Chapter 1441
The theory of opening windows was really said by Lu Xun, not from the preface of "Scream", but from a public speech made by Lu Xun in 1927.

You see, if the source of famous quotes is indicated in this way, there will be a lot less controversy immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Li Wei was satisfied, and with the addition of the 1300 books from the Victoria State Education Bureau, in a few days, the library collection of Pingan Town Primary School will increase to 21 books, which is different from Li Wei's request. There is still a little distance, but for an elementary school with only [-] students, having a library is already a luxury, and many elementary schools in the [-]st century cannot do it.

1300 students is not the limit of Ping'an Town Primary School, and the scale of Ping'an Town Primary School will expand to more than 2000 students next year.

Under the premise of no restrictions, the Chinese people’s desire to have children is still very sufficient. In the case of Nyasaland Agricultural Company, the basic necessities of food, housing, transportation, education and medical care are almost covered by the company. He promised to return to the agricultural company to work after graduation, and the company will also bear the expenses incurred during college.

In this environment, the fertility rate is not two or three o'clock, but infinite.

The federal government of Southern Africa just honored a Nyasaland woman last month. She raised 22 children in [-] years and was hailed as a "hero mother" in southern Africa.

Therefore, even if no new immigrants are introduced in southern Africa, the population will naturally increase very rapidly. It is normal to increase by several million a year. An ordinary town like Ping'an Town, with a population of less than [-], has hundreds of children every year. born.

There are thousands of towns like Ping'an Town in southern Africa.

It is precisely because of the unremitting support of companies like Nyasaland Agricultural Company that the public education in southern Africa can develop rapidly. The Nyasaland Agricultural Company has funded hundreds of schools, with an average of one year for each school. Wanlante is in the millions, and the pressure on Nyasaland Agricultural Company is not small.

The good news is that in another two years, Nyasaland Agricultural Company's rubber plantations can start tapping rubber, and by then Nyasaland Agricultural Company's financial situation will be completely turned around.

The current Nyasaland Company implements a rationing system for food distribution. The daily food quota for each adult is [-] grams of rice or flour, [-] grams of coffee, [-] grams of sugar, [-] grams of salt, [-] grams of Meat, five hundred grams of fruits and vegetables.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about rice and flour, the daily demand of Nyasaland Agricultural Company is as high as hundreds of tons, and only an enterprise of the size of Nyasaland Agricultural Company is able to provide employees with such sufficient food.

In the field of southern African agriculture, the status of Nyasaland Agricultural Company is second only to the South African company before the spin-off, and it is about the same size as Rhodesia Agricultural Company.

The ability to provide sufficient food for employees is due to the various farms of Nyasaland Agricultural Company all over southern Africa. Even the plantations in Victoria have opened up special farms to produce various materials needed by plantation workers .

Plantation No. 1022 also has an attached farm. The work of Mr. and Mrs. Chen is to prepare forage for the cows on the farm.

"We have 1500 cows on our farm, producing 25 tonnes of milk a day, and in addition to our 1022 plantation, are also responsible for milking four surrounding plantations - we also have over 4000 sheep and over 2000 head The number of pigs and chickens cannot be counted. We have 15 chicken coops in total. Some coops have 20 chickens, and the largest has [-] chickens—” Lao Sun, the farm manager, just turned [-] and came to the south [-] years ago Africa is the earliest group of employees of Nyasaland Agricultural Company.

What the old grandson said made Boss Chen uneasy. Boss Chen had helped the landlord raise cattle before, and he knew how much forage a cow would eat a day. With 1500 cows, Boss Chen had never seen so many cattle in his life.

"But don't worry, we now use machinery to prepare fodder for cows. There is no need to use a guillotine, and even women can use it easily. You'd better learn some knowledge about repairing machines. The company organizes training every year, and as many as possible Only by learning survival skills can we ensure that we will not be replaced by machines—” Lao Sun has a sense of crisis, which is also the requirement of Nyasaland Agricultural Company.

No matter when, the role of technology is very important.

The current machines are not reliable enough, and problems often occur during work. Even car drivers have to learn the skills of repairing cars when they are learning to drive cars, and the same is true for farm workers.

If you don’t know technology, then the farm might as well use African hired labor, at least it’s cheaper to use African hired labor.

Plantation No. 1022 also employs thousands of African-American workers. Most of them do heavy manual labor and live in collective dormitories provided by the company. Their family members are not allowed to accompany them, let alone paid leave.

"I'm old, I'm afraid I won't be able to learn—" Boss Chen rubbed his hands with an extremely excited expression.

Although the requirements of Nyasaland Agricultural Company are very high, it is the first time that Boss Chen has experienced the feeling of being respected after living so long, which makes Boss Chen can't wait.

"You're only 32 years old, how could you not learn it?" Lao Sun is not surprised. Most of the Chinese in this era get married very early, and child brides are also very common. It is not uncommon to be a parent at the age of fourteen or fifteen.

Southern Africa has stricter requirements in this regard. In southern Africa, you must be 18 years old before you can get married.

"Must I learn?"

"Must learn!"

"Then learn—" Boss Chen did not resist. For the sake of the qualifications of the children, Boss Chen must also stay in southern Africa.

When Boss Chen joined the company, Rock finally received an overseas call from Austin.

It was not easy to make this call, and it took nearly half an hour just for the various transfers.

Austin obviously knows who has the final say in southern Africa, and hopes that the federal government of southern Africa can give some appropriate economic compensation to the colonial government of East Africa for the sake of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs.

If this call was made by Marop Jacob, then Rock could just ignore it.

Austin still has to give face, his call is worth 1000 million rand.

That's right, Roque has already discussed this issue with Philip. The bottom line of the Federal Government of Southern Africa is 1000 million. Half of Lake Victoria, including tens of thousands of square kilometers on the north shore of Lake Victoria, is still a good deal at 1000 million rand.

Austin is also quite satisfied with this result, and even feels a little overjoyed. The cooperation of the Southern African Federal Government is beyond Austin's expectations.

After hanging up the phone, Rock went to Philip. If the East African colonial government is willing to accept this compensation, then the border between Southern Africa and the East African colonial government can be determined, which is also a good thing for Southern Africa.

"The East African side agrees to this plan?" Philip is also very happy. Although the Southern African federal government insists on not paying the money, the money can be denied, but in order to reduce possible troubles in the future, Philip is also willing to spend money to settle it.

"Marop Jacob can only agree. He has no other choice. If he doesn't accept it, then he won't even have the 1000 million." Rock still feels a little bit pained. This is a bit of a big face, but he can get it from other ways compensate.

At this time, the influence of the Chamberlain family in British politics cannot be ignored.

After the death of Joseph Chamberlain, Austin and Neville brothers became the most dazzling stars in British politics. Austin is now the Minister of British Colonial Affairs. Neville's Ministry of Finance, Postal Department, and Ministry of Health have turned around, and finally returned to finance. As Minister of Finance, the Ministry of Finance rose sharply in political prestige.

Neville had already launched an attack on the position of prime minister before, but it was a pity that he failed.

Now Neville's opportunity is coming, but unfortunately the Conservative Party is declining day by day, the strength of the Labor Party is getting stronger and stronger, and the challenges facing Neville are getting stronger and stronger.

Of course, whether the Conservative Party or the Labor Party is in power, the influence of the Chamberlain family cannot be ignored. In another time and space, even when the Labor Party was in power, Neville never faded out of the cabinet, and was once the most active cabinet minister.

"Very well, then give it." Philip didn't feel sorry for it. Anyway, the federal government paid for it, not Philip.

This is the biggest difference between Rock and Philip. Rock manages southern Africa as his own territory, while Philip is like an official appointed by London. He always lacks a real sense of belonging to southern Africa, so naturally he can't talk about Serving Southern Africa wholeheartedly.

On the phone, Austin also suggested that southern Africa and East Africa should be demarcated as soon as possible under the supervision of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs, so as to avoid the re-intensification of conflicts as much as possible.

Roque also agreed to delineate the border as soon as possible, so that Southern Africa will have a legal basis for Lake Victoria. No matter who it is in the future, it will not be able to question Southern Africa's legal right to own Lake Victoria.

"Locke, go back and prepare well. You may go to London in a few days." Philip also sincerely trained Rocke as his successor. Henry and Owen are actually good, but compared to Rocke, they are a little bit less interesting.

"Why are you going to London?" Rock had just been discharged from the hospital, and he was not very clear about the situation in London.

"The Weimar government has run out of money and asked for help from the League of Nations. If the League of Nations doesn't care, then Germany will be forced to give up the repayment plan, so we have to sit down and discuss how to make Germany capable of continuing to pay reparations— "Philip shook his head speechlessly. It seems that the Germans also want to be Lao Lai. What about the century-old reputation?
Rock was also speechless. The Germans talked nicely and worked hard to pay the compensation. However, due to the reality of Germany these years, the payment of compensation has not been smooth. deepen.

It is very simple to make Germany continue to pay reparations, just give the Germans more loans.

This is what Britain and the United States did before, and southern Africa is also an accomplice.

Now it seems that continuing to lend to Germany is not the answer, it is still necessary to allow Germany to have the ability to make blood.

But this will lead to another more serious problem. If Germany is allowed to recover its strength, is it considered to be breeding tigers?

(End of this chapter)

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