Chapter 1437

Southern Africa has worked hard to popularize compulsory education for more than ten years, and the literacy rate has just exceeded 50.00%. The "literacy" here refers to the level of being able to read books and newspapers. The Indians who can write their own names are considered to be literacy is purely funny .

The literacy rate in southern Africa is still relatively high. It doesn’t matter if the middle-aged and elderly people have never received any education. As long as they have received compulsory education in southern Africa, most of them can speak Chinese and English proficiently. The white Chinese are basically the same.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, most people in Orange state don’t speak Chinese, they don’t even know English. This is tantamount to suicide in southern Africa.

After the establishment of the Southern African Union, the military also began to promote Chinese and English. Although many Africans serving in the military have not reached the level of reading books and newspapers, it is still possible to say hello or even have a simple conversation on weekdays. Thanks to the strict requirements of military officers in southern Africa, many troops have mandatory learning tasks every day, and they will not be given food if they can’t learn. This is the most effective punishment for African soldiers, and it is more effective than fines.

The fine will only be cashed when the salary is paid, and the food will not be allowed to be cashed immediately. In order to learn "Hello", many African-American soldiers are chanting while standing guard.

The camp where the third battalion is located covers an area of ​​about [-] mu. The camp is divided into a living area and a training ground. The soldiers live in wooden barracks, and the officers live in the only office building in the camp.

It should be emphasized that the office building is also made of wood, but the ground in the camp has been hardened, including part of the training ground.

Like the Southern African National Defense Force, the Union Force also uses a three-three system, with three companies in one battalion, and the total number of battalion headquarters is about 450 people.

Although the number of people is small, the area that the third battalion is responsible for is not small. From the north shore of Lake Victoria to the south shore of Lake Kioga, the interval is about 75 kilometers, all of which are the defense area of ​​the third battalion.

Between Lake Victoria and Lake Kioga there is a river called the Victoria Nile. This river is one of the sources of the Nile, also known as the White Nile. It meets the Blue Nile in the Sudanese plains, and after that is the Nile that everyone is familiar with.

The water network around the Nile River in Victoria is well developed and the land is fertile, which is very suitable for plantation.

After Southern Africa occupied this area, the land in this area was distributed to some of the Southern African National Defense Force soldiers who made outstanding contributions during the World War. Now there are coffee plantations and rubber plantations of considerable size in this area.

Note that it is "distributed", not sold. This is to accelerate the development of this area and form a fait accompli, so that the Southern African federal government has a reason not to back down.

"Recently, East Africa is in a lawsuit with us and wants to return to Lake Victoria. We must be vigilant when patrolling to prevent East Africans from taking the opportunity to cause trouble." Chu Zhen just received a telegram from the military department, which clearly stated that if If the East Africans dare to provoke, they will fight back resolutely and will not give up an inch of ground.

"East Africans dare to make trouble? Let them have their guts!" Peyton Kimberly laughed, unless the East Africans were crazy.

"It's hard to say, the benefits will go to a certain extent—" Chu Zhen thought for a long time before finding a suitable translator.

If this sentence is written in Chinese, it can be fully expressed by a single "benevolence, wisdom and faintness". In English, it will take a full 14 words, and I feel that there is still more to say.

"Report!" The voice of the officer on duty came from outside the door.

"Come in." Peyton Kimberly sat upright.

"Major, more than 1000 East Africans have crossed the border and are heading towards us." The report of the officer on duty made Peyton Kimberly furious.

"Assemble the troops, let's teach the East Africans a hard lesson!" Peyton Kimberly jumped up, not expecting the East Africans to be really kind.

"Major, it's not the army, it's more than 1000 women and children—" the officer on duty was very embarrassed.

Peyton Kimberly was speechless, what is it to let women and children, is it a test?
Whether it was a test or not, Peyton Kimberly and Chu Zhen rushed to the border line as fast as possible.

This border line was set by the Southern African National Defense Forces itself, and was not recognized by the East African colonial government.

But it doesn't matter, the Southern African National Defense Force doesn't want to go too far. Setting this border line is not to warn the East Africans, but to restrain the ambitions of the Southern African National Defense Force.

If there is no such actively set border line, then sooner or later, the whole of East Africa will be annexed by Southern Africa.

When Peyton Kimberly and Chu Zhen arrived at the scene, the soldiers of the third battalion had already surrounded the women and children who had crossed the border.

It can be seen that the living conditions of these women and children are not good. Most of them don’t even have clothes. Only a few people carry luggage. The way East Africans carry luggage is also very interesting. It’s not carrying or carrying, but With the top of the head, although this can free the hands, it also generally causes East African women to be short of height.

Here I want to explain that polygamy is practiced in East Africa. Men generally do not work, and women do the work.

The women and children surrounded by the siege looked terrified. Some people were begging the Union soldiers with live ammunition. Many children didn't know whether they were frightened or hungry. They were crying loudly. As a result, almost all the children burst into tears. , and the crying was loud. If people heard this, they would think that the Union soldiers had done something outrageous.

"Major, they were all East Africans who lived by Lake Victoria before, and now they hope to return to live by Lake Victoria. They won't cause trouble for us, just give them a piece of land and let them fend for themselves—" the leader of the team The Second Lieutenant's platoon leader looked unbearable, and he knew from his military rank that he had just graduated from Nyasaland Army Academy not long ago, and hadn't experienced the baptism of war.

"The land around Lake Victoria has been allotted by us. Where can we find a piece of land to house them?" Peyton Kimberly lowered his voice fiercely. It's really not that the soldiers in southern Africa have no humanity. The humanity of soldiers in southern Africa is only in the face of southern Africa. Only when there are people, facing the East Africans-hehe.

"There are always unfinished ones. It is impossible to place them near our camp. Anyway, we also need someone to help us wash clothes, cook, clean and so on—" The second lieutenant's reason seems to be very good, but it is different from the Southern African conflicts with the policy.

There are no Africans in Southern Africa, and that cannot be changed.

"Dream! You wash your own clothes, make your own meals, and clean your own sanitation. Don't always think about pushing your work to others." Peyton Kimberly is decisive. The young man's thinking needs to be reformed, and this will not work.

"I remember that when we sent them away, we gave them enough money to settle in other places. What about the money?" Chu Zhen's attitude was the same as that of Peyton Kimberly.

During the World War, fierce battles took place between the southern African army and the German army around Lake Victoria. At that time, people living around Lake Victoria fled to escape the war, and the surrounding area of ​​Lake Victoria was empty.

After the southern African army wiped out the German army, those Africans who escaped from the war tried to return to Lake Victoria, but were rejected by the southern African army. The Africans who stayed around Lake Victoria and did not escape were all relocated by the southern African army.

The "relocation" here must have some coercive behavior, but for every African who leaves Lake Victoria, the southern African army will give a part of the cash subsidy in accordance with the regulations of the federal government. The figure is about ten rand per person. Much, but enough for those Africans to make their homes elsewhere.

Although the land in southern Africa is very expensive, in fact, the price of land around southern Africa is still very cheap. For example, in East Africa, an acre of land is only about one rand. In an East African family, a family of more than a dozen is normal, and a hundred rand, enough to buy a hundred acres of land elsewhere in East Africa.

"Either it was spent or was robbed by someone. Anyway, the money is gone." The second lieutenant looked helpless. Whether it was spent or was robbed, it had nothing to do with southern Africa.

At this time, for some unknown reason, the crying broke out again, and Peyton Kimberly's temples were throbbing. He felt that the sound was more terrifying than the sound of gunfire.

"Is there any leader, call here—" Peyton Kimberly would not come forward directly. There is a lesson in this respect. If you come forward rashly, think about the Cape State officials who were detained by the McClell rebels.

The second lieutenant led the way and brought back two emaciated old men after a while.

"Sir, good afternoon—" The old man saluted respectfully according to the British rules, and wanted to lie down and kiss Peyton Kimberly's shoes, which surprised Peyton Kimberly.

"No need to do this, stand up and talk, what's your purpose?" Peyton Kimberly couldn't stand this kind of etiquette, Nima's kneeling was already insulting enough, what's the point of kneeling down and kissing shoes——

"We hope to return home—" The old man looked hopefully at Peyton Kimberly.

"Who asked you to come back?" Peyton Kimberly was unmoved, no one would be at home without everyone.

"No one, we really have nowhere to go, the gentlemen of the plantation need young and strong labor, and don't need useless guys like us—" The Lord is even more hateful.

Plantation owners in southern Africa have to pay salaries when they hire Africans to work. Although the salaries are a bit low, they never default on them, nor do they deduct them for no reason.

East African plantation owners don’t need to mention salary, it’s good to be able to feed themselves, and don’t have to think about other aspects.

Peyton Kimberly really wanted to drive these people away, but seeing the old man weeping in front of his eyes, and hearing the cries louder and louder in the distance, Peyton Kimberly really couldn't make up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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