Chapter 1379 Coward

The "Washington Naval Treaty" stipulates that the standard for capital ships is to have a displacement of more than 203 tons and a main gun with a caliber of more than [-] mm.

The heavy cruiser of the "Kimberley" level is just below this standard line, with a full load displacement of 9600 tons and a main gun with a caliber of 203.

With this level of caliber, even if the naval gun technology in southern Africa originated from the United Kingdom, it is relatively powerful, and the damage to the battleship "Queen Elizabeth" is extremely limited.

Regarding the "live ammunition", neither Roque nor John de Robek discovered it immediately. By the time Roque and John de Robek received the report, "Kimberley" had already completed the review.

That is to say, neither Roque nor John de Robeck noticed that they had already walked through the gate of hell.

"What's going on?" John de Robek didn't think that "Kimberly" used live ammunition on purpose, but even if it was a mistake, the facts reflected in this incident were shocking.

"I don't know either—" Rock was also at a loss. This matter is probably an oolong. If so, then he should be held accountable.

It is really unreasonable to make such an oolong during the review.

Out of the corner of his eye, Rock noticed that the expressions of the Royal Navy officers on the bridge of the HMS Queen Elizabeth, including John de Robeck, were a little weird.

It is also to blame that Southern Africa has been too high-profile during this period. It is also a battleship and an aircraft carrier, and it seems to have become a naval power.

As a result, the Southern African Navy had such a big oolong in a simple ship review, and it felt like being seen through their underwear for a while.

"Ask Barton what's going on." Rock's face was ugly.

But it's a good thing to think about it again. After such an oolong, the strength of the Southern African Navy will definitely drop a level in the eyes of the Royal Navy, and the threat will also decrease accordingly.

Fitch led away, and Rock continued to focus on the ship review.

Passing in front of the battleship "Queen Elizabeth" is the hospital ship "Peace", a meritorious hospital ship that played an important role during the World Wars.

The United Kingdom also refitted two hospital ships during the World War, but the facilities were relatively simple, and they could only deal with some common trauma, and there was no operating room for emergency surgery.

The "Peace" hospital ship not only has a well-equipped operating room, but also is equipped with an advanced X-ray room, and the hospital beds are graded to provide better care for the wounded.

Rock originally wanted to emphasize this point, give John de Robeck a good introduction to the "Peace" hospital ship, and downplay the aggressiveness of the southern African navy.

As a result, this kind of oolong came out, and without Rock's introduction, John de Robek began to ask about the situation of the "Peace" hospital ship.

From John de Robeck's point of view, the southern African navy, which is so amateurish, must not be used in combat. In terms of assistance, the southern African navy can still play a role.

"The 'Peace' hospital ship has a full load displacement of 550 tons. It was refitted from a transport ship. It has 230 beds and is equipped with [-] medical staff. We have already begun research on a hospital ship that is specially used for medical treatment. Some hospital ships are being replaced." Rock seemed to be in a bad mood, obviously affected by the oolong incident just now.

"Locke, don't worry too much about it. It took hundreds of years for the Royal Navy to reach its current level—" John de Robek meant a lot. A century-old navy is not a joke, it takes time to accumulate and settle.

Rock smiled and said nothing. It took hundreds of years for the British to build the Royal Navy, but it took only a few decades for the United States to develop from the Great White Fleet to more than 100 aircraft carriers.

The national conditions are different, and the methods are naturally different.

Rock admitted that the Royal Navy is still strong, but not unattainable.

After the ship review, Rock returned to the base and immediately called Patton over to ask about the results of the investigation.

"We replenished some shells after we arrived at Whale Bay. The soldiers made a mistake and stuffed the training shells into the gun chambers as empty shells—that's it—" Barton looked sad. Fortunately, this was a training shell. If it was a high-explosive shell or Armor-piercing projectiles, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Be careful, gentlemen, this incident has sounded the alarm for us, and we must resolutely prevent similar incidents from happening again." Needless to say, Rock was too ruthless, and he didn't need a heavy hammer to beat the drum. Rock still trusted Barton.

Rock didn't say this to Barton alone. Don Juan, Jackson Marshall, and several light cruiser captains were all present.

In the recent period, with the trial of battleships, the aircraft carrier has also begun to lay the keel. Some people in the southern African navy are indeed a little bit drifting. They probably feel that with the battleship and aircraft carrier, the southern African navy will be able to rank among the world's first-class.

This kind of thinking is unacceptable. Confidence is a good thing. If you are full of confidence, you will be arrogant. The southern African navy is not yet qualified to be proud.

"Yes!" The captains responded in unison, and this time the atmosphere was very serious.

In the evening, Rock held a dinner at the naval base to entertain officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy from afar.

The dinner was held in the auditorium of the naval base. In order to provide better services to the officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy, the base invited chefs from major hotels in Whale Bay to provide guests with a variety of southern African specialties.

In fact, it is a variety of Eastern and Western snacks, plus some seafood and fruits, all of which are special products of southern Africa.

The wine provided at the dinner party is very rich, there are dozens of types, and the guests are free to enjoy it.

"Southern Africa is indeed rich in products. Abandoning southern Africa is definitely a great loss for the British Empire." John de Robek, dressed in military uniform, was full of praise for the wines produced in Cape Town.

"When the British Empire abandoned southern Africa, southern Africa was still full of ruins—" Rock admitted that southern Africa was rich in products, but the rich products required people to work hard. During the African period, the special products of southern Africa were fruits and game. During the period of the Boers, the special products of southern Africa were beef and wool. In the current southern Africa, the real special products are airplanes and automobiles.

It is completely a qualitative leap.

"When are you going to annex Madagascar?" John de Robek didn't ask about West Africa and the two Congos, but he was quite concerned about Madagascar.

Yes, Madagascar used to be a French colony. Unfortunately, France has been tossing for decades, but it has not made the Madagascars succumb.

If Southern Africa annexed Madagascar, it would be a slap in the face to the French.

"It's difficult. Just look at how embarrassed the French are in Madagascar, and you know how difficult it is to annex Madagascar." Rock and John de Robek can still say some truth.

Now that the British Empire is in a state of strategic contraction and unable to expand externally, it would be a good thing if Southern Africa can expand externally. After all, Southern Africa is also a Commonwealth of Nations. The expansion of Southern Africa will also increase the influence of the British Empire.

"Learn from the Americans and kill all the natives of Madagascar—the French are too weak, so they can't conquer Madagascar—" John de Robeck's words made Rock shudder, Madagascar has millions of natives, kill them all Light?

Don't doubt, the British Empire can really do this kind of thing.

Think of barbed wire and concentration camps during the Boer War—

And Kitchener's "scorched earth policy" is not inferior to the devil's "three lights".

It is said that the United States is also a country mainly composed of British immigrants, Anglo-Saxon——

Ha ha.

Rock shook his head and was about to speak, when there was a sudden quarrel in the corner of the hall.

"Unprofessional is unprofessional, irrefutable—even if your southern African navy has battleships and aircraft carriers, you can only use them to salvage sardines. If you calm down and listen, you will definitely hear the wailing of those battleships and aircraft carriers— —”

Rock was surprised, who is this, talking like reciting poetry, and it rhymes——

"That's enough William, you've had too much to drink, go back and rest—" someone persuaded.

"I'm not, I'm sober, don't stop me, I'm going to teach these poor bastards a deep lesson!" The drunk guy has no self-control, and the dinner has just started to drink like this, the British wine culture is indeed Well-deserved reputation.

Britain may be the country with the most addicts in the world.

The "addiction" of alcohol addiction.

The introduction of the "Prohibition of Alcohol" in the United States has a lot to do with the alcoholism of the British. Walking on the streets of the UK, drunk people can be seen everywhere. If you drink too much, you can go home and sleep, but the British are drunk. Afterwards, I love to make trouble, and call it wine culture——


As long as the culture related to "alcohol" can be classified as dross.

Before Roque could speak, John de Robek rushed over in a rage.

In the crowd, a Royal Navy officer whose face was red and smelled of wine, and who could not stand still was talking nonsense.

The faces of several southern African naval officers beside him, including Patton, were ashen. The words of the Royal Navy officer were like a sharp sword, piercing into Patton's heart.

"Send him back to the ship, and when he sobers up tomorrow, I need a reasonable explanation from him." John de Robek sent the man away, otherwise he would probably be beaten by a group of people in a while.

Naval officers are usually irritable, especially Royal Navy officers. After all, the Royal Navy has been strong for hundreds of years, and it is very common in the Royal Navy to be arrogant and arrogant.

"Yes sir!" The drunken William didn't forget to salute after seeing John de Robek, and then he saw Rock, with a mocking smile on his face.

The sober naval officer at the scene didn't give this guy a chance to commit crimes, and directly picked him up and took him away.

"Let go of me, you cowards—mmmm—"

"I'm sorry Locke, when William sobers up, he will personally apologize to you—" John de Robek was also very helpless, William had a badge with a complicated pattern embroidered on his collar, probably a descendant of a certain nobleman.

(End of this chapter)

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