Chapter 1436 Literacy Rate

In 1922, it took courage to dare to threaten southern Africa with force.

At the last moment before Derek Dodd's death, he was still worried about whether southern Africa and London would meet each other in the future, and London was also worried about this issue.

The current southern Africa is indispensable to the British Empire, not only because of its strong industrial strength, but also because of its growing war potential.

Before the outbreak of the World War, the population of southern Africa had just reached 3000 million. In just a few years, the population of southern Africa has exceeded 4000 million, which is almost equal to the population of the United Kingdom. If other countries of the Southern African Union are included, then The human resources that can be mobilized in southern Africa reach 6500 million, a figure that even London fears.

Don't forget that most of the 2500 million people added are Africans. If there is another world war, southern Africa does not need to mobilize southern Africans. Only from these alliance countries, millions of troops can be easily organized.

In the past, the army composed of millions of Africans is not enough. After all, the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the army requires not only strict training, but also advanced weapons. These two aspects are exactly the shortcomings of the African army.

It's hard to say now, southern Africa has strong industrial strength, and weapons and equipment are not a problem.

Southern Africa still has a strong military strength, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Southern African National Defense Forces. With the tens of thousands of mercenaries from the Umbrella Company as the backbone, within a few months, an army can be formed that will make the whole world tremble with fear. powerful force.

Yes, this is a force that can overturn the world.

On the north shore of Lake Victoria, the troops stationed are mainly Africans.

Of course, like other troops of the Southern African Union, the troops stationed on the northern shore of Lake Victoria are mostly Africans, and the vast majority of officers and technical arms are still Chinese or white.

Lake Victoria is located on the plateau of East Africa. The equator passes through the north of Lake Victoria. However, Lake Victoria is not hot. The annual temperature here is around 22 degrees to 25 degrees. There are no four seasons. There are only rainy and dry seasons. During the day, you only need a T-shirt and long pants. , plus a blanket at night.

"The idiots in the logistics department sent us winter clothes again. Damn when will they understand that we don't need winter clothes here, what we need is a fucking raincoat!" Peyton Kimberly, the commander of the third battalion of the 6th Regiment of the 112th Division The head is as big as a bucket. It is indeed winter in Cape Town in August, but not in Lake Victoria.

This cannot be blamed on the officials of the logistics department. The north shore of Lake Victoria is 4200 kilometers away from Cape Town. They are two completely different worlds. The officials of the logistics department have to reflect.

Lake Victoria has two seasons a year. The rainy season is from March to May and September to November, and the rest are two dry seasons. Although August is the dry season, the rainy season is coming soon, and raincoats should be prepared in advance.

Some things are really frustrating. The quality of the military supplies distributed by the Ministry of Defense in Southern Africa is still very good, and the quantity is also very sufficient. For example, a soldier has two raincoats per year, and the raincoats used in winter and summer are different.

The logistics department is only responsible for distribution and does not interfere with the use of troops. The quality of military supplies is very good, so it is normal for a raincoat to last for three to five years.

Many Chinese officers and soldiers did this. They could wear a raincoat for three to five years, and then send the newly issued raincoats to their families. These military supplies are very popular.

African-American soldiers do not have this awareness. They like to wear new clothes very much, and they don’t cherish them. When the new clothes are issued, the old clothes are often thrown away directly. It does not exist to send them to their families. Many African-American soldiers don’t even pay their salaries. Will send to family.

"I have already sent a telegram, and a car will come to take these winter clothes away in a few days, and then replace us with the raincoats we need." Chief of Staff Chu Zhen wore a long-sleeved shirt with neat cuffs The elbows are folded, and with the support of the biceps, it looks like the arms are thicker than the neck.

"It takes at least half a month to go back and forth. Is this considered dereliction of duty?" Payne Kimberly went online, and dereliction of duty is not enough. It is true that he does not know the specific situation.

"Recently, we have caught more and more East Africans. Do you want to report to the higher authorities?" Chu Zhen didn't dwell on this issue. There are no clothes to wear, and it is even more impossible to entangle whether it is suitable or not.

"Not enough food?" Payne Kimberly was surprised.

"How is it possible—" Chu Zhen laughed dumbly.

In most parts of Africa, there is never a shortage of food.

In the northern part of Lake Victoria, the food is equally astonishing. There are tropical fruits everywhere, abundant aquatic products in Lake Victoria, and local specialties. You never need to worry about food.

Local East Africans like to eat a kind of banana, but this kind of banana is not a common kind of banana. It cannot be eaten raw and must be steamed before eating.

The chefs in the camp improved the way of eating bananas. They peeled the bananas and mashed them into puree. After steaming, they were mixed with red bean juice, peanut butter, braised chicken nuggets, and curry beef. The taste was surprisingly delicious. People who have eaten it said This is "the best food in the world".

After Southern Africa occupied the northern shore of Lake Victoria, all the East Africans here were relocated, and new immigrants gradually moved in to develop the northern shore of Lake Victoria.

Compared with the life of East Africans, the standard of living in southern Africa is more than one level higher, so many East Africans secretly ran back, preferring to be treated as laborers to work hard, at least there is something to eat here.

It’s amazing, Africans actually have nothing to eat in Africa. This is really not a rumor. Many people will starve to death in the 21st century——

It is unbelievable to think about it. Such a rich, beautiful and rich place has no food to eat, and some people starve to death. With Chinese thinking, it is impossible to understand how this situation happened.

"We have arrested more than 4000 East Africans, and we have to send more and more soldiers to manage them every day, but we are combat troops, not engineers—" Chu Zhen also had a headache. East Africans who fled back to Lake Victoria would be arrested. Throwing them into the labor force as illegal infiltration, these laborers work very hard every day, not to mention that they are not paid, and the food they get is only to the extent of wrapping their stomachs. If they show this spirit, they can do it anywhere in the world Life is good.

What makes people even more helpless is that when southern Africa occupied the northern shore of Lake Victoria, all the towns on the northern shore of Lake Victoria, including those so-called big cities, did not even have a decent road.

Therefore, road construction has become the top priority of all garrisons. Around Lake Victoria, a railway around the lake has been built in southern Africa. Now the road is being built. After the road is completed, water conservancy needs to be repaired, cities need to be rebuilt, and power communication facilities need to be built. and many more.

Anyway, there are many places that need these laborers.

"Has Christian Construction not responded yet?" Peyton Kimberly had already discussed this issue with Chu Zhen.

"At least not yet, let's just organize a construction company ourselves—" Chu Zhen was more flexible.

Peyton Kimberly really thought about it seriously, and slowly shook his head: "No way, the army can't do business—"

Yes, Southern African armies are now not allowed to do business.

When the federal government was first established, in order to solve the problem of insufficient funds, the southern African army was once allowed to do business. During that time, it was precisely because of the special nature of the army that the Ministry of National Defense passed the most difficult stage.

After the end of the world war, the southern African army stopped all commercial activities and returned to the right path.

"Sorry, friends, I'm late—" Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and the voice of Di Plessis, the manager of Christian Construction Company, came from outside the door: "Major Kimberly, long time no see—Hello Chu, wow, you seem Stronger, are you sure you are the chief of staff and not a boxer?"

"Ha, Di Plessis, you are finally here, hurry up and take all those East Africans away, there is not much work every day, and all of them can eat well, we are going to be poor soon—— "Chu Zhen finally breathed a sigh of relief. There are too many free workers and it is a headache. The key is that it cannot generate benefits.

"No problem, as much as you want—" When it comes to overseers, Christian Construction Company is an expert: "—but before that, let's talk about fees."

"Fee? You still want to charge?" Peyton Kimberly was surprised. It was a good thing that the troops didn't ask Christian Construction Company for money.

"No, no, no, of course it's not a fee, but a reward for you—" Diplesis laughed loudly. Those East Africans are now prisoners. They don't need to be paid for their work, but the rewards that should be given to the troops cannot few.

Peyton Kimberly and Chu Zhen could only sigh. The army can't do business now, so the rewards don't matter.

"I know, I know, the army can't do business—but when I came here just now, I felt that you lacked some necessary facilities, such as basketball courts or swimming pools. Our Christian Construction Company is an expert in this regard. Guaranteed to satisfy you.” Di Plessis has a solution, it doesn’t matter if he can’t give the money, he can pay in other ways.

Peyton Kimberly and Chu Zhen's eyes lit up immediately. Since they can't ask for money, it's not bad to exchange for facilities, anyway, it's an equal exchange.

"I think we need the football field more—" Peyton Kimberley is demanding, and football is also very traditional in the Southern African Army.

"A library is needed. Of course, it would be even better if there is a movie theater—" Chu Zhen paid more attention to the cultural and entertainment life of the troops, but the movie theater was okay, and the library was fine.

As far as the African-American soldiers in Chu Zhen's unit were given a library, it is estimated that few people read books. It's not that they don't want to read, but they don't understand.

Other countries in the Southern African Union do not have the same literacy rate as Southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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