Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1289 A Better Chance

Chapter 1289 A Better Chance

At six o'clock in the morning, the construction workers living in the tent were woken up by the supervisor's loud voice. After washing up, they lined up to eat, and then went to work singing adapted slang songs.

The sun was shining in the sky, the flowers smiled at me, and the little bird said, early morning, why are you carrying a small schoolbag on your back——

The last sentence was crossed out and the chorus: The little bird said, big sand sculpture, why did you pick up the big shovel.

This has an inner taste.

The content of the slang song must be easy to understand, and it is a joy to hear and hear. Compared with the British soldiers who went to the battlefield singing "We are a bunch of old poor" during the World War, the construction workers of St. Rocco are not far behind.

There are now more than 5000 construction workers working in Saint-Roch, of which more than [-] are African workers, and there are also thousands of French and Belgians.

Although the salary offered by Saint Rocco is not high, the food is good and the benefits are not bad. In the current economic crisis, there are not many choices for civilians who have lost their jobs. Working for Saint Rocco, at least they can eat well, Dressing warmly and also being able to buy good quality Southern African goods at low prices is the last point that is very important.

How to say in southern Africa, food does not need to be emphasized, it is delicious, cheap and plentiful, especially all kinds of canned food, which are very popular among Europeans.

In the past two years, more and more textiles from southern Africa have been sold in the European market, and they are also of high quality and low price, especially all kinds of woolen textiles, which are shipped by ocean, and the price is actually cheaper than local woolen textiles in Europe. Unbelievable.

This is normal for southern Africa. In recent years, the output of wool in southern Africa has been increasing. In order to pursue more profits, southern African businessmen simply process it locally in southern Africa, making wool into cloth or garments, and directly Sold to Europe.

Think about it, except for the southernmost Cape Town in southern Africa, there is almost no snow all year round. In a place like Nyasaland with a warm and humid climate, many second-generation Chinese born in Nyasaland grew up I haven't even seen snow, so there is basically no market for things like woolen textiles in southern Africa, and the price is naturally very cheap.

Saint-Roch in June has entered summer. These construction workers are wearing short-sleeved shirts and shorts. Many of them are farmers around Saint-Roch. After Belgium opened the floodgates, the seawater poured into Flanders, making the land uncultivable. A large number of farmers are unemployed, and working for Saint Rocco has become the best choice.

In order to get a job, many people voluntarily extend their working hours. 996 is nothing, but 9127 is the norm. Just ask social animals, are you afraid?

"I really want to rest today, but thinking about the 10 francs today, I think I can still hold on-" Brown, wearing a rattan woven hat and a short-sleeved shirt and shorts uniform, is in a good mood. Not much, but working in Saint-Roch, 10 francs can buy one kilogram of bread, 10 kilograms of meat, plus half a dozen eggs and two kilograms of fruit, which is enough for the Brown family's daily needs.

Before the World War, the standard line of food and clothing for Parisian families was an annual income of 3000 francs, equivalent to about 120 pounds in pounds.

Note that it is the annual family income, not the per capita income. If the per capita income is 3000 francs, it is the well-off standard.

"Be content, look at those African workers, do you know how much they earn? I heard that it is only 2 francs a day, and half of it will be taken away by the damn intermediary company." Louis from Lille has a southern African product in his mouth. Old Fort cigarettes, this is the benefit of working in Saint-Roch, and each worker has five cigarettes a day.

Don't think too little, this is a benefit that only white people can enjoy, and Africans want to smoke and buy it themselves.

"Then they are miserable, thirty francs a month, I don't know what to do." Brown couldn't believe it, and couldn't understand why those Africans would accept such a low salary.

"Hehe, this is already very good. You must know that they are Africans, and only southern Africans will pay them salaries. They will be replaced by Belgians or Portuguese-don't even think about it, if you dare to make trouble, throw them all into the sea. , or hang them all—” Louis knew what the overseas colonies of these European countries were like, and the young Brown was still inexperienced.

"Okay, gentlemen, our job today is to throw all these stones into the sea, and this area must be cleaned up—" The supervisor is Howard from southern Africa. He is Chinese, and his name is Howard.

Not bad, it sounds much better than Ergouzi.

It's not a curse, my little nephew's nickname is Ergouzi, it's hard to understand, my sister and brother-in-law don't like dogs, how disgusting it is.

"God, it's these damn stones again—"

"I suddenly feel unwell, can I ask for leave? I'm going to see a doctor—"

"Why don't you let those Africans carry the stones?"

The workers complained, and the construction site in front of them was full of large and small stones, and the largest one looked like one or two hundred catties.

The level of blasting in southern Africa is still very good. Many blasting workers of the Christian Construction Company are veterans who retired after the World War. Explosives are really good in their hands.

"African workers are moving to the cemetery, do you want to go?" Howard was not polite, and he couldn't show a good face to these white workers. Many people are the bosses who push their noses, and they are more difficult to manage than those Africans.

Although white people always say that Europe is a "civilized world", in fact, compulsory education was not popularized in the era, and don't expect these low-level white people to have high quality, especially in the context of the economic crisis, the inner dark side of these low-level white people is unlimited. Zooming in, petty theft is not a big deal, and robbery has become a general public security case.

Many soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who died in Flanders during the World War were buried around St. Roch. There was no unified planning before, and the cemeteries were scattered. Now a unified cemetery is planned, and monuments are to be built. The relocation of the cemetery is underway. processing.

"Don't, I'd better fight the stone honestly—"

"I'm full of strength now!"

"I can carry a ton at a time!"

The workers immediately accepted the reality that the one who carried a ton must be bragging, but there was no one-ton stone for him to try.

Hundreds of people worked together, and the efficiency was still very high. Within four hours, the rubble was cleared, and then the blasting team entered the site to continue working. After about two or three times, the mountain could be leveled.

Lunch is still the most popular beef stew with potatoes. After the meal, each person has a cup of coffee and a banana. Brown is lucky today. The hands of the rice cooker are not shaking. There are five or six pieces of beef the size of eggs in the bowl. Brown is satisfied after eating , Looking at Howard not far away, he was fascinated: "How high will that guy's salary be?"

Southern Africa is still quite mysterious in the minds of some Europeans. Legend has it that the African continent is full of gold, and the grasslands are full of wild animals. Even if you don’t work all day long, you won’t go hungry.

Of course, it’s not all advantages. Many Europeans still firmly believe that there are evil cannibals living in the jungles of southern Africa. They will plunder people, roast them and eat them, and then make skulls into necklaces and hang them on their chests, just like ghosts. as described in the novel.

"200 pounds, or 250 pounds - I don't know, anyway, it must be higher than our salary." In Louis's hometown of Lille, after the World War, many people chose to immigrate to Africa, most of them went to French North Africa, and some went to of Southern Africa.

From the news that came back, those guys who immigrated to southern Africa are doing well, and Louis is also a little moved. Part of the reason why he came to San Roque to work is to earn a boat ticket and take a boat to southern Africa to have a look. See if Southern Africa is as good as it says it is.

"That's not a lot—my former neighbor was a lawyer, and he only earned 5000 francs a year." Brown's face was full of envy. Lawyers are definitely a high-income profession in France.

"It's a country bumpkin. Southern Africans don't rely on salary. Every family has a farm. Even if they don't have a job, they can live happily—" Harvey from Paris interjected.

"How do you know, you are not from southern Africa." Brown was unhappy, Parisians are really annoying, they discriminate against all French people outside of Paris, and the internal discrimination in France is also very serious.

"I served in the troops in the world wars, I fought with the southern African troops, I became friends with many southern Africans, they have a great enthusiasm for life, especially the Chinese like Howard, they are not as mysterious as some people say Evil is a group of people who are easy to get along with.” Harvey has a good impression of southern Africa. After the World War, the French army veterans were not well settled. Now Harvey still hasn’t received his pension. Can be forced to work on the construction site.

However, compared with the French who died in battle during the World War, Harvey is undoubtedly lucky.

"Since southern Africa is so good, why don't you just immigrate to southern Africa?" A soldier of the logistics force did not really participate in the battle, let alone a battle hero.

"I'm going, I've got in touch with my friends, and soon I'll be taking the kids on a cruise to southern Africa—" Harvey triumphantly, very proud of his friends .

"Bragging you!"

"Why don't you go to heaven?"

"Mr. Howard is calling you—"

The workers laughed, laughing at Harvey's overreaching.

"I'm not bragging, and when I get the telegram, you'll know whether it's true or not—" Harvey tried to argue.

"Harvey, there's your telegram—" Howard was actually calling Harvey.

Under the envious eyes of his fellow workers, Harvey took the telegram from Howard. Yes, it was indeed sent to Harvey by his friends, but they did not suggest that Harvey go to southern Africa, but suggested that Harvey go to West Africa. .

Now that Harvey goes to West Africa, he has a better chance than Southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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