Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1348 Full cooperation

Chapter 1348 Full cooperation

Lu Taitai's housekeeper is Ruben Mario, a Portuguese born in the Congo Free State.

It is a very strange fact that Africans with a little social status, married wives, hired housekeepers, and almost all the servants around them were white.

This is unscientific. From the point of view of blood, the people of our own race are more trustworthy. People who are not my race must have different hearts. I don’t know how much these Africans dislike their blood. If they can change their skins, it is estimated that this business is in the Africa has a big market.

Lu Taitai is a typical example. This time when he came to southern Africa, the harem group led by Lu Taitai and all the staff are white. These white people are willing to bear some things for the sake of money. Now what happened in the Kingdom of Congo After a coup, Lu Taitai has been deposed, and Ruben Mario will change his face immediately.

"Your Majesty, this may be the last time I will address you as Your Majesty—" Ruben Mario looked into Lu Taitai's eyes with a half-smile, which had never happened before.

"You, what are you talking about?" Lu Taitai couldn't believe it. The personal butler can be said to be Lu Taitai's closest person, and his status is like that of Zach next to Rock.

It's hard to imagine that one day, Zach would say something similar to Rock——

Bah, Zach can't speak, it should be said that it is hard to imagine that one day, Zach will do similar things to Rock.

"I mean, it's time for me to get off work—" Ruben Mario adjusted his collar, turned and opened the car door, and then turned back: "—Oh, by the way, do you want me to take you back to the hotel, this is the hotel car-"

Oh, it's so miserable, the majestic king doesn't even have his own private car, and he has to rent a hotel car when he goes out, what a shame!

"Ruben, how could you treat me like this?" Lu Taitai still hasn't figured out the situation. Ruben Mario has been with Lu Taitai for many years. Even if he has a dog, he should be familiar with it.

Ruben Mario smiled and didn't answer. Some questions had no answers at all. Some people didn't betray their relatives and never thought they had a problem.

"I still have money, I'll give you the money, you call the army immediately, we're going to kill Leopoldville." Lu Taitai pulled the ring, took off the necklace, yanked - yanked the necklace, and yanked the necklace when he yanked too much It broke, and the huge gemstone chain fell to the ground. Lu Taitai rushed over like a hungry tiger, holding the pendant tightly in his hand.

Ruben Mario looked at Lu Taitai rolling on the ground, the sadness in his eyes flashed away.

How could it be possible to have no feelings at all? In fact, Lu Taitai has treated Ruben Mario well these years, at least the salary is very high.

"Don't go back to Leopoldville, put away your necklaces and rings, go to a place where no one knows you, hide your name, and don't be recognized." Ruben Mario reminded softly, not everyone Like Ruben Mario, still retain some conscience.

Just after learning about the coup d'état in the Kingdom of Congo, several of Lu Taitai's guards looked at Lu Taitai with malicious intent. Lu Taitai used to be the king, but now Lu Taitai is a fat sheep.

"Ruben, help me regain the throne, I appoint you as prime minister, I will give you a lot of money, I will give you Josephine—" Lu Taitai was in a state of disarray, Josephine is Lu Taitai's most beautiful wife, according to legend Having an affair with Ruben Mario.

This kind of thing is also very normal, the royal family, it is not surprising that there is something that destroys the three views, Churchill's wife went to the United States with the bodyguard for two years——

But that's in the future, it hasn't happened yet.

"You made a mistake about one thing. Don't say whether I have the ability to help you regain the throne. Even if I can, why should I help you?" Ruben Mario laughed dumbly. Let alone whether I have the ability, even if I regain the throne, Ruben Mario couldn't be happier claiming to be king.

"You traitor, bastard, you will definitely go to hell with that traitor Mu Mu in the future!" Lu Taitai said angrily, and the last bit of love between him and Ruben Mario was also exhausted in Lu Taitai's swearing .

"Hehe, don't blame me for not reminding you, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible." Ruben Mario was not angry, opened the door and got into the car, and the car disappeared in front of Lu Taitai.

Lu Taitai was dumbfounded.

It took a long time to notice that several bodyguards had approached silently.

The eyes are dangerous.

"Don't come here, get out, get out, I'm the king of the Kingdom of Congo—" Lu Taitai was hysterical, turned and jumped over the green belt on the side of the road, and disappeared into the bushes.

After this day, no one saw or heard from Lu Taitai again.

Lu Taitai seemed to have disappeared from the world, without a trace.

Rock didn't care about Lu Taitai's life or death. After Mumu launched a coup, Yaya flew directly from Ulysses to Pretoria and explained to Rock face to face.

"Mumu is also on Yaya's plane—" The communication between Zach and Rock still relies on small notes.

Rock smiled. Compared with Lu Taitai, Yaya and Mumu are the real smart people.

"What are you going to do? Annex the Kingdom of Congo directly?" Henry was curious about Rock's next choice.

Rock actually really wanted to do this, but after thinking about it, he shook his head: "No, at least not now."

"Then let Mumu be the king?" Henry was a little disappointed. It would be great to annex it directly. The Kingdom of Congo is not the Kingdom of Mozambique. There are still more than 500 million Africans.

"It depends on Mumu's performance." Rock has a plan in mind, and now the initiative is all on Rock.

Regardless of Mumu's coup, Lu Taitai was easily deposed from the throne.

If Mumu's performance is not good enough, then Southern Africa can completely send troops into the Kingdom of Congo to stabilize the situation under the banner of "for regional peace". As for the army of the Kingdom of Congo, it is simply unable to compete with the increasingly powerful southern African army.

At that time, Roque will have the final say on everything in the Kingdom of Congo. With so many sons of Lu Taitai, if he randomly picks a two- or three-year-old to inherit the throne, there will be no problems in ten or twenty years.

"Mumu is also ruthless. It is said that Lu Taitai's sons have been slaughtered, including the Taitaila tribe where Lu Taitai belongs to. In the past, when Lu Taitai was the king, the Taitaila people were invincible in the Kingdom of Congo. Now-hehe , It’s very miserable.” Xiaosi gloated, people are doing things and the sky is watching, it’s not that they don’t report that the time has not come yet.

Rock is not surprised, this is also a normal operation.

But even if Mu Mu killed all of Lu Taitai's sons, it wouldn't bother Rock.

If Rock really wanted to make up his mind to get rid of Mumu, and just find a little black boy and say that he was Lu Taitai's son, no one could prove the lie.

False seems true and sometimes true, who cares.

"Zach, how many Africans does Ulysses have?" Rock suddenly thought of this question, Yaya's son is no less than Lu Taitai.

"427——" Zach is the real underground king. There are many things in southern Africa. Asking Zach is definitely more reliable than asking the Federal Minister of the Interior.

"These people have already obtained Southern African citizenship?" Rock had the impression that Africans could not obtain Southern African citizenship.

"No!" Zach said words like gold.

Rock nodded. In this case, it is still necessary to strengthen the management of Ulysses.

However, Yaya has worked hard over the years, and Rock is now considering giving Yaya a legal identity. Although most Africans are useless, there are still scum among the Chinese. As long as management is strengthened, it will not cause much impact.

To put it bluntly, the biggest problem caused by Africans is not how lazy or bad Africans are, but the controversy caused by the privileges gained by Africans by using social rules.

There are no privileges in southern Africa, and even social welfare is very stingy. Africans must work honestly to earn income, and the cost of breaking the law is daunting.

That night, Yaya flew to Pretoria by plane and was taken directly to Rock's mansion.

The last time Rock saw Mumu was three years ago. Compared with three years ago, Mumu has hardly changed, his figure is still sturdy, his temperament is extremely calm, and the scar on his forehead is still obvious.

This is a very disciplined person.

"My lord, Lu Taitai has acted recklessly and angered people. The crimes he committed in the Kingdom of Congo these years are too numerous to record. We really couldn't bear it, so we abolished Lu Taitai's throne. Please, Lord, have mercy on the 550 million Congolese—" Mu Mu's posture was low, his The desire for personal power is actually not great, otherwise he would have been able to replace Lu Taitai back then.

"This is the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Congo, you can decide for yourself." Rock smiled. Although he didn't have much contact with Mumu, Yaya has always behaved well.

In recent years, Yaya has been demanding herself according to the standards of southern Africa, and she always behaves more southern African than real southern Africans.

During the World War, Yaya donated a total of 150 million rand to the Southern African Expeditionary Force, making him the largest African donor.

The Ulysses City Government therefore gave special approval to allow Yaya’s children to study in the Ulysses Public School. Among the many children of Yaya, there are still a few who are more inclined to white blood, and the African blood is not obvious. This child is also the most valued by Yaya and is cultivated as a key object.

Around southern Africa, Yaya is responsible for many things that are not convenient for southern Africa to come forward.

Therefore, southern Africa is also obliged to give Yaya enough protection. Around southern Africa, Yaya has countless enemies.

"We will fully cooperate with the border demarcation between the Kingdom of Congo and Southern Africa, and assume the obligations after joining the Southern African Union. After joining the Southern African Union, the Kingdom of Congo will spend at least 500 million rand every year to contribute to the security of the Union. ” It’s a big deal, 500 million per year is not a small number for the Kingdom of Congo.

To make money in the Kingdom of Congo, there are only a few ways to sell resources, dispatch labor, etc., and the annual profit is about 2000 to [-] million.

Rock noticed that Mumu still used the term "Kingdom of the Congo".

It seems that Mumu also wants to be king.

That's right, not everyone can be as free and easy as Rock.

(End of this chapter)

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