Chapter 1363 Invulnerable

Not to mention Mozambique in 1921, even in the United States in the 21st century, many people are unwilling to send their children to school, and even if they send them, the quality of teaching in public schools is very worrying. What strange remarks, for example, the earth is flat, and for example, it is possible to inject disinfectant into the body to kill viruses.

Amazingly, the reason why many Americans don't believe the earth is flat is not based on science, but because they firmly believe that if the earth is flat, then cats will push everything down, including people.

Probably they understood the earth as a table.

If these weird remarks come from children who are not deeply involved in the world, it will be fine.

However, many people who believe that the earth is flat are adults. It is hard to believe that the United States is the most powerful country in the world.

Rock didn't want to see these absurd things appear in southern Africa, so Rock started to promote public education in Bigwig Town a long time ago, and now it can be regarded as a small achievement.

According to the statistics of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, the enrollment rate of school-age children who have immigrated to southern Africa for more than one year has reached more than 90.00%. outside the system.

Now southern Africa is also working to change this situation. In Nyasaland and Transvaal, where the education system is relatively developed, there are already special schools for these special groups, and the federal governments at all levels will further improve them in the future.

Southern Africa's annexation of the Kingdom of Mozambique has far-reaching consequences.

While cabinet officials in southern Africa were discussing whether Africans in Mozambique should be given national treatment, a denunciation campaign against southern Africa was underway at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, thousands of miles away.

"The Kingdom of Mozambique's referendum to join Southern Africa is a complete joke. This is a conspiracy led by Southern Africa. If we don't stop it, then we have reason to believe that in the near future, Southern Africa will annex West Africa, Congo, and even Madagascar. Southern Africa is becoming a troublemaker in Africa, and the behavior of southern Africa must be stopped." At the plenary meeting of the League of Nations, the French ambassador to the League of Nations, Jules J. Josselin, took the lead in launching the attack. He represented France at the Washington Naval Conference. The Southern African officials headed by Roque are well known.

After Yossaland's speech, the eyes of the delegates were fixed on the faces of Oakland Jeetz, British Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the League of Nations, and Jan Smother, Southern African Representative to the League of Nations.

Yang Smother was smiling, leaning on the back of the chair and looking at Yossalan with gloomy eyes.

The French have deep resentment towards Madagascar's joining the Southern African Union. Yang Smozi can understand the anger of the French, but he cannot accept it.

The fact is that a telegram was sent to Pretoria, asking Ada to remind the French of their arrears.

Oakland Jiez was expressionless, and did not speak to refute Yossalan's meaning.

It is also understandable that the influence of southern Africa is expanding, while the influence of the British Empire is waning. Britain's current attitude towards southern Africa is a bit complicated, a bit of love and fear, and it is understandable for Jets to keep silent.

But it's also unacceptable.

Don't forget that Southern Africa is still part of the Commonwealth of Nations.

"We must stop Southern Africa, otherwise the peace we have won at countless costs will be ruined. I suggest that the League of Nations impose sanctions on Southern Africa. If Southern Africa cannot change its mistakes, then the League of Nations should play its due role." About Seran also didn't expect Jets to speak for him, and instead sought the support of Vittorio Rich and Baron Kijuro Kishihara.

Vittorio was Italian Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the League of Nations, and Baron Kijuro Kijuro was Japanese Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the League of Nations.

Although the United States proposed the establishment of the League of Nations, because the United States did not join the League of Nations, the Executive Yuan of the League of Nations now has only four permanent members, namely Britain, France, Italy, and Japan.

"That's right, the League of Nations shouldn't be a show, we should play our due role!" Baron Kijuro Kishihara's expression was gloomy, and his resentment towards southern Africa was deeper than that of the French.

Japan covets the resources possessed by southern Africa. It was like buying resources from southern Africa a long time ago, but it was a pity that it hit a snag time and time again.

Now the Japanese have understood that southern Africa is not Japan's cooperation partner. In addition, the Anglo-Japanese alliance was completely ended at the Washington Naval Conference, and Japan's attitude towards southern Africa has also begun to become tough.

"How to sanction? Don't buy bananas from southern Africa? We can do it in Italy!" Vittorio watched the excitement, saying that bananas are not a specialty of southern Africa, but dried mangoes are.

"Wahhahahaha——" Yang Smozi laughed viciously. Southern Africa is not sanctioned by anyone who wants to sanction it. It really angered Southern Africa. Southern Africa may impose sanctions on France.

France wants to sanction southern Africa, and it has very few bargaining chips in its hands.

Southern Africa has a lot of bargaining chips in its hands, and asking for debt is only a basic operation. Whether it is economically or military, France asks Southern Africa.

"Arrogant, too arrogant!" Josephine looked at Yang Smother with disgust, like a bull breaking into a china shop.

"Your Excellency Jayz, shouldn't you say something?" Baron Kijuro Kijihara hoped that Oakland Jayz could stop Jan Smother, this is Geneva, this is the Palais des Nations—

"What?" Jets was as innocent as if he had just woken up.

"Gentlemen, first of all, you need to be clear about one thing. It is not that Southern Africa annexed the Kingdom of Mozambique, but that the Kingdom of Mozambique voluntarily joined Southern Africa. How can we in Southern Africa reject the Mozambican people's yearning for a better life?" Yang Smith Zi Yi is strict, first ask if there is any, and then ask why, don't label it as soon as you come up.

"Let the ghosts go, are the Mozambicans crazy, or am I crazy?" Yossalan complained. He didn't make a draft of this lie, and he didn't blush. His psychological quality is really good.

"The referendum of the Mozambicans was definitely not voluntary. There must be a conspiracy." Baron Kijuro Kishihara wanted to make up for it. It seemed that the situation in southern Africa seemed to be over.

"It turns out that the referendum is so fun, it's amazing!" Vittorio gave Yang Smother a thumbs up with an exaggerated expression.

Oakland Jets decided to play dumb and not say a word.

"I don't know if you are crazy or not. The Mozambicans must not have been crazy when they cast their sacred vote——As for whether there is any conspiracy in it, Your Excellency, you can't talk nonsense without evidence—" Yang Smother said face-to-face Unafraid of the siege, he decided to send a telegram to An Qi when he turned around.

There are also a group of Japanese soldiers in the League of Nations peacekeeping force.

The Asia Minor peninsula has not been peaceful recently, and resistance forces have emerged one after another. Except for the mouth of the Black Sea, the mandated territories of various countries in the Asia Minor peninsula have actually existed in name only.

That’s not right, at least the mandated rule of Southern Africa in Asia Minor is still very stable, and those rebel forces dare not make waves in the mandated rule of Southern Africa. Most of the troops stationed in Southern Africa are Gurkhas, and their machetes Still very sharp.

"No matter how you justify, Mr. Smozi, if southern Africa cannot guarantee the independence of the Kingdom of Mozambique, then the League of Nations will impose sanctions on southern Africa. Your behavior must be curbed." Yossalan's beard was trembling, already angry to the extreme.

"The British Empire does not agree to impose sanctions on Southern Africa!" Oakland Jets finally said something human, mostly because imposing sanctions on Southern Africa would affect the honor of the British Empire.

Alas, who made Southern Africa part of the Commonwealth of Nations?

"Will the British Empire also favor southern Africa on this issue?" Baron Kijuro Kishihara fanned the flames.

"Let's vote. As long as half of the votes are agreed, then we can impose sanctions on southern Africa." Yossalan suggested that the half here refers to half of the votes of the permanent members.

"Humph——" Yang Smozi sneered. If there is a vote, France and Japan will definitely agree, and Britain will definitely oppose it whether it wants to or not. Italy's attitude is ambiguous, and most of them will abstain.

Italy also owes southern Africa money, which is quite a lot, hundreds of millions.

"Agreed!" Baron Kijuro Kijuro raised his hand first.

"No—" Oakland Jets hesitated, but still voted against.

"We Italy abstained, it has nothing to do with us—" Vittorio abstained as expected. He did not vote against it, which is already a great deal of face to France.

Italy and France have broad conflicting interests in the Mediterranean, which was evident during the Washington Naval Conference.

"Two votes in favor, one vote against, and one abstention. The resolution to impose sanctions on southern Africa was passed. From now on, we will impose sanctions on southern Africa." Yossalan was triumphant. Although there were some twists and turns, the final result was still good. of.

Then the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Yes, the passage of the resolution is a good thing, and then the question arises, how to impose sanctions on southern Africa?

Arms embargo?

It's useless. Southern Africa doesn't need to buy weapons from abroad at all. Instead, it is the largest arms exporter. Even France has to buy weapons from Southern Africa.

For the same reason, it is not realistic to ban arms exports from southern Africa. The aircraft carrier France purchased from southern Africa has not yet been delivered, but the money has already been paid. If arms exports to southern Africa are banned, it will be in the hands of the southern Africans. Edward Shipyard can It is justifiable to transfer the aircraft carrier that is about to be delivered to the Southern African Navy.

So banning exports of goods from Southern Africa?

It’s also useless. Southern African products have spread all over the world. If nothing else, let’s talk about Lord’s cars. If the League of Nations bans the export of Lord’s cars from southern Africa, I’m afraid the French dignitaries and Japanese nobles will rebel first.

Yossalan never expected that Southern Africa would be like a hedgehog with nowhere to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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