Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1402 The days of muddling along 1 are gone forever

Chapter 1402 The days of muddling along are gone forever

Brewster prepared a sumptuous dinner for Rock, including roasted whole lamb, braised fish, stewed goose in an iron pot, and of course beef with potatoes. Just looking at the recipes, the farmers in southern Africa are indeed very happy.

To Rock's relief, all the ingredients come from Brewster's farm, including desserts and fruit.

"How is the income now?" Rock still misses these old brothers very much, they are Rock's most loyal supporters.

"Last year, my farm income was 2500 rand, which doesn't include the children's income. It looks like a lot, but in fact there is not much left. The second son bought a car last year, and the third son will buy a house in Los Angeles. This year, he is planning to get married. The target is a doctor at the Nyasaland State Hospital." Brewster was still very proud, 2500 rand a year, the salary of Rock, the Minister of Defense, was only that much.

Just salary.

It seems that 2500 rand a year is quite a lot, but in fact the Brewster family has a dozen or so members, and the average is not much, and it is only at the level of the middle class, and it is far from being called a rich man.

"Brewster, if Bechuanaland implements national farms, would you consider joining?" Stoudemire never forgot about the national farms proposed by Louis Botha. Southern Africa has already started to implement national farms in Victoria and Dias. The effect is still very good.

Compared with independently operated farms, national farms have huge advantages. The national farms in Victoria and Dias mainly grow cash crops and employ African workers to work on the farm. The annual profit has now exceeded one million Rand, and is still improving rapidly.

However, there are huge differences in the concept of national farms in the federal government of southern Africa. Many people, including Roque, believe that if the popularization of national farms is promoted, some new problems will arise. Although Roque has not experienced "big pot rice" era, the understanding of the era of "big pot rice" is still very sufficient.

Of course, the advantage of southern Africa is that the workers employed by the southern African national farms are not southern Africans, but African workers from neighboring countries and regions in southern Africa, so the southern African national farms are not the big pots and iron rice bowls that Rock remembered Guaranteed income during droughts and floods does not exist. Workers who do not work hard will be deported from the country at any time.

"Mandatory?" Brewster was visibly nervous, his eyes staring like copper bells.

"Of course not, join voluntarily. After you join, most of the farm's income will still be yours. The company that takes over the farm will extract part of the income as management expenses." Stoudemire also has pursuits now. Although the South African company has disintegrated, the Rhodes family is The advantages in the field of farm products are still unshakable.

"Then I have to think about it. In fact, I enjoy my current life. My dream is to have a large flock of sheep of my own. Every day, I lead the sheepdog to drive the flock to graze. On weekends, I bring a fishing rod Go fishing, and have a barbecue in the courtyard with the family at night—" Brewster has doubts, he is living a prosperous and carefree life now, and he doesn't want to change the current situation.

"To do this, it is enough to leave dozens of acres, but you have 5000 acres—" Stoudemire was still generous and did not force it.

Brewster's farm employs hundreds of African-American workers all year round and uses a lot of large-scale agricultural machinery to ensure the basic operation of the farm.

5000 acres, almost equivalent to [-] acres, if you don't hire people, the Brewster family will be exhausted, and the farm will not be able to be fully developed.

"You should know that your farm is not fully developed now. Our farm in Victoria will earn an average of more than ten rand per acre in the future. How much do you have? Half a rand, give you this A big farm is a waste." Stoudemire is blunt, Brewster is not scientific about the management of the farm, and the State Farm in Victoria is backed by the Department of Agronomy of Nyasaland University as a technical guide.

"Cecile, whether Brewster wants to join the National Farm is voluntary, you can't force him—" Rock does not object to Stoudemire's establishment of the National Farm, but also guarantees Brewster's interests. This is Rock's prestige in southern Africa The real reason no one else can.

"Lord, if you want me to join, then I will." Brewster obeyed Rock's arrangement and gave Rock all his trust.

"It doesn't matter, you have to ask yourself whether you want to join, no one can force you—" Rock said this to Brewster, but also to Stoudemire.

Caucasian farmers only account for a small part of the farmers in Bechuanaland, and more than 60.00% are Chinese. Rock does not allow anyone to harm the interests of the Chinese.

Not even Stoudemire.

"Lock, you described me as a slave owner." Stoudemire was dissatisfied. Rock's words were warnings to Stoudemire, and Stoudemire of course understood.

"Don't doubt, be confident, remove the 'and'." Rock didn't give Stoudemire any face. Henry and Stoudemire were the only two slave owners in southern Africa.

Of course, if Henry and Stoudemire are in the top two, Rock will definitely be in the third.

Leaving Brewster's farm, Rock and Stoudemire continued west by car.

Rhodes is located at the junction of Bechuanaland and Transvaal. The surrounding farms are relatively mature and operating in good condition.

Leaving Rhodes City to the west, the environment on both sides of the road is gradually desolate, large tracts of land are in an undeveloped state, the soil is severely exposed, and the bushes are overgrown. In Rock's impression, there will be a large desert in Bechuanaland in the future.

Of course, the current situation of land desertification is not serious, but if it is not controlled, the situation will only deteriorate step by step, and eventually it will develop to the point of irreversibility.

"We and the Bechuanaland State Government are working together to plant commercial crops here and assign special personnel to manage them. The University of Rhodesia is cultivating commercial crops suitable for growing here according to the climate and environment here, but this requires a process. , will not see the effect in a short time." Stoudemire still attaches great importance to Bechuanaland, a lot of land here belongs to Bechuanaland Agricultural Company, and Bechuanaland Agricultural Company was jointly founded by Rock and Stoudemire .

Universities in southern Africa are still very pragmatic. Federal governments at all levels attach great importance to agriculture. Major universities in southern Africa have also offered courses related to agriculture. While teaching, universities are also working hard to organize forces to conduct scientific research. The behavior is very purposeful, such as the research at the University of Rhodesia, which was funded by the Bechuanaland Agricultural Company.

"Cecil, do it well. This is a good deed that will last forever. After a hundred years, we will no longer be here, but people will still remember what we have done." Rock has never been a selfish person. Don't talk about merits in the present and benefit in the future, at least it is to accumulate blessings for future generations.

To put it bluntly, those people who talk about "I don't care about the flood after I die" all day long, if they can't find you, they can ask your son or grandson to find out.

"Come on, Locke, I'm not as noble as you. I do this for money." Stoudemire duplicity, money has lost its meaning to Stoudemire and Rock.

Rock now understands the richest people who "don't care" about money. It's not that they really don't care, but that money is no longer important to them. When they say those things, they are pursuing something other than money.

To put it bluntly, after the basic needs of life are met, people begin to pursue a higher level of satisfaction.

This in itself is understandable, just like sleeping at home with or without clothes, it doesn't matter whether you wear them or not, but when you leave the house, it's best to wear something, even pajamas——

Rock smiled and said nothing, because Stoudemire didn't know the final fate of old Cecil Rhodes in another time and space.

If he knew, I'm afraid Stoudemire would not think so.

Back in the car, Stoudemire was still complaining, this time it was replaced by the Cape State government.

"Compared to Bechuanaland, the Cape State government is a bunch of antiquities. They are rotten from top to bottom, pedantic, and stubborn. Many white farmers in Cape State still insist on running their farms in the old way. , ignoring the development and progress of technology, the Cape State government is actually considering giving financial subsidies to those poorly managed farmers. If you want me to say, those poorly managed farms should be nationalized—” Stoudemire has deep resentment towards Cape I think that the old Cecil Rhodes was the home of the Cape, and he also made a great contribution to the expansion of the Cape Colony. As a result, it seems that the Cape State is the first to forget the old Cecil. Rhodes, this makes Stoudemire very uncomfortable.

"You go out and buy it, and give those farmers a price they can't refuse." Rock also has opinions on Cape State. If Rock is a representative of conservatives in southern Africa, then Cape State is simply stubborn.

"I can't refuse yet. It's a good idea. Wouldn't it be better for me to wait for them to go bankrupt before coming forward?" Stoudemire waited for the low price to buy the bottom, and those white farmers deserved it.

Rock didn't speak. It's not easy to make those white farmers go bankrupt. The federal government of Southern Africa is still implementing the previous taxation plan. The tax rate on farms is not high, and even poorly managed farms are hard to go bankrupt.

The reason Rock came to Bechuanaland was also to investigate Bechuanaland's farm and accumulate more first-hand information.

After the information is complete, Roque will push Congress to discuss imposing more taxes on farms. At that time, some farmers who are getting along will have a hard time. If they have no money to pay taxes, the federal government has the right to transfer farms Confiscated.

Of course, this proposal must be careful, otherwise the federal government will lose the support of the farmers, which is unacceptable to Rock.

After returning to Pretoria, Rock went to look for Ada on this issue.

As Treasurer, Ida has the most say on this issue of taxation.

(End of this chapter)

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