Chapter 1291

As for Social Security, Roark tried it long ago in Bigwig.

The result was not very good. At that time, there were many people who did not meet the social assistance standards. For the scandal of claiming social assistance for such a small gain, Rock later hardened his wrist and severely punished some people to stop this unhealthy trend.

Now Bigwig Township and Johannesburg have established a relatively complete social security system, but the social security here does not include the pension system.

In Bigwig Township and Johannesburg, some people have also proposed to establish a pension system to guarantee the life of retired elderly.

This also caused great controversy at the time. Many people believed that the pension system would bring a heavy burden to the government and society, and ultimately seriously affect the healthy operation of the government and society. The pension system was not implemented in the end.

Interestingly, the most resolute opponents of the pension system are precisely the white people who talk about "civilization" all day long.

The attitude of white people, or Anglo-Saxons towards the elderly, can be seen from the new crown.

Is the British government really incapable of testing and treating the elderly?

Not necessarily.

Remember the cartoon in Japan, and the public statements of many Western politicians. It's not that they are incapable, but they don't want to.

The Chinese tradition is "a family with an old man is like a treasure".

And for those cold-blooded politicians, the elderly are a burden.

It may seem cruel, but maybe this is life.

Rock No matter how much controversy the "Social Security Law" has caused in Congress, in Nyasaland State, there are already express provisions similar to the "Social Security Law". Social security is being further improved, mainly education and medical care.

As long as the laws enacted by Nyasaland State do not conflict with the Southern African Constitution, the Southern African Federal Government has no right to interfere with the system in Southern Africa, and because of Rock’s special status in Nyasaland State, Nyasaland State’s Law, Roque can decide with one word.

"The compulsory education system implemented by Nyasaland is better than that of the federal government, but now some problems have been exposed. Many students—some students are indeed very naughty. They are unwilling to study. Because of compulsory education, they have to stay in the classroom. This makes them feel irritable, not only do they not want to study, but it will affect the study of others, and the school cannot easily expel them because of compulsory education, which is very unfair to the students who are willing to study. Lanzhou MP Fang Yuan questioned compulsory education at the monthly ministerial joint meeting.

"Before students become adults, they cannot correctly understand the importance of learning. We must guide them correctly. The so-called teaching students in accordance with their aptitude must be moved with emotion and reason—" Feng Fu, the state education minister, is patient. This Feng Fu is not the first cavalry soldier The Feng Fu who was the teacher of the first division was the Feng Fu who used to be a teacher in Oak Town.

Feng Fu used to be the translator of Huayongying, and he was also one of Rock's earliest team members. After Nyasaland became Rock's fiefdom, Feng Fu came to Nyasaland to work and performed well in education. Lanzhou Minister of Education.

"Minister Feng, I can understand your feelings, but in reality, we can't do it. Our teachers have a heavy workload, and they can't spend most of their energy on a student who doesn't like learning, thus ignoring other students who love learning. "Fang Yuan disagreed with Feng Fu's point of view. It's right to teach students according to their aptitude, and it's also right to use emotion to understand reason. Anyone can tell the truth. In actual work, sorry, there are not many things that can be done.

"Are such students influenced by their parents? Wouldn't it be better if the school could have more contact with their parents?" Anton also attaches great importance to education. Nyasaland has the best public schools in southern Africa. Education has indeed achieved remarkable results in recent years, which is inseparable from the top-to-bottom emphasis of Nyasaland.

"It is true that some parents are unwilling to allow their children to receive compulsory education, but our school has a home visit system, and the school also holds regular parent meetings. Most parents are still very supportive of compulsory education." Feng Fu is gentle and elegant. He often visits the school Visiting, knowing the situation of the school.

"What I want to talk about is the necessity of mandatory compulsory education. For those students who are unwilling to receive education, is it necessary for us to waste too much time on them?" Fang Yuan is another extreme. In order to protect the interests of a small number of students, It is also irresponsible to ignore the interests of most students.

"There is no distinction between teaching and learning. How can it be a waste of time?" Feng Fu's attitude was equally firm, not letting any student fall behind.

Fang Yuan still wanted to argue, but Rock raised his hand to stop it.

"Naughty—how naughty is it?" Rock also knows that some children really don't like to study, which has a lot to do with their families and environments. Fortunately, there will be no students who commit crimes in southern Africa, and they can still learn. Back to school extreme typical.

The protection of minors in southern Africa has not reached the point of overcorrection.

In southern Africa, even minors are responsible for committing crimes.

"In March this year, in a school in Port Edward, a third-grade student used a knife to scratch his classmate during a fight with his classmate—" Fang Yuan gave an example.

"The knife is a pencil sharpener, why didn't you make it clear?" Feng Fu corrected, there is still a difference between a pencil sharpener and a real knife.

"Please wait for me to finish—" Fang Yuan was not in a hurry, picked up the materials at hand and signaled to Rock and Anton: "—this student has a lot of bad deeds, it is commonplace to be late and leave early, and he has a history of cruelty to animals. I think we need to pay attention to the fact that the newborn rabbits on our farm were killed in a cruel way, and the leashes were taken to the school to show off to the students. Motley of Nyasaland University School of Law The professor conducted research on thousands of cases in the British Empire. The statistical results show that: 48% of strong female offenders have committed animal cruelty, and 52% of serious criminals show disrespect for life on weekdays. These children are now They are still young, but when they grow up, will they develop a serious criminal personality?"

The data listed by Fang Yuan surprised both Rock and Anton, and Rock simply took the information directly.

It is indeed surprising. The cases listed in the data are shocking. One of them is that 90% of serial killers have experienced animal cruelty. Motley's conclusion is that animal cruelty and crime are highly positively correlated.

"It's kind of scary—" Anton leaned over to watch with Rock, muttering while watching.

"Legislation!" Rock was decisive. This kind of matter still needs to be resolved by legislation. By the way, he reminded the people of Nyasaland that if there is someone around you who abuses small animals, it is best to stay away from him.

It's not that you don't want to offend, but it's the kind of real estrangement, distance, severance, and death. God knows when this kind of person will point the butcher knife at the humans around him.

"Does a slaughterhouse count? It's not illegal to kill a chicken when guests come to the house—" Anton seemed to find fault on purpose.

Rock immediately looked at Anton with strange eyes.

Anton was very happy for a moment, and immediately sat upright with a serious expression: "Nicolas, the Communist Party must act as quickly as possible to legislate against this kind of behavior, and increase the punishment for these intentional cruelty to animals—— "

"Does the slaughterhouse count?" Nicholas's first reaction was actually the same. Sure enough, there are all kinds of **** as there are governors.

This Nikola is not the Nikola Tesla in the United States, but Nikola, a famous lawyer in Los Angeles, who is also a member of the Nyasaland Communist Party Committee.

"Let's put it this way, if he is at home, he can do whatever he wants without affecting other people, but if he deliberately spreads it and shows it off to friends or family, then he must be punished—" Rock determined, this is the same as Just like a wife applauding for love, it's a boudoir's pleasure behind closed doors, if you insist on having sex on the street, then you're completely shameless.

"How much?" Nicholas didn't know Rock's scale yet.

"If you are a minor, then adjust to a work-study school. If you are an adult, then six months from—" Rock set the bottom line, six months is not considered heavy in Nyasaland, and Nyasaland's criminal law It is quite severe. The theft starts in one year, and the punishment for repeat offenders will increase sharply. For example, the first theft is sentenced to one year, the second time is three years, and the third time is basically more than ten years.

As for those who have entered the palace more than three times, so far, there have been no prisoners in Nyasaland serving their sentences in prisons, but in mines. Those who have to mine day and night, generally live less than ten years.

"Work-study school, this is another problem—" For those unruly guys, Anton also had a headache.

Work-study schools are schools run for the purpose of educating and rescuing young students who have committed crimes.

The illegal and criminal behavior here refers to minor crimes, and serious crimes also have to serve a sentence, such as killing someone, as long as the murder is intentional, it will be executed properly, regardless of age.

You can even hold a knife, and you still have to argue that you are underage, I am underage and your grandma has a leg!

Rock was not very clear about the situation of the work-study school, so he asked Anton with his eyes.

"Our work-study schools do not cover enough. For example, there is only one school in Los Angeles. The children in those schools—" Anton shook his head and expressed speechlessness, obviously not optimistic about the work-study schools: "——I have been to work-study schools. Go, I will doubt whether our compulsory education will have any effect on those students. Some students in the work-study school, if they are my children, I will just strangle them to death—"

Even Anton couldn't help swearing, one can imagine how bad the situation in the work-study school is.

ps: I was wrong, I was really wrong, that girl can not only drink, but also sells diet pills on Weishang—is there any relationship between drinking and losing weight?

(End of this chapter)

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