Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1454 One Degree of Hotness

Chapter 1454 Once Hot

Although the Rock people left the UK, Rock's revenge did not stop as some people imagined.

"Don't forget the demands of the southern Africans. As long as we don't hand over the person who planned the attack, the revenge of the southern Africans will not stop." In the basement of a house by the Liffey River, a bearded man wearing a top hat haha Sneering: "I said earlier, don't provoke the southern Africans, our enemies are the high-ranking gentlemen in London, not the villains in southern Africa, the gentlemen will sit down with us and talk slowly, the villains will only insert steel pipes into your buttocks What is it?"

"Now there are rumors that people from southern Africa offer a price. As long as someone can provide information about us, then a piece of information is worth a thousand pounds. God, I never thought that I would be so valuable." A short, fat little old man Shaking his head and sighing, simple villains are easy to deal with, but villains with money and no bottom line are really terrible.

"Randolph mysteriously disappeared from his home yesterday. He may have been kidnapped by southern Africans. If that's the case, we all have to be careful, as southern Africans may show up at any time." In the shadow of the arrival, this is Dublin, and the safety is fairly guaranteed, but some people in the six northern counties are unlucky, and they are now in danger.

It's funny to say that an organization known for violent intimidation will be intimidated by violent intimidation, and no one will believe it.

"We can't sit still and send someone to teach the southern Africans a hard lesson." The strongest guy in the room was impassioned, and it wasn't time to throw in the towel.

"What are you going to do?" The bearded man frowned, it was not a good idea to use violence to control violence.

"In our territory, no matter what happens, the southern Africans don't care, so what we have to do now is to burn the flames of war to the southern African mainland, and make the southern Africans feel the pain, otherwise they will not understand us. Painful." The strong guy is tough to the end, which sounds reasonable.

"Murphy, don't be impulsive. We can't afford a bigger loss. Darryl is right. Our enemy is in London, not southern Africans." The person sitting at the main seat finally spoke. He was of medium build and dressed in Elegant, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, like a refined scholar.

"Kevin, if we admit defeat, we will become a joke and lose people's trust in us." Murphy looked at Kevin with disappointment, and the attitudes of Kevin and Darryl, in Murphy's view, were both Cowardly performance.

"Compared with us, people are more willing to trust the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force." Darryl sighed quietly. The rebel organization had not won the trust of most people, otherwise the six northern counties would not have chosen to stay in the UK.

"Darryl, get ready to go to St. Roch with me. We need to find an opportunity to talk to the Marquis of Nyasaland." Kevin tried to solve the problem from the source, and the longer it dragged on, the worse the situation would become.

"What if the Marquis of Nyasaland insists that we hand over the mastermind?" The short, fat little old man was in high spirits. To control violence with violence depends on who is being targeted. Having seen Roque's counterattack, Londoners are more likely to deal with it. .

"The person who planned it has been crushed by stones—" Kevin's expression was indifferent, even the dead were not spared, and he wanted to squeeze out the last trace of use value.

Crushed by stones is Congressman Pinel Frederick, whose funeral was held just yesterday and was attended by less than ten people besides Pinel Frederick's family Redrick's funeral.

Sure enough, people are leaving the tea to cool down.

"Pinel is miserable enough—" Murphy couldn't bear it, Qin Hui still had three lovers.

"Murphy, the living are more important." Kevin said sharply, and Rock might not necessarily want to kill them all, the rabbit would kick the eagle when he was in a hurry.

The next day, Kevin and Daryl boarded the boat to St. Rocco.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Darryl felt that he was being watched secretly since he got on the boat.

This feeling is not surprising, people who have ghosts in their hearts see everyone as a ghost.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way. After a day and a night, Darryl and Kevin arrived in San Loch.

This is Kevin and Daryl's first visit to St. Rocco.

St. Rocco is the only enclave in southern Africa in Europe. The European headquarters of major companies in southern Africa are in St. Rocco. As a result, St. Rocco has become the largest distribution center for southern African commodities in Europe. There are countless merchant ships entering and leaving the port every day. One can imagine.

Dublin is also the largest port in the Irish Free State, but Dublin is a level behind St. Roch's in terms of port construction and busyness.

The busyness of San Roque is not the kind of chaotic busyness, but orderly. Container ships go to the container terminal, and other cargo ships go to the bulk cargo terminal. After tourists disembark, they must register. If they want to leave the port and enter the urban area after the port, they must A fee of about five shillings is required to obtain a temporary pass into the city.

Kevin and Darryl didn't need to register, and they were taken away by agents from Brad's office as soon as they stepped off the gangway.

"The Irish have arrived at the Rhodesian Hotel, do you want to see them?" Sidney Milner admired Roque, and Kevin and Daryl came to St. Roque, representing a complete surrender.

"Hehe, I don't see you, what are you thinking about—" Rock sneered. Southern Africa doesn't give preferential treatment to prisoners. If you surrender, you can enjoy the treatment in line with your status?

Stop dreaming.

That's why Roque didn't want to fight the Irishman to the end, otherwise Kevin and Daryl wouldn't even have the chance to come to St. Roque.

Now Kevin and Darryl are hot potatoes. Even if Rock doesn't see Kevin and Daryl, he must ensure the safety of Kevin and Daryl.

If any accident happened to Kevin and Daryl in St. Roque, regardless of whether it was related to Roque, the relationship between the two parties would evolve into an endless relationship.

So in this situation, guess what London will do?
"This is too embarrassing--" Sidney Milner laughed, Kevin and Daryl had a good plan, and Rock was not stupid.

"Hmph, let them stay in the hotel for one night, and send them away tomorrow." Rock came to Saint Rock to hide, and the British Empire still has to deal with the messy things in the British Empire. Plan".

At the last meeting, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour also proposed a "Balfort Plan".

The content of the "Balfour Plan" is similar to that of the "Dawwes Plan", but the subjects of implementation have been replaced by Britain and France, and the providers of the loans required by the plan have also become the Imperial Bank and Paribas.

C. G. Dawes is very dissatisfied with the behavior of Britain and France to exclude the United States. The good news is that the Reichsbank and Paribas have little interest in German bonds. Wall Street giants can still exert influence on Germany through the bonds issued by Germany. , But this is not good news for the giants on Wall Street. After all, Germany’s solvency is in doubt, and no one is sure whether Germany can repay the compensation as planned even after issuing enough bonds.

Of course, before this, there is still a serious problem to be solved. France has not yet agreed to withdraw its troops from the Ruhr, which is a prerequisite for Germany to accept the "Belfort Plan" or "Dawwes Plan".

"Normal, isn't that what a democratic country is like? No matter what it is, it needs to be discussed and voted on by the parliament. It is normal for the whole process to last for a year or two. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with us in southern Africa. We will return to southern Africa in two days. Francois is going to argue with them." Rock will not waste time in boring meetings, as the economy recovers, countries are gradually coming out of the vortex of the economic crisis, which is not a good thing for southern Africa.

During the economic crisis, European companies had no funds and no raw materials. As a result, southern African commodities became popular. Both industrial and agricultural products were in short supply. This is the real reason why the southern African economy was not affected by the economic crisis.

To use the professional terms that Rock knows, Southern Africa has established a mature and complete external circulation channel in recent years, so that the economy of Southern Africa can continue to develop.

Now the situation has changed. The economies of various countries are slowly recovering. Even India no longer needs food from southern Africa and is gradually self-sufficient. Southern Africa must think of new ways to ensure sustainable economic development.

There is no solution, but it will be more difficult than in previous years, but it is not unsustainable. The advantages of southern Africa are still quite large, and they cannot be shaken in a short period of time.

"The business is getting harder and harder now. Taking cars as an example, we used to face competition from Renault, and now we have added Ford. I really don't understand why Ford pays workers such a high salary. , The price of the car is still sold so low, how did they do it?" Rock came to San Roque, accompanied by Leonard Capet the whole time, and the Capet family is now both prosperous and ruined with Rock.

"Ford has already begun to reduce the wages of workers. Henry Ford's idea is good, but unfortunately it is not realistic in the United States now." Rock sneered, and Ford's model can no longer continue. In the United States, the sales of other cars have already reached Ford Motors posed a huge threat.

Others here include not only Washington Motors and Lord Motors, but also General Motors and Chrysler.

Unlike Ford Motor, most of Washington Motor's workers are low-paid Mexicans, so even though Washington Motor's price is similar to Ford's, Ford's profit is far less than Washington Motor's.

Just last month, Ford was forced to cut wages for workers, prompting a backlash from workers.

This past weekend, Ford workers took to the streets to protest lower wages and longer working hours.

The federal army was ordered to go to the scene of the workers' assembly to try to disperse the workers, but a confrontation occurred with the state police who came to support the workers, and the scene was once heated.

(End of this chapter)

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