Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1331 The Disobedient Brother

Chapter 1331 Disobedient brother

Another time and space, William Lyon Mackenzie King, has served as the Prime Minister of Canada for three times. He has been in office for 21 years and is the longest serving Prime Minister in Canadian history. .

During the immediate past world war, King worked for the Rockefeller Foundation, researched American labor relations, and wrote Industry and Humanism.

At the moment when the relationship between the United States and Canada is so tense, a person who once worked for the Rockefeller Foundation is actually the most hopeful to become the next Canadian Prime Minister.

Canada's political environment is also a mystery that cannot be solved.

Rock and Jin had never dealt with each other, and this time Arthur finally couldn't use Rock's connections.

However, this did not bother Arthur. As the Baron of Cyprus, Arthur himself was qualified to meet Jin.

"Why bother? Let's send a telegram to Uncle Gothe. If the Canadian self-government government refuses to improve, then let Uncle Gothe send mercenaries from the Umbrella Company." Compared with Arthur, who relies more on tactics, Gavin is A proper violent element.

Gao De has now gone to Adan Company, as the general manager of Adan Company, and at the same time as the oil commissioner of Port Elizabeth.

Port Elizabeth is still not an official administrative unit in southern Africa, so Port Elizabeth is still the private property of Adan Company.

"Don't be so impatient. Violence is the last choice after all diplomatic methods fail. You can't use violence unless you have to. It's like a fist. It's the most threatening when you don't hit it." Even though Arthur is one year older than Gavin, In dealing with the world, Arthur is more mature than Gavin.

This is also related to the family environment.

Although Arthur and Gavin are both Rock's sons, one was born in the Capet family and the other in the Matilda family, and the environment is completely different.

Before the resurgence of the Capet family, it had completely declined in France, and even more so in southern Africa.

The Matilda family dominated southern Africa. As the first heir to the Marquess of Nyasaland, Gavin did not have as many constraints as Arthur.

To put it bluntly, the education Arthur received was kingly, while the education Gavin received was domineering.

"Then just get the Chinese from Ottawa to southern Africa. Anyway, there are only more than 100 people." Gavin doesn't want to have dinner with the old man, it's so much fun to walk the dog and skate.

"You can't get all the Chinese in Canada to go to southern Africa—not to mention it's not as simple as getting people away." Arthur is not in a hurry, Gavin still has enough time to grow up slowly.

What Arthur wants to change is the living environment of Chinese Americans in Canada.

Before Arthur and Gavin had time to visit Jin, there was a serious security incident in Ottawa Chinatown that night. A Chinese woman had her throat cut in front of her house, and the scene was horrible.

The Chinese woman whose throat was cut was the one who was robbed when Arthur and Gavin visited Chinatown.

"The murderer may be a guy named Adelaide. This guy is the robber who robbed the lady the day before yesterday and was caught by us. Unfortunately, Adelaide was not punished. The Ottawa police released him that night. Adelaide, the night that lady was killed, someone saw Adelaide in Chinatown, this guy is a hooligan who often haunts Chinatown, stealing chickens and dogs, extorting, and doing all kinds of evil." Qin Dian reported to Arthur and Gavin, Even Qin Dian, a southern African who had just arrived in Ottawa, could easily get these clues, but the Ottawa police were helpless.

"So, it's not that the murderer couldn't be caught, but that the Ottawa police didn't catch him at all." Arthur was furious,

"Yes, the Ottawa police didn't even file a case. They believed that the lady fell down and died accidentally, and it wasn't a deliberate murder. It was the same before. The Ottawa police were very indifferent." Qin Dian's expression was calm. Canada seems to be normal.

Arthur didn't speak, and called Bowden directly on the hotel phone.

"—yes, that's it, a lady had her throat cut in broad daylight, and the Ottawa police think she fell to her own death, and now even my head of security knows who killed the lady, The Ottawa police are still pretending to be deaf and dumb, is this the freedom and justice pursued by the Canadian self-government?” Arthur repeatedly questioned, if the Ottawa police cannot find Adelaide, then Arthur would not mind sending his own bodyguards to help.

"Arthur, don't worry, I'll call Green right away." Bowden cursed secretly in his heart, these people are really too much, if it weren't for their usual connivance and indifference, the matter would not be as serious as it is now.

Although Bowden has resigned, his status in Canada is still very high.

With Bowden's involvement, the Ottawa Police Department finally opened a case for investigation.

"Investigate what? Everyone knows who the murderer is, even the aunt who sweeps the street. Now that the murderer is still at large, what are you going to do to arrest him?" Wei Xing went directly to the police station to put pressure on him, urging Police Chief Green to send People go get Adelaide.

"Wei, the Ottawa Police Department has its own work procedures, and you don't need to dictate it." Green was in a bad mood just after being scolded.

"Then how long are you planning to investigate? Until the major incidents are reduced to minor ones? Impossible, Director Green, you must arrest the murderer as soon as possible, do you want me to send someone to help you?" Wei Xing was aggressive, Qiang Long Not suppressing the local snake can only show that the dragon is not "strong" enough.

Southern Africa is a standard strong dragon in front of Canada.

"How can you help? I warn you, don't cause trouble on my territory, or I will lock you up." Green is not to be outdone. Although southern Africa is strong, in Ottawa, Green is not afraid.

"Hahahaha, Director Green, I didn't laugh at you, come on, come on, you shut me up and try? If you don't shut me down, you're a bitch—" Wei Xing laughed loudly, if he really wanted to shut him down, he would make trouble If it becomes an international dispute, the federal government of Southern Africa will strongly intervene.

At that time, it will not be a matter of arresting Adelaide, or it may cause an earthquake in Canadian politics.

"You—" Green was extremely angry, but still reasonable.

"I've already said, arrest him immediately, otherwise I will send someone to help you arrest him. Also, I have a question, why was that guy released without any punishment when he robbed in the street? You are dereliction of duty!" Wei Xing said nothing. There is no need for the police chief who intends to let Green go and cannot protect the citizens.

"I said, this is a matter for our Ottawa Police Department, and it is not your turn to intervene with the Southern African Federal Government." Green insisted that he did not admit his mistake, he had not yet realized the seriousness of this matter.

"Okay, very good—" Wei Xing said goodbye decisively. Green probably thought that Southern Africa and Canada were separated by thousands of miles, and the Southern African Federal Government could do nothing about it.

If so, then Green is wrong.

The next day, at the ongoing Imperial Conference in London, Barker, Speaker of the Southern African Congress, formally rejected Canada's request to send reinforcements.

The reason is, of course, that the living environment in Canada is harsh.

"Speaker Barker, are you serious?" Canadian Prime Minister Arthur Minn, who attended the Imperial Conference, had a look of incredulity on his face. It would be too childish to disregard Canada's security for this matter.

"Your Excellency, I am serious - since the Canadian Self-government Government dares to discriminate openly, it will never get any help from southern Africa, not just security help. If you are stubborn, then all the consequences caused by it are up to you The self-government of Canada undertakes that Southern Africa does not rule out the possibility of taking further actions.” Barker is firm, Canada has already discriminated so openly, and wants Southern Africa to take care of the overall situation

Take care of your sister!

To put it bluntly, whether Canada is dead or alive has nothing to do with southern Africa.

It will not have much impact on southern Africa.

To put it bluntly, Southern Africa does not need Canadian resources. Canada has a population of less than 800 million, and it is not a big market for Southern Africa. For Southern Africa, Canada is not important and dispensable. It's important for Canada.

"Minn, you can't blame Speaker Barker for this. If you Canadians are being treated unfairly in Southern Africa, I think you will also want the federal government of Southern Africa to be fair and just." The meeting was chaired by Finance Minister Stanley Baldwin. The main purpose of the meeting is to adjust the tariffs within the Commonwealth and to give greater autonomy to the overseas dominions.

After the end of the World War, Britain's binding force on overseas dominions was further reduced. Southern Africa, together with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, demanded greater autonomy, including diplomacy, which caused the British government a headache.

Now the British Overseas Dominions, that is, the diplomatic power is still controlled by the British Empire. If the diplomatic power is completely liberalized, then the overseas dominions in southern Africa and Australia are basically similar to de facto independent countries.

"The situation in Canada is different from that of the Federal Government of Southern Africa—" Arthur Milne's excuse was similar to Bowdoin's.

"I don't care what is different between you and Canada. If you continue to discriminate, then you will suffer revenge from southern Africa. Yes, you heard me right, I am threatening you." Buck is full of confidence. Obedient little brother is still ok.

(End of this chapter)

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