Chapter 1329

After the end of the World War, Australia and Canada took the initiative to disarm. During the World War, the Canadian Expeditionary Force, which had a total strength of 50, only retained less than two divisions and about 3 people.

Australia is even more extreme. After the disarmament, only four battalions are retained, and the total strength is less than 5000.

Relatively speaking, Southern Africa, which has a total force of about [-], is capable of sending reinforcements to Canada.

However, if the UK wants to send troops to southern Africa, it has to give southern Africa some benefits, such as a share of tens of thousands of tons of aircraft carriers.

Now Canada is indeed facing a huge threat from the United States, which Arthur and Gavin feel particularly deeply.

When Rock returned to southern Africa, Arthur and Gavin had just finished their travels in the United States, entered Canada all the way from New York State, and went straight to Ottawa, the seat of Canada's self-governing capital.

Now Canada is not really independent, so Ottawa is not the capital of Canada.

Canada covers an area of ​​998 million square kilometers, the second largest country in the world in terms of territory, but has a population of less than 800 million, with an average of less than one person per square kilometer. The real land is sparsely populated.

The St. Lawrence River across the US-Canada border has become more and more desolate along the way. The New York State on the south bank of the St. Lawrence River still has traces of human development. Canada is almost an absolute primitive ecology. There is not even a decent railway. There is no road. Don't even think about it.

This is still the relatively densely populated eastern region, and there are fewer people in the west. Humans did not live in Vancouver until 1863, but it developed very fast. By 1900, Vancouver had 2 people. In 1911, Vancouver's population reached [-].

Ottawa has a well-developed water network and is located at the confluence of three rivers, the Ottawa River, the Gatineau River and the Rideau River. Arthur and Gavin hired a yacht from Lake Ontario. The captain was an Irishman named Randolph. He was humorous. He is kind, but a bit fond of drinking, and always carries his silver flagon with him.

"It's not a good choice to go to Ottawa at this time. Ottawa is the coldest place in the world, and January is the coldest season in Ottawa. The reason why Canada is not smart is because the weather is so cold that it freezes their heads— —” Randolph laughed loudly, his wine jug contained vodka produced in southern Africa, the price was cheap and strong enough, and it was the favorite of alcoholics.

Arthur and Gavin drank hot coffee, and each of them wrapped themselves tightly in a fur coat. Gavin also wore a hand warmer that is common in cold regions.

Hearing Randolph's words, Arthur and Gavin looked at each other and smiled.

Most parts of southern Africa have no snow all year round. Fur coats and hand warmers are useless at all. At the coldest time, they are no more than a windbreaker. If it weren’t for the ice and snow in Ottawa in January, Arthur and Gavin would probably still be there. Not so impatient.

"I should go to Hawaii for a trip at this time, the sun, the beach, and the beautiful women, just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed—" Randolph babbled to himself without waiting for Arthur and Gavin to respond.

This guy is actually still a chatterbox, the more he talks, the more he talks.

"Is there any fun place in Ottawa?" Gavin had a lively personality, and he hadn't realized the true meaning of traveling around the world.

"What's so interesting about Ottawa—" Randolph racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. He hadn't been to Ottawa a few times, so he didn't know much about Ottawa.

"You can take a dog sled—" Arthur had a calm personality, trying to satisfy Gavin's curiosity.

"Then we should bring Xiao Er." Gai Wen regretted it greatly, and he didn't even think about it. Little Er had eaten and drank countless harems in Los Angeles, so he wouldn't follow him wandering around the world.

"You guys are traveling around the world, right?" Randolph doesn't know the identities of Arthur and Gavin, anyway, he just needs to be rich, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bring dozens of people with him who look like murderers at first glance. bodyguard.

Arthur and Gavin spent a lot of money, hired Randolph's boat, and paid twice as much as normal. Such good business doesn't happen all the time.

"Yes, Canada is our second stop." Gavin didn't mind letting Randolph know that traveling around the world is normal for aristocratic families. Many noble children will travel around the world after they grow up. In terms of gaining experience, Gavin and Arthur are traveling light and light, and some noble children have to bring hundreds of people to travel around the world.

"Then I wish you a pleasant trip. My children are about the same age as yours. I don't have the money to send them traveling around the world." Randolph was very envious, but his words were a bit disrespectful. Qin Dian, who was leaning against the window, glanced at Aya Arthur, Arthur shook his head slightly, Qin Dian smiled and continued to drink his hot coffee.

If this was replaced by someone else, an inappropriate metaphor might cause death.

Companion to a monarch is like companion to a tiger, which means that the life of ordinary people is really worthless to nobles.

Qin Dian wounded someone in Washington, and he didn't do it for a day, so he lost money.

"This place is really desolate. There are less than 800 million people in Canada. Why don't they introduce new immigrants?" Gavin didn't care. He habitually compared southern Africa with Canada, and then he was quite disdainful.

"Heh, of course the Canadian government wants to introduce new immigrants, but only if there are people who are willing to come to Canada." Arthur was not surprised, not just any country has the same advantages as southern Africa.


"For example, Ottawa has eight months of winter every year. The winter here is different from our southern African winter. The temperature at night is below zero. The coldest winter may be minus thirty or forty degrees, which is actually not suitable for human habitation. "Arthur has done enough homework, and before departure, he has a detailed understanding of Canada.

The elder brother must look like an older brother. The younger brother can't imagine it when he is young, and the older brother can't imagine it. Since he is away from home, Arthur must take good care of Gavin.

Arthur has always done this very well.

"Wow, you are from southern Africa, do you know Lord Nyasaland?" Randolph finally found a chance to intervene.

Arthur and Gavin didn't speak, they didn't need to introduce themselves to Randolph.

"It was the Marquis of Nyasaland who served as the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces during the World War. He was a big man. I heard that he killed hundreds of thousands of Germans in Belgium and saved the world. He is our hero—" Lan Dove admired Rock very much. The American hero complex is indeed very serious, and he saves the world at every turn.

Arthur and Gavin looked at each other and smiled, oh, I feel better than riding a dog sled.

"However, the Marquis of Nyasaland is not very friendly to our American Expeditionary Force. If the Marquis of Nyasaland hadn't ordered the American Expeditionary Force to take the initiative to attack the Liege Fortress, our American Expeditionary Force would not have suffered heavy losses—" Randolph's message did not It's too real, and it's normal. Many people who have witnessed it don't know the specific situation of the World War.

During the World War, the American Expeditionary Force did suffer heavy losses.

However, this has little to do with Rock, and more responsibility should be attributed to Pershing's self-willedness. If the American Expeditionary Force was willing to obey the command of the Allied Forces during the World War, then the American Expeditionary Force would not have suffered such a big loss.

"Mr. Captain, it's not what you think—" Arthur could bear it, but Gavin couldn't.

"Isn't it?" The information Randolph received was the information that the US government wanted Randolph to receive, which did not quite match the facts.

"Of course not—" Gavin argued, and then saw Arthur smiling and shaking his head.

Oh, there is no need to distinguish this kind of thing, it is completely meaningless, even if Randolph is persuaded, so what?

Members of Congress and media practitioners in the United States must also know the truth.

But for some reason, they have to distort the facts, and it is useless to argue.

At this moment, ahead of the channel, a Canadian patrol boat suddenly signaled, asking the boat that Arthur and Gavin were on to stop for inspection.

"Go away, you bastards, you have no right to check—" Randolph was grumpy, which fully reflected the power balance between the United States and Canada. Even in Canada, the Americans were still very arrogant.

"Shut up, Yankee, stop the ship immediately for inspection, otherwise we will take further measures—" The Canadian patrol boat was surprisingly tough.

Randolph also said that he was tough, and immediately turned off the boat and docked it.

A group of Canadian soldiers boarded the ship.

"Gentlemen, there are the first heir to the Marquess of Nyasaland and the first Baron of Cyprus on board, please give them due respect!" Qin Dian stepped forward to deal with it. The Marquis of the British Empire is still very intimidating in Canada. Powerful.

Especially in the current situation.

"I know that we were ordered to send the honorable Mr. Gavin Locke and the Baron of Cyprus to Ottawa. You can take our patrol boat. I promise, it is more comfortable than this boat." On British soil, of course, on British ships.

"Thank you Randolph, we are about to say goodbye, I hope everything goes well for you." Arthur was also very polite, Randolph's mouth was a bit broken, but he was not a bad person.

"Oh, oh, you're welcome, are you the honorable Mr. Gavin Locke, or the Baron of Cyprus?" Randolph realized later that the Irish were still very familiar with the British title.

"I'm Arthur——" Arthur had a bright smile on his face. His identity is actually a bit embarrassing, but in the rotten country—this matter is nothing "——Arthur Locke, thank you Randolph, I I hope we will meet again in the future.”

If it is someone else, they are probably not qualified to use the surname "Locke", but there is no such problem on Arthur's side. Arthur's surname is not "Capet", but "Locke", which is well known in southern Africa .

"My lord Cyprus, I wish you the best of luck—" Randolph took off his hat, touched his chest with one hand, and bowed at sixty degrees, with mixed emotions.

ps: I'm a little late, sorry, there are too many things to do today, August [-]th is over, and I'm still visiting relatives——

(End of this chapter)

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