Chapter 1366

In today's Japan, you can buy the whole of Japan in the United States without the housing price in Tokyo.

After the successful research and development of nylon, Japan's raw silk exports were almost cut in half, which was a devastating blow to Japanese industry. Japan could only barely maintain its competitiveness by stepping up plundering of neighboring countries.

In any case, Itomatsu never imagined that he was just a dispensable tool man in the eyes of Mike Carlisle and Spike Dalton, who could be abandoned at any time, which dealt a serious blow to Itomatsu's self-esteem.

Leaving Asia and entering Europe, leaving Asia and entering Europe, Japan has been tossing for so many years, but it is still not accepted by Europe and the United States. Looking at Mike Carlyle and Spike Dalton, who are chatting and laughing, Ito Matsu feels sad.

"If possible, I would like to have a chat with Mr. Picoll of Adan Company. There is not only competition between Mobil Oil and Adan Company, but also room for cooperation." Spike Dalton He doesn't care about Ito Matsu's entrustment. The reason why he is willing to help Ito Matsu is mainly because he also has demands.

The general manager of Adan's branch in the United States is called Simpson Pickle. He comes from a poor British noble family and has received a good education. Such people are very popular in the United States, and Adan is very good at taking advantage of these relationships.

Mobil Oil is the only one in the United States, and Adan is invincible in Europe. There is extensive competition between the two companies.

For the Elizabeth Oilfield owned by Adan Company, Mobil Petroleum coveted it. A long time ago, Mobil Oil hoped to jointly develop oil along the Persian Gulf with Adan Company, but Adan Company resolutely refused.

The coast of the Persian Gulf is the territory of Adan Company, and no one is allowed to intervene.

Just like Mobil Oil's attitude towards the Pennsylvania oil fields.

The difference is that after decades of development in the Pennsylvania oilfield, the output and quality have deteriorated greatly.

The oil production along the coast of the Persian Gulf is high-quality, high-quality, and low-cost, so Adan Company has the capital to initiate a price war with Mobil Oil.

"Okay, I'll invite Simpson to get together some other day, and you'd better invite Mr. Ford as well." Mike Carlisle also made a request. Washington Motors is launching a strong challenge to Ford Motors, and Ford Motors is under a lot of pressure.

Before Nyasaran Motor entered the United States, the supply of Ford Model T was in short supply. Although some other car brands appeared in the United States, none of them could pose a real threat to Ford Motor.

Washington Motor is different from other American car brands. With stronger performance, richer colors and shapes, wider use environment, and lower price, Ford Motor is facing a major crisis. If Ford Motor cannot take the initiative to do If there is no change, it is tantamount to handing over the market to others.

Mike Carlisle's intention is obvious, there is competition to develop, but competition should be controlled within a healthy range.

To put it bluntly, it is the kingly way for everyone to unite and make money together. Dominance by one company is not conducive to the healthy development of the industry. Ford should face the challenge correctly.

"Yes, we have a good relationship with Ford, but you have to be careful, I heard that old Ford is not in a good mood recently—" Spike Dalton promised to help, but he did not guarantee the effect.

Washington Motors have not yet been officially launched, and Ford's sales growth rate has begun to slow down, which was almost unimaginable before.

Now Ford Motor has also begun to learn from Washington Motors, advertised in newspapers and magazines, and began to consider upgrading the Model T.

However, this will definitely increase the cost of the Model T, and the price must be increased to ensure profits.

And price is the core competitiveness of Ford Model T. Once the price advantage is lost, the prospect of Ford Model T will be bleak, and it is no wonder that the old Ford will be in a better mood.

"The market is not static, so the product cannot be static. Americans are tired of the black Model T Ford. Even if Ford is eliminated from the market, it is not because of Washington Motors, but because of Ford Motor itself." Mike Carlisle With an impassive expression, the Ford Model T has barely changed in the 1908 years since its debut in 13.

It is undeniable that Ford Motor has made great contributions to the popularization of automobiles.

However, as a giant in the industry, Ford should always focus on user needs and improve the Model T, so that the Model T can better meet the needs of users to continuously improve their products.

Instead of relying on low prices to monopolize the market, ignoring user needs, and attacking competitors as it is now.

Spike Dalton finally fell silent. The problems faced by Ford Motor, Mobil Oil is also going through. Like Ford facing the challenge of Washington Motors, Mobil Oil is also facing the strong impact of Adan Company. Southern Africa and the United States have signed After a series of cooperation agreements, this kind of competition will intensify. It is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse.

After the meeting with Spike Dalton, Mike Carlisle returned to the apartment in the car driven by Augustus.

"Go back to rest early, be careful during this time, you are already a big celebrity—" Mike Carlisle kindly reminded, Augustus is not only Mike Carlisle's driver, but also Mike Carlisle's personal bodyguard.

"Don't worry, if the dwarves dare to trouble me, I'll throw them all into the Pacific Ocean." Augustus patted his strong biceps to show his strength.

Mike Carlisle laughed and didn't take it seriously.

Augustus did not stop at Mike Carlisle's apartment and drove away directly.

Augustus is a Slav, 30 years old, single, physically strong, and likes to exercise. He lives not far from Mike Carlyle's apartment. Half an hour later, Augustus appeared at the downstairs of his apartment In the tavern.

The tavern was built in the basement below the apartment building. The environment was dark and the facilities were not good, but the atmosphere was very good, which fit the temperament of Augustus.

"Joe, bring me a glass of golden liquid." Augustus greeted the bartender skillfully. It was the period of "Prohibition", and whiskey could only be bought in such a dark basement.

"Ivan, you are going to be famous, and many people are asking about you today." The bartender's operations were all carried out under the counter, mixing several different unknown liquids, and his movements were skillful and covert.

"Really, who are they?" The Augustus people are rough-looking, but delicate in mind.

That's for sure, if it's just that Kongwu is powerful, Augustus is not qualified to be Mike Carlisle's driver.

The requirements of the driver are much higher than those of the bodyguard.

The bartender didn't speak, just looked at Augustus with a smile.

Augustus understood instantly, took out a dollar coin and put it on the bar counter and pushed it towards the bartender.

"There are two short guys with wretched expressions—" The bartender gently stroked the bar with a towel, as if wiping the bar, and the coins disappeared with the bartender's movements.

Augustus smiled and took a sip of the whiskey.

No need for too much information, "short stature" has it all.

Don't think that white people are so tall these days. Without enough nutrition, no matter how good the genes are, they can't grow taller. What's more, the genes of human beings are similar, and the height of the bartender is only less than 1.6 meters.

Can be despised by people less than 1.6 meters as "short stature", you can imagine how short it is.

By the way, Augustus is about 1.8 meters tall.

"No, they're coming—" the bartender reminded Augustus in a low voice for the sake of a dollar.

Augustus looked back and saw that they were indeed two dwarfs, at most 1.4 meters and 1.5 meters tall.

"Mr. Qiao, good evening—" The dwarf was very polite, and even bowed when he greeted him. It was really awkward for such a polite person to appear in such an environment.

With their height, no wonder they are impressive.

"Good evening, gentlemen—" Jo picked up a bottle of milk.


Can you believe that milk is sold in bars!

"No, no, no, we're already off work, and today we're going to try some more exciting flavors." The two dwarves stood proudly on the round stool in front of the bar——

It's a pity that my feet couldn't reach the ground, and I laughed instantly.

The smile on Joe's face instantly went up to a new level. If it was only 40 points just now, it is now 60.

Then Joe repeated what he had just done.


While Joe was mixing drinks, the two dwarves finally noticed Augustus beside him.

"Sir, good evening—" A dwarf greeted with guarded eyes.

"Good evening—" Augustus drank the whiskey and put the glass on the bar: "Goodbye, Joe—"

"Goodbye—" Joe cleverly didn't call Augustus by name.

"Wait—" a dwarf called Augustus.

Augustus did not speak, but looked at the dwarf with calm eyes.

"Why don't you stay and have another drink?" The dwarf took out his wallet and offered to pay, his eyes always on Augustus's face: "My treat——"

"No, I wish you all a good time." Augustus waved his hand and walked out without looking back.

"Wait—" Another dwarf reached out to pull Augustus.

Augustus suddenly half-turned and punched the dwarf hard in the face.

The little man fainted without saying a word.

Before the other dwarf had time to jump off the round stool, Augustus directly grabbed the collar and lifted him up from the round stool.

"Bastard—" the dwarf raised his foot to kick Augustus.

Unexpectedly, before the feet were lifted, they were lifted above the head by Augustus.

"Go to hell!" As Augustus roared, the dwarf was slammed heavily on the round stool by Augustus.

click -

Bones snapping could be heard throughout the bar.

The dwarf slumped on the round stool in a strange posture, like a snake whose bones had been taken out.

"Joe, you saw that they did it first!" Augustus was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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