Chapter 1442 Miniature
With a large number of Germans coming to southern Africa, Germans have become the third largest ethnic group after Chinese and British.

The Germans imported from southern Africa have a higher average quality and greater social influence. With the increase of the German population, Southern Africa's sympathy for Germany is also increasing.

Rock himself has no prejudice against Germany. There is no justice or evil in the world war itself. Even the Germans who committed countless crimes in World War II actually behaved in line with the logic of the Anglo-Saxons.

In terms of genocide, the Anglo-Saxons are not inferior to the Germans. Let’s not talk about how the United States treats the Indians. Even Australia has made the last Tasmanian a specimen. This crime , the Anglo-Saxons are too numerous to write about.

Compared with the United Kingdom and the United States, the assistance given to Germany in southern Africa is more pure, with the fewest additional conditions, and relatively loose, not as harsh as the aid from the United Kingdom and the United States.

Immediately after the end of the world war, southern Africa sent a large amount of food to Germany, helping many Germans to tide over the most difficult period.

After the signing of the "Contract of Versailles", the Federal Government of Southern Africa has provided loans of 5000 million rand to the German government three times to restore the basic livelihood of the people in Germany. During the same period, Britain began to support Germany against France after the war. Only about [-] million pounds of loans have been provided to Germany, while the United States, which talks about humanitarianism, only provides about [-] million U.S. dollars in all aid to Germany.

Of the three currencies, the rand, the British pound, and the US dollar, the value of the US dollar is still the lowest. Now one rand can still be exchanged for about 4 US dollars, and the exchange rate between the US dollar and the British pound has dropped to 3.5 to 1.

The "Contract of Versailles" stipulates that Germany needs to pay about 2260 billion marks in reparations, which is equivalent to about 113 billion pounds.

The largest indemnity in the history of mankind, the financially exhausted German government after the World War was simply unable to pay. In order to prevent the "Versailles Treaty" from becoming a dead letter, Charles Gates Dawes, chairman of the Allied Reparations Commission, proposed to hold a meeting in London For the seminar, Philip asked Rock to go to London to attend this meeting.

In Rock's impression, C. G. Dawes seemed to have put forward the famous "Dawwes Plan" at this meeting, but this plan did not seem to be fully implemented. After a few years of implementation, it was later The "Younger Plan" replaced.

It's not bad, at least the "Dawwes Plan" has prompted Germany to really enter the process of paying reparations, which is also good news for southern Africa.

On September 9, shortly after the demarcation of the border between southern and eastern Africa began, Rock left southern Africa by boat from Port Edward for London.

As for why it is Port Edward instead of Walvis Bay, which is closer to London, it is because Rock has to stop by the Aldan Islands, Port Elizabeth and Cyprus.

The current Port Elizabeth is still not the territory of southern Africa, but Rock's private territory, and it is also the headquarters of a large group of companies such as Adan Company, Umbrella Company, and Indian Ocean Company.

Although it is not the territory of Southern Africa, Southern Africa still has troops and fleets stationed in Port Elizabeth. There is no way, the oil in Port Elizabeth is too important for Southern Africa, and its status is irreplaceable. Describe the oil in Port Elizabeth as Southern Africa The blood is not too much.

"We have discovered more new oil fields in the past few years, many of which are in the territory of Najd Sultanate. In order to protect the current oil price, these oil fields are in a state of storage and have not been developed. Locke, I now understand why you don't Engage in electric cars!" With the deepening of his understanding of the company under Rock's name, Sidney Milner's understanding of Rock is also increasing, and it has almost reached the level of admiration.

"It's not that we don't do it. Research in various aspects has been going on, but many technologies have not been put into use." Rock is still very proud. If Port Elizabeth is not controlled by Rock, then Rock will definitely increase his control of electric vehicles. Car research and promotion, now—

What about electric vehicles, fuel vehicles are king.

"Perfect, wait until the oil is dug out before making electric cars!" Sidney Milner still doesn't have the correct concept of the world's oil reserves.

It is impossible to dig out all the oil. It was predicted ten years ago that the world’s oil reserves were less than 15 million tons. Now ten years have passed. According to the latest data released by Nyasaland University, the world’s oil reserves are about [-] million tons. About [-] million tons. After ten years of digging, not only is there no shortage, but more and more. Whoever digs knows.

Leaving aside other regions, Port Elizabeth alone has proven underground oil reserves of more than 30 billion tons, so just say how watery this figure is.

Whenever Rock sees these data, Rock just smiles without saying a word.

This is the reason why Rock doesn't care whether the companies in southern Africa make money or not. Even if all the companies in southern Africa don't make money, with the oil in Port Elizabeth, Rock's annual income is calculated in "billion rands". So you should work hard to build Nyasaland Agricultural Company, it can't be finished.

"When you bought the Chagos Islands, I didn't even know where the Chagos Islands were, and I couldn't find them on the map. How did you notice the Chagos Islands?" Sidney Milner With a lot of emotion, he and Rock hung a huge map around the Indian Ocean, with red dots densely dotted all over it. These red dots were scattered islands that Rock had bought intermittently over the years.

Now the sporadic islands on the map have been connected into one piece, covering all areas around the Indian Ocean. Among all the red dots, the Chagos Islands in the center are extremely conspicuous.

"Don't need to pay special attention, the Ardan Islands are there, isn't it clear enough?" Rock now doesn't need to brag to prove his foresight. In the field of investment, Rock has long been named the "God of Investment". Lanzhou University has a professional team studying Rock's investment behavior.

It is clear and indeed clear. On the high-precision military map, even a reef is clearly marked. In the past few years, countless people have seen this map, but except for Rock, no one has ever noticed the Ardan Islands the value of.

This cannot be described as investment, it can only be a stroke of genius.

At this time, the fleet had arrived at the outer seas of the Adan Islands, and the fleet stationed in the Adan Islands had already been notified and came to the outer seas to welcome the arrival of the fleet.

The warship that Rock was on was the heavy cruiser "Edward", the flagship of the Edward fleet.

With the successive deliveries of new battleships, the heavy cruiser is no longer the most powerful warship in southern Africa. After the "West Africa" ​​was commissioned, the heavy cruiser "Edward" was still the flagship of the Edward fleet. This time Rock traveled, " The "West Africa" ​​also traveled with the "Edward", which is not only a demonstration of the growing force in southern Africa, but also a routine training for the Edward fleet.

Compared with the Edward fleet, the fleet stationed in the Adan Islands is relatively small. There are only four warships in total. The flagship is the light cruiser "Adan" which has just been commissioned. This type of light cruiser has a displacement of only about 6000 tons Left and right, not bound by the Washington Naval Treaty, Southern Africa could build as many as it wanted.

When Roque was traveling, the Adan fleet was also dispatched. Four warships headed by the "Adan" warship honked their whistles and joined the fleet formation. On the right is the "Adan" light cruiser, and Rock was also emotional for a while.

From the beginning without a single warship to the current aircraft carrier that is about to enter service, the southern African navy has gone through a difficult and ragged road——

Ah bah, you have a hard time, a fart with rough roads, and southern Africa with the thighs of the British Empire. It is not easy to develop a navy. Britain is now more and more dependent on southern Africa. It needs technology, technology, and talents. There are talents, and funds are needed. The Royal Navy almost opened up its warehouses for the southern African navy to choose. Where is the difficulty?
Now the Adan Islands have become the busiest relay port in the Indian Ocean. The Adan Islands originally prepared a grand welcome ceremony for Rock, but Rock didn't want to affect the normal operation of the port because of his arrival, so everything was kept simple. .

"My lord, Colonel Zhu Jun of the Indian Ocean Military Region of the Southern African National Defense Force is reporting to you—" Zhu Jun is still in charge of the security work of the Adan Islands, and Huang Liang is the highest administrative officer of the Adan Islands.

"Thank you—" Rock was full of enthusiasm. He was grateful to the officers and soldiers stationed outside the island. Without their efforts, Southern Africa would not have the current situation.

In fact, the life of the officers and soldiers guarding the Adan Islands is not difficult, on the contrary they are very comfortable.

The islands in southern Africa not only have an important strategic position, but also have complete living facilities. The family members of the officers and soldiers guarding the islands can accompany the army, and their children can receive education of the same quality as those in southern Africa on the islands. With special care, the income of these officers and soldiers is also relatively generous. The basic salary plus overseas allowances, as well as various benefits provided by the Ministry of Defense and the umbrella, are also a proper middle class in southern Africa.

Of course, living on an island thousands of kilometers away from the mainland is still a lot of inconvenience. After all, there is no Internet nowadays, and the communication infrastructure is not good enough. Offshore guarding the island is actually almost the same as being isolated from the world.

"It's not hard work. The conditions are much better than before. The environment here is beautiful and the folk customs are simple and honest. It's like a paradise. If it's hard work, then I'm willing to work hard for the rest of my life." Zhu Jun is still very satisfied with Zheng He Island. From the very beginning From less than 500 people to the largest naval base in the Indian Ocean with nearly [-] people, the changes in the Aldan Islands are like a microcosm of the entire southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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