Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1283 Children Chapter

Chapter 1283 Children's Day

Whether it is personal charm or social status, Billel Page is far behind Rock.

After the end of the World War, Louise Benn had the opportunity to settle down in southern Africa. Rock considered twice and arranged for Louise Benn to return to the Republic of Congo.

This was an unintentional move, but it has played a huge role now. The Republic of Congo announced later that Bilal Page died of illness due to invalid treatment.

The cause of death was, of course, the American influenza pandemic. Prime Minister Isaiah Chamberlain also unfortunately contracted the disease while visiting Billel Page, and died three days later after the same treatment failed.

American flu——

It's so arrogant!

Isaac Pencey appointed Commerce Secretary Benson Moore to succeed Isaiah Chamberlain as Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo on the same day that the Republic of Congo announced the death of Isaiah Chamberlain.

After Benson Moore took office, he appointed Louis Benn as the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Congo.

Augusta took a big advantage. After Haydn's death, Augusta automatically became the speaker of the Republic of Congo in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Congo. Before Buck left Boma, he had a secret talk with Augusta for an hour.

Although the process was a bit twists and turns, the result was quite good. The machine purchased by the government of the Republic of Congo from the United States did not enter the port at all, but continued south along Soyo to Walvis Bay. Since then, no one in the Republic of Congo has ever called this port. In terms of ideas, it is true that the combination of grace and power is the kingly way.

While Buck was still visiting Boma, the rebellion in West Africa was largely over.

After the West African governor fled to Sao Tome and Principe, the defense lines of the West African colonial servants and the Luanda militia collapsed completely.

Falta and Duron did not rush to attack, but surrounded Luanda, and did not blockade the port. Within three days, nearly 350 Luanda residents evacuated through the port, and Portugal's [-]-year rule in West Africa came to an end.

When the news spread back to Southern Africa, Roque felt neither sad nor happy, and didn't have much special feeling.

It was originally expected. Since the independence of Brazil, the Portuguese colonial empire has gone from bad to worse. At this time, Portugal can still obtain huge benefits from the African colonies, but the Portuguese government did not use the benefits to build the country or build a strong army. In general, Portugal's domestic singing and dancing are prosperous, all kinds of luxury and money, completely dependent on blood transfusions from the colonies, to maintain a life of bells and whistles.

To put it bluntly, he deserved it, without enough strength, relying on historical opportunities to obtain benefits that do not match his strength, he will eventually show his original shape.

On May 20th, West Africa declared its independence. Anthony Bowman, the general manager of the West Africa Company, was successfully elected president. On the same day, Anthony Bowman appointed Kevin Pierce, a French southern African, as the prime minister and was responsible for forming a cabinet.

Portugal reacted fiercely to the independence of West Africa, firmly refused to recognize the independence of West Africa, and went to the League of Nations to cry, hoping that the League of Nations would intervene in mediation.

See clearly, it is meddling in mediation, not intervention by force.

Probably the Portuguese government also knows that the situation is irreversible, so it can only take the next best thing, hoping that Portugal's interests in West Africa can be guaranteed.

"The Portuguese government hopes that the League of Nations will come forward to force West Africa to return the property of the Portuguese government in West Africa and protect the property of the Portuguese in West Africa. In other words, West Africa can become independent, but it cannot affect Portugal's income in West Africa." Owen has now To untie the knot, Buck successfully solved the hidden dangers of the Republic of Congo through his visits, and his position became more and more stable.

"Dream!" Rock's answer was very succinct.

It is indeed a dream. The West African colonial government has already collapsed, and they still want to continue to lie on West Africa to suck blood. The West African government is thankful that it does not ask the Portuguese government for debts.

Portugal has colonized West Africa for 350 years. From the initial slave trade to the subsequent continuous oppression, the crimes committed by Portugal are too bloody and bloody. If you really want to calculate it carefully, it is not enough to pay the whole of Portugal to West Africa.

"We have been condemned again. The president and the prime minister are all southern Africans. Now it is said that the coup in West Africa has nothing to do with us. I don't believe it myself--" Henry got what he wanted. After the establishment of the West African government, the mineral resources in West Africa and labor resources are finally open to Fawalt Steel Group.

West Africa is still relatively rich in mineral resources, with recoverable oil reserves of more than 131 billion barrels, natural gas reserves of 7 trillion cubic meters, diamond reserves of about 10 billion carats, iron ore 17 billion tons, phosphate 2 million tons, and manganese ore nearly 1 million tons, with a forest area of ​​5300 million hectares and a forest coverage rate of 35%, it is the country with the largest forest resources in Africa.

Before that, the Congo Free State was the largest, but after the Congo Free State split into the Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo, West Africa came from behind.

Agriculture in West Africa also has great potential. The area of ​​arable land in the country is about 3500 million hectares, and less than 5.00% of the total area has been developed and utilized. Before the establishment of the West African government, West Africa was completely self-sufficient in food, and at the same time had the ability to export Portugal, sisal Coffee and coffee are the main cash crops in West Africa, once known as the "granary of southern Africa".

It's just southern Africa, the breadbasket of the whole of Africa is still Rhodesia.

Looking at it this way, Africa is really full of gold. In the past, Rock thought that southern Africa was rich enough in resources. Now it seems that West Africa and the Republic of Congo are really rich. Even the Kingdom of Mozambique has a lot of resources to exploit.

Of course, the main problem is that the transportation is not convenient enough. Colonial countries such as Portugal and Belgium only plundered but did not build in the colonies. After hundreds of years, there is not even a decent railway. Many inland areas rely on rivers for transportation.

"Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with us in southern Africa." Rock didn't care about the non-painful condemnation. As the overlord of southern Africa, if southern Africa was not condemned, he would be sorry for his status as a "hegemon".

West African whites also know what they have done in West Africa for hundreds of years, so when the West African rebellion just started, a large number of West African whites fled. Even those "indigenous whites" born in West Africa did not protect their homes at all. Anyway, everyone is going to die together. If the rebellion is wiped out, then my plantation is still mine, and no one can take it away.

Including those big businessmen and companies in West Africa, no one stood up and tried to turn the tide. The big businessmen were delicate and expensive, and they all fled as soon as the rebellion broke out. Business executives had no reason to fight for West Africa. As a result, the West African government was established In the end, even a person with sufficient social prestige could not be found, and in the end it was Anthony Bowman who was successfully elected president.

Of course, the current West African voters, hmm—

The country adds up to about 1 points.

"I'm going to West Africa to buy a plantation, do you want to come together?" Xiaosi was inexplicably excited, and if he bought too much, there might be a group price.

After the establishment of the West African government, it immediately announced that all plantations, mines, and forests in the territory would be nationalized.

Simply put, all resources in West Africa, regardless of whether they belonged to the West African colonial government or the West African whites, now belong to the West African government.

The West African government has just been established, and everything has been rebuilt, but there is not a single grain left in the warehouse. Those plantations, mines, and forests cannot be managed by the West African government. In the end, they have to rely on large companies to gradually restore the economy.

To put it bluntly, it is to collect first and then sell it. When it is sold, a sum will be collected, and taxes can continue to be collected in the follow-up operation. The money sold for resources can be used for domestic construction.

In fact, the main expenditure of the West African government is military expenditure. Now Portugal firmly refuses to recognize the independence of West Africa, and the country is still clamoring to form an expeditionary force to go to West Africa.

Although the possibility of forming an expeditionary force is unlikely, the West African government still needs to make preparations.

Don’t be afraid of 1, just in case, don’t think that Falta and Duron are so powerful, remove those guys who fish in troubled waters, Falta and Duron have more than 100 people in total, and West Africa has 1 million square kilometers. More than 10,000 people are too few, at least [-]+ are needed to ensure the safety of West Africa.

"Okay, okay——" Under the influence of Rock, Henry became more and more interested in land.

"Together, together—" Owen was full of enthusiasm. This was a once-in-a-lifetime bargain-hunting. Before the West African rebellion, a plantation worth several thousand can now be won for only three to five hundred. Southern Africa has invested so much for West Africa. It is for this moment to share the fruits of victory.

Rock just laughed and said nothing. The Nyasaland Agricultural Company has purchased six of the largest plantations in West Africa, each with an area of ​​more than [-] hectares.

These plantations used to belong to large West African companies, but now they are of course nationalized by the West African government.

Of course, Roque didn't wipe it all out, and left Stoudemire, Henry, and Owen with a large amount of high-quality assets. The king's way is to share the benefits. If Roque can't afford the Pixiu, sooner or later everyone will betray their relatives.

Looking back, Roque certainly did not forget the national interests of southern Africa.

After the establishment of the West African government, Huambo, the capital of the inland area, was designated for security reasons. Southern Africa easily won the 99-year lease of Luanda Port. After the expiration, if Southern Africa wants to continue the lease, the West African government will can not refuse.

This is an obviously unequal contract, but it is commonplace nowadays. As long as Southern Africa is stronger than West Africa, West Africa will have to accept the legitimacy of this contract. If future West African leaders want to tear up the contract, they can refer to the Republic of Congo.

After the formation of Luanda, Southern Africa immediately announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with the West African government and officially established the independent status of West Africa.

This must have aroused the dissatisfaction of the Portuguese. The Portuguese are indeed unable to form an expeditionary force, but there is still an old fleet in Portugal. On June [-], the Portuguese government sent the fleet to Sao Tome and Principe, claiming to Take back West Africa by force.

Tsk, the decision made on Children's Day is really naive.

ps: Surprises are everywhere in life. I had dinner with my friends last night and found out that it was a blind date. Can you believe it? Damn, I haven’t washed my face, there is still gum in my eyes, and I haven’t shaved my beard for three days. He dragged the child and went, alas, the image at that time was probably comparable to Brother Xiaosa.

(End of this chapter)

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