Chapter 1350 Helicopter

Europe and the United States are obviously opposed to the Southern African Union. No one wants to see a united and powerful regional group in southern Africa, which will directly affect the interests of countries in the world in Africa.

Including the United Kingdom, although southern Africa is still part of the Commonwealth of Nations, the United Kingdom is unwilling to see the continued expansion of southern Africa.

Southern Africa, which covers 1000 million square kilometers, is rich in resources, Africans can provide almost unlimited cheap labor, and there are no surrounding countries that can pose a threat to southern Africa. It is obvious that it will be the next United States.

Moreover, southern Africa is different from the United States. The United States is not a Commonwealth country and cannot replace the influence of the United Kingdom within the Commonwealth. Southern Africa can do it.

"After the end of the World War, the populations of Australia and New Zealand not only did not increase, but continued to decline. European countries preferred southern Africa for immigration, followed by the United States. Australia is a country made up of prisoners. Unless it is a last resort, no one wants to emigrate to Australia——" Guerra Viscount Gladstone was pessimistic and disappointed. When he was in southern Africa, southern Africa was thriving, which gave Viscount Gladstone an illusion. As a result, Viscount Gladstone realized the cruelty of the world when he arrived in Australia.

In the world in 1921, population could still play a key role in determining development.

Someone has a future.

No one is off everything.

“We also want to learn from southern Africa and introduce immigrants from Asia, but what we recruit are Indians and Malays. Their arrival not only did not bring wealth, but brought some new social problems, so I am looking for another One possibility is to join the Southern African Union, which is an opportunity for Australia and New Zealand." Viscount Gladstone is also helpless, the introduction of immigrants is good for Southern Africa, but it is difficult for Australia.

Australia's own population is too small and too many immigrants are introduced. If you are not careful, white people will become ethnic minorities, which will cause more serious problems at that time.

"My lord, although I would also like to see Australia and New Zealand join the Southern African Union, but it is not realistic now, London will not allow this to happen." Rock sincerely, his relationship with Viscount Gladstone has always been very good , and would like to help, but unfortunately can't.

"London-hehe, Locke, when London decided to make peace with the Boers, London was no longer the London it used to be." The beginning of the decline, the world war further accelerated the process.

If it was the former British Empire, it would never choose to negotiate with the Boers.

Under the circumstances at that time, if Britain persisted for a while, the Boers would be completely conquered.

As a result, due to the soaring military expenditure, London was finally overwhelmed. The negotiations with the Boers also allowed other countries to see Britain's external strength.

To put it bluntly, if Britain had been tougher during the Second Boer War, Germany might not have the determination to start an arms race.

"Well, Australia and New Zealand can temporarily join the Southern African Union as observer countries. After a few years to see the situation, decide whether Australia and New Zealand should join the Southern African Union." Rock made a compromise, delaying is a good way.

Time entered 1921. After four years of economic downturn, the global economy finally showed some signs of recovery, and the impact of the economic crisis was improving.

This process is extremely difficult. Countless enterprises have gone bankrupt and liquidated, workers have lost their jobs, farmers have gone bankrupt, and they were millionaires yesterday but penniless today.

This is also the economic law of capitalism. About every ten years or so, a serious economic crisis will break out.

It is now 1921, and in another ten years, roughly 29 or 30 years, the world will fall into a new round of economic crisis.

Compared with this economic crisis, the next economic crisis has a special term called "Great Depression". Just by looking at the name, you can tell how serious the situation will be.

"Okay—" Viscount Gladstone didn't expect to be successful in one step, at least it was a good start.

The current Australia and New Zealand are actually of little significance to the Southern African Union. Australia and New Zealand have it, but the Southern African Union has it. Australia and New Zealand do not have it, but Southern Africa also has it.

"Then it's decided. On April [-]st, we will establish the Southern African Union." Philip was in high spirits, but the date was not chosen well.

Leaving the Palace of Justice and returning to the Ministry of Defense, there are still a lot of things waiting for Rock to deal with.

After the establishment of the Southern African Union, the Southern African Coalition Force will be established to be responsible for the security and defense of the entire region.

The coalition headquarters will be located in Pretoria, with a total force of about 30, including six army divisions with a total force of about 10; the navy will further expand on the existing basis, and Rock plans to establish a naval aviation and Marine Corps, this caused some controversy in the Department of Defense.

"The aviation should be the air force, right? The marines must be the army. If the navy establishes the aviation and marines, will it cause confusion in command?" Derek Dodd was cautious. Both the aviation and the marines were new arms. As an example, if you want to copy your homework, you don't have to copy it.

"All the new aircraft we produced in the past two years have been given to the navy. The army only has long-range bombers and transport aircraft, and there are few new fighter jets. Isn't the airspace in southern Africa not important?" Martin also complained. The southern African navy is developing rapidly, with more funding than the air force and army combined.

"Naval aviation can also protect the airspace of southern Africa. In the future, the army and air force will have fewer and fewer opportunities to participate in the war. Only a strong navy can fully guarantee the interests of southern Africa." Rock's position in the southern African army is irreplaceable , It is not too much to describe it in one word.

Although Rock doesn't want to talk about it, but in many cases, the thinking of Derek Dodd and Martin is still influenced by the mainstream military thinking in Europe and the United States. At this time, Rock has to act arbitrarily.

"Countries and regions around southern Africa pose almost no threat to southern Africa. Our future core interests are still in the ocean. Whether it is the establishment of naval aviation or the establishment of the marine corps, it is to enhance the long-range projection capability of the navy. We are now With the Edward Fleet, the Walvis Bay Fleet, and the Atlantic Fleet that was just established, and the Indian Ocean Fleet will be established in the future, the development of the military will be dominated by the Navy in the next ten years." Rock has a firm attitude, and now he will start preparing for the next time. Prepare for world war.

The First World War was when Southern Africa really stepped onto the world stage.

When the next world war breaks out, Rock hopes that southern Africa will have the ability to replace Britain by then.

At that time, the opponents of southern Africa will not be Germany and Japan, nor Britain, France and Italy, but the United States on the other side of the ocean. Therefore, southern Africa must have a powerful fleet that can compete with the United States, and the long-range projection capability is a must for a powerful fleet. .

"The military of the future will no longer be as clear-cut as before. The navy can have aviation and the marines. The air force will also develop airborne troops to improve its ability to attack the sea. The army will develop in the direction of professionalization and mechanization. Tanks, armored vehicles, Long-range artillery, even army aviation—" Rock suddenly thought of helicopters when he said this—

Hey, when was the helicopter invented?

Regardless, with the industrial and technological capabilities that southern Africa possesses, it is entirely possible to start research on helicopters.

In this way, missiles seem to be on the agenda.

With missiles, should we study nuclear weapons?

Rock suddenly felt that time was running out. At first, 20 years seemed to be a long time away, but now it seems that 20 years is not enough——

What's more, it has been 21 years now, and it has not been 20 years.

At the end of the meeting, Rock directly called Diesel and Bobby Holt and assigned them the task of developing a helicopter.

The research institute under the name of Diesel has been committed to the research and development and improvement of engines over the years, not only diesel engines, but also more advanced aero engines and marine engines.

Bobby Holt is the same Bobby Holt who improved the motorcycle, and he is now working for Nyasaran Airlines as the chief designer of the airline.

After listening to Rock's introduction to the helicopter, Diesel and Bobby Holt were not surprised.

"I remember a Russian who proposed this idea ten years ago. What's it called?" Diesel is a true technical expert and has always paid close attention to technical information.

"It seems to be Gore, Gore Ivanovich Sikorsky." Bobby Holt was no stranger to helicopters.

Sikorsky is the Sikorsky who will be called the "father of helicopters" in the future.

In 1909, Sikorsky began research on helicopters, but limited to the technical level at the time, Sikorsky did not succeed.

It was not until 30 years later that Sikorsky successfully developed the world's first truly practical helicopter in the United States, and the era of helicopters began.

Compared with airplanes, helicopters have a wider range of applications and greater effects. They are truly dual-purpose for both military and civilian purposes and have great prospects.

"That's it. The design that Sikorsky didn't complete ten years ago, let us perfect it." Rock's golden finger once again played a role. Although the design drawing drawn was not standard, the single rotor and tail rotor both clear and distinct.

Sometimes, technological breakthroughs are really just a layer of window paper, and after being pierced, a new world will emerge.

"It doesn't look too difficult. After all, the technology has made great progress in the past ten years. We can apply it to helicopters by modifying the existing aero engines. However, there are still some technical problems to be solved, and the design may need to be redesigned." Diesel is full of confidence. In terms of engines, if Diesel can't do anything, then no one in the world can do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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