Chapter 1335 Iceberg

The "Biao Cavalry" medium tank has a total combat weight of 32 tons, an engine power of 500 horsepower, a maximum road speed of 55 kilometers per hour, a maximum stroke of 400 kilometers, and is equipped with a 75mm tank gun.

Does the data look familiar?

Yes, except that the gun caliber is one millimeter smaller, the "Biao Cavalry" medium tank is almost exactly the same as another famous T34 in time and space, even the large amount of inclined armor used on the hull and turret is exactly the same.

In fact, a long time ago, Nyasaland Heavy Industries has already overcome most of the problems of the "Biao Cavalry" medium tank. The only thing that restricts the "Biao Cavalry" medium tank is the power.

Last year, the Diesel Power Laboratory finally completed the research and development of the 12-cylinder 39-liter diesel engine, which was successfully applied to the "Biao Cavalry" medium tank. The reserve fuel tank has a maximum range of 460 kilometers. In addition, diesel oil has poor volatility, so it cannot be ignited by ordinary flames at room temperature, which greatly improves the reliability of the engine.

The installation of the "Biao Cavalry" medium tank means that the southern African army is once again leading the world, and its dominant position will not be shaken for at least ten years. Research on heavy tanks, there are two alternatives for the name of heavy tanks, one is "heavy cavalry" and the other is "dragon cavalry".

Regardless of the name, the Southern African Army will continue to maintain its dominance once the heavy tanks are introduced.

This is the so-called "slow step, slow step". Southern Africa's first-mover advantage in the field of aviation and armored forces will be unshakable for at least ten years. Even if southern African military enterprises now stop technology research and development——

Impossible, impossible to stop, Rock is the largest capitalist in southern Africa, it is very humane not to let the technicians 996.

Carrying the "Biao Cavalry" medium tank is the "Neptune" class container ship jointly launched by Edward Shipyard and Walvis Bay Shipyard.

A container ship is a container ship. Its structure and shape are significantly different from conventional cargo ships. It not only has a high loading and unloading speed, but also has a short docking time. It is also fast, economical and practical. Once a war breaks out, it can be quickly converted into an aircraft carrier.

"Neptune" is the planet farthest from the sun in the solar system. The use of the name "Neptune" by Edward Shipyard and Walvis Bay Shipyard fully proves the ambitions of the two shipyards.

Now all the ocean shipping companies in southern Africa together have more than 40 "Neptune" class container ships, and the number is still increasing rapidly.

"Edward Shipyard and Whale Bay Shipyard are too much. The bridges of the container ships produced in the past are all at the rear of the hull. The bridges of the container ships produced now are directly changed to the middle side. The wolf's ambition is obvious—" Wu Zhigao, head of the Second Regiment of the First Armored Division, who was waiting to board the ship, looked at the container ship in front of him and sighed. Except for the lack of a through-type flight deck, and the four aircraft carriers produced by Nyasaland for the United Kingdom, the United States and France, the current container ship has a similar appearance. Almost exactly the same.

"How good this is. It is used to make money in peacetime. Once a war breaks out, the flight deck will become an aircraft carrier. Who will care about the "Navy Treaty" at that time? They will build [-] or [-] ships in one go, scaring the Germans and the United States to death. People." Chief of Staff Jin Ming felt that he had exaggerated enough, but in fact it was far from enough.

During World War II, the United States built a total of 155 aircraft carriers, many of which were escort aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships. With the industrial strength of the United States, it only takes a week to refit an escort aircraft carrier.

Southern Africa now also has an industrial strength not inferior to that of the United States.

As for surpassing the United States, this cannot be achieved overnight. The United States has not yet hollowed out its manufacturing industry, and everyone is on the right path.

"Be careful, the United States is our ally—" Wu Zhigao is serious, his name is not very good, and he will soon become Zhigao Pu——

Fortunately, Pu Zhigao is still a good man, and he hasn't rebelled yet.

"Allies are farts, I see it through. These white people don't care about benevolence and morality at all. They put interests first. If you have milk, you are a mother, and if you have money, you are a father——" Jin Ming sneered. The more I like dogs.

"It's fine if you know it, don't talk about it all day—" Wu Zhigao was speechless. Everyone in southern Africa is equal. If this word gets out, hehe.

"I'm talking about the Americans. Our white buddies in southern Africa are pretty good." Jin Ming clarified that the white guys in southern Africa are better, all of them are talents, and they speak nicely.

"You don't know that 20 years ago, bah, let alone 20 years ago, it wasn't like this ten years ago. This means that we have more and more people, and white people have become a minority. Otherwise, white people can be so Be honest?" Wu Zhigao is also a royal man at heart, and he will never forget the saying "there are many people, there is great power".

No, the Dalits in India are not human at all, and there are only a few Brahmins who are untouchable.

In this way, hey, India is also sparsely populated——

"Then let them keep being honest." Jin Ming has an ideal. When there are [-] million Chinese in southern Africa, the white people will be completely out of control.

A population size of [-] million is already terrifying. There are only four countries in the world with a population of over [-] million, namely the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, and an indescribable country.

The United Kingdom can rank first with the addition of overseas colonies and dominions.

Well, in fact, it is mainly the British mainland, India, and southern Africa. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand can be ignored.

During the conversation, 43 "Biao Cavalry" medium tanks from the first battalion were installed on three "Neptune" class container ships. Wu Zhigao and Jin Ming also boarded the container ships. The fleet left the port amidst the cheers of the crowd. More than 40 ocean-going cargo ships waiting to enter the port outside the Gulf Harbor sounded their horns in unison, and fired salutes from the fort. Southern Africa officially took an important step in its external expansion.

Before the expansion of Southern Africa, the opponents were very weak and there were almost no challenges.

Now the opponent of southern Africa is the powerful United States, which is a new challenge for southern Africa.

At the same time that Southern Africa was sending troops to Canada, the U.S. Department of War in Washington, Secretary Newton Deere Baker Jr. and Pershing, Secretary of the Navy Joseph Daniels were holding a special meeting.

"Just received the news that the Walvis Bay fleet in southern Africa has arrived in Halifax, Canada, and the Army's [-]st Armored Division has also boarded the ship in Walvis Bay. The Air Force may deploy more than [-] fighter planes in Canada, including reconnaissance planes, fighters, and bombers—” Newton Dill Baker Jr. briefed.

"Walvis Bay Fleet - oh oh oh, I remembered, it is the small fleet with cruisers as flagships, even if Southern Africa sends all their warships, don't worry, we only need to send a battleship over, It can send all the southern African fleet to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean." Joseph Daniels laughed, compared with the United States, which has more than ten or twenty battleships, the southern African fleet is indeed nothing to mention.

But a battleship, that would be too arrogant.

Joseph Daniels may have overlooked the bombers in southern Africa, and the bombers here also include torpedo planes.

With the current US battleships without air defense capabilities, it is very problematic to be able to cope with several rounds of bombing by bombers in southern Africa. By then, it is not known who will go to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Oh, the man from the bottom of the Atlantic?

Both Newton Dill Baker and Pershing looked at Joseph Daniels speechlessly.

Everyone knows that the navy in southern Africa is weak, but the army in southern Africa is very strong.

The Southern African navy is weak, which is based on the premise that the Royal Navy is strong. If a war breaks out, the Royal Navy cannot stay out of it.

"John, how big is the threat to us from the Southern African Army?" Newton Dill Baker Jr. ignored Joseph Daniels.

"Very large—the Southern African Army's combat effectiveness is very strong, very strong. During the World War, most of the British Expeditionary Force's victories were won by the Southern African Expeditionary Force—the news I have now is that the Southern African Army has just been commissioned We don't know anything about the combat capabilities of the new tanks, but what is certain is that the combat effectiveness of the new tanks is definitely far superior to the 'light cavalry' tanks we are equipped with now." Pershing frowned, he said to the southern The combat effectiveness of the African Army has personal experience. During the World War, the Southern African Army served as an instructor for the US Army.

This speaks volumes for the status of the Southern African Army.

"After the disarmament in southern Africa, it seems that there are less than [-] troops left—" Newton Dill Baker Jr. is no stranger to southern Africa. Speaking of U.S. troops, when conducting exercises, southern Africa is more often used as a preset opponent.

"No, no, no, the army in southern Africa is not so little announced to the outside world—" Pershing knows more about the army in southern Africa. Newton Dill Baker Jr. is essentially a civilian, not a soldier: "—an army in southern Africa The military system is actually similar to ours in the United States, where soldiers are hidden among the people—”

"On the surface, there are less than 5 soldiers left in the southern African army. In fact, there are nearly 50 paramilitary personnel in southern Africa. In addition, in southern Africa, Najd, East India, the Kingdom of Mozambique, the Kingdom of Congo, and the Congo The Republic can also recruit nearly a million servants at any time, oh, now it also includes West Africa, oh, and the umbrella, and even the League of Nations peacekeeping force—that is also a force formed mainly from the southern African army." Pershing broke his hands He counted with his fingers, the more he counted, the paler his face became.

The faces of Newton Dill Baker and Joseph Daniels are also a little pale. I don’t know if I can’t count them. I’m shocked when I count them. Southern Africa is like an iceberg. Nima is just scary.

(End of this chapter)

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