Chapter 1438
Although Peyton Kimberly sympathizes with these people, but due to his duty, Peyton Kimberly cannot allow these people to return to Lake Victoria.

Even if they were allowed to return to Lake Victoria, they could not find their homes in memory. After the East Africans moved away, the southern African army burned down all the houses around Lake Victoria, razed all the tribes, and replaced them with plantations. Towns, those plantations also need workers, but just like the East African plantations, only strong workers are needed.

"Listen, I need you to appease those people, don't let them run around, or they will be arrested for illegal infiltration, you can live in the open space on the other side of the river, I can provide you with some food, and treat you Provide a certain degree of protection——" Peyton Kimberley can provide limited help, and he can't do nothing. It is a virtue of the strong to show mercy to the weak, but it is only to the extent of "compassion".

"Sir, we want to go back to our homeland—" the old man insisted.

"I don't know your name, and I don't care, but since you chose to take the money and leave, you can't overturn your promise now. The money from the Federal Government of Southern Africa is not easy to get—" Peyton Kimberly had limited patience, thinking Playing hooligans with the Southern African Federal Government can't be done just by selling misery.

"We've been robbed of our money—" The old man's mind wasn't on the same page as Peyton Kimberly.

"I don't care whether you have spent all of your money or were robbed, it has nothing to do with our Southern African federal government. What I want now is your answer. Should you go back to the other side of the river, or be locked in a cell by me?" Pei Don Kimberly does not dwell on this issue, and the two options given seem to be not the optimal solution.

"You put me in the cell and forget it, anyway, I have nothing to miss about this old bone—" The old man showed his true colors, and he seemed to find the possibility of accommodation from Peyton Kimberly's words.

It's a pity that the old man underestimated the degree of Peyton Kimberly's indifference. Peyton Kimberly really can't be kidnapped morally in a few words. Pity is pity, responsibility is responsibility. When the two conflict, Peyton Kimberly's choice Still decisive.

"Well then, you still have to go back to the other side of the river, that's the cell I prepared for you!" Peyton Kimberly sneered, this was another story about why he didn't wear a hat, but the result was no different.

The other side of the river that Peyton Kimberly mentioned is the territory of East Africa. The border line delineated by the Southern African Defense Force is an unknown seasonal river. When the river floods during the rainy season, the river will often divert. Therefore, this border is not fixed.

"You can't do this, it's our home—" The old man turned pale with fright. He didn't expect that Peyton Kimberly, who was still cheerful just now, would suddenly change his face.

Peyton Kimberly didn't talk nonsense, and waved his hands to order the soldiers to carry out their orders.

This is the Southern African National Defense Force, which will have the patience to communicate with people. If it is replaced by other European colonists, the old man is probably already decapitated at this moment.

There are thousands of old and weak women and children, and it is not easy for them to return to the other side of the river.

But Chu Zhen has a way.

When Peyton Kimberly was communicating with the old man, Chu Zhen had already ordered the soldiers to set up a stove on the other side of the river. The Southern African National Defense Forces had a lot of canned food. Pour the canned food directly into the pot, add water and ignite the fire, and the meat died in a short while. Fragrant.

Chu Zhen asked the soldiers to get two tin buckets to heat the milk. When the fragrance of the milk dissipated, more than half of the people who were crying loudly just now had already left.

Peyton Kimberly was very satisfied with Chu Zhen's handling method, but this could not fundamentally solve the problem, so Peyton Kimberly asked Di Plessis to come over to deal with this problem, Di Plessis is the real expert.

"Ha, this matter is too simple, leave it to me. What kind of people are you? Giving them food for no reason will let them know the taste. Let them understand that there is no free dinner in the world." Plessis laughed. Compared with Peyton Kimberly, Di Plessis knew these Africans too well.

In fact, it's not that Peyton Kimberly doesn't understand, it's just that his status is limited, and many things are inconvenient for Peyton Kimberly to do. After all, the National Defense Force still has to maintain its own image, otherwise it will be different from the previous colonists.

Once Christian Construction took over, it was immediately easy.

Di Plessis is indeed very experienced.

In other words, Di Plessis was really cruel. He brought a dozen fully armed mercenaries to the temporary resting point on the other side of the river, smashed the pot, moved the milk, and loaded everyone on the boat shipped away.

"Where is this guy going to get all these people?" Chu Zhen stood on the other side of the river with an indifferent expression. He also felt sorry for these people, but there was nothing he could do.

"Wherever it is, it has nothing to do with us now—" Peyton Kimberly also looked indifferent. If it was a southern African, Peyton Kimberly would definitely not let it go at this time, let alone Africans.

At the moment in 1922, this kind of thing happened every day on the African continent, and everyone has become accustomed to it. After all, this kind of thing has lasted for hundreds of years on the African continent, and it will continue to happen in the future.

Can you handle it?
Southern Africa is not God. It is good enough to take care of its tens of millions of citizens. The fault lies in the failure of the East African colonial government. If East Africa had the same strength as Southern Africa, who would dare to treat East Africans like this?

Francois, who is in London, also has a deep understanding of this.

François worked beside Yang Smoltz when he was the ambassador to the UK. At that time, southern Africa did not have the strength it has now, and Yang Smoltz had to make compromises in many cases.

Now it's finally Francois' turn to be proud. Everyone knows that southern Africa has invaded half of Lake Victoria belonging to East Africa, but no one has given any practical help to the East Africans. During this period of time in London, Marop Jacobs will Looking for cabinet members and members of Congress to cry about the rampant behavior in southern Africa, East Africans did get a lot of sympathy, but it was only to the extent of "sympathy".

"Why did the empire sit back and do nothing about the rampant behavior in southern Africa? Southern Africa not only violated the interests of East Africa, but also harmed the interests of the British Empire. It only takes a piece of paper to get Southern Africa to stop. What are we hesitating about? "Marop Jacob yelled when he met Stanley Baldwin, and Stanley Baldwin was also very embarrassed. If only things could be solved so easily.

"Maluopu, calm down, anger will not help solve the problem, it will only make you make more wrong decisions." Stanley Baldwin pouring chicken soup sounds reasonable, but it can't solve the problem either.

"I'm calm enough. Southern Africa not only invaded Lake Victoria, which belongs to us, but also occupied a large area of ​​land on the north shore of Lake Victoria. Now Southern Africa is even plundering East Africans. If the empire turns a blind eye, then East Africa will be directly annexed by Southern Africa sooner or later. ——" Marop Jacob was heartbroken, and his connivance with southern Africa was tantamount to digging his own grave.

"Don't scare Marop, it's not that serious—" Stanley Baldwin knew what Marop Jacob wanted.

Marop Jacob doesn't really want to recover the territory occupied by Southern Africa, he himself knows that this is probably impossible, so Marop Jacob's purpose is to extract as much benefit as possible from Southern Africa, to put it bluntly It's money, the more the merrier.

The problem now is that there is a huge gap between the price offered by Marop Jacob and what Southern Africa is willing to pay.

After Austin's mediation, Marop Jacobs and Francois had two more meetings. In the second meeting, Francois finally made a concession on behalf of Southern Africa and was willing to compensate the East African colonial government with a price of 100 million rand. .

Half of Lake Victoria and the land on the northern shore of Lake Victoria generate tens of millions of profits every year, and there will be more and more in the future. If the East African colonial government accepts this condition, then the East African colonial government will lose this area forever in the future. This number certainly cannot satisfy Marop Jacob.

Not to mention Marop Jacobs, Stanley Baldwin was not satisfied either.

After all, not all of this money will go to the East African colonial government, and London will also get part of it.

"Your Excellency, don't deceive yourself. You know how serious the situation is. Southern Africa now has a total area of ​​more than 600 million square kilometers, and the total area of ​​the Southern African Union is as high as tens of millions of square kilometers. There are countless migrant boats every day. When you arrive at Port Edward in Southern Africa, if you see the situation with your own eyes, you will be amazed at the prosperity of Port Edward. Don’t say that London is not worried about the situation in Southern Africa, even me, the East African commissioner——” Marop Ya The more Cobb said, the more he went too far, and Stanley Baldwin can now understand Austin's mood very well.

"Shut up Marop, this is not your concern!" Stanley Baldwin couldn't help telling Marop Jacob to shut up. Of course, Stanley Baldwin knew the situation in southern Africa very well, and everyone knew it, but Doesn't that tell the story that no one has ever openly discussed the issue.

"Okay, I'll shut up. If we don't face it, it doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist. Sooner or later, the empire will learn a huge lesson on the southern African issue!" Marop Jacob is also exhausted. Why doesn't he want to lead the East African , to become as powerful a country as Southern Africa.

It's a pity that East Africa doesn't have the conditions that Southern Africa has. Those East Africans don't even want to do work, they just want to eat and die. If it's Roque to go to East Africa, Roque can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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