Chapter 1362

After the Kingdom of Mozambique was merged into Southern Africa, the data on Africans in the Kingdom of Mozambique finally has exact figures, including Africans working in Southern Africa, a total of 65.

Given the fertility of Africans, it is hard to imagine that after so many years of establishment, the population of the Kingdom of Mozambique has not increased but decreased, and has decreased significantly.

When Rock saw this data, he seriously doubted that if the Kingdom of Mozambique was not merged into Southern Africa, then in a few years, the Mozambicans would disappear directly.

Like many tribes in Africa that have disappeared.

It should be emphasized that although the Kingdom of Mozambique has been incorporated into Southern Africa, Africans in the Kingdom of Mozambique are still unable to acquire Southern African nationality and are not officially southern Africans.

"Of course not. If they join the southern African nationality and become official southern Africans, then we will raise their salaries and give them better treatment, which will seriously affect our profits." Henry's attitude on this issue Firmly, Fawalt needs African workers, cheap African workers, so as to ensure the competitiveness of Fawalt.

"Gentlemen, the annexation of the Kingdom of Mozambique is only the first step. Next, we will annex West Africa, the Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Congo and Madagascar, so we need to give an example to Africans in these areas, so that they can see that joining Southern Africa otherwise we would have to work several times harder to achieve our goals.” Interior Secretary Bob Giles is the freshly minted Great Southern Africanist, a term just defined by the editors of the French newspaper Le Figaro. call.

Although France lost Madagascar, it was not willing to see Madagascar join the Southern African Union.

In France, there are still many people clamoring to return to Madagascar and restore French colonial rule over Madagascar.

After the establishment of the Southern African Union, the editor of Le Figaro defined the group of "Great Southern Africanists". Philip and Roque were the core of this group. members of this group.

"The annexation of these areas is not directly related to improving the status of Africans. It is not the Africans who determine the fate of these areas, but the whites living in these areas." Henry sneered, and Rock and Stoudemire remained silent.

Rock's attitude towards Africans has always been the same. It's okay to hire, but not to accept them.

Most of the time, Stoudemire and Rock maintain a unified position. Bob Giles is an official, not a businessman. Officials value political achievements, while businessmen value interests.

"That's why we need to give those Africans a better living environment to show the difference between us and those colonists. We are not squeezing them, but giving them a better life." Bob Giles position Clearly, Southern Africa wants interests as well as influence. This is obviously a good opportunity to increase Southern Africa's international influence.

After the establishment of the Southern African Union, Southern Africa has officially become a regional power that is qualified to participate in international competition and has absolute influence in the region.

This result obviously cannot satisfy the great southern Africanists in southern Africa. The great southern Africanists want to make southern Africa a country with real global influence, which cannot be achieved only by a strong economy.

So far, the only country in the world that has truly global influence is the United Kingdom, even the United States. Japan and France are not qualified enough. Japan is at most the same as southern Africa in that it is an influential regional power, and France is In 1921, Britain and the United States came out of the economic crisis one after another, the economy began to recover, and the market gradually prospered. Only France was still immersed in the vortex of the economic crisis and could not break free.

Now the United States is the loudest cry of "freedom and equality" in the world, but the United States is just shouting. Although the United States has abolished slavery, Africans are still discriminated against in the United States.

The United Kingdom doesn’t even bother to shout. Southern Africa has expelled all Africans, and India still has a caste system. As for the aboriginals in Canada and Australia——

Sorry, there are no Aboriginal people in Canada and Australia.

The Nima Anglo-Saxons are so inhumane. If they didn't want to enslave the colonists to work for them, they would probably kill all the non-Anglo-Saxons in the world.

Look at how Americans treat Indians.

"Bob, you don't even believe what you say!" Henry laughed loudly, and his strides were too big, and he could easily tear himself apart.

"Why don't you believe it? I firmly believe this. We may build a better and more prosperous southern Africa!" Bob Giles is really not singing high-profile, he really thinks so.

Believe it!

Just as Rock firmly believes that no matter how docile the Africans seem to be now, once they are given better benefits, they will reveal their true colors.

"Yes, I also firmly believe this, but in the better and more prosperous southern Africa, there is no African part." Henry's general direction is correct, but he disagrees with Bob Giles on the details.

"Gentlemen, calm down—" Rock had to come forward, and he couldn't make too much water on this issue: "—we have just signed a series of agreements with the Americans. If the treatment of Africans is greatly improved at this time, it will Seriously affecting the competitiveness of our Southern African businesses—”

"Locke—" Bob Giles tried to interject.

Rock gave Bob Giles a firm gesture: "Not now! At least not yet-Bob, I agree with you, we all want to build a better and more prosperous Southern Africa, but now Southern Africa There are still people struggling in poverty, some people are precarious and have no fixed place to live, their children cannot enjoy the same level of education as children in Pretoria and Cape Town, patients cannot enjoy the medical resources of big cities, we have no ability to treat Africans the same as Southern Africans.”

Rock's words made Bob Giles despair.

According to Roque, it is necessary to eradicate poverty before being able to take care of Africans.

But everyone knows that poverty cannot be eliminated, and there will be gaps if there is competition. Some people just don’t want to live a happy life in the worldly sense. What can you do with them?

To put it bluntly, the definition of happiness is still different.

Generally speaking, the definition of happiness is a good life, a happy family, and perfect security.

But some people just don’t want to be bound by these "happiness", they just like a free life, they don’t even want to form a family, they don’t even want to talk about love, and they don’t even want to work from 996 to [-] or even [-] for life. Is this wrong? of it?

This is actually an attitude towards life. Some people like their wives and children to be hot on the kang, and some people must yearn to drink and sing. The monthly salary of the richest man is only 91 yuan when he is the happiest.

Don't care if this sentence is right or not, that's what the richest man said.

"But Mozambique has only 65 people, and this will not cause us any more trouble." Bob Giles made a last-ditch effort.

"Minister Cape, can you tell us how much we have to pay if we want to give these 65 people the same treatment as southern Africans?" Rock asked Ada directly instead of arguing with Bob Giles .

"Same treatment? Sorry, we'll go bankrupt—" Ada said in a nonchalant tone.

"—It seems that our financial situation is relatively good. In fact, we have been walking on the edge of the abyss. Just a few days ago, we issued another [-] million rand bonds to support the state of Victoria and Dias. farmer--

If we want to give these 65 people the same treatment as southern Africans, we need to build enough hospitals and schools for these 65 people, and hire enough doctors and teachers. Sorry, there are still many states in southern Africa that lack experience Doctors and teachers, some towns don't even have a decent hospital and school, even if we have this ability, we have to give priority to satisfying southern Africa. "What Ada said is the truth. Regardless of the rapid development of the Transvaal and Nyasaland, the actual situation is still very serious.

Uneven regional development has always been an unavoidable problem.

In southern Africa, the three northern states plus Cape are better developed. The gap is obvious in other states, especially Basutoland and Swaziland, where there is not even a decent enterprise in the territory.

Including Nyasaland, there are actually many problems.

The main reason is that Nyasaland has been importing a large number of immigrants. The resettlement of new immigrants has always been the core content of the work of the Nyasaland State Government. Every year, the Nyasaland State Government spends tens of millions of rand for the new immigrants. placement.

"What's more, even if we squeeze out limited funds to build a complete infrastructure in Mozambique - oh, sorry, Nacala now - in Nacala, we have to consider the affordability of Mozambicans, they are not necessarily willing to accept .” Ada sees the problem clearly more deeply than Bob Giles.

This gets to the heart of the matter, that the hospitals and schools that Ada is talking about are rare benefits for southern Africans, but Mozambicans don’t necessarily see them that way.

It costs money to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Southern Africa has not yet popularized free medical care, so at least insurance is required.

If a Mozambican who is not financially well-off and has little expectation for the future buys insurance, most of the Mozambican will think that this is another way for the federal government to levy poll tax.

Going to public schools also requires money. Mozambicans don’t pay as much attention to education as Chinese. Many Chinese families have to go bankrupt in order to train a high-achieving student and let Mozambicans go to school?

I am afraid that even without money, many Mozambicans are unwilling to send their children to school.

These questions are basically unsolvable.

(End of this chapter)

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