Chapter 1383 Deserving it

The Congo River is wide and fast-flowing. It is the deepest river in the world, with an average depth of 250 meters.

The Congo River is located in the famous Congo Basin on the African equator. During its flow, it passes through steep slopes and cliffs, resulting in a large number of waterfalls, rapids and rapids. Starting from Matilda, it cannot reach Mbandaka directly. Moreover, the railway between Matilda and Mbandaka has not yet been completed, which has brought great difficulties to the advancement of the troops.

Accompanied by the reconnaissance brigade, there were more than a dozen local guides. Under the guidance of the guides, the reconnaissance brigade advanced with difficulty in the tropical rainforest with complex terrain.

The danger of the tropical rainforest does not only come from the rebels. The creatures and complex terrain in the rainforest will also pose a huge threat to the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade.

Not long after the troops set off, one guide was bitten by a poisonous snake, and then another guide stumbled and fell off the cliff. After the No.3 guide was shot by a rebel sniper, no guide was willing to walk in the army front.

The sniper hiding in the jungle was subsequently shot dead by the sniper of the reconnaissance brigade, but this did not add much courage to the guides.

"The guides have been frightened. After all, they are not real soldiers. We can't continue to carry out the mission. There are still 150 kilometers away from Ireb. If this continues, I doubt how many of us will be able to reach Ireb smoothly. Cloth.” Vice-captain George is a Gurkha from Port Elizabeth. He immigrated to Port Elizabeth ten years ago and is fluent in both English and Chinese.

"No matter what, we have to complete the task." Captain Liu Yi was determined and would not be intimidated by this setback.

George hesitated to speak. It is true that soldiers are bound to obey orders, but it is a bit too wasteful for the reconnaissance brigade to fight guerrillas with the rebel guerrillas in the tropical jungle.

At this time, several rapid gunshots suddenly came from not far away. Before Liu Yi and George could react, the gunshots stopped.

"We captured a few Frenchmen who claimed to have been robbed by rebels and lost their way in the rainforest." The soldiers brought over three Frenchmen, all of whom were in rags, and one of them was bandaged with a wound on his shoulder. The approach is a bit amateurish.

"French?" Willow Wing learned some French during the World War, but he was not proficient.

"Yes, we were robbed by Africans in Mbandaka. They robbed our goods and killed our people. We escaped while they were not paying attention and fled all the way here." The leading Frenchman He was a terrified dumpy man with scars on his face and a large bloodstain on his white suit.

"What are you going to do in Mbandaka?" Liu Yi remained calm. At this time, George took the other two white men away for interrogation separately.

It wasn't an interrogation, either. Willow and George wanted more information about Mbandaka.

As for why they separated, that's purely habit.

"Diamonds, we wanted to buy some diamonds, but those Africans didn't keep their promises at all. Those damned guys should go to hell." The fat and fat man looked resentful, and the fat on his face was trembling.

"What's your name?" Liu Yi asked.

"Terry, Brian Terry—" Humpty Humpty looked honest and unguarded: "—they took my money and killed my men, sir, if you help me Get my money back, and I'll give you a big reward—"

Humpty Humpty is not as honest as he looks, anything can happen in the jungle, Humpty Humpty has to show enough value so that he won't be abandoned at will.

"Terry, we're not mercenaries—" Liu Yi didn't get angry, and put the gun sideways on her knees, and took out a cigarette and handed it over.

At this time George came to Liu Yi, looked at Terry suspiciously, and whispered something to Liu Yi.

"Oh, oh, so it's Mr. Parker, who has known his name for a long time—" Liu Yi sneered, this is the benefit of separate interrogation.

After the colonial government of French Equatorial Africa softened, it provided the Kingdom of Congo with a list. All the people on the list had made transactions with the rebels, and Parker's name was the first to be auctioned.

Parker's face was ugly, and he sat on the ground without saying a word, his hand holding the cigarette was shaking.

"Tell me, how many people are there in the rebel army?" Liu Yi took out a small notebook and started to record.

Parker still didn't say a word, watching Liu Yi showing a fierce look.

"Tell me honestly, otherwise I have plenty of ways to get you to talk." Liu Yi sneered, this was also in Paris, Liu Yi couldn't do anything to a Frenchman.

In the rainforest, even if Liu Yi put Parker here and there, it would not have any effect.

The rainforest is a natural cemetery, no matter what kind of creature it is, it will disappear completely within a few hours without leaving any traces.

"I don't know either. The rebels won't tell me how many they have." Parker weighed himself down again and again. At this time, there is no need to ask soldiers to have high moral standards. The main value of soldiers is to kill the enemy.

"Then what did you sell to them, and where did you trade them?" Liu Yi was indifferent, and George sneered beside Parker, playing with a delicate Gurkha machete in his hand.

No matter how delicate a scimitar can kill, don't doubt the smelting technology in southern Africa.

Parker was also considered unlucky. He made another deal with the rebels two days ago. This time, Parker sent about 20 rifles and [-] rounds of ammunition to the rebels.

In the last transaction between Parker and the rebels, some guns and ammunition were seized by the water police. The rebels used this as an excuse to refuse to pay and tried to kidnap Parker to obtain more weapons.

Since Parker dared to trade with the rebels, he was naturally prepared. Although the people escaped, all the goods were lost.

"The person I traded with is called Urdu. He is a bastard who does all kinds of evil and has no reputation at all. His camp is in a tribe less than 20 kilometers away from here. I also met Wane in that camp." Parker gave an important message.

"Isn't Wane in Mbandaka?" Liu Yi was surprised.

"Stay in Mbandaka and wait for you to destroy him?" Parker poured out the beans in a bamboo tube, and now he still had fantasies: "I can take you to find Wane, but after you kill Wane, you will take what should have belonged to him." Give me back my things."

Parker can be considered a talent, and he is still bargaining at this point.

"Yes, as long as you lead us to find Wane, you can also get unimaginable rewards." Liu Yi promised without hesitation, diamonds, the Kingdom of Congo is full of diamonds, and you have to be able to take them away if they are given to you.

"Hmph, I don't want what shouldn't be mine. I know I made a mistake, but I can make up for it. I just want what should belong to me." Parker also knows this truth. Greedy people generally don't live long.

The 20 kilometers is still very easy for these elite soldiers. Although the soldiers carried more than 40 kilograms of combat supplies, they still arrived at the temporary camp mentioned by Parker before dark.

The camp was built in a ravine with a small stream next to it. Wanai was very cautious, and sentries were arranged on the ridges on both sides. The reconnaissance brigade had a small number of people, so it was difficult to completely surround the camp.

"We should wait for the reinforcements and wipe out the rebels." George offered to suggest that it would be difficult to kill Wane if the camp was not completely surrounded. As long as the gunshots sounded, Wane could escape at any time.

"We don't have time to wait. Vane is very cunning and never stays in one place for more than three days." Parker hopes to atone for his sins. Just two days ago, the Southern African Union offered Vane a reward of [-] rand. The money can be obtained by killing Wane or providing real and effective specific information.

Ten thousand rand is still very tempting for ordinary people. Many ordinary people will not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime.

Liu Yi raised her wrist to look at her watch, it was 05:30 in the afternoon.

"Prepare to attack in two hours—" Liu Yi decided to launch an attack directly. The longer the delay, the more unexpected factors.

"Yes, Captain—" George took the order and left. He could make suggestions, but he couldn't make decisions on behalf of Liu Yi.

Of course, the direct attack was not a dashing attack with great fanfare. Liu Yi divided the reconnaissance brigade into three parts, two parts launched a pincer attack, and the other part circled around behind the rebels and attacked in a roundabout way.

It would be dark two hours later, and of course the dark night would create some difficulties for the reconnaissance brigade, but for the rebels, a sudden attack in the dark would create even more difficulties.

"There are some women and children in the camp. These rebels are insane. They even train children to kill people. Some children are not as tall as a rifle—" Parker collapsed on a rock next to Liu Yi, 20 kilometers away. It's not a problem, but it will kill Parker.

Liu Yi did not give Parker special care because of his status.

"The rifles used by those children might have been provided by you, so you're crazy enough—" Liu Yi was blunt, and some people just stood up and down.

"I'm a businessman, and the transaction with the rebels is just a normal business behavior—" Parker quibbles, involving his own interests, and it really is a double standard.

"Then don't say those compassionate words, you are not qualified to say those words." Liu Yi despises that the white people have committed enough crimes in this land of Africa, and it has been hundreds of years and they still don't want to repent.

It means that Liu Yi doesn't know what the other time and space is like, otherwise Liu Yi would say "serve it"!

So well deserved!

The plan always failed to keep up with the changes. When gunshots came from the direction of the valley, it was less than seven o'clock, and the rebel guards discovered the outflanking troops.

"Attack, attack, attack immediately—" Liu Yi did not hesitate, the sound of the gun was an order.

tom tom tom—

The grenade launcher carried by the reconnaissance brigade fired instantly. At a distance of less than 500 meters, the grenade launcher can play its greatest role.

In the dark night, clusters of orange flames were blooming, and a violent explosion occurred in the temporary camp of the rebels.

The grenade launcher alone cannot cause such an effect. It should have detonated the ammunition piled up in the temporary camp of the rebels.

Also deserves it!

(End of this chapter)

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