Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1284 The Portuguese Are Crazy

Chapter 1284 The Portuguese Are Crazy

Before the World War, two fleets had been formed in southern Africa, one stationed in Walvis Bay and the other in Port Edward.

Considering that the core interests of southern Africa are in the Indian Ocean, the strength of the First Fleet in Port Edward is obviously stronger than that of the Second Fleet in Whale Bay.

The First Fleet stationed in Port Edward has 4 light cruisers and 12 destroyers.

The Second Fleet at Whale Bay only has 2 light cruisers and 8 destroyers.

The "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser already in service in southern Africa was also assigned to the First Fleet as the flagship of the First Fleet.

However, the heavy cruiser "Johannesburg" has recently been in Walvis Bay, which is in preparation for participating in the Washington Naval Conference.

The 9500-ton "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser is equipped with six 203mm main guns. According to the current general standards, it is not even a capital ship.

However, for the Portuguese Navy, the "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser is an undisputed cutting-edge warship.

The Portuguese Navy has only 15 warships, and the latest flagship is only 6500 tons, built in 1906.

Tsk, 1906!

The Federal Government of Southern Africa was not established in 1906. This is not the grandpa class, this is the antique class. The light cruisers in Southern Africa all have 6000 tons.

After learning that Portugal sent the fleet to Sao Tome and Principe, the "Johannesburg" heavy cruiser docked at Walvis Bay quietly fired and anchored, and a light cruiser belonging to the Second Fleet, as well as three destroyers headed to Rome. Anda.

At the same time, on the outskirts of Luanda, a large-scale military airport that can accommodate 600 aircraft is under construction. Although there are no 600 aircraft to fill the airport, it does not hinder the success of Southern Africa.

That's right, it's a great success. No matter what you do in southern Africa, one of the most prominent features is that it is big, which is reflected in the width of the road. Regardless of whether there are so many cars or not, it is necessary to have six-lane or eight-lane urban arterial roads. Construction, after all, labor is really cheap, lay a good foundation now, and it will be much easier to upgrade and rebuild in the future.

Today's Luanda is very different from that of the West African colonial government.

During the period of the West African colonial government, Luanda, like many cities in Africa, basically had no plans for urban construction. There were slums next to the rich areas, garbage dumps next to the parks, and there were actually heavy polluting industries in the urban area——

Bah, cross out the last one, how could the colony have heavy industry.

After Southern Africa leased Luanda, it remodeled Luanda according to the standards of Southern Africa.

The first thing to change must be the road. According to the standards of southern Africa, none of the roads in Luanda City are qualified, so the main road in the city center will be widened immediately. The 20-meter-wide main road will be directly widened to 50 meters, and there will be no need for renovation within 50 years after it is repaired.

At the same time as the road was being built, all the slums in Luanda were demolished. After the demolition, parks or green spaces were to be built. Of course, the central square of the city was also indispensable, and it didn’t need to be too large, just 20 million square meters.

Make sure it's meters, not kilometers.

At the same time, the port area was transformed. Luanda was the first stronghold built by the Portuguese in West Africa. The port facilities were relatively complete and the natural conditions were good. Fortresses and forts were built in the outer port for defense.

These forts have lost their function now and may be transformed into scenic spots in the future. The barracks were requisitioned by the navy stationed in the early stage. After the "Johannesburg" came to Luanda, Patton also moved into the camp on the shore.

"The intelligence has been confirmed. The Portuguese fleet has arrived in Sao Tome and Principe. There are a total of six warships, all of which are relatively old and of an old model. They basically have no combat effectiveness. They arrived in Sao Tome and Principe with the fleet There are about 1500 Portuguese soldiers, plus the local colonial troops in Sao Tome and Principe, the total strength is about 5000.” Falta is now the Minister of Defense of West Africa, and Duran was appointed as the commander of the Luanda City Defense .

"We have only 3000 troops that can fight now, but our troops are more powerful. If the Portuguese troops dare to attack, we can wipe them all out on the beach." Du Lun was full of confidence, but he didn't seem to put the navy, navy and air force on the top of the list. In their eyes, Luanda is not an undefended city now. There is a fleet in the port, and bombers and torpedo planes in the airport. Most of the Portuguese troops have no chance of landing on the beach.

It's not that I look down on the Portuguese army. With the strength of the Portuguese army, it is estimated that they do not have the ability to land on the beach. The era when imperialism can show off its might with just a few warships is over.

"Sao Tome and Principe is more than 1200 kilometers away from Luanda. It is difficult for the Portuguese fleet to launch an attack over such a long distance." Patton's current rank is lieutenant general, and his promotion speed is similar to that of a rocket.

The other one on the rocket is An Qi, and now An Qi's military rank is also lieutenant general.

In just a few years, the flagships of the World War, An Qi and Patton have the ranks of colonels, not even colonels.

Southern Africa does not have the rank of brigadier general. During the world war, brigadier generals were all temporary positions. After the war, they were either promoted to major generals or transferred to senior colonels.

"Our reconnaissance plane can try to conduct reconnaissance on Sao Tome and Principe. If we use Cabinda's airport, we can bomb Sao Tome and Principe." The commander of the Luanda Air Force is Colonel Xue Ming, who is now The Luanda Air Force has a squadron of reconnaissance aircraft, a squadron of fighter jets, two squadrons of bombers, and a brigade of torpedo aircraft.

After the World War, southern Africa built several airports in the surrounding area. Although Cabinda is the territory of the Kingdom of Congo, there are also many southern African military bases in the territory. Airports and ports are indispensable.

Compared with the Indian Ocean, Southern Africa paid less attention to the Atlantic Ocean. During the World War, Southern Africa obtained the management rights of St. Helena from the British government, and St. Helena became the largest military base in the Atlantic Ocean in Southern Africa. .

Yes, this St. Helena is the St. Helena where Napoleon was exiled.

During the Second Boer War, Britain held thousands of Boer prisoners of war on St. Helena. After the war, there were no more than one in ten of these prisoners.

In 1908, the British withdrew all troops from St. Helena, and the island was left alone.

St. Helena is located in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, 1950 kilometers away from the west coast of Africa and 3400 kilometers away from the east coast of South America. 122 km.

"It's not necessary. As long as the Portuguese fleet stays out of port, we don't need to take targeted action." Patton's order was not to take the initiative to attack, but to make the Portuguese retreat.

On the same day that the "Johannesburg" arrived in Luanda, the cargo ship "Fu Yu" belonging to the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company was sailing in the waters near Sao Tome and Principe.

The "Rich" set off from Cape Town a week ago. The ship was loaded with fruits and beef, as well as some wine in wooden barrels. These commodities are very popular in the UK. The purpose of the "Rich" trip The place is Marseille, France.

"The weather is fine and cloudless, and it's another safe and sound day." Captain Elvis Stilwell sat on the bridge with a wooden pipe in his mouth, talking and laughing happily with first officer Lu Qi. A serious economic crisis broke out in Europe. Southern Africa has not been affected much. The business of the Cape Town Ocean Trading Company has been very good recently, and the income of Stilwell and Lu Qi has also skyrocketed.

"When I return to Cape Town this time, I plan to take a few days off and take a leave to go to Luanda. If possible, I want to buy a plantation in Luanda, and then I will retire and live a good life as a slave owner." happy life.” Lu Qi has an ideal, but this ideal is a bit disharmonious.

"Slavery has been overthrown in West Africa, and your ideals are coming to an end—" Stilwell laughed. He also had a farm in the Cape, but not in Cape Town, but in Kimberley.

Not bad, Kimberley is a famous diamond producing area, if diamonds are found in Stilwell's farm, then Stilwell will send it out.

A diamond mine can be sold for 10,000+ casually. Even if there is no diamond, a farm of thousands of acres can guarantee that the Stilwell family has no worries about food and clothing.

Farms in Cape are generally larger than those in Transvaal and Rhodesia. Before the Second Boer War, there were more than [-] acres of farms in Cape.

There are far fewer large farms now, and they basically belong to those larger agricultural companies. The beef loaded on the "Fuyu" comes from the farms owned by the South African company.

"That's okay, as long as you can hire West Africans, it's fine to be a landlord instead of a slave owner." Lu Qi is a second-generation Chinese born in southern Africa. In fact, his desire for land is no longer as strong as his parents' generation. However, he is still greatly influenced by his parents.

While Stilwell and Lu Qi were talking, a warship flying the flag of the Portuguese Navy sailed beside the "Rich".

Stilwell picked up the binoculars to observe, and was surprised to find that this Portuguese warship was actually an iron-clad ship that was popular at the end of the last century.

An ironclad ship is an iron-hulled ship. It is essentially a wooden ship with an iron shell on the outside to increase its defense. It uses steam power more, and its guns have smaller calibers and slower speeds.

Even if it is "slower", the ironclad ship is still a warship, and its speed is faster than a thin-skinned merchant ship.

In Stilwell's line of sight, the ironclad ship was getting closer and closer to the "Fu Yu", and then raised a semaphore, asking the "Fu Yu" to stop the ship for inspection.

"Forget it, we are a British merchant ship, and Portuguese warships have no right to inspect us." Stilwell was apprehensive, and did not slow down as required by the ironclad ship.

dong dong dong-

The heavy machine guns on the ironclad ship fired deterrently, and the bullets fell on the route ahead of the "Fu Yu", causing splashes everywhere.

"Damn it, the Portuguese are crazy—" Stilwell cursed, and the speed of the "Rich" finally slowed down.

ps: The delivery of mooncakes on August [-]th has already begun—there are guests at home at noon——

(End of this chapter)

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