Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1394 The Southern Africans Joined the War

Chapter 1394 The Southern Africans Joined the War

On January [-]st, in Dini, a small town in the north of Palawan Island, a group of rebels wearing dark green uniforms was lurking in the dense forest near the sea.

There are about 300 people in this rebel army. Their uniforms are uniform and well-equipped. All of them are equipped with American-style Springfield rifles. There are even a few Maxim heavy machine guns and grenade launchers in the team.

Most of the members of the rebels are from Palawan, among which a few white men with high noses and deep eye sockets are particularly eye-catching.

These whites are Germans from Mindanao. After the outbreak of World War II, the East India launched an attack on Germany’s colonies in the Pacific Ocean. At that time, the United States had not participated in the war. Some Germans living in Germany’s Pacific colonies fled to the Philippines. Most of them lived in Mindanao.

Of course, these situations are what these white people themselves said, and no one knows their real situation.

At least these Palawan soldiers didn't know.

"Remember what you learned in training camp. You've been training for a whole month. Now it's time to take what you've learned all your life and drive these American minions out to sea. Believe me, these Americans' The servant army is vulnerable, once you go to war, you will find that you are invincible--" Some white officers were scattered in the ranks to boost morale, and their English was very fluent, but it was not the same as that of Americans.

With the knowledge of these Palawan soldiers, they still can't tell the difference between American English and British English.

In the town of Dini, about 500 meters away from the rebels, a group of Filipino servants is landing.

Compared with the rebel army, the equipment of these servants is very simple, and many of them use old-fashioned single-shot rifles.

Except for rifles and bayonets, most of the servants didn't even have grenades, and their clothes were in tatters. Many of them didn't even have shoes, and their nutritional status didn't seem to be very good. Although they weren't skinny, they were somewhat malnourished. , looks pitifully thin.

There are only about a few dozen families in the town of Dini, and now the residents of the town have been moved to an inland area far away from the sea. The free army had set up some traps in the town before, hoping to cause some trouble for the servant army.

Yes, the official name of the Palawan rebels is "Freedom Army".

Different from the previous sporadic resistance, the meaning of the "Freedom Army" is to fight for the freedom and equality of Palawan and even all Filipinos.

This is not just a simple slogan. The formation of the "Freedom Army" marks that the Palawan rebels have put forward their own political slogans and programs, and have their own ideals and political demands, which will have a fundamental impact on the colonial rule of the United States. hit.

The servants who had already landed seemed to be aware of the approaching danger. A servant soldier accidentally stepped on the ground when entering the town, and then the entire street was plunged into a violent explosion.

Unlike simple explosions, the Free Army added chili and pepper to the explosives, as well as other ingredients provided by some Germans. As a result, after the bomb exploded, the entire street was engulfed in thick white smoke.

The unprepared servant army suffered heavy casualties. At least 20 people were killed in the explosion just now. The wounded could not be rescued in time, but suffered more serious injuries due to the unknown substances in the air.

"The grenade launcher fires, the heavy machine guns cover, and the infantry immediately launches an attack, attack!" Alan Dobson, who commanded the Free Army troops to fight, issued a combat order in time.

tom tom tom—

The grenade launcher responds quickly, and at a distance of 500 meters, the grenade launcher can exert its maximum power.

dong dong dong-

The roar of the heavy machine gun was breathtaking, and the muzzle flame was almost half a meter long. Even trees one meter thick could not block the impact of the heavy machine gun bullets. The servants who were completely exposed to the heavy machine gun had nowhere to hide.

A servant officer tried to organize a resistance, but was killed instantly by a bullet in the head from nowhere.

The servant army, which had survived the catastrophe, fell into complete chaos after the grenade launchers and heavy machine guns fired. Some servant soldiers took advantage of the chaos to escape, and more servant soldiers were dizzy. Some people knelt down and raised their guns to surrender. The battle started It was very sudden, and it ended even more abruptly. From the moment the servant soldiers detonated the bomb to the end of the battle, it took no more than half an hour at most.

"Perfect! We killed at least 60 people, captured 180 people, and dozens of wounded, I left them to fend for themselves, hope they can survive-" Matthew Slater when he returned, M5 The pocket of the windbreaker was bulging, and an M1911 pistol equipped by the US military was stuck in the belt around his waist.

The M5 windbreaker is a kind of field clothing launched in southern Africa. The most notable feature of this clothing is the wide hood and large pockets. It was widely welcomed by the market once it was launched.

As for the M1911, this may be the most famous pistol in the history of the US military. It has served in the US military for more than 70 years and is known for its durability and power.

"You should give them a good time." Allen is more humane. If those injured Filipinos cannot be rescued in time, they can only wait for death in painful wailing. This process may only take a few minutes, or it may last several Hour.

"What are you talking about? I never kill prisoners!" Matthew said sternly. Before he could finish his sentence, the destroyer on the distant sea suddenly fired, and there was the sound of shells flying in the air, far past Matthew and AI. Lun, fly to the distant jungle.

In the era without shooting meters and radars, the hit rate of naval guns was pitifully low, not to mention that at a distance of several thousand meters, compared with striking the enemy, it seemed that the venting factor was greater.

"Clean the battlefield quickly and wait for the next landing to meet the Americans. Did you kill the Americans just now?" Allen didn't care about the casualties of the servants. Only by killing the Americans can the Americans feel the pain.

"Of course, at least ten!" Matthew laughed, and took out a pack of American cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Allen. The pack was still stained with blood.

"Hey, keep it for yourself—" Allen disliked it.

"We are poor and crazy rebels. It's humane if we didn't drag those Americans clean." Matthew laughed, showing a little wrist when he lit a cigarette. Allen glanced casually, There are so many tables.

Then look at Matthew's hand, there are actually six rings on ten fingers.

Sure enough, it was a golden ten thousand taels when the cannon fired——

Of course, Matthew didn't forget Alan, and took off a watch and two rings with a smile and handed them to Alan, whoever saw them had a share.

Allen took it unceremoniously this time, and sold one watch and two rings to the Military Service Department, and they could sell them for a dozen or twenty rand no matter what.

The bombardment lasted for half an hour. Under the cover of naval guns, hundreds of servants rowed their small boats to land again. This time they learned how to behave and did not rush into the town of Dini, but now the beach on the shore. Establish a forward base.

Through the World War, Americans have indeed learned a lot.

"Withdraw?" Seeing that there was no opportunity to take advantage of it, Matthew immediately thought of leaving.

The small town of Dini was on the shore, and the servants who landed were able to gain a firm foothold under the cover of naval guns.

At this time, it is meaningless to launch an attack again. If it is not done well, it will be held back by the servant army, and the free army may not be able to escape by then.

"Wait and see, maybe there is still a chance—" Allen is not worried. The mountainside where the Freedom Army is located is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the servant army wants to wipe out 300 Freedom Army, it will have to pay at least three to five times the price .

Don't doubt, mountain warfare is so cruel. It's not a joke that one man should be in charge of another man. Thinking about the achievements of the volunteers in North Korea, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "superman".

However, the servant army was obviously not as brave as Allen imagined. Until night fell, the servant army did not leave the starting position on the beach and attacked the town of Dini.

On this day in the northern part of Palawan Island, fierce battles broke out at at least a dozen landing points. The number of casualties of the slave army exceeded MacArthur’s expectations. According to the statistics of the battle results that night, at least 2000 slave troops were missing or He died in battle, accounting for one-tenth of the total strength of the Philippine First Division.

At this time, MacArthur was surprised to find that this had just landed, and the First Division had lost the possibility of continuing to fight. If there were no more reinforcements, the First Division would not even be able to go deep into Palawan Island, let alone wipe out the rebels. arrive.

"Bastard, this can't be the normal strength of the Palawan rebels, the East Indians must be in the fight - no, it must be those goddamn mercenaries from the Umbrella Corporation, Umbrella is helping the Palawans fight, and South Africa is trying to intervene Philippine internal affairs, immediately send power to the Governor's Office, southern Africa has joined the war, and the southern Africans have initiated the war on their own initiative!" MacArthur was furious inside the bridge of the heavy cruiser "Victory", the flagship of the Philippine fleet.

MacArthur's chief of staff David Andreessen and the first division commander Danny Amora looked at each other. MacArthur's character is always outspoken.

Don't say that there is no evidence of the umbrella company's participation in the war. Even if there is, such a thing cannot be said.

At least not from MacArthur's mouth.

War is not a game. Once a war breaks out in a big country like Southern Africa and the United States, it may trigger World War II. MacArthur's current performance cannot be described as out of breath, it is simply frenzied.

"David, what are you waiting for, go send a telegram and tell the governor what happened here." MacArthur probably didn't want to drag southern Africa and the United States into the war, but was eager to shirk responsibility.

As the actual commander of the counter-insurgency, MacArthur must be responsible for the heavy casualties suffered by the troops just after they landed on Palawan Island.

Now MacArthur can only reduce his own responsibility by shifting the responsibility to the umbrella or southern Africa. Otherwise, MacArthur, the commander-in-chief of the Manila garrison, may not be able to be the commander-in-chief of the Manila garrison for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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