Chapter 1330 Chinatown

Arthur and Gavin were warmly received by the Canadian government. Gavin finally got on the dog sledding he had been thinking about and learned to skate on the Rideau Canal in the city center.

In winter, the Rideau Canal will enter the ice-covered period and become the largest natural ice rink in the world.

If it weren't for the fact that ice hockey and curling in Canada are so developed, they are also natural advantages.

To Arthur and Gavin's surprise, there are actually Chinese in Ottawa.

1788.British renegade captain James Meares hired some 70 Chinese from Macau and settled them on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, what was then a European outpost on the Pacific coast, the earliest record of Chinese in Canada.

It is a pity that relevant documents and information about the whereabouts and possible descendants of this group of early Chinese did not remain, and are now nowhere to be found.

In 1858, a group of formal immigrants came to Canada as laborers. After the Gold Rush and the construction of the Pacific Railway (Canadian Pacific Railway), more and more Chinese came to Canada to settle.

However, the situation of Chinese Canadians is not very good. The passage of the Chinese Immigration Act in 1885 authorized the Canadian government to start collecting head taxes from Chinese immigrating to Canada, which made Chinese the only ethnic minority forced to pay the tax.

Now the Canadian government is considering a bill to completely ban Chinese immigration. Once passed, the Chinese will become the only ethnic group in Canada that is completely rejected.

The "Chinese Exclusion Act" in the United States only restricted the importation of Chinese immigrants.

Canada this-


If Roque knew, he would probably reconsider whether to send troops to help Canada deal with the pressure from the United States.

Arthur and Gavin were visiting the Chinese community in Ottawa when they heard the news.

In Europe and the United States, the Chinese gathering area is also called Chinatown. Ottawa’s Chinatown was built in a garbage dump in the suburbs of Ottawa. The sanitation and security conditions are very bad. There are garbage everywhere, sewage overflows, and there is not even a decent road. These Chinese Living in dilapidated houses where some windows aren't even glassed but boarded up isn't necessarily for economic reasons.

If glass is installed, it may be smashed, and the police in Ottawa will probably not be responsible for the security of Chinatown.

Arthur and Gavin witnessed a robbery when they were in Chinatown. An American robbed a Chinese lady of the food she had just bought. The Ottawa police who were in charge of protecting Arthur and Gavin turned a blind eye and remained indifferent. It was Arthur and Gavin. Wen's bodyguard helped the Chinese lady recover the stolen food.

"Ottawa is the seat of the Canadian self-government government. How could this happen in broad daylight?" Arthur bluntly expressed his dissatisfaction to the accompanying Canadian government officials.

Pete Valentine looked embarrassed. He was a liaison officer sent by the Canadian Autonomous Government, responsible for the safety and communication of Arthur and Gavin during their stay in Canada.

Pitt's official position is Second Secretary to the Prime Minister's Office.

"This is normal in Canada. Why is the Chinese the only ethnic group in Canada who is forced to pay the poll tax? Chinese Canadians can only live in the harsh Chinatown and cannot buy houses in communities other than Chinatown. Shops established by the Chinese Or factories, they can’t hire white people to work, their wives and children can’t even immigrate, and they are forced to be separated from their families for a long time. During the World War, the relief money received by Chinese Americans was less than half of that of other ethnic groups.” Southern Africa was stationed in Wei Xing, the military attache of the embassy in Ottawa, sneered. As a Chinese, Wei Xing was very dissatisfied with the living conditions of the Chinese in Ottawa and had already submitted a report to the federal government of Southern Africa.

After the establishment of the Commonwealth of Nations, Southern Africa was eligible to send embassies and consulates to other countries, and it was not a formal diplomatic relationship, probably similar to a liaison office.

It is precisely because of the reports of these expatriate officials that the Southern African Federal Government knows the living conditions of Chinese Americans around the world. Before the Southern African Federal Government did not have enough influence and was unable to provide assistance to Chinese Americans around the world. Now the Southern African Federal Government has Start working on this problem.

"Help me contact Mr. Arthur Meen—" Arthur went directly to the current Prime Minister of Canada.

"Mr. Arthur Milne is now in London—" Pete looked embarrassed. The Imperial Conference was being held in London, and Speaker Barker represented Southern Africa at the Imperial Conference.

"Then help me contact the Governor." Arthur perfectly inherited Roque's deep connections. The current Governor of Canada is Julian Bean. During the World War, Julian Bean accepted Roque's command as the commander-in-chief of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

"Okay." Pete was convinced. Looking at his connections, he was always the prime minister and the governor. This starting point is really that people are more popular than people.

As a result, the Governor did not see him, and Arthur and Gavin first met the former Prime Minister Bowden at night.

Well, this is Rock's friend again. During the Navy meeting, Rock and Bowden established a good relationship. Now that Rock's children are traveling around the world, Bowden should be a landlord.

"Honorable Mr. Gavin Locke, Lord Cyprus, welcome to Ottawa." Bowden prepared a sumptuous dinner for Arthur and Gavin at his home, and only Arthur, Gavin, and Bowden's family attended .

"Uncle Bowden, just call me Arthur. When we came, my father asked us to convey his greetings to you and wish you good health." Arthur was well-mannered and prepared a gift of medicinal wine produced by the Johannesburg Pharmaceutical Group.

The medicinal wine produced in Johannesburg is carefully brewed with more than 20 kinds of precious Chinese medicinal materials, including tiger bone and ginseng. No matter how effective it is, just tonic is right.

"Thank you, and please also convey my regards to your father. The time spent with your father in the Navy meeting will become the best memory in my memory." Bowden was very enthusiastic, looking at the young Arthur and Gavin, his heart It is also mixed.

In 1914, Bowdoin was knighted and formally joined the noble class.

In the same year, Arthur, an underage middle school student, was conferred the title of Baron of Cyprus, which was two ranks higher than that of Bowden, who was already 1914 years old in 60.

You say irritating is not irritating!

Also attending the dinner were Bowden's two granddaughters, who were about the same age as Arthur Gavin. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something else.

However, Arthur's attention was obviously not on the two girls. After a sumptuous dinner, Arthur and Gavin followed Bowden to the study, and immediately raised the issue of Chinese descent in Ottawa.

"Uncle Bowden, Gavin and I visited Ottawa's Chinatown in the afternoon. To be honest, I was very disappointed. If my father knew the situation of the Chinese in Ottawa, he would be very disappointed." Arthur really didn't mean to bully others, but just used everything reasonably Favorable factors, if there is no relationship with Rock, if there is no title blessing, to put it bluntly, Arthur and Gavin are not qualified to visit Bowden's house.

This society is so realistic, the truth is only within the range of naval guns, you deserve it if you are weak.

"I'm sorry Arthur, I just learned about the situation in Chinatown. To be honest, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have realized this problem at all." Bowden admitted that Ottawa has a population of 10,000+, and there are only more than 100 Chinese, which is indeed a small number. It's normal to not be noticed.

But this reason is definitely not justified for Arthur and Gavin.

As a former prime minister, Bowdoin should be responsible to all Canadians. Chinese Canadians are also Canadians. Even if there is only one, as prime minister, he should be fair and just.

"Then this problem has emerged now. I think the sanitation and security environment in Chinatown should be improved, and all kinds of restrictions on Chinese people should be lifted, so that Chinese people can get the same social status as white people. There is no preferential treatment, but it is not exclusive. It is just a fair That's all." Arthur is not demanding, but this "fairness" cannot be achieved by most countries in the world.

"Arthur, I understand your feelings, but the situation in Canada is different. Most of the time, we have to protect the interests of the majority." Bowden smiled wryly. If things in the world can be explained clearly in just a few words, then Many conflicts will not occur.

In Canada, it is not only Chinese, but other ethnic groups sometimes face injustice.

For example, after the outbreak of World War II, the current Prime Minister Arthur Mean, who was the Minister of the Interior in the Bowdoin Cabinet at the time, worked hard to get the Parliament to pass the wartime election law, depriving German and Austrian Canadians who became Canadian citizens in 1902.

Before the enactment of the Military Service Act in 1917, Arthur Milne referred to Quebecers who opposed conscription as "backward races."

It is also discrimination against Hongguoguo.

German and Austrian Canadians are still white, and even whites are discriminated against in Canada, not to mention the small number of Chinese who are on the margins of society.

In other words, Arthur and Gavin had a special status, otherwise Bowden would not have discussed this issue at all.

"Uncle Bowdoin, Canada is now facing the threat of the United States. My father is going to send reinforcements to Canada. Most of the soldiers in the southern African army are Chinese. If those soldiers come to Canada, they find that their ethnicity is being discriminated against in Canada. Squeeze out, the consequences will be disastrous." Arthur does not mince words, this matter is difficult to say, and it is easy to solve it, there are only more than 100 people, if the Canadian government really wants to solve it, it can be done in another place.

The point is that if you really want to do this, it will cause other more serious problems, which will be even more difficult to deal with at that time.

"I know, I will remind Arthur to pay attention to this issue—" Bowden's expression was heavy, and he dared not make any promises: "—but you have to know that the leader of the Liberal Party, William Leon MacKenzie King, who is very likely to be the next Prime Minister of Canada."

William Lyon Mackenzie King, known as the greatest prime minister in Canadian history.

It was also during William Lyon Mackenzie King's tenure as prime minister that the Canadian government passed a bill to completely ban Chinese immigration.

(End of this chapter)

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