Chapter 1439
The conditions in Africa are really good. There are many wild animals and tropical fruits. Africans can survive without hard work.

The Chinese grew up in East Asia where the pressure of competition is huge. There are hundreds of millions of people in such a place. Farming is the only way of survival. In the era when the average yield per mu was two to three hundred catties, 50.00% of the land rent was the norm. It is not uncommon to even fall on the [-]th. If you don't work hard, you don't even have the qualifications to survive.

In St. George's Port, Victoria, boat after boat of new immigrants is constantly flowing. Within a week after arriving in St. George's Port, these new immigrants will respectively go to Nyasaland Agricultural Company, or Rhodesia Company located in various parts of Victoria farm.

These farms are generally huge in size. Some farms have an area of ​​more than 1022 acres and require tens of thousands of workers. Farm No. 15, which Mr. Chen and his family are going to, is a holding farm with an area of ​​[-] acres.

"God, 90 mu, how many catties of grain will be harvested in that year—" Boss Chen was dumbfounded when he heard the figure of 90. The largest landlord in his hometown only owns less than 2000 mu of land, which is already ten miles away. A well-known local rich man in Baxiang.

"Hehe, Boss Chen, the farms here don't grow food, but tobacco, coffee, tea, and sugar cane. You should know about tobacco. Have you ever drank coffee?" Wearing a jacket and overalls that are common in southern Africa, and wearing a pistol on his waist belt, Boss Chen was inexplicably awed.

In Boss Chen's impression, a pistol is not only a status symbol, but also means that he has the power of life and death, and he can disregard human life at will. Such people are not easy to mess with.

But this young man named Yu Chang is very kind. He speaks fluent northern mandarin and has an amiable attitude towards people. Just when we first met, Yu Chang gave each of Mr. Chen's two daughters a piece of chocolate, which made Mr. Chen very fond of Chang. Impressive.

"I've drank it, I've had coffee every day on the boat, but I still can't get used to it. It's not as good as a big bowl of tea—" Boss Chen honestly, before they came to southern Africa, each of them accepted it. I have been reminded more than once that you must be honest and never lie in southern Africa, otherwise you may be deported.

Boss Chen didn't want to be repatriated. His hometown had been destroyed by the war, otherwise he wouldn't have left his hometown and come to southern Africa.

Boss Chen is considered lucky, at least his family of seven came to southern Africa smoothly, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"A large bowl of tea is fine. The tea produced in Victoria is still very good, and it has been sold to London. When it comes to the brand of Nyasaland tea, everyone in London knows about it—" Yu Chang expressed Proudly, the best-selling tea in London used to come from India, and now Indian tea is being strongly impacted by southern African tea.

The technology of tea planted by the Indians was stolen from the Chinese, and after so-called improvements, the nondescript English afternoon tea came into being.

A large number of Chinese immigrated to southern Africa and brought real tea technology. Southern African tea has been widely acclaimed since it entered the British market. The Indian tea market is constantly being eroded, especially the high-end tea market, which has been severely impacted.

"Mr. Yu, I heard that after our people come to southern Africa, they will give houses and land—" Boss Chen looked hopeful, a piece of land that really belongs to him is an eternal obsession in the hearts of all Chinese.

"That was before, and now this policy has been cancelled—" Yu Chang said bluntly, this is the benefit of daring to eat crabs. Those Chinese who immigrated to southern Africa in the early years have become a new generation of farmers in southern Africa. Although the Chinese in southern Africa also have opportunities, the difficulty must be much higher.

"Of course, it's not impossible. If you perform well enough during your working period, you can become a Southern African citizen after five years. At that time, you can go to the bank for a loan, add your savings in the past few years, and buy a real one that belongs to you. The farm." Yu Chang's words made Boss Chen overjoyed, he didn't expect to divide the house and land when he came to southern Africa, as long as he had hope.

Yes, as long as there is hope, many people will work hard for hope. The fear is that there is no hope at all, and that is the real despair.

Although it is impossible to divide the land, it is still possible to divide the house.

One day later, Mr. Chen's family came to Farm No. 1022, and the person in charge of resettlement work was also a young man.

"Boss Chen, what's your real name?" The young man worked hard, and the registration here was obviously more detailed than when he disembarked from St. George's Port.

"I don't have a name. I'm the eldest in my family, so I'm called Mr. Chen********?"


"It's just a nickname—"

"Iron egg—"

The young man frowned and thought for a while, and registered Boss Chen's name as Boss Chen. Although the name Tie Dan is not bad, it doesn't feel right to be called this name for a person in his 40s.

"How old are your five children?" The young man continued to register.

"Originally there were seven children, one was injured a few years ago, and the other was pulled out of the strong man and disappeared. There are five remaining children. The oldest is only 12 years old, and the youngest is only five years old—" Boss Chen's face is full of words. Worried, he doesn't know what to register these for.

"Well, all of your five children have to go to school, at least to complete compulsory education, you and your wife will start working in a week, you don't have to worry about the children's studies, the school is in the town, every day At noon and evening, you can choose to live on campus or at home at night, is there any problem?" The young man completed the registration and gave Mr. Chen a certificate, which also means that Mr. Chen and his family have officially joined Nepal Asaran Agricultural Company.

"Does the school charge a fee?" Boss Chen was hit by a huge surprise. He knew that the school was a school. Although he had heard countless times that the schools in Southern Africa did not charge fees, he still couldn't help but want to confirm.

"The school does not charge fees, but you and your wife have to work hard, otherwise the school will cancel your child's chance to study." The young man had a warm smile on his face. The Nyasaland Agricultural Company really grasped this point. The lifeblood of the Chinese, for the opportunity of their children to study, even if there are no other benefits, the Chinese will work hard.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we must work hard, otherwise we can still be regarded as individuals—" Boss Chen was grateful, and the people from the immigration company were right, Southern Africa is indeed a paradise.

Mr. Chen’s family was allocated a brand new two-story wooden house that is common in southern Africa. No one has ever lived in it before. The wooden house occupies a large area. When the land can be disposed of at will, Chen Boss immediately decided to plant vegetables in front of and behind the house, and then raise some chickens, ducks and geese, and the days will be prosperous in a short time.

The surprises did not stop. Although Boss Chen and his wife did not start work until a week later, Boss Chen personally led the children to the school to register early the next morning. He did not want to delay the children for even a minute.

The school is located in the center of the whole town, and it can be seen that the whole town is built around the school.

Different from the townhouses around the school, the buildings in the whole school are all permanent buildings with reinforced concrete structure. Through the school wall composed of iron fences, what Chen Boss saw was the lush lawn and the neatly manicured gardens. In the landscape belt, there is a path built with stone slabs in the middle of the lawn, leading to the octagonal pavilion in the middle of the lawn. A group of boys in overalls are chasing and frolicking on the lawn. Several girls in red checkered dresses are reading in the octagonal pavilion. Boss Chen had never seen the scene.

"Come in, please. I am the principal of this elementary school. My surname is Li. Are they the children who are about to enter school?" The principal surnamed Li was amiable and received Boss Chen in the spacious and bright office.

"Principal Li, I'm sorry to trouble you—" Boss Chen led the children to kneel down and kowtow. In any case, whoever asks you to kneel down, you should greet his ancestors for eight generations.

It's not cursing, but a family tree, what if it's an elder——

"Get up, get up, we don't pay much attention to this in southern Africa—" The principal surnamed Li got up and helped him, but he was not too panicked. In 1922, the emperor had only abdicated for a few years.

After being seated again, Principal Li asked the children if they had received education before.

"The second child and the third child went to a private school for a few days, but they couldn't pay the tuition fee, so they never went to the school again, and then the war broke out, the school was burned down by the rebels, and the professor disappeared—" Chen Boss said Let Principal Li feel heavy, how many children like this are still displaced in the Far East——

"It doesn't matter, we can start all over again, we can also receive compulsory education at the age of 12, and we may also be admitted to Nyasaland University in the future—" President Li has nothing to do with teaching, and many adults in southern Africa will also attend evening classes after work , or other training, as long as you want to receive education, there is always an opportunity.

What surprised Boss Chen was that the school not only manages the meals, but also distributes new clothes to the new students who have just entered school. They are all new inside and out, and each student has two sets.

The fabric of the clothes is not very good, even a little rough, but it feels very strong, and the workmanship is not bad. Not tight, and each of the three boys got a leather belt, which flattered Chen Boss.

"Although clothes don't cost money, you should take good care of them. Regardless of whether they are new or old, they must be clean. Coming to southern Africa is a new beginning. You must start your new life with a brand new look—" Principal Li said. What I said to the children is also what I said to Boss Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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