Chapter 1456 Deserving it
France is indeed the most romantic country in the world, and French women are also the most elegant women in the world. In fact, this is not a good thing. I really can't find other angles to praise, so I started from these two aspects.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on French women. During the World War, France lost a whole generation. From teenage children to decades old men were dragged to the battlefield. Not counting the colonial soldiers, France is indeed "only" 124 million people died, but there are countless disabled soldiers. Moreover, after the World War, the French government had financial difficulties and was unable to pay the pensions for the officers and soldiers who died in battle in full. The care for disabled soldiers was also insufficient, which led to Many families live in difficulties, and women have to go out of the house to work in order to support their families. In terms of equal rights, France can also be regarded as one of the best countries in the world.

Don't expect high moral standards from the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company. They are a group of people with their heads hanging on their waistbands. There is no tomorrow. They will make the mistakes that men make, and it is normal for them to die.

Of course, this is not a good thing for French men. No man wants to see this happen on his own land. In addition, the Dunkirk municipal government failed to pay compensation for land expropriation in time. The umbrella company and The contradictions among the local people are getting deeper and deeper.

"The Dunkirk city government didn't pay the compensation in time. Shouldn't the French go to the Dunkirk city government?" Rock really couldn't figure it out. Did the French think that the mercenaries of the umbrella company were easier to bully?
Or do they think mercenaries are more reasonable?
Mostly wrong.

Definitely an illusion.

Sergey looked confused, and he didn't know why this happened. The umbrella company had already paid for it once. To be fair, the price of 15 pounds per acre is indeed not low, and the umbrella company cannot be asked to pay again.

However, this seems to have given Roque a chance. If it is done properly, it may be an opportunity for the National Defense Forces to enter San Roque.

What Rock didn't even know was that the relationship between the mercenaries and the locals was more serious than what Sergey stated.

When Sergey reported to Roque, two chefs from the umbrella company went to Dunkirk to purchase, and they clashed with the locals again. The two chefs were beaten and their car was taken away. trace.

After Sergey knew about it, he came to the Dunkirk police station in person and asked the police station to deal with it seriously and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

"Mr. Sergey, we are investigating this matter and promise not to favor anyone, but you also know that the situation was chaotic at the time, and the situation has not been investigated yet." Dunkirk Police Chief Brande Henry didn't like Sergey, in his opinion mercenaries were troublemakers.

Among the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company, more than 70.00% of them are African-American soldiers. Many of them are veterans who participated in World Wars. They know nothing but combat and cannot survive in modern society at all.

Umbrella Corporation recruited a large number of African-American soldiers out of cost considerations. The salaries of African-American soldiers are relatively low, and the requirements are easier to meet. of.

Of course, this also creates a problem. For example, in France, most of the mercenaries composed of African-American soldiers are not very popular with the French. Many special workers in Dunkirk are not even willing to do business with African-American soldiers. .

Not even African-American soldiers are generous.

"How long will it take for the investigation to be clear? The cleaning lady in Dunkirk knows where the stolen car is. Are your men blind?" Sergey was blunt. Never had such a loss.

This is in France, but in other places, Sergey has already assembled mercenaries to get back the place, and he will not talk nonsense with Brand Henry at all.

"I don't need you to teach me how to do things. Also, keep your mouth clean and watch out for your subordinates, don't let them make trouble on my territory!" Brand Henry blushed, and said In Dunkirk, the chief of police is already a big official, but no one has ever dared to speak to Brand Henry in this manner before.

"Very good, if your subordinates are incapable of investigating the facts, then I can help you." Sergey was blunt, as he could no longer bear the inaction of the Dunkirk government.

"I'm warning you, don't make trouble on my territory, or I'll be rude to you!" Brand Henry rang the alarm bell. Brand Henry knew all too well what virtues mercenaries have. .

Sergey grinned, turned around and gave Brand Henry a middle finger.

That night, more than a dozen mercenaries protecting the delivery company raided a warehouse on the outskirts of Dunkirk. After injuring several people, they drove away the truck parked in the warehouse and parked it directly at the gate of the Dunkirk police station. forward.

Rock immediately received a call from the mayor of Dunkirk.

"Marshal, you should restrain your mercenaries, they are simply too presumptuous." Roque is still the honorary marshal of France, and the title of "Marquis of Nyasaland" is not easy to use in France.

France even sent its own king to the guillotine, not to mention the marquis, it was all the dross of feudal society, and democratic and free countries would not recognize such things.

"Your Excellency, mayor, should you also strictly demand the Dunkirk police? Their behavior cannot be described as lazy, it is simply dereliction of duty! Incompetent! If this is during the World War, I will shoot them directly!" Rock also said You're welcome, no matter how you look at it, the mercenaries are not entirely responsible for this matter. The city government took the money but didn't do anything, and now it's embarrassing to blame the umbrella again.

It is estimated that Rock's words were a bit heavy. The mayor babbled on the phone for a long time without saying a word.

Rock hangs up the phone directly. Being able to answer the phone is actually quite a face. Since the conversation is not speculative, then Rock will find someone who can talk.

Then Rock called Raymond Pongale.

Yes, the same Raymond Poengale who was President of France during the World Wars.

Speaking of the position of Prime Minister of France, it is really a high-risk occupation. If you can successfully hold the position for one year, it is worth celebrating.

The last time Roque dealt with the French Prime Minister, the French Prime Minister at the time was Georges Clemenceau. After Georges Clemenceau decided to participate in the presidential election and resigned as prime minister, the French prime minister began to change like a lantern.

First, Aristide Briand, who had served as Prime Minister of France 11 times, was forced to resign because of veterans' problems after only serving as Prime Minister for six months this time.

Then there was Alexander Millerand, who served as the Minister of War during the World Wars. This guy was even more unlucky. He only served as Prime Minister for a month before leaving because of the economic crisis.

Then there was Georges Leger, who was secretary of the navy during the world wars, and who was prime minister for a little longer before being forced to resign after 13 months because of the continued economic downturn in France.

Then came Aristide Briand again, this time for 364 days as Prime Minister of France.

Then there is the current Raymond Poengale, who just succeeded Aristide Briand as the French Prime Minister earlier this year, and it is not known how long he can stay in the position of Prime Minister.

Raymond Poingale and Roque are also old friends. During the World War, Raymond Poingale and Roque also fought side by side. The performance during the French presidency was quite good, and Roque had a good impression of Raymond Poengale.

However, Raymond Poengale did not make any promises to Roque. Roque had already expected this. After all, as the French Prime Minister, Raymond Poengale would definitely stand on the Dunkirk municipal government on this issue. , no matter how good the personal relationship with Rock is, Raymond Poengale will not take everything.

Rock also didn't ask Raymond Pongale to go to a certain level. Apart from expressing his dissatisfaction, he also wanted to talk to Raymond Pongale about the past, but the call ended in a good mood.

Three days later, a destroyer of the Atlantic Fleet arrived in St. Rocco, along with 120 Marines belonging to the Atlantic Fleet.

Rock immediately received a telegram from Raymond Poengale, and at this time Rock had already left San Roque on the heavy cruiser "Durban".

"Reply, of course you have to reply, tell Your Excellency the Prime Minister that the Marine Corps soldiers are to restrain the mercenaries of the umbrella company. Contradictions among the locals of Dunkirk." Roque had a good reason, and it was the mayor of Dunkirk's request to strengthen the constraints on mercenaries.

"The French are probably going to be pissed off. I don't know how Raymond feels when he sees Saint Roque on the map every day." Sidney Milner laughed loudly, thanking Deschanel who once fell from the train. He decided to donate the Duperokust Dunes to southern Africa, so there is the current Saint Rocco.

Rock smiled and said nothing, your arsenic and my honey, the Duperokust dunes were completely barren under the management of the French government, and they immediately turned decay into magic after being sent to southern Africa. This is not the first time this has happened up.

Of course, southern Africa was not all smooth sailing. The reason why Rock left Europe in such a hurry was that the meeting in London was as smelly and long as the foot wraps, and it was also because there were matters in southern Africa that Rock needed to handle personally.

The problem is still the Republic of Congo, but this time it is not because of the arsenal, but because of the rebellion in the Republic of Congo.

After Roque knew what happened, he could only say that he deserved it.

(End of this chapter)

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