Chapter 1457 Prayer
After the establishment of the Republic of Congo, the living conditions of Africans in the territory did not change much. Those who were abused were still abused, and those who were enslaved were still enslaved. The white plantation owners of the Republic of Congo did not get rid of the rule of the colonial government of Congo. It is better for African-American workers, and sometimes it gets worse.

Rock reminded Isaac Pansy of this issue a long time ago, but Isaac Pansy didn't really pay attention to it, perhaps because he wanted to try to abandon the influence of southern Africa, or because the Kingdom of Congo brought a lot to the Republic of Congo. The coming pressure is too great, or it may be because Isaac Pansy has lost control of the Republic of Congo. There are always too many factors combined, and the Africans in the Republic of Congo finally cannot bear the squeeze of white plantation owners. Became this rebellion.

"About 10 people participated in the rebellion, and some of the police in the Republic of Congo also participated. Hundreds of plantations have been burned by angry workers, and the plantation owners have been brutally killed. However, they do not deserve sympathy. The workers only treat the plantation owners. Their methods are completely replicated in the plantation owners." Sidney Milner was expressionless, and when Adelaide was the prime minister of southern Africa, he had discussed the issue of African colonies with Sidney Milner countless times.

At the time, Ader asserted that this would happen sooner or later if the white colonists did not realize their mistakes.

Africa today is no longer Africa 20 years ago.

"As a white man, don't you sympathize with what happened to those plantation owners?" Rock was surprised, Sidney Milner's attitude was not a gentleman.

"Why sympathy?" Sidney Milner asked curiously. The concept of white people is too broad. Celts, Germans, Slavs, etc. are all white people. They can play brains with each other, and sympathy is impossible. sympathetic.

Sidney Milner's attitude also represents the attitude of most white people in southern Africa.

In southern Africa, whites used to be divided into two categories: Boers and whites other than Boers.

Now there is no difference between the two. With the increasing number of Chinese, whites are less and less mentioning their ethnicity. This can be seen as the beginning of ethnic integration in southern Africa.

A very interesting phenomenon, if you meet a white person in southern Africa who is very fluent in Chinese but cannot speak English or Afrikaans, then he is probably not of English descent or Boer. In southern Africa, there are only white people from other countries , will choose Chinese as their second language.

There is no need to learn English, and English is also the official language of southern Africa.

Boers do not want to learn, or are not allowed to learn, they even reject English, let alone Chinese.

"How long will it take us to get to Soyo—" Rock doesn't dwell on this issue, Yan Fu said: Jueou people have only achieved the eight characters of "self-interested killing, shameless" in the 300 years of evolution; Rock deeply agrees.

The "300-year evolution" in Europe, to put it bluntly, only pays attention to the construction of material civilization and ignores the construction of spiritual civilization.

In other words, there is no such thing as "spiritual civilization" in the bones of the white people. Everything in the jungle society is dominated by the jungle. It took less than five years for Tes to lead a team of less than 1000 people to conquer the Aztec Empire with a total population of nearly 300 million.

What made the whites flock to it was that Francisco Pizarro led a team of more than 200 people to conquer the Inca Empire with a population of 600 million.

What makes the white people look like a god is that Ivan the Great sent only 800 Cossacks to conquer the huge Siberia.

In this context, it is difficult for you to ask white people to be kind to others in every way like Chinese people. After all, in the eyes of white people, kindness is cowardice.

"My lord, it will take about ten hours." Louis was dressed in military uniform, and his military rank had already been promoted to major.

There are some things that really can't be explained clearly. When Louis graduated from Nyasaland Army Academy, he was already a lieutenant with an outrageous rank, and he was already a captain when he was transferred to Rock.

Working next to Roque, even as a secretary, wearing a captain's rank is not very good-looking, so before Roque left for London, Louis's rank was quietly changed to a major. The promotion speed was no less than that of the original Patton and Angie.

Patton and An Qi are both generals now, and those who come out of Rock's side can be promoted so fast.

It happened that everyone took it for granted, so no one was dissatisfied because of it.

"Have the troops arrived at the scheduled location, and has the mobilization order been issued?" Rock is really tired of this kind of thing, and the others in the Southern African Union are fine, except for the Republic of Congo, where troubles arise from time to time.

"After the rebellion broke out in the Republic of Congo, the mobilization order has been issued as soon as possible, and the Northern Rhodesian Division has also arrived at the predetermined position, ready to launch an attack on the rebels at any time." Louis is full of confidence. In fact, there is no need to deal with this level of rebellion. Deploying the northern Rhodesian division, the Union army was strong enough to suppress the rebellion.

However, the Union army is basically composed of African-American soldiers. In order to avoid accidents, Rock still mobilized the Rhodesian Northern Division stationed near the North Sea to counter the rebellion.

The Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division are still dominated by white soldiers and Chinese soldiers.

"I'll go to sleep and wake me up when it's time for Soyo." Rock recharged his batteries, not only to deal with the Congo rebels, but also to rectify the government of the Republic of Congo. Some people are really shameless, It's hard to say that you have to beat and beat.

Just as the heavy cruiser "Durban" was heading for Soyo at full speed, Boma, the capital of the Republic of Congo, was already in chaos.

In this rebellion, part of the police of the Republic of Congo participated in the rebellion and became the backbone of the rebel force. The mobilization order of the Republic of Congo did not play its due role. Backward, lack of training, low morale, let alone put down the rebellion, not enough for defense.

"Four million Congolese only mobilized less than 400 people. Even if there are 1000 rebels, what are the remaining 10 million people doing?" In a bar in the center of Boma, drinkers were discussing.

"Hush—keep your voice down, after the "Mobilization Order" was released, neither the Rifle Association nor the Military Service Agency responded. Without the cooperation of these two organizations, the "Mobilization Order" would be a joke—" someone said, rumor The president of the Republic of Congo is not Isaac Pansi, but Vissels, the president of the Rifle Association of the Republic of the Congo. It seems that the rumors are true.

Wessels is also the director of the Military Service in the Republic of Congo.

The Rifle Association of the Republic of the Congo is the branch of the Southern African Rifle Association in the Republic of Congo.

The Rifle Association is the largest non-governmental organization in southern Africa. It is said to be a non-governmental organization. In fact, everyone knows that the Rifle Association has a strong official background. The Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa is the supporter behind the Rifle Association. The Rifle Association has 1500 million members in southern Africa. , many women are also members of the Rifle Association.

The total population of Southern Africa is only 1500 million members, and almost all the adults in Southern Africa are wiped out. Therefore, the power of the Rifle Association is far stronger than it appears on the surface.

"I said a long time ago that our president is a joke. His grandfather was a slave owner, and his father was a slave owner. Although slavery has been abolished in the Republic of Congo, go to Cabinda. The largest plantation is The property of our president, our president, is now the largest slave owner in the Republic of Congo, which makes all of our hard work a joke. We fought bloody battles to drive away Leopold II, but benefited This is an insult to all of us!" Someone spoke impassionedly, expressing what no one dared to say.

"Patrick, if you're a man go back and get your guns and stand up and say no to the President—" Someone fanned the flames.

"Heh, Barnato, I'll do that after drinking this glass of wine, do you dare to go with me?" Patrick didn't back down, no matter whether it was drinking to make a hero or a drink to make a coward, in short, he went all out.

Barnato didn't expect Patrick to play cards unreasonably, his face turned red and then pale, and he dared not answer.



"I didn't expect you to be such a Barnato—"

The drinkers booed and raised the seedlings, and some people were obviously eager to try.

"Who said I dare not? Patrick, I will dare if you dare!" Barnato's blood surged, and he had to try to know if it would work.

"Ha, for the sake of our warriors, I invite everyone to drink today. If my old Barry hadn't broken a foot in the world war, I would have gone to the front with you!" The bar owner was unwilling to be lonely, saying Isaac Pansy It is indeed useless. During these years as president, the Republic of Congo has not improved, and it is really outrageous.

"It doesn't matter old Barry, we will carry you to the presidential palace to petition, if our president does nothing, we would rather old Barry be the president, at least old Barry is willing to buy us a drink—" Barnato pulled more people into the car, and there were many people The power is great, the law does not blame the public, and everyone understands the truth.

The smile on Old Barry's face disappeared immediately, Nima, you don't even let me, a one-legged person, what about your conscience?

Before Barry could speak, the drinkers rushed in, carried Barry on their shoulders, and left the bar.

The street in front of the bar was already full of boiling crowds, many of them armed and shouting various slogans, gathering towards the square in front of the Presidential Palace.

Boma Police Commander Meyer Lucas received the report immediately, but Meyer Lucas did not send anyone to the presidential palace to maintain order, but went to the chapel of the garrison headquarters to pray alone.

Pray to God bless the Republic of Congo?
not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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