Chapter 1382 Ireb

There is only one river between Matilda and Brazzaville, but the area of ​​Matilda is more than twice that of Brazzaville, and the population is more than three times larger.

After the establishment of the Kingdom of Congo, Lu Taitai still spent a lot of effort on Matilda. There are many more modern buildings in the city, and the urban infrastructure has been further improved. Now the city appearance of Matilda is similar to that of Los Angeles and Pretoria. Although there is a big gap compared with a big city like Lia, it is already a grade higher than Brazzaville.

In 1880, in order to curb the expansion of the Congo Free State, the French-Italian explorer Pierre Savonian de Brazzaville signed an agreement with the local king of Makoko in Brazzaville, placing the kingdom of Makoko in under French protection.

At the Berlin Conference in 1884, the French occupation of the French Congo was confirmed, and the French built Brazzaville on the opposite bank of Leopoldville at that time.

Nominally, Brazzaville is not only the capital of French Equatorial Africa, but also the capital of the Kingdom of Makoko.

Standing in the attic of the Governor's Palace castle, Nivelle looked at the southern African destroyer showing off its might on the Congo River with mixed emotions.

In order to protect the interests of the Kingdom of Congo, Southern Africa spared no expense. Nivelle did not know how Southern Africa managed to get a destroyer into the Congo River. Compared with destroyers, the motorboats of the French Equatorial African Marine Police are like toys. no threat.

At this moment, it is possible that the Southern African destroyer had crossed the middle line of the Congo River, but two motorboats from French Equatorial Africa bravely went up to try to drive the Southern African destroyer away from the waters of French Equatorial Africa.

The Southern African destroyer ignored the call of the French Equatorial Africa launch and continued to the north bank of the Congo River.

At this moment, a motorboat suddenly made an astonishing move, accelerated past the destroyer, and stopped in front of the destroyer.

This action is relatively dangerous. It is not so easy for a destroyer sailing at high speed to turn, and the towering bow of the destroyer blocks the view of the bridge. The destroyer does not seem to notice the motorboat in front of it, and just hits it straight.

Seeing that the destroyer was getting closer, the motorboat started urgently and passed the destroyer almost by accident.

The moment the destroyer and the motorboat passed by, Nivelle felt his heart stop beating.

"Send a telegram to the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa to immediately stop the provocation against French Equatorial Africa, otherwise we will recognize it as an act of war—" Nivelle was going crazy, and the dangerous behavior of the destroyer just now almost missed the gun.

The secretary took the order and got back two telegrams after a while.

One from Paris, one from the Kingdom of the Congo.

The telegrams from the Kingdom of the Congo were tougher every time. This time, they wanted to ask for the fishing boats and crews seized by French Equatorial Africa, and they also demanded appropriate financial compensation.

Paris issued an explicit warning to Nivelle, asking Nivelle to immediately stop supporting the Mbandaka rebels and to ensure that similar incidents would not happen again.

"The destroyer from Southern Africa has blatantly crossed the middle line of the Congo River and entered our side. Now I am asked to restrain myself. How can I restrain myself? Does it mean that the left side of the face was slapped by Southern Africa, and I still have to move my right cheek?" Nivi said. Le was furious in the office. He knew that Paris did not want to conflict with southern Africa, but blindly forbearance would not bring peace.

The members of the three levels of parliament in Paris should really come to the Congo River to see how southern Africa has made progress.

Barkley Henry remained unexpectedly silent. He finally had a deeper understanding of the Southern African behavior style. Facing the southern African destroyers, French Equatorial Africa lacked sufficient countermeasures.

"We also need destroyers, we need more troops, and we need local support—" Buckley Henry looked heavy. He is a standard Frenchman with high eyesight and low hands, blindly optimistic, capable of causing trouble, but not capable of calming down the situation .

"Can't you see it? Paris won't give us a single soldier." Nivelle roared, France only plundered French Equatorial Africa, and never carried out large-scale construction like Matilda.

It is also understandable that France colonized Africa not to give Africans a better life, but for the benefit of France.

So you can understand why the gap between Brazzaville and Matilda is so big now.

"Then how do we resolve the current situation?" Barkley Henry was completely out of ideas.

Nivelle sat on the chair angrily for a while, and finally sighed: "Put the boat back, don't escalate the situation—"

"If the Southern Africans demand reparations—" Buckley Henry doesn't think Southern Africa will be content with that outcome.

"Then pay them, if their demands are not too excessive—" Nivelle looked downcast, the situation was stronger than others, and Nivelle had to back down.

Two days later, the Sixth Infantry Division of the Southern African Union, which had assembled at Matilda, left Matilda and advanced towards Mbandaka.

The railway between Matilda and Mbandaka has not yet been completed, and the troops can only march towards Mbandaka along the Congo River.

The Congo River has a total length of 4640 kilometers and a drainage area of ​​370 million square kilometers. It is the second largest river in Africa, second only to the Nile, but its water flow is 16 times larger than that of the Nile.

The Sixth Infantry Division is mainly composed of Congolese soldiers, with a total of 1.8 officers and non-commissioned officers. All officers and non-commissioned officers have participated in the World War and have rich experience and bravery in combat.

After the establishment of the Southern African Union, elite soldiers were drawn from the two Congo and West Africa to form an infantry division. The officers and non-commissioned officers were all served by professional soldiers from southern Africa. All the weapons of the troops were uniformly provided by the Southern African Union. There are a large number of general-purpose machine guns and grenade launchers. The commander of the 203th Division, Andy Oston, served as the deputy commander of the 35rd Division during the World War. He just turned [-] this year.

"We will advance along the Congo River to Ireb, and establish a forward base after Ireb lands, waiting for the reconnaissance results of the air force and reconnaissance forces. The Fifth Division will set off from Cabinda after us, and it is expected to arrive in Iraq a week later. Reb; at the same time, in Bukavu, a southern African army will cooperate with us to complete the outflank of Mbandaka.” Xue Rui, chief of staff of the Sixth Infantry Division, also participated in the World War and served as a senior officer in the expeditionary force staff. Staff officer, participated in the planning of a series of battles during the World War.

"Why can't we launch an attack directly on Mbandaka? We are fully capable of this. Along the Congo River, we can go all the way to the heart of the rebels and give them a center to bloom—" Andy Orston decisively During the Second Battle of Ypres, Andy Oston led the troops to advance 90 kilometers in one day and night, cutting off the rear of the German army and making great contributions to the victory of the battle.

"General, your lord's purpose is to quell the rebellion without making heavy sacrifices—of course our Sixth Infantry Division has the strength to wipe out the rebels, but your lord hopes to train more troops." Xue Rui understood Luo Rock, countering the rebellion is not the ultimate goal, Rock hopes that the rebels can play a greater role.

"Lee, how long do we have to reach Ireb?" Andy Orston asked his adjutant loudly.

"Sir, in about twelve hours—" The adjutant was a young man graduated from the Nyasaland Army Academy, full of energy and vitality.

Andy Orston sat on a chair, staring at the map on the wall in silence.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from the shore.

Immediately, a patrol boat rushed over, and the machine gunner on the patrol boat tore off the cover of the machine gun, aimed at the dense forest on the shore and began to shoot wildly.

Andy Orston was used to this scene.

In order to prevent the advance of the troops, the rebels arranged many troops along the river to carry out harassment attacks, with the purpose of slowing down the advance speed of the troops.

Andy Orston didn't care about these scattered soldiers. As long as Mbandaka was occupied, these small groups of troops would be self-defeating.

However, as the distance from Ireb got closer, the rebels harassed more and more, and their firepower became stronger and stronger. Yesterday, the rebels even used mortars.

Although the mortar did not cause much damage to the troops, it still brought great pressure to Andy Oston. The recruits were afraid of artillery, and the veterans were afraid of guns. Bullets do not have eyes on the battlefield.

"Send troops ashore to encircle and suppress, we cannot be passively beaten." Andy Oston was upset. Although the rebel attack did not cause much substantial damage, it did deal a huge blow to the morale of the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Infantry Division.

"But sending troops to fight back will definitely affect the speed of the troops. Looking at the terrain around here, it is absolutely impeccable." Xue Rui is also helpless. These harassing troops are as annoying as flies.

"Hmph, send the reconnaissance brigade—" Andy Orston was confident that he didn't need to go to great lengths to deal with small groups of troops. The reconnaissance brigade had only one company, which was very suitable for such small-scale operations.

The reconnaissance brigade in southern Africa is actually the predecessor of the special forces, and its functions and roles are almost the same as those of the special forces.

The officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade are all composed of elite soldiers. This is also the only army unit that has not been disrupted and retained after the establishment of the Southern African coalition.

The captain of the reconnaissance brigade of the Sixth Infantry Division is Captain Liu Yi. In ordinary infantry companies, the company commander is usually a lieutenant, but the captain of the reconnaissance brigade is a captain. Captain.

Captain Liu Yi just turned 32 this year, graduated from Nyasaland Army Academy, and also participated in the World War.

After receiving the mission, Captain Liu Yi led the reconnaissance team ashore less than 150 kilometers away from Ireb. Their task was to clear up the rebel forces along the Congo River. Andy Oston gave Captain Liu Yi enough Authorization, the troops can not take prisoners, and use all means to fight against the rebels.

(End of this chapter)

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