Chapter 1332

Canada relies on the asylum of the United Kingdom. To put it bluntly, it still has not received severe beatings from society. It is like a naive and arrogant bear child, arrogant and arrogant, but has no ability to protect itself.

So after Britain weakened in another time and space, Canada hugged the thigh of the United States, with the gene of being a younger brother engraved in its bones.

In the evening, Winston hosted a banquet in his manor for Arthur Mean, trying to make peace.

"It is not difficult for the Canadian self-government to improve the social status of the Chinese. Why do you make Locke unhappy because of this matter? Even the United States is considering canceling the "Chinese Exclusion Act". It is very unwise for you to do so.” Winston also did not understand why the Canadian self-government government did this, as the Chinese in Canada did not do anything outrageous.

"If the self-government of Canada is forced to succumb because of someone's pressure, then where is the dignity of the self-government of Canada?" Arthur Meen was worried. Although Canada was weak, it was not low-minded.

"Hehe, Arthur, a small country with few people, where is the dignity?" Winston said bluntly, even the British Empire was forced to make concessions in the face of southern Africa, not to mention Canada.

"Canada is not weak. We have a land area of ​​nearly ten million square kilometers. In the past World War, Canada also made great contributions to the victory of the Allied Powers." Arthur Milne blushed, and Winston It's true, but it hurts too much.

"No one denies Canada's contribution, but the reality now is that Canada faces a huge threat from the United States and urgently needs external assistance. If the Canadian government does not improve the social status of Chinese people, southern Africa refuses to send reinforcements to Canada. What will happen to this? The consequences will happen, you know better than me.” Winston has just returned from southern Africa and knows the situation in southern Africa very well, so this matter has not been made public now. Once the newspapers in southern Africa hype this matter, then It would cause irreparable damage to the relationship between Southern Africa and Canada.

"Isn't it normal to just give the Chinese a normal citizenship status, and not put the status of the Chinese over the British and French?" Winston's patience is fading. If Canadians are stubborn, then the Commonwealth will be hurt.

Arthur Meen was speechless. The democracy and freedom that the white people have always claimed has completely lost their effect on the Chinese. To put it bluntly, this is not treating the Chinese as human beings.

"Think about it carefully. Speaker Barker is the only one who has come forward. Locke is still far away in southern Africa. When Locke comes forward, the Canadian government will pay a higher price. Believe me, our Marquis of Nyasaland is not a tolerant man. People who are tolerant." Winston knows Roque very well, and the word tolerant and magnanimous has nothing to do with Roque, and it is more appropriate to describe it with vengeance.

On the same night, Stanley Baldwin hosted Buck in his own home.

Of course, the topic is also inseparable from southern Africa's aid to Canada.

Stanley Baldwin is a strong contender for the next British Prime Minister. If Canada is attacked by the United States during Stanley Baldwin's tenure, then Stanley Baldwin's prime minister may not be able to be the prime minister for a few days.

"The discrimination against the Chinese by the Canadian Autonomous Government has seriously hurt the feelings of our southern Africans, and it will definitely affect the relationship between southern Africa and Canada. During the World War, southern Africa and Canada fought side by side and were very close. Why are they doing it now? What happened? The Canadian self-government is responsible, and they should reflect on it.” Barker set the tone when he came up. There are so many ethnic groups in the world, and only Chinese are discriminated against by the Canadian self-government. This is because the Chinese who bully Canada have no backing.

There really wasn't before.

Now there is, so if the Canadian self-government government does not correct its mistakes, then Southern Africa will never let it go.

This is not just for Canada, but also for the United States.

If the United States does not cancel the "Chinese Exclusion Act" as soon as possible, then the relationship between southern Africa and the United States will gradually deteriorate.

"It is indeed necessary to reflect on it, but it takes a process for a democratic government to pass or cancel the bill. After all, give the Canadian self-government some time, and they will make the right choice." Stanley Baldwin is also helpless, even Africans are not in Canada. Being targeted, I don't know what kind of crazy Canadians are.

In fact, it is normal. If you look at the situation of Chinese in southern Africa, you will know how far the ethnic group of Chinese can develop if a fair environment is given to them.

This is unacceptable to many white people.

Although the Chinese are growing themselves within the rules made by the whites, the set of rules designed by the whites is not for the Chinese, so there must be a problem in a certain link. Since the system cannot have a sufficient effect on the Chinese, it should be changed. system.

Systems are made by people.

"We have given the Canadian self-government a sufficient level. If they are still stubborn, then there is a bottom line for the patience of southern Africa." One of the purposes of Barker's visit to London this time is to show the tough attitude of southern Africa, so Luo Ke didn't come.

To represent southern Africa, Roque is undoubtedly more suitable than Buck.

With Rock's relationship with important figures in London's political circles, even if Buck behaved a bit out of line, Rock could finally come out and end.

If Rock fired directly, there would be no room for maneuver.

"Buck, we have to work together now—" Stanley Baldwin's head was as big as a bucket, and each of them made people worry. It's not easy to be the prime minister.

"If there were no such troubles, naturally these conflicts would not have occurred." Buck did not let go, because the Canadian self-government government made mistakes first, and was still obsessed with it. Why is southern Africa always used to Canada, and southern Africa is not Canada's father.

At the same time, Arthur and Gavin were guests at Julian Bean's house.

After the World War, Julian Bingjin, with the rank of Field Marshal, served as the Governor General of Canada and had a detached status in Canada.

During the World War, Julian Bean accepted the command of Rock, and he had a good relationship with Rock. The losses suffered by the Canadian Legion in the early stage had nothing to do with Rock. More responsibility belonged to Butcher Haig. Rock took over the command of the British Expeditionary Force. Afterwards, the Canadian Corps played a huge role in the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

"The situation was critical at that time, the morale of the army was lax, and the momentum of the German army was like a rainbow—" Julian Bin recalled the situation at that time and still had lingering fears, but how dangerous the situation was at that time, then Rock's role was so important: "——If not Your father, we may all be forced to implement plan B, and I even packed my bags and prepared to run—”

The plan B mentioned by Julian Bean means that once the French battlefield collapses, the British expeditionary force will withdraw from France and return to the British Isles to stick to it.

Arthur and Gavin were very interested to hear that, and Julian Bean is also a wonderful person. This "running away" is quite vivid.

"I still remember the Expeditionary Force Headquarters at that time. Many of the staff were of Chinese descent. They were diligent, loyal, brave, and fearless. Many of them and I were friends—" Julian Bing recalled the past, When the topic changed, I was heartbroken: "——I also just learned that Chinese people have been treated unfairly in Canada. I'm very sorry. I didn't notice this before. Please tell your father. I will definitely take good care of his people and let Canada Become their paradise and let them live here without any worries."

Hey, the feelings of soldiers are indeed relatively pure, without the twists and turns of politicians.

"Thank you very much, Uncle Julian. My father often mentioned you. He said that you are a trustworthy person." Arthur could speak, flattering people.

Julian Bin laughed out loud, and it was not easy to be praised by Rock.

Next, Julian Bean showed Arthur and Gavin a tour of his collection, mostly trophies from the World Wars.

The host and guest enjoyed the meal, and the next morning, Julian Bean's secretary, Brian Shaw, came directly to the Ottawa Police Station and urged Police Chief Green to arrest the suspect as quickly as possible.

It does take time to amend the law.

It is easy to close the case and give the victim justice.

"We are investigating and have found the suspect's whereabouts. I will arrest the suspect as soon as possible." Director Green fully understands the energy of the two little guys, but his attitude is still not positive.

"Mr. Director, you have to figure out one thing. Whether the members of Congress cancel the discrimination against the Chinese, it has nothing to do with you. You just need to do your duty to protect the safety of Ottawa citizens and don't become a political strife. Victim." Brian Xiao was inexplicably sad, is it so easy to be an official? It's all mixed up to the level of the chief of police, but many things are still unclear.

"I know, I know—" Green was sweating profusely, and he only now knew how deep the connections of a commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force were.

This matter is not over, even if Green arrests Adelaide as quickly as possible, then whether Green can stay in the position of police chief will depend on Green's next performance.

Just when Green sent the police to arrest Adelaide, the Ottawa City Government finally sent people to Chinatown to clean up the garbage in the Chinatown community, repair the roads in Chinatown, and improve the environment in Chinatown. The police finally entered the Chinatown community and started patrolling. Law and order is gradually improving.

"So that's it?" Gavin still felt dissatisfied, and there was always something to say.

"This is just the beginning. Didn't your teacher teach you that you will be defeated without fighting? Take your time. The serious illness accumulated for hundreds of years cannot be changed overnight." Arthur is not in a hurry, he has just grown up and has plenty of time Take it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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