Chapter 1380

Although the drunk was taken away, his voice still echoed above the banquet hall.


Poor thing!


These words were like sharp swords, piercing the hearts of all the southern African naval soldiers present.

"Remember the feelings of this moment, don't repeat the same mistakes - don't let people despise us - don't give others the opportunity to laugh at us - prove with your profession and attitude that you are worthy of this uniform -" Rock's voice Not tall, his firm gaze passed over the faces of all the southern African naval officers present.

Barton pursed his lips hard, the corners of his mouth trembling slightly, and his body stood up straight, like a javelin.

Rock patted Barton on the shoulder, turned his head to John de Robeck and smiled, "It doesn't matter, we were all young once, who wouldn't make a mistake when they were young—"

This was also for Barton.

Unlike Rock, Barton basically didn't suffer many setbacks in the process of growing up. Smooth sailing is not necessarily a good thing for Barton.

This incident will definitely become a stain on Button's career, but as long as he can survive this test, Button will definitely be able to go further and more steadily.

"Locke, I'm starting to believe what you said now. The Southern African Navy will definitely be a strong navy." John de Robeck knew the importance of an inclusive leader to a group.

The next day, the exercise officially began.

Rock did not stay to participate in the exercise, and left Walvis Bay early in the morning, returning to Pretoria.

Something happened to the Kingdom of Congo, some of them were loyal to Lu Taitai and disapproved of the Kingdom of Congo’s joining the Southern African Union. They raised the anti-flag in Mbandaka in the north of the Kingdom of Congo, claiming to separate from the Kingdom of Congo and rebuild the Congo Free State.

"The leader of the rebel army is a man named Vanet who participated in the world war. He just returned to the Kingdom of Congo from Europe not long ago. We have evidence in our hands that Vanet received a large amount of supplies from the French colonies. I have ordered the first, The Second Infantry Division is ready for combat and is ready to go to Mbandaka to suppress the rebellion at any time." Martin was murderous, and when Rock could not concentrate on the work of the Ministry of Defense and Derek Dodd's health deteriorated sharply, Martin now has a huge increase in power.

Further north of the Kingdom of Congo is the French colony.

It is also normal for France to support Vane. This is France's revenge for Southern Africa's absorption of Madagascar into the Southern African Union.

"First block the border between the Kingdom of Congo and the French colony, and cut off Vane's assistance from the French colony." Rock drew his salary from the bottom. With the strength of the rebel army, without the intervention of external forces, it would not take long for him to collapse.

"Mumu is carrying out a major cleansing in the Kingdom of Congo, and it is said that hundreds of people have died." Martin looked solemn, and the rebellion in Vane had something to do with Mumu's purge.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, after Mu Mu came to power, he would definitely cleanse the people loyal to Lu Taitai to make room for his direct descendants.

There is nothing to blame for this. If it were Rock, Rock would have no choice.

But Mumu is obviously not skilled enough in cleaning, so Wanei has the chance to rebel.

If Mumu knew how Southern Africa dealt with the Freiburg rebels, then I believe Mumu could do better.

"Don't care about him, this is the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Congo, send a telegram to Mumu, asking him to prepare to cooperate with us and say something to Mu-mu?" Rock was really speechless about these place names in Africa.

"M-B-D-Ka--" Martin paused.

"Go back and tell Mumu to replace the place names with more normal place names as much as possible." Rock is demanding, and cultural invasion is also a part of assimilation.

In fact, Mumu has done a very good job. After Lu Taitai abdicated, Mumu changed the capital of the Kingdom of Congo to Matilda, and the intention is self-evident.

The capital of the Kingdom of Congo was called Leopoldville during the Congo Free State period. After the establishment of the Kingdom of Congo, Lu Taitai changed the name of Leopoldville to Kinshasa. This is the second time Leopoldville has been renamed in ten years.

Just when Roque decided to send troops to Mbandaka to suppress the rebellion, a deal was in progress in a jungle camp on the banks of the Congo River 3000 kilometers away from Pretoria.

"Urdu, my friend, it's good to see you." A short, fat white man and an African hugged each other tightly. There were dozens of white mercenaries with live ammunition around the camp, and hundreds of African soldiers on the other side of the river. The same is waiting.

"Parker, I hope you brought what Vanne wanted, otherwise Vanne's anger will definitely burn you to ashes—" Urdu looked arrogant, with his head held up and his expression arrogant, like the king of the jungle.

"Ha ha ha ha - of course, I am the reputable and omnipotent Parker, have you brought what I want?" The ridicule in Parker's eyes was fleeting, and doing business with these Africans has to endure Their bumbling.

In the words of southern Africa, these Africans who have become rich or have a relatively high status are indeed "pretending".

Urdu smiled, and gave the followers behind him a look.

The attendant casually threw a cloth bag to Parker's feet.

"Damn—light—" Parker's exaggerated expression was like a heart attack.

The cloth bag contained half a bag of rough diamonds, the kind of diamonds that had just been dug out of the ground and had not been further processed.

Parker picked up one, which was about the size of a pigeon egg.

The so-called pigeon egg diamonds are not really as big as pigeon eggs.

Although the diamond in Parker's hand is large, it will be further reduced in size after being processed and polished. It would be good to have a five or six carats in the end. Generally speaking, a diamond of more than five carats can be called a "pigeon egg".

"How?" Urdu was domineering. He didn't know the value of these diamonds very well, and he didn't want to know.

For Africans, diamonds are more beautiful stones. If it is not for jewelry companies to give diamonds some special meaning, the value of diamonds and other stones is not much different.

In Kimberley, only colored diamonds were worth some money in the early days, and those colorless diamonds, no matter how pure they were, no one wanted them.

Everyone knows what happened later. With the popularization of the slogan "Diamonds are forever, one piece will last forever", colorless diamonds have also begun to be sought after.

"Not bad, not bad—" Parker was dazzled after reading one after another.

"Of course, we are not some treacherous white people who sell us old weapons that are badly worn out and are about to become obsolete as new weapons—" Urdu's expression was gloomy, and the meaning in his words was obvious.

"Hahaha—how is it possible——" Parker didn't care, he still had the ability to do it himself.

Following Parker's whistle, a motorboat drove over from a distance.

"You don't believe me?" Urdu was very angry. Parker was obviously wary of Urdu. In the primeval forest, it's so normal to be black and white.

"Urdu, my friend, you have gained my trust now." Parker sneered, Urdu looked like a criminal.

The motorboat was full of wooden boxes, and as soon as it stopped on the shore, Urdu couldn't wait to board the boat.

The wooden box was full of French army standard Lebel rifles, which were brand new and smelled of gun oil.

"Why not Lee Enfield?" Urdu was annoyed that the Congolese troops had used Lee Enfields throughout the world wars and had never used Lebel rifles.

"Without Lee Enfield, the Lebel rifle is more advanced than Lee Enfield. You will know after using it. I promise, you will fall in love with Lebel." Parker smiled, that's all, love it or not.

"Our troops are used to Lee Enfield and have never used the Lebel rifle. This will have a serious impact on the troops." Ur is not tempted by Parker. Lebel rifle is more advanced than Lee Enfield?I'm afraid Parker himself doesn't believe it.

If Ur knew that these Lebel rifles were still the old-fashioned single-shot Lebel, Ur would be even angrier.

"It doesn't matter. Each rifle comes with 50 rounds of ammunition. You just need to let the soldiers get used to it for a few days, and they will get used to it." Parker turned around and left after getting the diamond. Do you really think that France sincerely supports the Congolese against the tyranny in southern Africa?

Don't be ridiculous, it's no wonder that these scattered soldiers can beat the southern African army armed to the teeth.

I am afraid that these Africans will disperse as soon as the southern African army arrives. Even if they are given the best weapons, they will not be able to play the role of weapons.

Parker was impressed by the performance of the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World Wars.

The current southern African army is more professional than it was during the World War, with more advanced weapons and more adequate logistics. How do these African rebels fight?Headshot?

"Bastard, come back to me—" Urdu was furious.

"Urdu, don't take my politeness as weakness—" Parker turned half-turned with a grim expression.

Urdu was speechless for a moment.

Africans are still weak in their bones when facing whites.

It is true that they have been enslaved for hundreds of years, and their servility has been deeply rooted. If it were 20 years ago in the Congo Free State, if Urdu scolded Parker, it might lead to the massacre of the entire ethnic group.

Looking at Urdu who was dodging his eyes, Parker sneered and disappeared into the dense forest with the white gunman.

Urdu let out a long sigh, and called the African soldiers on the other side of the river to come and unload the goods. Having weapons is not everything. When the bullets are always finished, they still need to make a deal with the French.

Urdu also knew that trading with the French was seeking skin from a tiger, but Urdu had no choice.

Less than half of the cargo had just been unloaded, when the sound of a motorboat engine suddenly came from afar.

"The water police are here, it's the Southern African water police—" With the sound of the sentinel's warning, the river bank immediately became a mess.

"Speed ​​up, fast, fast, fast——" Urdu was so anxious that the sound of the engine was getting closer and closer, and Urdu didn't dare to hold on, so he jumped ashore and fled into the jungle.

The wooden boxes on the ship have just been half unloaded.

(End of this chapter)

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