Chapter 1395 Untimely

MacArthur, who just wanted to shirk responsibility, probably didn't expect that if this telegram was really sent, then southern Africa and the United States would really be on the brink of war.

Compared with the frenzied MacArthur, Chief of Staff David Andreessen is calm.

In the view of Chief of Staff David Andreessen, the reason for the heavy losses of the landing force was not because of the combat effectiveness of the Palawan rebels, but because of MacArthur's command errors.

The first division is a colonial servant army formed by the United States, with a total strength of about 5000. Before departure, in order to complete the task more smoothly, MacArthur recruited some guides and auxiliary troops. The total strength of the landing force is about 2.

Probably in MacArthur's view, for the Palawan rebels who had just raised the anti-flag not long ago, 2 people were almost at hand, and they would not encounter too many difficulties.

Unexpectedly, the rebels on Palawan Island were well-trained and well-equipped, and they occupied favorable terrain. As a result, the first division almost lost the ability to continue fighting as soon as it landed.

Troops in this era can basically be judged to be incapable of combat with [-]% casualties.

Especially the colonial servants like the First Division, once they are in a disadvantageous situation on the battlefield, they have almost no ability to turn around.

"Mike, calm down. What we have to do now is to stabilize the defense and gather the scattered landing forces. Otherwise, when night falls, the rebels are likely to attack in the dark, and we will suffer more serious losses." David Andrew Sen knew the priorities, and the first attack must have failed, but he couldn't get nothing.

It's not nothing, at least now MacArthur should have a certain understanding of the strength of the rebels, and he is no longer ignorant.

Of course, in just one day of fighting, MacArthur collected very limited information. Among the information obtained by the landing troops, the rebels had flexible combat methods, were good at using the terrain, and were equipped with heavy weapons including grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. It is also the basis for MacArthur to judge the participation of southern Africa in the war.

However, MacArthur is still not clear about the number, distribution, logistics, personnel structure, etc. of the rebels. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to persist in fighting.

"If the rebels have the ability to attack at night, it can fully prove the participation of the southern Africans." MacArthur is not stupid, he doesn't care about the losses of the Filipinos.

During World War II, the Japanese army aggressively attacked the Philippines. At that time, he had retired from the U.S. Army. MacArthur, who was the commander-in-chief of the Philippines, fled from Bataan in a submarine. The 7.5 men had no leader and could only lay down their weapons and surrender.

Regardless of how the future beautifies this period of history, it is an irrefutable fact that MacArthur did not choose to fight to the end but fled in the face of the Japanese attack.

As for the Allied forces fighting back to the Philippines, MacArthur refused to leave the trestle bridge that had been repaired by American soldiers, insisting on asking the reporter to take the famous photo of wading onto the beach and the famous phrase "I'm back", haha , which is very American.

What must be explained here is that the troops all over the world have one thing to say, and there are really not many that have the ability to attack at night, and southern Africa happens to be the best at it.

During the World War II, Southern Africa used the darkness of night to attack the German army on the Eastern Front many times. While gaining the attention of the world, it also gave the Southern African army great military power.

Regardless of the fact that the World War has ended for several years, there are still not many troops capable of attacking at night, and it is even more impossible for the Palawan rebels to attack at night. The requirements for the quality of the officers and soldiers of the troops are still very high.

"Unless we have direct evidence, we can't prove anything." David Andreessen disagreed with MacArthur's statement that southern Africans would not be so stupid to hand over the blame, even if whites were found among the rebels Or the Chinese, Southern Africa will deny it.

There are many whites and Chinese living in Palawan itself, even the whole of Southeast Asia.

"No, we can prove that at least we can get more attention." MacArthur finally said something from his heart. The main purpose of MacArthur's three sentences can not be separated from southern Africa is to gain attention.

That's right, just to get attention, MacArthur can keep 2 people on Palawan Island, facing the siege of the rebels at all times.

MacArthur is such a person who is unwilling to be mediocre.

MacArthur was born in a famous family with excellent grades. When he graduated from West Point Military Academy in the United States, he set the best grade in the history of West Point Military Academy. Two years after graduation, he became the military adjutant of President Theodore Roosevelt.

During the World War, MacArthur went to Europe to fight with the rank of colonel, and was deeply impressed by the combat effectiveness of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

Not only the Southern African Expeditionary Force, MacArthur was known for his "distinctive personality", but in fact, no one was convinced. At that time, MacArthur not only had a bad relationship with the Expeditionary Force Command, but also had a bad relationship with the US military generals.

This is also the reason why MacArthur was dispatched to the Philippines after the "Washington Massacre".

Because of MacArthur's insistence, the beachhead troops that had just landed could only stand firm on the beach at night.

MacArthur was not fully prepared, and the supplies were not delivered to the beachhead in time. The officers and soldiers of the beachhead troops were cold and hungry in the night, and there were complaints everywhere.

At the same time, Allen and Matthew had just had a full meal and were discussing whether to attack overnight.

"We can move our position forward and use grenade launchers to attack the enemies on the beachhead, so as not to let them rest—" Matthew covered himself with a raincoat and lit a cigarette. At this time, the sky began to rain again. Bring a raincoat.

However, the servants at the beach were not so lucky. They did not carry extra supplies before they set off, and they would definitely not carry such things as raincoats.

According to the combat habits of the First Division, civilian houses can be requisitioned at will after landing, so raincoats are cumbersome and there is no need to carry them.

The soldiers who landed now are less than 500 meters away from the town of Dini, but no one dares to approach the town of Dini. Everyone still remembers the battle in the afternoon. The remains of the soldiers who died in the battle are still at the entrance of the town of Dini.

When the battle just ended, there were still screams and wailing of injuries in the small town of Dini.

Now these voices have disappeared, and the town of Dini is as silent as dead.

"Watch out for your cigarette butts, bastard!" Allen reminded Matthew that smoking in the nighttime position is a taboo.

"Even if those servants find my cigarette butts, I bet ten rand that those servants will not dare to attack—" Before Matthew finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly came from afar.

"I'm FFF——" Matthew was in a hurry, dropped the cigarette butt and picked up the gun to enter the combat state.

Then there was no sound.

"Not offensive?" Matthew didn't know what happened.

"You're too nervous, this is our sniper—" Allen chuckled. In the current Freedom Army, the special positions of snipers, machine gunners, and commanders are all well-trained elite veterans.

Otherwise, the first division would not have lost so badly.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go, we can't fall behind and catch them by surprise—" Matthew glanced at the cigarette butt at his feet, hesitating whether to pick it up and continue smoking.

Hmm, hard work and plain living are the heirlooms of the revolution and should not be wasted.

"Then vote for them, and then retreat—" Allen agreed with Matthew's suggestion. The officers and soldiers on the beach will have a hard time this night. They have to starve, face bad weather, and face the Freedom Army Attack of the fighters.

Rock had just returned to Pretoria when the First Division was struggling on the beach.

Philip has already departed from Walvis Bay for a visit to the United States. During Philip's absence in southern Africa, Roque, as the Minister of Defense and the commander-in-chief of the Southern African Armed Forces, will replace Philip in handling southern African government affairs.

In other words, Roque is now the regent——

Oops, this description is not appropriate, but it doesn't matter.

In fact, according to the internal order of southern Africa, when the prime minister leaves southern Africa, the acting prime minister should be the speaker of the parliament.

But no one cared about this, even Buck accepted Philip's arrangement as a matter of course.

Rock didn't refuse either. After returning to Pretoria, the first thing he did was to visit Kitchener and Ade.

"Locke, I thought you had thrown my old man out of the sky—" Kitchener, who has not appeared in dozens of chapters, is like the empress dowager who has been thrown into the sidelines.

Ade looked at Rock and smiled and said nothing. Southern Africa is developing very well now. Ade is very relieved, his spirit is getting more and more healthy, and his body is also a little bit blessed.

This is normal, he is naturally fat, and Ade was indeed a little thinner in the past.

"Why, I've been a little busy these days, isn't this coming—" Rock was in a good mood, and Phyllis was pregnant again, and this was her and Rock's fifth child.

Did you see that, this is the real response to the call of southern Africa, and only five of them basically reached the passing line.

Of course, if Ada is included, Rock is one step closer to the ideal of giving birth to a football team. During the holidays, the Rock family will become one of the best big families in southern Africa, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of members. quantity.

"I heard that a rebellion broke out in the East Asian colonies of the United States?" Kitchener smiled, knowing the basic operations of Rock.

"It seems to be—" Rock grinned, so what if the rebellion broke out, anyway, it has nothing to do with southern Africa.

"You have to be careful, don't be self-defeating." Kitchener didn't believe Rock's nonsense. If there was no outside help, Palawan would not have the courage to rebel.

According to Kitchener's understanding of Rock, there might be Patinho.

In other words, Patinho might not be from Palawan.

"What does this have to do with me? The Americans are self-defeating and deserve it!" Rock firmly refused to admit it.

That is to say, Rock was born at an untimely time. If Rock traveled a hundred years earlier, it might not be possible for the British Empire to become an empire on which the sun never sets.

(End of this chapter)

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