Chapter 1393 Waterloo

The price of a Ford car these days is only $300, and $500 is a lot for Bill Robinson.

It's not asking Bill Robinson to do anything against the principle, but within the scope of Bill Robinson's power, to give some proper care to the immigrants in the temporary camp, at least not to abuse them, this is not too much request.

Bruce not only sent food to the temporary camp, but also some clothes and bedding, which are the necessities of life that the immigrants urgently need.

The clothes are all ordinary clothes from southern Africa, and the ones collected temporarily cannot fit well, and the fabrics are not high-end.

The biggest function of these clothes is not to keep out wind and rain, but to let people in the temporary camp understand that southern Africa has not given up on them and let them see hope.

Bill Robinson's door was still shut when Bruce left camp.

Bruce didn't bother Bill Robinson any more, he got on the truck and left the temporary camp, and then Bruce had to send more supplies over until the immigrants left the temporary camp.

As the situation in the temporary camp stabilized, the conflict between the Philippines and the East Indies intensified.

The collision between the fishermen of the two countries ended with East India reparations.

The East India captain who manipulated the fishing boat to ram the Philippine fishing boat, which eventually caused the death of the other captain, was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the East India court, but because of the captain's health, the court sentenced him to serve outside the prison.

In other words, the captain doesn't have to sit in prison for a day, and he only needs to report to the police station once a month.

This result did not satisfy the Philippines. The Philippines tried to extradite the captain to the Philippines for trial. This request was directly rejected by East India.

On December 12, two warships of the US Pacific Fleet appeared off the coast of Yecheng.

Yecheng urgently dispatched offshore patrol boats to intercept the US warship, demanding that the US warship immediately turn around and withdraw from the East Indian waters.

"Hehe, don't worry about it, the 'Brave' continues to move forward—" Jimmy Garopolo, the captain of the destroyer Bravery, dismissed the shouting of the East India Offshore Patrol Boat.

The "Brave" is a Vickers-class destroyer built by the United States in 1918. This is the fifth-highest-production destroyer in the history of the US Navy. It participated in two world wars and built a total of 111 ships.

The Vickers-class destroyer is 95.86 meters long, 9.43 meters wide, and has a full load displacement of 1247 tons. It is equipped with four four-inch 50-caliber naval guns, one 3-inch 23-caliber naval gun, and twelve 12-inch torpedo tubes.

Four inches is about 101 millimeters, which is not worth mentioning compared to battleships, but for offshore patrol boats with a displacement of no more than 300 tons, Vickers-class destroyers still have obvious advantages.

"Sir, we have entered the East Indian Sea, and beyond that is Coconut City—" Chief Officer James White reminded softly that the "Brave" was here to demonstrate, not to declare war.

"I know, I don't need you to remind me." Jimmy Garoppolo put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at James White with sharp eyes.

James White stopped talking. After the signing of the "Washington Naval Treaty", some generals of the U.S. Navy were proud and blatantly shouted the slogan of replacing the Royal Navy and dominating the global ocean hegemony.

Of course, this slogan was not approved by the Royal Navy.

Japanese Navy: MMP, you want to dominate the global seas, have you asked the opinion of the Japanese Navy——

The two East India offshore patrol boats did not retreat as Jimmy Garoppolo imagined, but accelerated towards the "Brave". number gradually approached.

"Hehe, overreaching—" Jimmy Garoppolo sneered, and did not order the "Brave" to turn or slow down.

At this time, the roar of engines suddenly sounded in the sky. Jimmy Garoppolo raised his binoculars to watch. Two southern African torpedo planes suddenly appeared directly in front of the "Brave", and the torpedoes under the belly of the planes were clearly visible.

Jimmy Garoppolo's expression finally turned from contempt to seriousness.

As a destroyer, "Brave" is good in everything, but it does not have any anti-aircraft weapons.

Without anti-aircraft weapons, they can only be beaten passively when facing air torpedo planes, without any countermeasures.

With a tonnage of more than 1000 tons, in the face of torpedoes with a caliber of [-] or [-] calibers, there is almost no ability to resist, and one shot is enough to enter the soul.

"Returning——" Jimmy Garoppolo stared at the torpedo plane almost irritatedly, and cast a vicious glance at the offshore patrol boat in front of the "Brave", and finally chose to retreat.

At this time, the distance between the "Brave" and the offshore patrol boat was actually very close. The helmsman of the "Brave" turned with all his strength and passed the offshore patrol boat.

The torpedo plane, which was already in a dive state, also pulled up its nose urgently, and roared diagonally above the "Brave".

Only then did Jimmy Garoppolo feel that his shirt was drenched in cold sweat.

The news was sent back to southern Africa, and Roque urgently ordered a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser and two destroyers of the Indian Ocean Fleet to rush to the east India to strengthen the military power of the east India.

"Locke, try to exercise restraint and try to avoid direct conflict with the U.S. Navy." Philip has decided to visit the United States in January next year. Before that, Philip does not want to see the relationship between southern Africa and the United States deteriorate further.

"Our immigrants are still struggling in the temporary camp in Quezon, facing the threat of disease and death all the time. How do you let me maintain restraint?" Rock was really helpless.

The crux of the problem is that some people in the U.S. military are deliberately provoking confrontation between southern Africa and the United States for their own selfishness.

Rock also wants peace to be the most important thing, but some people disagree and have been provoking Rock's bottom line. Rock can't always back down.

"I have already communicated with Herbert about the issue of the immigrant ship. London is also putting pressure on Washington. Locke, be patient." Philip hoped to solve the problem in his own way.

Rock didn't speak. To put it bluntly, those immigrants are all Chinese. If they are white, see if Philip is still so calm!

"Washington has promised to urge the U.S. troops stationed in the Philippines to release them as soon as possible, but it will take a process. The U.S. troops stationed in the Philippines are also seeking the support of the U.S. Congress on the pretext that Filipinos have been abused." Philip is also very helpless. Some people in the U.S. military, He and Mustache are actually the same breed, lest the world will not be chaotic.

Of course, Rock will not blindly compromise. The reason why Leonard Wood is tough is because of the absolute superiority of the US military in the Philippines, which gave Leonard Wood an illusion, making Leonard Wood think that he has nothing to do in the Philippines. cannot.

In fact, the advantage of the United States in the Philippines is really not that big.

Just later in December, on the eve of Philip's visit to the United States, a national uprising against the U.S. military finally broke out in Palawan Island in the southern Philippines.

The cause of the incident was also Leonard Wood's high-handed rule over the Philippines. In December, the Philippine government imposed heavy taxes on the Palawan people living in Palawan Island, which met with strong resistance from the Palawan people.

Different from the previous sporadic resistance, a Palawan man named Patinho publicly declared that he wanted to end the US colonial rule in Palawan and called on all Filipinos to join the ranks of resisting the brutal rule of the US military.

The resistance led by Patinho developed rapidly. Before Christmas, in just half a month, Patinho's resistance quickly grew to 10 people.

Leonard Wood was caught off guard and ordered MacArthur to lead the Filipino vassals to Palawan to suppress the rebels led by Patinho.

"The Patinho rebels are likely to be supported by external forces. If the foreign aid is not cut off, it will be difficult to form a devastating blow to Patinho." Before leaving, MacArthur hoped to receive a greater degree of assistance.

What MacArthur was referring to was Kalimantan, which is only across the sea from Palawan Island.

Palawan Island is less than 20 kilometers away from the narrowest point of Kalimantan Island. Although the opposite side of the strait is British Malaya, considering the relationship between the United Kingdom and southern Africa, MacArthur has good reasons to believe that Patinho It is likely that the rebels were able to develop from a spark to a prairie fire with the support of Britain.

The United States also implements a single-colonial economic model in the Philippines. The Philippines, as a source of raw materials and commodity dumping for the United States, does not have its own military industry, and originally did not have the ability to resist the rule of the US military.

What Leonard Wood and MacArthur did not expect was that the Patinho rebels were well-equipped, with sufficient ammunition, and their weapons and equipment were even more advanced than the Filipino servant army formed by the United States. Without the support of external forces, this situation cannot be explained at all. .

"I have almost ordered the fleet to block the Balabac Strait, and no ships are allowed to pass through. Douglas, you have to be tough and hang all the rebels, so that everyone can see the end of the rebellion." Leonard Wood Frustrated, the rebellion in Palawan was tantamount to giving Leonard Wood a slap in the face.

Regardless of the fact that the Philippines in the future once voted to join the United States, the United States did not accept it.

The Philippines is still very important to the United States now.

As one of the few overseas colonies of the United States, the United States still attaches great importance to its colonial rule in the Philippines, hoping that the Philippines can become the "South Africa" ​​of the United States.

It's a pity that the Filipinos didn't live up to expectations and couldn't meet the expectations of the United States. This has a lot to do with Leonard Wood's high-handed rule.

As a result, the rebellion broke out in Palawan Island, which fully proved the failure of Leonard Wood's policy towards the Philippines. If the rebellion in Palawan Island cannot be quelled as soon as possible, then Leonard Wood will face congressional inquiries.

In any case, the rebellion in Palawan means that Leonard Wood's career as governor of the Philippines has entered the countdown.

On January 1, the day Philip set off for the United States, MacArthur led the Philippine First Division to Palawan Island.

At this time, MacArthur certainly didn't know that he had already ushered in the first Waterloo in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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