Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1364 Disgusting, plain and simple

Chapter 1364 Disgusting, plain and simple

After the establishment of the League of Nations, it focused on the rescue of refugees, especially the rescue of refugees from the Ottoman Empire. For this reason, the League of Nations issued a total of 15 Nansen passports within two years, and southern Africa also accepted part of them.

The refugees received in Southern Africa are not the same as refugees in the general sense. Among the 1200 refugees received in Southern Africa, nearly half of them have received higher education, mainly in the fields of doctors, teachers, engineers, and artists.

Not long ago, the League of Nations successfully mediated the dispute over the ownership of the Åland Islands between Sweden and Finland. Target southern Africa.

The Åland Archipelago is located at the southern end of the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. It consists of 6554 small islands with an area of ​​590 square miles. Most of the islanders speak Swedish as their mother tongue.

Before 1809, Åland Islands and Finland belonged to Sweden, which was ceded to the Russian Empire after losing the war.

After the World War, Finland became independent, and the Åland Islands hoped to return to Sweden, but was rejected by the Finnish government, and the conflict broke out immediately.

After the League of Nations took over, the "Aland Islands Self-Government Act of Finland" was formed, stipulating that Finland enjoys sovereignty over the Åland Islands and guarantees that the Åland Islands enjoy autonomy, but it is changed to an autonomous province to ensure that residents can use Swedish and preserve their own unique Rights such as cultural customs, which in turn paved the way for future disputes.

If Joseph thinks that since the Nationality Union can mediate disputes between Sweden and Finland, it can impose sanctions on southern Africa, then Joseph is wrong.

"The French government has decided to stop the water supply and power supply to St. Rocco as a sanction against us." Christian laughed. The port facilities of St. Rocco are now basically completed, and supporting facilities such as waterworks and power plants are under construction. Can come up with, one of the few sanctions.

It cannot be said that this sanction is useless at all. Saint-Roch used to be a sand dune, and water resources were extremely scarce. All water supplies depended on French supplies, as did electricity.

After the end of the world war, there was a honeymoon period between southern Africa and France. At that time, the power supply in Dunkirk, France was seriously insufficient, and it still tried its best to provide power supply for Saint-Roch.

"What does the French government say?" Rock did not expect that the relationship between France and southern Africa would deteriorate so quickly.

After King George V bestowed Cyprus to Arthur, there was no serious conflict of interests between southern Africa and France in the Mediterranean. The core interests of southern Africa were in the Indian Ocean, plus the Persian Gulf at most. The garrison in Cyprus could be It is regarded as the second insurance for the United Kingdom to ensure the Suez Canal, and it will not affect the French hegemony in the Mediterranean.

France does not have hegemony in the Mediterranean. France really wants to dominate the Mediterranean, but it was resolutely counterattacked by Britain and Italy. Don’t think that during the World War, Britain and France fought side by side, and the friendship is so deep. When Roque took over as the commander-in-chief of the British Expeditionary Force, Britain But ready to abandon France at any time.

"The French government doesn't seem to know about the news from Leonard—" Christian's answer was unexpected.

According to Rock's understanding of the country, Joseph's identity, what he said and did can basically be regarded as the collective will of the French government.

However, Roque ignored a problem. After all, it is 1921, and the degree of perfection of the government organization cannot be compared with that of the 21st century. The League of Nations is also a newly established organization, and it is normal to make some jokes.

During the World War, the Capet family's influence in France rose sharply and reached its peak after the end of the World War.

The current Capet family has absolute influence in the fields of medical care and education in France. Reynard Capet has accumulated a lot of wealth in just a few years by acting as an agent for southern African goods.

After the revival of the family, the Capet family did not want to repeat the same mistakes. While accumulating wealth, they did not forget to expand the influence of the Capet family. Renard Capet is now a member of the French Parliament and has a close relationship with the current French President Alexandre Millerand. Leonard Capet played an important role in making Alexander Millerand president.

Like the French prime minister, the French presidency is a dangerous profession.

The president who fell off the train resigned shortly thereafter and died of illness two months ago. Alexandre Millerand also dealt with Roque. During the World Wars, Alexandre Millerand served as the French Minister of War. He also stood side by side with Roque. fight.

It's no wonder that after the League of Nations decided to impose sanctions on southern Africa, the French sanctions plan was only to stop water and electricity supply to Saint-Roch.

Japan was very happy. After the League of Nations decided to impose sanctions on southern Africa, Japan immediately announced to reduce the supply of raw silk to southern Africa.

This decision also has little impact on southern Africa. Southern Africa has developed nylon and its demand for raw silk is decreasing. Japan’s decision is a double-edged sword, and the harm it brings to Japan is no less than that of southern Africa.

"Tell Leonard that if a person is not suitable for a certain position, then adjust him to a position that suits him." Rock was in a bad mood. Although the sanctions would not have much impact on southern Africa, the sanctions themselves, The damage has already been done to Southern Africa.

Replace southern Africa with Britain and France, and most of the League of Nations would not dare to impose sanctions.

To put it bluntly, the power is still not strong enough——

Looking back, of course Rock will not let go of some clowns. It is very simple to fight back against France. Asking Ada to collect debts is enough for the French to drink a pot.

Dealing with Japan is a detour. Japan does not owe money to southern Africa.

It's not impossible. Japan's steel mainly relies on buying scrap ships that are about to be dismantled from the United States, dragging them back to Japan, and recasting them.

Although southern Africa doesn't need those scrap steel, it can still cause some troubles for Japan.

About a week later, Mike Carlyle showed up in Hoover's office.

After Hoover was elected President of the United States, he had intentionally appointed Mike Carlyle as Undersecretary of Commerce as a thank you to Mike Carlyle.

Mike Carlyle declined Hoover's invitation. If he didn't join the cabinet, he wouldn't need to be responsible for some bad things. Hoover's evaluation of the presidency was not very good.

"Buying scrap steel? Have you consulted Lord Farwalt? Shall I introduce you to Mr. Andrew Carnegie?" Hoover's expression was broken. Behind the Washington car stood Farwalt Steel Group, the United States There is also Carnegie in the country. Hoover really doesn't understand why Mike Carlisle buys scrap steel.

The cost of recasting scrap steel is higher than that of blast furnace ironmaking. The Japanese cannot buy ore, so they have to buy scrap steel. Will the Nyasaland Automobile Group be short of steel?

Be funny!

If Hoover knew the world's three largest iron mines, and Rock had two of them, then Hoover would be even more collapsed.

The last one has not been found yet.

"Of course not. The Nyasaran Automobile Group will never lack steel, and we don't need to recast it. The League of Nations absolutely imposed sanctions on southern Africa a few days ago. Japan voted for it. The Lord is very angry. The consequences are very serious—— "Mike Carlisle was also helpless. Wilson proposed the great "Fourteen Points", but the United States did not join the League of Nations.

So many things are just so ridiculous.

"Oh oh oh, you want to raise the price—" Hoover is also very good at crooked ways, otherwise he wouldn't be a slave owner to make money, so he immediately understood what Mike Carlisle meant.

"Yes, with the participation of our Nyasaran Automobile Group, the American shipping company should be grateful to us." Mike Carlisle smiled. The Americans are rich and powerful, and they built half of the battleships. The Japanese don't give up the opportunity to collect junk, and the bosses of shipping companies are even more extravagant. Those ships that are about to be demolished are sold to the Japanese as junk, and many of them will not be dismantled after they are dragged to Japan. Repair them It can barely be used for another ten or twenty years.

"Hahahaha, okay, how about I set up a poker game another day?" The poker game Hoover was talking about wasn't mahjong, but Texas Hold'em.

This Texas Hold'em is not the Texas Hold'em that is dealt online, but real sports, the kind that competes for brainpower.

"No problem, my poker skills have improved so much recently, I'm sure to kill everyone!" Mike Carlisle readily agreed.

Another week later, Ito Steel Co., Ltd. was notified by the American Shipping Association that the price of scrap ships sold by companies affiliated to the Shipping Association will increase by 20.00%.

"Why?" Ito Matsu, the general manager of Ito Steel Co., Ltd., came to the office of the American Association of Shipping in San Francisco as quickly as possible.

"Because Augustus gave a higher price, I'm sorry, but the current price is like this." Dalton Howard, director of the Shipping Association, was triumphant. In the past, no one wanted it, and the old ships could only be sold for sale. The price of scrap iron is sold, and now it is different, and there is competition and there is harvest.

"Augustus—" Ito Matsu racked his brains, but he didn't think of this company.

Unexpectedly, of course, Mike Carlisle's driver's surname is Augustus, and this company was just established a few days ago.

"Yes, Augustus Company——Mr. Augustus is the driver of Mr. Mike Carlisle. He established a company, hoping to cooperate with our shipping association at a higher price." Howard haha Laugh, since the Japanese are disgusting, then we must make the Japanese disgusting clearly.

"Who is Mike Carlisle?" It can't be blamed for Ito Matsu's lack of information. There are too many people with names like Mike, Tom, and Jackson in the United States.

Howard doesn't explain, want to know?

Go back and think slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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