Chapter 1334 Biao Cavalry

Just when Canada was quietly amending relevant laws, on January 1, there were some minor frictions between the Canadian Border Patrol and the Michigan National Guard.

The cause of the incident is very simple. In December last year, the Canadian National Guard captured an American who smuggled gold, confiscated the gold, and brought the American to court.

Like southern Africa, Canada is also an important gold producing area. The two gold booms in British Columbia once attracted many people to go to Canada for gold panning. At that time, it was rumored that "gold was lying on the bottom of the river, as big as a pebble."

Gold is now extremely important to the UK. The UK needs gold to stabilize the global currency status of the British pound and London's status as a global financial center. Therefore, the Canadian government has severely cracked down on gold smuggling.

On January 1, an American who smuggled gold was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Supreme Court of Canada. As soon as the news came out, public opinion in the United States was in an uproar.

On the 15th, the Canadian Border Patrol, which was patrolling the US-Canada border, was attacked by the Michigan National Guard. The Michigan National Guard used stones and wooden sticks to attack the Canadian Border Patrol.

The Border Patrol was outnumbered, and some weapons and horses were "lost" in the conflict. One person was seriously injured and four others were slightly injured.

"Lost? It was captured by the US National Guard. To put it bluntly, the National Guard is the US militia. Our upright border patrol team can't even beat the US militia. Is it ashamed to lose?" Julian Bean was furious at the Canadian Ministerial Joint Meeting , Prime Minister Arthur is attending the Imperial Conference in London, and Canada's domestic affairs are temporarily in charge of Governor-General Julian Bean.

"Your Excellency, our Border Patrol is also a militia, with fewer troops and outdated equipment. It may be hard for you to imagine that our Border Patrol is still equipped with single-shot rifles—" Canadian Defense Forces Commander-in-Chief Arthur Kerry is also very helpless. The Americans have planned it for a long time. At the beginning of the conflict, there were only a dozen people on both sides, which was evenly matched. The Canadian Border Patrol had a little advantage.

Then suddenly hundreds of Americans showed up and beat up the Canadian Border Patrol.

During the World War, Julian Bean served as the commander of the Fifth Army of the British Expeditionary Force, and Arthur Kerry succeeded Marcus Lloyd as the commander of the Canadian Expeditionary Force after Marcus Lloyd died of illness.

Compared with Julian Bean, Arthur Kerry was ill-fated. After he returned to Canada, he was accused by the Canadian government because of the heavy losses of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

In court, Arthur Kerry argued, insisting his innocence.

When the court declared Arthur Kerry innocent, Arthur Kerry was carried out of the court on the shoulders of veterans and paraded.

In the army, Arthur Kerry was still very prestigious.

"Arthur, now is not the time to shirk responsibility. We must notice that the ambitions of the Americans are becoming more and more obvious, so we must strengthen our vigilance, reorganize our armaments, and prepare for war with the Americans." Julian Bin took a tough attitude, It is necessary to resolutely fight back against the Americans, and cannot back down and be patient.

In the common understanding of the British, the United States is a country composed of rogues and robbers.

In fact, it is true that the Americans cannot be backed down. If Canada backs down, the United States will make an inch of progress. In the end, Canada will still be forced into a corner and have no way to back down.

"Julian, Canada can't afford the damage of war now—" Arthur Kerry felt bitter in his heart.

Canada's situation is a bit special.

There are two major groups in Canada, one is British and the other is French.

The British are better off, fighting for the British Empire is justified, their martial spirit is not bad, and they are still very enthusiastic about joining the army.

The French are a bit worrying. The French in Canada immigrated to Canada from France just to avoid the war in continental Europe.

As a result, when I went to Canada, I saw, oh well, the situation in Canada may not be much better than that of France. Although France is always facing the threat of Germany, it is barely evenly matched.

What Canada is facing is simply a catastrophe.

During the World War II, the French in Quebec, Canada, were called "inferior peoples" by the Minister of the Interior Arthur Mean because they resisted conscription.

"Our financial situation is not good, we can't raise enough funds—" Finance Minister Douglas Domingo is expressionless. It is okay to reorganize the armaments, but the Canadian government has no money. Will London pay?

"Canada has a huge land area, and there is a long border between the United States and Canada. If we want to defend every inch of the country, we need at least one million troops." Minister of Defense Jean Gordon smiled wryly. Canada has only 800 million people, one million troops?


"It's not 1814--" concluded Arthur Kerry.

In 1812, the Second War of Independence broke out between Britain and the United States.

The United States launched an attack on Canada, and Canadians actively participated in the war against the U.S. military. During the war, the Canadian militiamen performed well and fought bravely, and they were tied with the U.S. military.

In 1814, Britain finally defeated Napoleon in Europe and was able to free up more troops for the North American battlefield.

In the same year, the British army occupied the state of Maine in the United States, and then invaded Washington, the capital of the United States. The then US President James Madison was forced to flee to Virginia.

In retaliation for the burning of York City (Toronto) by the US military in 1813, the British army and the Canadian militia burned down the US presidential palace after looting Washington. This is the famous "burning the White House" in history.

After the war, in order to cover up the traces left by the burning of the White House, the U.S. government completely painted the presidential residence with white paint, so there was the later "White House".

In 1814, the Canadian militia cooperated with the British army to capture Washington.

100 years have passed, Canada now has a population of 800 million, and the United States has a population of [-] million, and the gap in national strength is still so large.

To put it bluntly, a single American spit can drown a Canadian.

"So? Where did those brave Canadians go when they faced the same war 100 years ago?" Julian Bean shouted loudly, brothers, if you die in battle, I will take care of your wives and daughters—

Arthur Kerry did not speak. After the World War, the pension promised by the United Kingdom has not yet been fulfilled. It is not easy for Canadians to be fooled.

As for those brave Canadians 100 years ago, the grass on their graves has grown taller.

Hit, hit, what to fight with?

In case of a fight, it may be that the enemy has the mace and we have the sky spirit cap.

"We need help from London." Arthur Kerry had integrity.

"I'm afraid London is unreliable. What can really help us is southern Africa—" Jean Gordon was more realistic.

"The asking price in southern Africa is too high—" someone worried.

"It's better to give benefits to southern Africa than to be snatched away by the Americans." Someone's meat was rotten in the pot.

At this moment, Julian Bing's secretary hurried over and whispered a report in Julian Bing's ear.

"Ask him to come in—" Julian Bean had a complicated expression.

The door of the conference room opened, and the one who walked in was——

Instead of walking, Marcus Lloyd, an old friend of Rock's, came in in a wheelchair.

Marcus Lloyd has been bedridden since he resigned due to illness during the World War II and has not been seen in public for a long time.

Marcos Lloyd is very prestigious in Canada. When he saw Marcos Lloyd, the cabinet members who participated in the meeting got up one after another. Arthur Kerry simply took Marcos Lloyd's wheelchair. Pushed directly next to Julian Bean.

"Thank you——" Marcos Lloyd's swollen face and age spots were obvious, and his body was extremely weak. It was already difficult for him to express a complete sentence, and he spoke intermittently.

"Gentlemen, Canada has reached the most dangerous moment. At this time, we must unite as one and abandon our prejudices. Locke and I are old friends. I have sent a telegram to Locke, hoping that Locke can lend a helping hand. We can't just say nothing. We have to do it." Something—” Marcus Lloyd braced himself for his illness, and was still worried about Canada when the fuel was exhausted.

Cabinet members must have mixed feelings in their hearts.

"I propose to abolish all legal provisions on discrimination against Chinese as soon as possible, and invite southern African troops to Canada to strengthen exchanges." Arthur Kerry can still take into account the dignity of the Canadian government. "Strengthening exchanges" is definitely more effective than "asking for assistance" Acceptable.




This time there are no different voices anymore. Under the premise of survival or death, dignity is not important.

What's more, when the Second Boer War broke out and southern Africa needed help, Canada also sent troops.

Now that Canada needs help, it is only natural for southern Africa to send troops.

So there is no such thing as "foreign troops stationed in the mainland" at all. Southern Africa and Canada are both overseas dominions of the Commonwealth of Nations, a family!

Rock is still very face-saving to his old friends. After receiving the telegram from Marcus Lloyd, Rock immediately ordered the Walvis Bay Fleet, which had been on standby in Luanda Port, to set off immediately and head to the Nova Scotia Peninsula in Canada to take over Ha Army and Navy base in Lyfax.

The so-called "assistance in defense" actually does not require southern Africa to send troops to fill every inch of space on the US-Canada border. It only needs southern Africa to make a gesture to show its attitude.

As long as southern Africa has troops stationed in Canada, once a war breaks out between the United States and Canada, southern Africa will definitely join the war, which is a huge threat to the United States.

It is easy for the United States to bully Canada, but if you add the British navy and the army in southern Africa, it is still enough for the Americans to drink a pot.

If one fails, the history of "burning the White House" will repeat itself again.

At the same time that the Walvis Bay Fleet was heading to the Nova Scotia peninsula, the [-]st Southern African Armored Division was also boarding at Walvis Bay.

The troops of the First Armored Division going to Canada have only one regiment, and one regiment is enough. This regiment is equipped with the most advanced "Biao Cavalry" medium tanks. "Light tanks are a notch above.

ps: I suddenly found out that there are already 400 million words, it’s not easy to spread flowers——

(End of this chapter)

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