Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1401 The old father's heart is cold and cold

Chapter 1401 The old father's heart is cold and cold
It's hard to imagine the Duke of Windsor's decision to abdicate the throne to marry Mrs Simpson.

If you want to talk about love, Mrs. Simpson doesn't love the Duke of Windsor, at least not so much that the Duke of Windsor would not marry. After all, she still had trysts with other men during her love affair.

If you want to say that it is for the United Kingdom, it is even more nonsense. When the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Simpson got married, World War II had not yet broken out, and Britain had not been reduced to a critical moment of life and death.

Well, it's pretty confusing anyway.

Eddie Gray's behavior was also very confusing. When the staff of Brad's office and the Prime Minister's Office found him, he was in the presidential suite of the Rhodesia Hotel with the lady Alicia.

The scene can't be described, it can only be said to be exciting.

What's more exciting is that Eddie Gray carried the memo of the conversation between Philip and Hoover with him. Eddie Gray argued that he had to work overnight in the presidential suite of the Rhodesia Hotel to sort out the memo of the conversation between Philip and Hoover.

This reason is unacceptable. Eddie Gray and Alicia were taken back to the peninsula by the staff of the Prime Minister's Office for investigation on the grounds that they endangered the security of southern African countries in an inappropriate way.

For Eddie Gray's behavior, Philip has only one sentence: seriously investigate and deal with it seriously.

For that Alicia, Philip didn't go into details, but asked Paul Norman to call Ms. Alicia's husband and ask her husband to come and take her away.

"We still don't know how much information Ms. Alicia has obtained from Eddie." Yang Smozi suggested tactfully, not wanting to let Alicia go so easily.

It is said that Mr. Eddie Gray is over [-] years old. Like many British men, Eddie Gray is not good at managing his body. He has become seriously fat just after [-] years. Not to mention his short stature, he is also seriously bald. He has a standard Mediterranean hairstyle. If for no other reason than a rosacea and bad teeth, there were very few ladies who liked Eddie Gray.

Oh, and that Alicia lady is still very pretty, the standard blonde, the kind of courtesan who often haunts high society.

"It's all right—" Philip didn't care.

The conversation between Philip and Hoover basically had nothing to do with Britain. Even if there was, Philip didn't care whether London knew about it or not.

What's more, what can you do if you know it? The British Empire can't afford the loss of southern Africa now, and Philip is also confident.

"I'm going to send a telegram to Joseph and ask what Joseph means." Yang Smother was so angry that after Stanley Baldwin became prime minister, he appointed Joseph Chamberlain as foreign secretary.

Southern Africa was previously under the jurisdiction of the British Office of Colonial Affairs.

After the World War, southern Africa gained a greater degree of autonomy, and Britain finally handled its relations with southern Africa in a normal diplomatic manner, so the affairs of southern Africa were transferred to the British Foreign Office.

It should be said that the relationship between the Chamberlain family and southern Africa is still very good. Joseph is Neville's elder brother, so he should not go too far.

"You don't need to ask, there is probably no result, and Joseph may not even know about it." Philip didn't hold out much hope. Neville and Roque had a good relationship, but that didn't mean that the Chamberlain family would lean toward southern Africa when it came to big issues.

What's more, Roque is not yet the prime minister of southern Africa, and Neville is not the prime minister of the United Kingdom. Their personal friendship will not play much role in improving the relationship between the two countries.

"London should spend more energy on France and Germany instead of wasting our southern Africa." Yang Smotz also hated iron and steel. After giving up the throne of global hegemony, Britain still followed the history of another time and space. The trajectory is the same, and it begins to develop in the direction of "shit stir stick".

This is the embarrassment of the United Kingdom now. The United Kingdom has lost its ability to dominate the world, but it still refuses to let go of its former imperial glory. It is desperately trying to gain a sense of presence everywhere, maintaining its illusory so-called "right to speak."

The "right to speak" is not created by brushing, but actually typed out.

The direct dialogue between the United States and Southern Africa completely abandoning the United Kingdom this time is a true portrayal of the current international situation. The glory of the old empire is gone, and the rising star is emerging. Southern Africa and the United States can't wait to speak out and formulate international rules dominated by both sides.

Well, it’s too early to say “international” now. The center of the world is still the old continent. Whether it’s South America or Africa, in the eyes of the people of the old continent, it’s still a barren land.

This bias persists well into the 21st century.

"What is Locke doing?" Philip suddenly asked Rock.

After Philip left Southern Africa, Roque acted as the Prime Minister as the Minister of Defense. Philip was still a little curious about Roque's ability to govern.

Rock's military ability is now recognized as the number one in the Allied Forces, unquestionable.

The ability to govern is still not very obvious. After all, on the surface, the development of Nyasaland has not much direct relationship with Roque.

Summarize Rock's governance in Nyasaland in one sentence: immigration, immigration, crazy immigration——

"Loke is inspecting the farm in Bechuanaland—" Yang Smother had a strange look on his face. According to his understanding of Rock, Rock is now in power, and it seems that he should be impatient to launch a foreign war, which is in line with Rock's personality. .

"Inspecting the farm——" Philip frowned, what was there to inspect on the farm, especially Bechuanaland's farm.

Philip has not been to Bechuanaland since becoming Prime Minister.

Apparently, Philip didn't understand the meaning of the phrase "food is paramount to the people".

Rock's understanding of this sentence is very deep.

Throughout the ages, as long as the common people have food, they will not rebel. The industrial development in southern Africa is very good, and agricultural development cannot be ignored. As early as when he was the chief of police in Johannesburg, Rock was very concerned about this issue.

When Philip and Jan Smudge were talking about Rock, Rock was visiting a farm in Rhodes. The owner of the farm was Brewster. When Rock was the police chief in Johannesburg, Brewster was Rock's subordinate. of a patrolman.

"My lord, it was 20 years ago that you served as the chief of police. It's normal for me to retire now—" Brewster entertained Rock on his family's farm. Brewster's wife and two daughters-in-law were preparing dinner outside the house.

"Don't you have a farm in Johannesburg? Why did you go to Bechuanaland?" Rock was amazed. At the Johannesburg Police Department, almost every policeman bought a number of farms.

The price of the farm in Johannesburg is now very different from that at the beginning. Based on Rock's understanding of prices, Brewster can live well with the farm even in Johannesburg.

"Speaking of which, I must thank you, Lord, if there was no farm in Johannesburg, there would be no Brewster now—" Brewster took the initiative to pour water for Rock, and looked at Rock with gratitude: "— — I remember at the time, I was only earning about £15 a month —”

"Wait, Brewster, I remember that your income was only about five pounds at that time—" Rock's memory was still very good.

"Yes, my lord, the nominal income is indeed only five pounds—" Brewster had a strange expression, and suppressed a smile with puffed cheeks: "—but you probably forgot, my lord, that working under you, us patrolmen There are many gray incomes that are not reflected in the salary, these are all the benefits you gave us-"

Brewster's words sparked laughter, especially Stoudemire and Sidney Milner.

Rock also laughed dumbfounded. It has been more than 20 years, and he has indeed forgotten about it.

"At that time, an acre farm was only one pound, and later it rose to fifteen pounds, twenty pounds. When I was one pound, I bought a 350-acre farm in Bigwig Town and sold it at twenty pounds an acre. , and then came to Bechuanaland and bought the current farm—oh, my lord, my current farm has an area of ​​about 20 acres—” Brewster was complacent, and a 5000-acre farm is indeed big enough, in the current southern Not so much in Africa.

"Wow - 5000 acres!" Sidney Milner expressed surprise and admiration appropriately, and Stoudemire smiled without saying a word.

The farms of Stoudemire and Rock are calculated in units of "[-] square kilometers". The unit of measurement, the acre, is almost never used.

Even Sidney Milner, following Rock's investment over the years, has begun to use "square kilometers" as the unit of measurement for his farms. In Victoria, the farm under Sidney Milner's name exceeds [-] square kilometers kilometer.

"With how many people in your family, even if you use machinery, it will be difficult to fully develop so many farms?" Rock is concerned about farm management, which is the foundation of southern Africa.

"Well, the children's thinking is different from those of us old guys. I have three sons and three daughters. The daughters all married to big cities and stayed in the city to live and work. Three sons, one died in France during the World War, and one I work in the city government of Johannesburg, my youngest son has just graduated from Nyasaland University, and I can only go home once a year after staying in Los Angeles to work, what is the use of me buying such a big farm, no child is willing to take over—" Brewster looked sad. Like many fathers, there was a serious generation gap between him and his children, and they didn't understand each other.

"The children have grown up and have their own ideals and pursuits. As fathers, we cannot interfere with the children's choices. We can only give them some advice, and reserve the last warm harbor for them— "Rock also felt sorry for him, saying that Arthur, that little bastard, never came back after going to Cyprus.

Really inappropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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