Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1455 Thick-skinned meets thick-skinned

Chapter 1455 Thick-skinned meets thick-skinned
In order to reduce the cost of the Ford Model T, Henry Ford can be said to have tried every means, not only to train the workers, improve the proficiency of the workers, but also in order to improve the efficiency and labor enthusiasm of the workers, Ford creatively used the eight-hour work and raised workers' wages to five dollars a day.

The daily salary of five dollars was in 1913. By 1918, the workers of Ford Motor had been able to get a daily salary of $6, which was second to none in the world. Even in southern African companies known for their high benefits and salaries, ordinary workers received Less than such a high salary.

While the high salary brings honor to Ford Motor, it also brings tremendous pressure to Ford Motor.

Henry Ford's original intention was good. He wanted to increase the labor enthusiasm of workers through high wages, so that ordinary Ford workers could afford the cars produced by Ford.

After Nyasaran Motor entered the United States, the pressure on Ford Motor became more and more intense. The price of Washington Motor was almost the same as that of Ford Motor, but the cost was lower than that of Ford Motor, so Washington Motor had more funds for new cars. In terms of technology research and development, the configuration is getting higher and higher. Just last month, the sales volume of Washington Motors in the United States has surpassed that of Ford Motors. This forced Ford Motors to change its previous model, reduce workers' salaries, and extend working hours.

At this time, the ubiquitous labor unions in the United States ignored the growing pressure from Ford Motor and organized collective protests by workers, which eventually led to a confrontation between federal troops and state police.

Fortunately, there was no firefight between the federal army and the state police, otherwise the beautiful country would once again shock the world.

The last time the beautiful country suppressed the WWI veterans' rally in Washington, it had already aroused great international repercussions, and the number of European immigrants to the United States dropped significantly in that year.

Rock had expected Ford's current situation.

The wage system implemented by enterprises in southern Africa is actually similar to that of Ford, with the same high salary and the same eight-hour work system, but the pressure on enterprises is not as great as that of Ford.

In the final analysis, southern African companies use a large number of African-American workers to effectively reduce business costs. Southern African workers in Nyasaland Automobile can get a monthly salary of about 20 rand, which is equivalent to about 100 US dollars. African-American workers can only get To about 5 rand monthly salary, equivalent to about 25 US dollars.

Not only the wages are low, the working hours of African-American workers are not protected, the daily working hours are longer, no paid holidays, no apartments, only dormitories, etc., etc., the reason why the economic development of southern Africa is so fast , thanks to the contributions of countless African-American workers.

"France, like southern Africa, is trying to absorb more new immigrants, create job opportunities, reduce tax rates and increase corporate profits, but the effect is not good." Leonard Capet is very worried about the current situation in France, the world war A long time has passed, but France has not recovered from the trauma caused by the war.

During the World War, more than 140 million people died in France, second only to Germany's 177 million and Russia's 170 million, equivalent to an entire generation of French people.

Several years have passed since the world war, and France has tried every means to increase the population. The total population has not only not increased, but has continued to decline.

"France is trying to absorb new immigrants from the colonies, but the French are still exodus because of the threat of war. The reduction of tax rates has enriched entrepreneurs, but it has not really benefited the French people. To really get out of the trauma, France still has a lot to do. There is a long way to go." Rock knows where the crux of France is, but unfortunately Rock can't give good advice.

In fact, there are ways to solve the problem. The French government’s idea of ​​solving the problem is correct, but unfortunately, there have been uncontrollable deviations in the implementation process. Now the population imported into France is low-quality colonial immigrants, but the people who flow out are those who understand the current situation in France. The high-quality talents who can see the deep-seated crisis in France through the surface of France's victory in the world war, the loss of France cannot be calculated.

Leonard Capet also knew about France's problems, and after thinking about it for a long time, he could only sigh.

There is no way for Rock to solve the problem, and Leonard Capet can't solve it.

Fortunately, there is Saint-Roch. Those high-quality talents who understand the situation in France and cannot leave France mostly choose Saint-Roch as their place of residence. The biggest problem now is that although France and Belgium donated Saint-Roch to southern Africa, the southern African For some reason, it was impossible to station troops in Saint Rocco, so the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company could only be mobilized to maintain the situation.

It’s okay to use the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company in the short term, but not for a long time. Compared with the regular army, the Umbrella Company has some problems that cannot be solved. Roque came to San Roque this time to see if this problem can be solved. way.

"The French government is unlikely to agree to the Southern African garrison in Saint-Roch. When the French government decided to gift the Duperokust Dunes to Southern Africa, it was still a barren land with no grass. Now the Duperokust Dunes have become St. Roque, someone in the parliament has proposed to take back St. Rocco, and it is almost impossible to garrison troops." Leonard Capet smiled bitterly, don't overestimate the morality of the French, friendship is nonsense in front of interests.

Now was not the time when France needed the Southern African Expeditionary Force against the Germans.

Especially after Madagascar joined the Southern African Union, the relationship between France and southern Africa gradually became colder. Not long ago, in order to increase government revenue and protect its own enterprises, France also learned from the United States and the United Kingdom and revised its tariffs. Now southern African goods Competitiveness in France is declining, as is France's dependence on southern Africa.

At this time, we can see the benefits of southern Africa clinging to the British thigh.

The British Empire is still the most powerful country in the world. The market within the Commonwealth is even coveted by the United States. The recently signed "Imperial Customs Union" allows southern African goods to enter the Commonwealth market almost without hindrance. , which is the biggest driving force for the economic vitality of southern Africa.

"We have to find a way to create an excuse that the southern African army can be stationed in San Roque smoothly--" Roque had nothing to say in front of Leonard Capet, who was himself a southern African in France. interest advocate.

"Lord, don't be impulsive—" Leonard Cape didn't know what Rock was going to do, and subconsciously felt that Rock had malicious intentions.

"Ha, no—" Rock replied perfunctorily, and Leonard Capet could only pray that Rock wouldn't go too far.

After all, Leonard Capet does not want France to be harmed.

Just when Roque was struggling to find an excuse, on October 10, a conflict occurred between the Umbrella Company and the local French in Dunkirk.

What I want to explain here is that Saint Roque is less than 20 kilometers away from Dunkirk.

In order to solve the mercenary camp, the Umbrella Company purchased about 1.5 square kilometers of land from the Dunkirk municipal government and planned to build a military camp here for the mercenaries stationed in San Roque.

The money for the purchase of land was paid directly by the Umbrella Company to the Dunkirk city government, but the Dunkirk city government did not do a good job in land acquisition and relocation. As a result, when the Umbrella Company built a camp, it had conflicts with the locals of Dunkirk some conflicts.

"We paid a fee of 25 pounds per acre for those lands, and this fee has been fully paid. According to regulations, the Dunkirk city government should compensate those Dunkirk whose land was expropriated at a fee of about 15 pounds per acre. Local people in Erke—”The person in charge of the umbrella company in Saint Loch is Sergey, a French-Slavic, and has now joined the southern African nationality.

"The city of Dunkirk misappropriated the fees we paid and did not pay the locals in time, and as a result, the locals obstructed our work, not only stealing building materials from the construction site, but also stopping our construction workers. Normal construction, and injured our workers—” Sergey was filled with righteous indignation, those French should go to the Dunkirk city government to ask for money, instead of pouring their anger on the umbrella company.

"Wait, did you hurt our workers?" Rock was surprised. He didn't expect the French to go so far.

"Uh, African-American workers—" Sergey was slightly embarrassed.

That's right, if it is Chinese or white, the French really dare not do it.

Africans are hard to say. France also has colonies in Africa. After the World War, many Africans came to France to settle down, but they did not enjoy the treatment they deserved as French citizens, the standard "second-class citizens".

Even so, the life of those Africans in France is very different from that in the colonies. At least in France, no one dares to abuse Africans openly, and they can get paid for their work, although the salary is a little less.

"And then—" Rock was not surprised at all. The democracy and freedom advertised by the French actually required quotation marks.

"We have paid enough money, so we must not condone the behavior of those Frenchmen. The night before yesterday, two Frenchmen went to the construction site to steal something, but they were caught on the spot. After dawn, hundreds of Frenchmen surrounded our construction site. , demand that we immediately release the arrested Frenchman and pay 500 pounds in compensation—” Sergey looked disdainful, if this happened in the Near East, the umbrella company would have already started killing.

In France, the Umbrella Company still needs to be restrained appropriately. After all, it is the "center of world civilization". Even if the French are shameless, the Umbrella Company still has to be shameless.

"Why ask for compensation?" Rock was surprised by the thick skin of the French, how could such a request be made.

"Some of our soldiers had some super-friendly behaviors with some French women, which resulted in several French women becoming pregnant, but this is not our responsibility, it is those French women who seduce our soldiers!" Sergey is also thick-skinned, It's quite shameless to be able to say such things.

(End of this chapter)

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