Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1333 Protection Fee

Chapter 1333 Protection Fee

Not to mention in Canada, even in Nyasaland, if Rock wants to do something, he must first listen to the opinions of Anton and Sharan (the speaker of the Nyasaland State Assembly), and he cannot go his own way.

Democracy is essentially the dictatorship of the majority over the minority. Chinese are a minority in Canada. There is a long way to go to improve the status of Chinese. There is one person who cannot be bypassed no matter what.

That is William Lyon Mackenzie King, who is very likely to become Canada's next prime minister.

King was born in Berlin, Ontario in 1874. He is not yet 50 years old. He is rigid and tough. He is a famous strongman in Canadian politics. Blending French and British Canadians and making the Liberal Party a party where the two groups live in harmony.

Laurier was the first French-Canadian to serve as Prime Minister in Canadian history.

Interestingly, the Liberal Party of Canada is closely related to the Liberal Party of Southern Africa. The Liberal Party of Canada was established in 1873. Its predecessor was the Reform Party of Upper and Lower Canada during the period when the provinces implemented a representative system from 1791 to 1840.

In 1854, the political forces in the east and west of Canada were regrouped, and the Liberal Party was developed with the Gravel Faction in Western Canada and the Red Party in Eastern Canada as the core. After the establishment of the Dominion of Canada, the first self-government was formed by the Liberal Party.

While Arthur and Gavin were working to improve the status of Chinese Canadians, a meeting was being held at the Liberal Party headquarters in Ottawa. The main topic of the meeting was how to deal with the external threats Canada was facing.

The "external threats" here include the United States, but also southern Africa.

"The speaker of the Southern African Parliament, Barker, threatened us at the Imperial Conference. If we do not cancel the discrimination against the Chinese in Canada, improve the social status of the Chinese, and protect the right to survival of the Chinese, then Southern Africa will retaliate against us. Prior to this, Barker clearly rejected Prime Minister Minn's request and refused to send reinforcements to Canada." King informed the senior leaders of the Liberal Party attending the meeting about the latest developments, and the meeting room was immediately in an uproar.

"Hasn't Lord Nyasaland already promised Sir Bowdoin?"

"Southern Africa is too much, it's just too deceitful!"

"We should not be silent, we should be complaining to London about the behavior in southern Africa."

"Get all those yellow monkeys out of Canada—"

Jin could turn a deaf ear to the previous words, but when the "yellow monkey" blurted out, Jin's eyes immediately became stern.

"Gentlemen, be quiet. I heard someone using the word 'yellow monkey' just now. I hope this is the last time." Jin is a smart person. He did propose to completely ban the importation of Chinese immigrants before, but in Having clarified the southern African response, King has given up entirely.

The fundamental reason why Kim targeted the Chinese was for Canadian votes, not because the Chinese were angry.

Now if South Africa is angered because of targeting the Chinese, then even if Kim succeeds in winning the position of prime minister, he will have to face even greater troubles.

Smart people know what to do.

"Ha, Jin, I remember that you were the most vehemently anti-Chinese before, what's the matter? The importation of Chinese immigrants is no longer completely prohibited?"

"Oh, Mr. Cole, figure it out, Chinese immigrants now have better places to go, they can go to Southern Africa, East India, or even Najd, no one will come to Canada stupidly, in this case, why should we Offend the Marquis of Nyasaland." Jin is extremely realistic, and the situation is indeed like this. Since about ten years ago, there have been fewer and fewer Chinese immigrants coming to Canada.

"Why are you all so afraid of the Marquis of Nyasaland? He is thousands of miles away, and this is Canada!" Cole was heartbroken and impassioned.

"Cole, you haven't been to the Old Continent for a long time—" someone asked quietly.

"So what?" Cole didn't know Rock's influence in Europe yet.

"Cole, you may not like the Marquis of Nyasaland, but you cannot ignore his influence. Let me tell you this, if the Marquis of Nyasaland is unwilling, then Canada will not be able to get any help from the British Empire." Jin is also helpless, there are so many people watching the sky.

"Hahahaha, it's a joke—the Marquis of Nyasaland is just a marquis, not a king—" Cole couldn't choose what to say, and most of the people present changed their faces when he said this.

"Cole, watch your words!"

"Did I said wrong thing?"

"You're like a stupid pig!"

"You're a fucking pig, you should change your name to Leather—"

"Enough!" Jin was furious, and looked at Cole with an extremely cold gaze: "Cole, shut your mouth and don't force me to kick you out of the committee."

Cole's expression changed several times, but he finally closed his mouth with a livid face.

"The situation is like this. The Marquis of Nyasaland's request is not too much, as long as the Chinese are given a normal social status, and the interests of the Chinese are not put above the interests of the British and French. Mr. Owen from the Southern African Liberal Party also sent me I sent a telegram to remind us not to stimulate the self-esteem of the Chinese in southern Africa. Once I am elected prime minister, I will revise all the discriminatory clauses on the Chinese—" Jin has absolute right to speak in the Liberal Party, and when he speaks, he looks from the committee members one by one. Swept across the face, who agrees?Who is against?

The committee members sat upright, and no one spoke.

"——Now let's move on to the next topic, how to deal with the threat from the United States." Jin quickly skipped over. If the threat in southern Africa is the future, then the threat from the United States is now.

"If we improve the living environment of the Chinese, will the Marquis of Nyasaland send troops to help us?" Some people are worried that southern Africa is Canada's only life-saving straw.

"Should be, of course, we still need to fight for it. I have asked Mr. Owen to persuade the Marquis of Nyasaland, and General Derek Dodd, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Southern Africa, is visiting Mexico. London also intends to entrust the management of the Bahamas to Southern Africa. Once Southern Africa sets up military bases in Mexico or the Bahamas, our pressure will be greatly relieved." Kim did work for the Rockefeller Foundation, but that doesn't mean that Kim was bought by the Americans.

When King was working for the Rockefeller Foundation, the World War was in progress. At that time, the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers were tied. It was normal for King to actively look for potential partners.

Now that the world war is over and Southern Africa has demonstrated strong economic strength and war potential, if King does not know what to do at this time, then he is not a qualified leader.

Don't forget the King of another time and space, known as the most outstanding prime minister in Canadian history.

However, it is not easy for southern Africa to set up military bases in Mexico or the Bahamas. The United States has always attached great importance to South America and regards South America as its taboo. This is like the United States trying to interfere in the internal affairs of the Republic of Congo, which is absolutely not allowed in southern Africa.

Of course, from the standpoint of southern Africa, there is the first grade of junior high school in the United States, and the fifteenth grade in southern Africa. If the United States can intervene in the Republic of Congo, then southern Africa can also intervene in Mexico or the Bahamas. It's ten feet taller.

"It would be great if that was the case."

"We can also take out a piece of land and invite southern Africa to set up a military base!"

"The Americans won't agree to—"

"This is our internal affairs, why should the Americans interfere?"

"In fact, there is indeed a similar proposal in southern Africa to set up a military base somewhere along the Atlantic coast, preferably somewhere in the Nova Scotia peninsula." King's news made the commissioners very excited.

"Nova Scotia? That's Halifax—" Someone immediately guessed the purpose of southern Africa.

Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia. Its strategic location is very important and it is known as the "Guardian of the North".

Halifax itself is a natural ice-free port. Before 1905, there were British army and naval bases there. After 05, the British army withdrew and Canadian troops stationed. However, considering the strength of the Canadian army, the "Northern Guardian" is now It is also in name only.

The Nova Scotia peninsula is very interesting. Just looking at the place names, Sydney, Dartmouth, Enfield, Bedford, St. John, St. George, etc., it is impossible to think that this is Canada.

"That's right, it's Halifax." Jin remained calm, and he also had another purpose in bringing up this topic.

The committee members are not stupid either. The guy who was talking nonsense just now was severely reprimanded by Jin.

"South Africa will lease Halifax to build a military base. The construction cost does not need to be borne by us, but we have to bear the cost of stationing troops in southern Africa. The Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa promises that this part of the cost will not exceed 100 million rand." Jin is also in a dilemma, these conditions sound good, but I am afraid that it is easier to ask God than to give up.

It was even more difficult for the committee members. Many people didn't even know the exchange rate between the rand and the Canadian dollar. Everyone was a little confused when Jin suddenly said this.

In fact, 100 million is not too much. If paying 100 million a year can guarantee the safety of Canada, then it must be worth it.

"Since it's a lease, there must be a rent—"

"Southern Africa is very rich. I heard that the annual military expenditure reaches more than 5000 million. Can you point out more?"

"What do you want, can you use the rent to offset the protection fee?"

"Hey, it sounds so ugly. Southern Africa and Canada are both overseas dominions of the Commonwealth of Nations. What kind of protection fee is not protection fee—"

The committee members discussed a lot, their chins were propped up with golden hands, and their eyes were indifferent.

At this time, shouldn't it be discussed whether or not Southern Africa should set up a military base in Halifax, but a group of people are struggling with the annual rent and protection fees.

Tired of heart!

(End of this chapter)

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