Chapter 1349

Military coups one after another are actually round after round of profit distribution.

When Lu Taitai was king, he took a lot of the wealth of the Kingdom of Congo for himself, occupying tens of millions of hectares of plantations.

Now Lu Taitai’s property is nationalized, or inherited by Mumu. The millions of dollars per year is actually a trivial matter for Mumu. The rubber, palm, peanuts, and ivory produced by the Kingdom of Congo are still very popular in southern Africa. There is a market.

Rock was very satisfied with Yaya and Mumu, and hosted a banquet in the official residence for Yaya and Mumu. During the meeting, Rock promised Yaya that he would give Yaya legal status in southern Africa at the right time.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you very much—" Yaya's eyes were slightly red, and she was emotional. He had been waiting for this day for many years.

"Yaya, this is what you deserve—" Rock must be rewarded for his merits, and he didn't forget to ring the alarm bell: "—to join Southern Africa, you have to give up some things. You have to think carefully about it."

In the past, Yaya was not a Southern African. She wandered in the gray area and was not restricted by the laws of Southern Africa. Many incomes did not need to pay taxes to the Southern African taxation department.

Joining Southern Africa means that Yaya has to give up part of the gray income, and the taxes that should be paid must be paid or even repaid. In the future, Yaya will also be bound by the laws of Southern Africa, and will no longer be as free as before.

"My lord, I have made preparations. I will definitely become a law-abiding citizen of Nyasaland, abide by Nyasaland's laws and regulations, sincerely loyal to Nyasaland, and swear to defend the interests of Nyasaland. Half of my own property—no, 80.00% of my own property is donated to the charitable foundation under the name of my wife—” Yaya was impassioned, and returned all the money. For Yaya, making money should not be too simple.

Yaya is currently the largest human resource supplier in southern Africa. Many companies in southern Africa hire workers from neighboring countries in southern Africa through Yaya. For this alone, Yaya can earn millions of rands a year .

"No, your money is yours, and no one will think about it." Rock didn't like Yaya's little money, and Phyllis probably didn't like it either.

"No, my lord, Madam actually has a charitable foundation in the Kingdom of Congo, which has adopted tens of thousands of African orphans. Madam's kindness has already surpassed Nyasaland—" Yaya's words surprised Roque. Not sure.

Still the same sentence, in this era, I am afraid that only Roque in the world knows the horror of Africans. In the concept of most people, Africans are hardworking, capable, and eat less and require less. They are irreplaceable high-quality labor force .

Phyllis has no prejudice against Africans, and even has some sympathy for Africans. It is normal to do charity in the Kingdom of Congo.

Of course, the main investment of Phyllis' foundation must still be in Nyasaland.

Rock smiled and said nothing. Rock's impression of Africans has actually changed over the years. Especially during the World War, African soldiers left a very deep impression on Rock.

Including the umbrella company now, the bravest mercenaries are still Africans.

"Good thing, when those children grow up, they can be sent to Fawalt to work as workers—" Henry laughed loudly, his purpose was not so simple.

"It's better to send it to the army. Our soldiers' salaries are too high. A soldier costs an average of three hundred rand a year; an African-American soldier can cost up to fifty rand a year on average, and a white soldier's role is definitely not as good as that of a white soldier." Six African-American soldiers." Roque is under great pressure now, the total strength of the army, navy and air force in southern Africa is less than 15, and the annual defense budget is more than 5000 million rand.

If all these are replaced by African soldiers, 1000 million a year will not be used up.

The "defense budget" here is only the basic annual expenditure, and does not include the cost of the Navy's transformation of battleships and construction of aircraft carriers.

If everything is added, plus the upgrade of the air force and army equipment, the defense expenditure in southern Africa will directly exceed [-] million.

"That's no problem. The Kingdom of Congo now has more than 30 troops. From them, [-] to [-] troops will be selected to join the Allied Forces, and the rest will be sent to Fawalt. Objectively, it will also relieve the pressure on the Kingdom of Congo." Yaya cautiously curry favor Everyone, it's good for you, it's like those pheasant schools that promise package distribution.

Assignment is assignment. As for whether the work is satisfactory or not, it is not up to the school to decide.

There are 30 soldiers, even if 10 are retained, 20 will be demobilized.

These 20 people are all strong young men with certain military literacy. They can do nothing but kill people. If they are really allowed to leave the barracks, it will also be a huge hidden danger to the security of the Kingdom of Congo.

However, retaining 500 soldiers, each with [-] rand per year, is calculated to cost [-] million.

So Mumu also made a good plan. It sounds like the Kingdom of Congo spends 500 million a year, but in fact it is still a good deal for the Kingdom of Congo.

Mumu came to Pretoria in secret, and the next day Mumu visited Philip and Kitchener, and then returned to the Kingdom of Congo, leaving Bivi, a southern African who had just been appointed Prime Minister by Mumu, to attend the meeting s.

It should be noted that Bivis, formerly known as Bi Hong, is a second-generation Chinese in southern Africa and has just turned 30 this year.

Bivis graduated from Nyasaland University, worked in Upper Katanga Mining Co., Ltd., and was sent to Leopoldville to be responsible for the coordination and cooperation between Upper Katanga Mining Co., Ltd. and the Kingdom of Congo .

After Mu Mu launched the coup, he appointed Bivis as the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Congo. Bivis also became the second Chinese in Africa to serve as the leader of this level of country.

The last one was Barker, who was the Speaker of the Southern African Parliament.

Anton is not as good as Buck. Although Anton's actual power may be greater than Buck's, Anton's power is limited to Nyasaland, while Buck is qualified to represent southern Africa.

Bivis now also has the qualifications to represent the Kingdom of Congo.

"Isn't it a bit hasty recently?" When Philip saw Rock, he intentionally or unintentionally reminded Rock to keep a low profile.

"What?" Rock didn't react for a while.

Philip was speechless, looking at Roque with contempt on his face, what kind of big-tailed (Yi) Pakistani wolf is I pretending to be with me, if I knew I wouldn’t marry my daughter to you——

Rock suddenly realized that Philip had blamed himself for the Kingdom of Mozambique and the Kingdom of Congo.

"The death of the King of Mozambique was indeed an accident. As for Lu Taitai, he deserved it." Rock clarified that these two incidents really had nothing to do with Rock, although it seems that Southern Africa has benefited the most.

"Lu Taitai is already dead. His bodyguards kidnapped Lu Taitai to a house in Johannesburg, tortured him, and tried to extract more property from Lu Taitai's mouth. In the end, the torture was too severe, and Lu Taitai died directly." Philip was also speechless, The majestic king of a country died so inexplicably, it is really a joke in the world.

"Where's the murderer?" Rock really didn't know these things.

"Brad's office handles it, don't you know?" Philip asked back.

The heavens can learn from it, Rock really doesn't know, Zack, that boring gourd, won't report everything to Rock.

"These two things really have nothing to do with me, it's just the right time to push the boat with the water—" Rock clarified again.

Philip's expression was clearly disbelieving.

This is indeed a tragedy.

Maybe it's because Roque has always been too aggressive, but now it has nothing to do with Roque, but he can be contacted with Roque.

Even Philip didn't believe it, so it goes without saying for others.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Southern Africa will benefit in the end. The Kingdom of Mozambique is about to vote for a referendum. What are you going to do?" How keen is Philip to expand the territory, his eyes are shining.

"It's not what I plan to do. The future of the Kingdom of Mozambique is determined by the Mozambican people." Regardless of Rock, the royal family of the Mozambique king is extinct, and the imperial power will definitely cease to exist. It is very likely that he will take the initiative to join southern Africa.

Speaking of which, southern Africa can actually play a game of three requests and three resignations. Just like the Philippines, the referendum voted to join the United States, but the United States did not want to——

Oh, it's so embarrassing, a hot face and a cold butt are not enough to describe the degree of embarrassment.

"It would be best to merge into Southern Africa and turn the Kingdom of Mozambique into the state of Mozambique." Philip had already made a plan. The current Kingdom of Mozambique only has a territory of more than 30 square kilometers.


The boy is gone.

"No, we want to erase all the memories left by the Portuguese and the Kingdom of Mozambique, and East Africa is good." Rock was ruthless, not only annexing the Kingdom of Mozambique, but also eating it up.

Philip sneered, someone said just now that it didn't matter at all, and now he even thought of the name——

If it doesn't matter, what is it?

Rock doesn't explain, whatever Philip thinks.

After the issue of the Kingdom of Congo was resolved, the pace of establishing the Southern African Union suddenly accelerated. On the eve of the establishment of the Southern African Union, Viscount Gladstone suddenly came to Pretoria to represent Australia and New Zealand, and also hoped to join the yet-to-be-established Southern African Union. African Union.

Australia and New Zealand want to join the Southern African Union, obviously optimistic about the prospects of the Southern African Union.

The British Empire is sunset, and Australia and New Zealand also want to hug their thighs. Looking at the whole world, apart from the United States, only southern Africa can be called "thick legs".

"The Kingdom of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, West Africa, East Africa, Madagascar—all of them are considered African countries. It is only natural to join the Southern African Union. Australia and New Zealand are British overseas dominions. It may not be appropriate to join the Southern African Union—" Philip said on this issue It is a dilemma, of course it is very desirable. If Australia and New Zealand also join the Southern African Union, the influence of the Southern African Union will be further enhanced.

But I have to consider the reaction of the United Kingdom. The current southern Africa is enough to make the United Kingdom afraid, if Australia and New Zealand are added.

Oops, something is wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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