Chapter 1290 dismissive

Ten years ago, immigrating to a colony was still a very shameful thing. Usually, only those who could not get along in their own country were forced to go to the colony to try their luck.

After the baptism of the world war and the long-term economic downturn, the attitude of Europeans towards immigration has changed greatly. Although southern Africa is located in a remote place, it has a vast land, rich resources and prosperous national strength, and there is no threat of war. It attracts Europeans. The force is getting bigger and bigger.

Southern Africa has now canceled the preferential treatment for new immigrants. Except for a few agricultural companies that are still absorbing new immigrants from East Asia in the name of hiring labor, European immigrants want to go to Southern Africa at their own expense, and after arriving in Southern Africa, sign Within a few years, it will be subject to various restrictions, and its attitude towards new immigrants will become increasingly unfriendly.

But sometimes things are so magical. When southern Africa reimburses travel expenses and divides houses and land to attract new immigrants, not many white people are willing to immigrate to southern Africa.

Now that southern Africa has canceled the benefits for new immigrants, there are more and more new immigrants, and not only the bottom whites immigrate to southern Africa, but more and more middle-class and rich people also join the ranks of immigrants.

Relatively speaking, the bottom white people are more willing to immigrate to the United States, while the middle class and the rich are more willing to immigrate to southern Africa.

This has a lot to do with the consistent impression of the United States on Europeans. After all, the United States is still synonymous with "upstarts". The world war has not changed the stereotype of the United States in European hearts.

However, southern Africa is still part of the British Empire, and the impression of southern Africa in Europeans' minds is more like "the stupid son of a landlord's family". From this point of view, how to choose is very simple.

When the time came to July, the economic crisis in Europe showed no signs of easing, but southern Africa gradually got rid of the economic crisis due to measures such as increasing inward investment, vigorously constructing public works, increasing and stabilizing the price of agricultural products, and adjusting the financial and industrial systems. Impact.

In fact, the way Southern Africa responded to the economic crisis can be summed up in four words: "relief with work".

Southern Africa has been upgrading its domestic railway system since last year. This year, several railways have been started. At the same time, large-scale infrastructure construction has been carried out in Luanda, San Roque, Camea and other places. After Philip became prime minister, the Southern African Congress urgently passed the "Emergency Bank Act", "Agricultural Regulation Act", "National Industrial Recovery Act", "Social Security Act" and other bills, and tried to establish a social security system.

The previous laws are easy to say, and the establishment of a social security system has caused great controversy in southern Africa.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, the thing you **** will come up with is a pile of shit, it is completely impossible to achieve—" Aiden's attitude is fierce, he is now the Minister of Mineral Resources, **** The "Social Security Law" that will be drafted has too many restrictions on industrial and mining enterprises, and some of the provisions are absolutely unacceptable in Aiden's view.

The "Social Security Law" is not only about social welfare, but also clearly stipulates the rights of citizens and the obligations of the state.

In the "Social Security Law" drafted by the Communist Party of China, issues such as minimum wages, unemployment benefits, pensions, and work-related compensation are clearly stipulated. This is not too much, but there are special circumstances in southern Africa, basically There is no possibility of implementation.

Enterprises in southern Africa, especially industrial and mining enterprises with high labor intensity and relatively dangerous work, employ a large number of foreign laborers.

In the "Social Security Law", there is no clear distinction between foreign workers and domestic workers. It would be better if only domestic workers are protected, but if all of them are covered, it is estimated that industrial and mining enterprises in southern Africa will rebel.

"If implemented in accordance with the provisions of the "Social Security Law", corporate profits will be greatly reduced, and government taxation will also be affected. Did the government consider this issue when formulating this law?" From Hawley, MP for the Transvaal, is equally opposed.

Yes, that is Hawley who married Connie. He previously served as the general manager of the Rock Gold Mine. After Buck became the speaker, Hawley took over as the chairman of the Johannesburg Mining Union and was successfully elected as a member of Congress.

Hawley's meaning is obvious. Once the "Social Security Act" is implemented, it will also have an impact on the government's revenue, and the salaries of the gang in the Bloemfontein Society are all paid by the federal government.

"Of course I have considered that if the "Social Security Law" is put into effect, corporate profits will indeed decrease, but the income of workers will increase, thereby further enhancing the consumption power of ordinary people. Wouldn't it be better to put it in the bank?" The Communist Party member Black Bill, who was born in a commoner family and graduated from Oxford University, retorted.

"It's funny. How do you know that business owners will put money in the bank when they make money? That's the way people like you manage money. After making money, business owners will continue to invest in expanding reproduction, or they will be eliminated by the market. You guys Such people are social moths.” Aiden went shirtless, and it is true that some business owners start spending money after making money, and most business owners operate in debt, including South African companies.

The Bank of Rhodesia has now been established under the name of Stoudemire. The relationship between the South African company and the Bank of Rhodesia is similar to the relationship between Nyasaran Heavy Industries and Rand Bank.

"You're the moths, bloody vampires—" Cape MP Austin Cooper stood at the meeting.

"You're misers, misers—" Rhodesian MP Terry Adolph was sure to help Aiden.

Other members of parliament joined in one after another, and there was an immediate quarrel in the parliament.

Aiden was the worst. He tore off the cover of the "Social Security Act" in front of him, and threw a ball at Black Bill directly, hitting Black Bill on the forehead.

Bang Bang Bang --

Buck knocked his little wooden fish--

Oh, no, Buck struck his little wooden hammer to maintain order, and called the security guard to come over and take away the Social Security Act in front of Aiden.

Note that the "Social Security Law" is only taken away, not people are driven out.

"Gentlemen, Europe and the United States are still sweatshops. Have you ever thought about the impact on our company once the cost of the company increases? Our products will lose competitiveness, and then lose foreign markets. Production has caused a huge impact, and who should bear the consequences?" The debate continued, and Nyasaland MP Chen Qun spoke sharply.

This is really not the Three Kingdoms of Porcelain, people call it this name, which means "a group of gentlemen but not a party".

"You don't have to ask, of course it's our unlucky hard-working businessmen who deserve it. Those who sit comfortably in the office brushing pens won't lose a penny for it." It finally feels a little more comfortable.

"Let's look at these issues separately, such as pensions, what are the specific implementation standards, and what are the conditions. You can't just work in the company for one year and then start receiving pensions. Such a company is definitely unacceptable." Hawley More pragmatically, after Barker became the speaker, the enthusiasm of the Chinese congressmen to speak was much higher. In the past, most of the Chinese congressmen pretended to be dead and quietly watched the performances of the white congressmen.

This means that the right to speak of Chinese congressmen is on the rise. With more and more congressmen like Chen Qun and Hawley appearing, the Southern African Congress will sooner or later become a monopoly of the Chinese.

It should be explained here that in the "Social Security Law" enacted by the Communist Party of China, pensions are not paid by the federal government, but by enterprises.

"Gentlemen, you have to read these terms carefully. It is clearly written that you are eligible to receive pensions after working in the company for more than ten years, and the standard of pension payment should refer to the salary level at work. You can retire at the age of 60. ——" Dr. Starr Jameson, who failed to compete for the speaker, does not quarrel, and the "Social Security Act" is a sharp weapon for winning votes.

"So what if the business goes bankrupt?" Hawley asked a sharp question. Not every business will become a century-old store.

"That's why we proposed the "Draft", and we will continue to improve it until the "Social Security Law" can be accepted by most of us—" Black Bill, who had his head smashed, didn't care about Aiden. For a person like Deng, don't expect him to apologize.

"It's difficult. There are reliefs for low-income groups here, which will lead to a large number of idle people in society. They can still get income without working. This is unfair to working people." Chen Qun also looked at it seriously, and the white people It is different from the system that has been played badly. Chinese congressmen are still responsible for their work.

"Low-income groups are not necessarily not working, some people are indeed unable to work, and we must protect their right to survival—" Black Bill's starting point is good, but it does not show for the current southern Africa.

To put it simply, the current federal government of southern Africa is not yet capable of providing sufficient protection for everyone. To put it bluntly, it still has no money. If southern Africa can print dollars and roll wool at will like the United States at the end of the century, then don’t say it’s cheap Income groups and stray dogs can be taken into shelters.

"Then what is the standard for being able to work? It's like a mentally ill person killing people. Who will determine whether a mentally ill person is mentally ill? Will someone pretend to be mentally ill in order to get rid of the crime?" The reason for the crime is that a mentally ill person should be sentenced to death if he kills someone.

"Of course we have to set up a special agency—" Black Bill's defense became weaker and weaker.

"Then that means, we need to add another agency and increase some government spending—" Chen Qun remained expressionless, leaving the "Draft Social Security Law" in his hand on the table in front of him.

The attitude is as dismissive as the new forces treat the old forces.

(End of this chapter)

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