Chapter 1367 Francis Stan

Ito Matsu explained afterwards that Ito Matsu didn't know the two dwarfs in the bar at all.

This explanation is not convincing, just like the plot in "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth", there is no need for investigation, the two dwarfs are both Japanese, which in itself can explain a lot of problems.

Augustus shot very hard, and two Japanese were killed and one injured. Augustus was taken back to the police station by the police that night to assist in the investigation, and he left at noon the next day.

Yes, although Augustus just killed someone, but he does not need to be responsible for it. The bartender and the drinkers in the bar can prove that two Japanese tried to attack Augustus. Augustus was Forced to fight back.

The United States is very lenient in its definition of justifiable defense.

"Did they mistreat you?" Am Baker, an attorney with Washington Motor Co.'s legal department, took Augustus away from the police station after paying $150 bail.

Yep, for only $150, Augustus isn't a felony.

"The police? Not at all—but two guys in the cell tried to grab my watch, but I gave them a hard lesson." Augustus smiled innocently, and now he has returned to being harmless to humans and animals. look.

However, Augustus's strong body, combined with his big beard, is still very intimidating.

Oh, and he's still bald.

It's almost like getting "I'm the bad guy" tattooed on your face.

"You hit hard enough. Those two guys died and the other was injured. The injured guy is still lying in the hospital and hasn't woken up." Eminem habitually sat in the co-pilot, and Augustus started the car skillfully.

"It's because those two guys didn't fight, I feel like they didn't try their best." Augustus still had something to say, and not many people dared to challenge Augustus.

"Bringing this in the future will save a lot of trouble—" Eminem handed Augustus an ID.

Augustus took it, an ID from Amazon Security.

"With this, you can carry a weapon with you, and if anyone dares to provoke you, just shoot directly—" Eminem said lightly.

"Amazon? Never heard of—" Augustus muttered.

"It was just established—" Eminem smiled, Amazon was indeed just established.

The security firm Washington previously used was Delta, which was established in Egypt.

Like Umbrella, Delta also has a strong British background. It is not very popular in the United States, and its business promotion is not smooth.

So Amazon, registered in New York, came into being.

"This sign is so ugly!" Augustus couldn't help complaining.

Amazon's logo is a poisonous snake wrapped around a sharp sword, which looks very aggressive and makes people shudder.

Just as Augustus was leaving the police station, the car in which Reynard Capet arrived in San Rocco.

The current San Roque, the port area plus the main city, covers an area of ​​about 45 square kilometers. If the private territories around San Roque are added, the total area will reach more than 200 square kilometers.

"Although Germany was defeated, the Germans did not surrender. In the foreseeable future, there will be another war between France and Germany. At that time, the Germans who have learned the lesson from the previous time will defeat France at an extremely fast speed. We have to I have been prepared, and I have decided to move to San Roque to live, at least when the danger comes, I will not be helpless.” Renault Capet’s car is still sitting in Renault’s head Luis Renault, Renault is not It does not only produce cars, but is a multinational giant involved in industries such as industry, military industry, commerce, finance and real estate.

"It's alarmist. It is impossible for Germany to defeat France quickly. They don't have this strength. The Maginot Line will play its due role." Louis Renault still has illusions about France.

Almost at the same time that the Treaty of Versailles was signed, France launched the Maginot Line.

Before World War I, France built a strong defense line on the French-German border to defend against German attacks.

The smart Germans were not fooled, but took a detour to Belgium, preferring to attack the fortress known for its strongness, rather than attacking the fortresses built by France on the French-German border.

After the end of the World War, France did not seem to have learned the lesson. It still stubbornly built fortifications on the French-German border, upgraded the previous fortresses to the Maginot Line, and hoped to use the Maginot Line to prevent Germany from attacking.

"The Maginot Line will not play its due role at all, unless the Franco-Belgian border is also covered. Thinking about the world war that just passed, the fortifications we built on the Franco-German border did not play their due role. .” Leonard Capet is not alarmist either.

In the past two years, the Nyasaland Army Academy has conducted many war games in Europe. Considering the continuous application of new weapons, the advance speed of the troops is very different from that in the world war just past.

In the world war that just passed, the average advance speed of troops was only about 5 kilometers a day and night, and most of the time this data could not be reached.

The current army in southern Africa is already equipped with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles. Coupled with the assistance of the air force, the ground forces can advance more than 50 kilometers per day on average.

Paris is less than 300 kilometers away from the French-German border. In theory, German armored forces can reach Paris within a day starting from Germany.

"There will always be a solution when the time comes—" Louis Renault's attitude was relatively negative, instead of actively solving the problem, he pinned his hopes on others.

"What way, invite the southern African troops to enter France to assist in the defense now? Ha, in that case, what is the need for France to exist!" Leonard Capet's words were sad, if it was not forced, Leonard Capet They are also unwilling to relocate to San Roque.

While speaking, the car drove into the outskirts of San Rocco after two inspections.

The outer urban areas here are actually private territories. After France and Belgium decided to give Saint-Roch to southern Africa, Stoudemire, Christian, and Leonard Capet bought all the land around Saint-Roch and turned these lands into Private areas, considered part of San Roque.

Although it is only on the periphery, it can already be seen that the urban style is completely different from that of big French cities such as Paris and Marseille.

Nowadays, Paris and Marseille don’t have much urban planning at all. With narrow streets and poor urban construction, there are not many streets that can be seen in the whole city. Every rainy day is even more catastrophic, and the whole city will become a mess. There are swamps, garbage everywhere, sewage flowing across the river, slums are next to the rich area, and the vegetable market is opposite the palace.

Saint-Roch, even in the periphery, compared with big cities like Paris and Marseille, the concept does not know how many dimensions are advanced.

The first is the wide streets, which have become a hallmark of almost every city in southern Africa.

Followed by comprehensive facilities for the convenience of the people, as well as street gardens that can be seen everywhere.

There are almost no sidewalks on the street. Instead, there are overpasses that cross the street every two to three hundred meters. There must be overpasses at larger intersections. Police are on duty at almost every intersection. All pedestrians and vehicles must Driving on the left, orderly and non-interfering with each other, all this is a new experience in the eyes of Luis Renault.

What surprised Louis Renault was that towering trees with a height of more than 20 to [-] meters can be seen everywhere on both sides of the streets of Saint-Roch. Such trees are rare in France, and they must have been purchased with a lot of money from other places.

"Southern Africa spared no effort in building St. Rocco, and we also gave Canada part of the Vimy Ridge. As a result, Canadians have nothing to say now, and they don't take our goodwill seriously at all—" Leonard Ka Pey laughed out loud. In fact, the Canadians cannot be blamed. After the end of the World War, the life of the Canadian colonial government was not easy.

"In order to build San Roque, the southern Africans blew up all the rocky mountains and moved all the sand dunes to the seaside one by one basket by basket. Now San Roque has almost the most beautiful beaches in Europe. These trees are transported thousands of miles from Africa. Here, each plant is worth thousands of francs." Reynard Capet sarcastically said that they were also democratic governments, and what the French government did was far from the federal government of Southern Africa.

"This doesn't mean anything—" Louis Renault said stiffly. He knew that the French government was not good enough, but he would never admit that the Southern African Federal Government was better than the French government.

While talking, the car finally drove into San Roque.

The sentinel at the entrance of the main road just glanced at Leonard Capet's license plate number and let him go, not caring who was in Leonard Capet's car.

"Southern Africa is too proud, and this level of security is useless." Louis Renault was picky,-this is actually not a major mistake, the relationship between Leonard Capet and Rock is very special, and the "loose" "Only for Leonard Capet's personal car, other vehicles still have to go through a lot of twists and turns if they want to enter San Rocco.

"Hahahaha——" Leonard Capet looked up to the sky and laughed. The French are qualified to say that others are loose?

It's funny.

This is actually not funny. How should I put it? In France, although the French are very loose, the French leaders are very aware of urgency. They know that the French are unreliable, so they have to prepare early.

Immediately after the end of the World War, France promptly released preferential policies for new immigrants.

This preferential policy was not aimed at the French colonies, but at the mainland of France. This was unique among all countries. At that time, a considerable number of officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force were attracted by the French immigration policy and then stayed in France.

Unlike other countries, France's immigration preferential policies are not only aimed at whites, but also other people of color. Even if Africans immigrate to France, France will accept them with open arms.

This is also the root of Franciscan.

(End of this chapter)

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