoria and Johannesburg, and only half a month can be in Pretoria. Toria.

Now Su Xian has more and more clients. After Ade resigned, Su Xian is still Ade’s personal doctor. Now Kitchener has also become Su Xian’s client. Physical examination, massage, not to mention, there are physiotherapy rooms in the Governor's Mansion and Ade's manor.

"The health problems of the Governor and the Prime Minister are not serious. The Governor has always been in good health. Since the Prime Minister retired, his physical condition has also improved greatly. The main reason is regular work and rest, coupled with proper exercise. However, the Prime Minister is old after all. Now, the body needs to recover slowly, and it will take a long time to recover to a healthy level." Su Xian has just returned from the Palace of Justice, and Philip is also Su Xian's client.

Although Adelaide has resigned, Su Xian is still used to address Adelaide with "Your Excellency the Prime Minister". They are old friends now and have a very close relationship.

"Very good——" Rock is very satisfied. Kitchener in another time and space died in a shipwreck, and Ad died in 1925. The situation in this time and space is much better. Pretoria is a health resort. Qin Na and Adak have no worries in their later years.

With the support of Kitchener and Ade, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company entered the Kameya area as quickly as possible. These mercenaries were all Africans. They are different, but there is a huge difference in spirit and temperament, in short, it is the kind that can be recognized at a glance.

There was only one squadron of mercenaries who came to the Kameya area. The captain was Du Lun, a veteran mercenary who retired from the Second Cavalry Division.

Well, this is a small problem. Anyway, for these African-American soldiers, it doesn't matter what their name is.

The arrival of the mercenaries was warmly welcomed by Luanda.

The training of Luanda's recruits was not going well. He trained his men according to the way South Africa trains recruits, but the effect was not good. Not to mention the slow progress of those recruits, there were often unexpected situations. The mercenaries brought The doctors here are very busy, and the infirmary is often crowded with wounded soldiers.

"Those who broke their legs, were bitten by snakes, and were injured by the grenade they threw, anyway, as long as you can think of it, or anything you can't think of, it may happen. I think the thin red line tactics are most suitable for these people. The current training is right for them. It’s too demanding for them.” Sol, the doctor, was a monk halfway through, and had not received formal medical school studies. During the World War, there were not enough doctors in the army, so Sol was pulled to help, and he became a doctor after going back and forth.

It is said that medical schools in southern Africa, and even all higher education institutions in southern Africa, do not enroll students of African descent.

This is why Africa is backward and ignorant. Without universal education, Africans will never be able to adapt to modern society.

"The thin red line is too much. I think it's okay to lower some standards." Du Lun is 35 years old this year, and his physical strength and energy are at their peak. He is wearing a green field trench coat that is common among mercenaries, and the sleeves are rolled up neatly. Above the elbow, a fisherman's hat is worn on the head, which is also the custom of mercenaries.

"Mr. Duren, I was just looking for you—" Luanda hurriedly walked with anxiety on his face. He has been under a lot of pressure recently, and the rebellion is more difficult than he imagined. With his ability, managing a small team is the limit .

"Hello, general." Du Lun did not stand at attention when he saluted. Luanda was a self-proclaimed general. When he participated in the European War, Luanda's military rank was a third-class sergeant major.

Sergeant Major, the lowest rank among senior non-commissioned officers.

But in southern Africa, this is already the ceiling for African-American soldiers.

In the umbrella, the ceiling of African-American mercenaries is higher, and many operational force commanders are African-American.

No way, the racial characteristics of African Americans determine that their bodies will always be one step ahead of their minds.

Instinctive reaction!

"I have a question to ask you. You know, I trained the troops according to the way the troops were trained in southern Africa, but the effect was not good. I would like you to help me analyze the reason." Lu Anda humbly asked for advice. In front of Du Lun, Luanda really had no right to be proud.

This means that in Kameya, during the European war, Luanda had to stand at attention and salute when he saw Du Lun.

"General, do you want to copy the model of southern Africa?" Du Lun smiled half-smile. It is not that simple to copy the model of southern Africa. As a result, it stays at the stage of being similar in shape but not in spirit.

"Yes, I want to copy the model of southern Africa. African soldiers can explode into a strong fighting force in the southern African expeditionary force. There is no reason not to do so now." Luanda's thinking is the same as that of Jiuyi and Ru Hexiu.

"General, the model in southern Africa is not in the soldiers, but in the system—" Du Lun offered to pour a cup of coffee for Luanda, and then said with a smile: "—just like this cup of coffee, West Africa also has coffee beans, but if you don't Add milk and sucrose, the coffee will not taste so good, the cup is also very important, beautiful coffee cups and wooden bowls, even if it is the same coffee, it will taste two completely different feelings.”

Lu Anda's eyes were a little dazed, and she didn't know how to respond while holding the cup.

Du Lun also poured himself a glass, sat behind his desk and sipped and started to drink, and then he didn't say a word.

"Mr. Duran, continue—" Luanda seemed to have a clue, but it wasn't enough.

"General, there is a fee for consulting—" Du Lun was serious, Master Sanzang even sent a purple gold bowl through the back door to learn Buddhist scriptures, and Lu Anda wanted to prostitute for nothing.

"Mr. Durham, this is the common cause of our Africans. If we drive away the Portuguese, then we can create a paradise for Africans—" Luanda painted a cake, with a big hat on it.

"General, this is your career, and my career is under the umbrella." Du Lun doesn't eat cakes, knowledge is money, and if he doesn't talk about money but only ideals, he's a hooligan.

Luanda looked at Du Lun with a disappointed face.

Du Lun smiled, held the cup, sucked and snorted——

The muscles on Luanda's face were twitching, and the eyes that looked at Du Lun gradually turned fierce.

Du Lun was unmoved, his eyes were focused on the cup in front of him, not knowing what was in the coffee, Du Lun put his finger in it and stirred it, then put it in his mouth and relished it.

Oops, old disgusting.

Luanda remained silent, took off his watch and put it on the table in front of Du Lun.

It is gold and inlaid with diamonds. The gem mirror surface, the diamond at 12 o'clock is as big as a mung bean.

It's amazing, wouldn't such a big diamond affect the movement of the pointer?

Du Lun shook his head slightly. The watch was good, but it was nothing compared to the whole of West Africa.

Then Luanda started to ring, all kinds of gems, all kinds of diamonds, God knows where they all came from.

(End of this chapter)

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