Chapter 1458 Step Down
In the Victory Square in front of the Presidential Palace, a mighty crowd is approaching the Presidential Palace.

"We want peace!"

"We're going to work!"

"Isaac Pansy step down!"

From time to time, the crowd uttered loud slogans, and the scattered voices finally converged into a huge "Isaac Pansy step down!"

Nearly a hundred policemen have set up a cordon in front of the presidential palace. They have received orders that as long as the crowd does not cross the cordon, they cannot interfere with people's movements.

On the fourth floor of the Rhodesia Hotel opposite the Presidential Palace, Gao Gui, the head of Brad's office in Boma, looked coldly at the excited crowd without saying a word. This action really has nothing to do with Brad's office, although the southern African The federal government is dissatisfied with Isaac Pencey, but it will not use this method to force Isaac Pencey to step down.

If you really want to replace the president of the Republic of Congo, the Federal Government of Southern Africa has plenty of solutions.

"There are so many people, the speed is so fast, and they are so uniform. If there is no one behind the scenes, it is impossible to organize—" The president of the Rifle Association Vissels looked ugly, and the situation in front of him made him feel out of control. This feeling is very not good.

"Where is Louis?" Gao Gui asked the Defense Minister of the Republic of Congo, Louis Ben.

"Louis went to Soyo, and the Lord's ship arrived in Soyo tonight." Wessels pinned his hopes on Roque. If there is anyone capable of turning the tide, it can only be Roque.

Wessels is the largest timber merchant in the Republic of Congo. The Republic of Congo is rich in a variety of valuable timber, most of which are exported to southern Africa. Nearly [-]% of the high-end furniture produced in southern Africa comes from the Republic of Congo.

Timber export is also one of the pillar industries of the Republic of Congo, in addition to cash crops produced by plantations and diamonds.

As for Katanga, which has huge copper reserves, it has now become part of Nyasaland.

It should be noted that Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd. also owns Wessels' shares. Although it is only a negligible three percent, it can still bring hundreds of thousands of rand profits to Wessels every year.

At this time, more people arrived in Victory Square, some of them wearing the uniform of the Southern African Expeditionary Force during the World War, with various medals on their chests.

The reporters who were wandering around the Victory Square immediately surrounded them like sharks smelling blood, and the people in the square also cheered loudly. The soldiers have a high status in the Southern African Union, and the veterans are even more respected.

The joining of veterans has encouraged people, and some people have already crossed the cordon set up by the police and attacked the presidential palace.

The police who were only equipped with explosion-proof shields were retreating steadily. In order not to cause greater conflicts, the police were not equipped with lethal weapons. Many policemen did not even wear helmets, and wore hats with large brims. As a result, some policemen were hit by stones. Blood flowed all over his face, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

"What's the matter with those reporters?" Gao Gui also sensed something was wrong, there were not so many reporters in Boma in the past.

Unlike southern Africa, which has always insisted on universal compulsory education, the Republic of Congo does not have compulsory education at all. Even white people in the Republic of Congo do not enjoy compulsory education. Therefore, although the Republic of Congo has been established for more than ten years, the number of illiterate people is still large. Surprisingly, the vast majority of people do not read newspapers. There is only one newspaper office in Boma, which is the branch office of The Times in the Republic of Congo.

"Who knows, it's probably reporting the Chikapa miners' riot—" Wessels didn't know why there were so many reporters. This time the riot started from Chikapa.

Chikapa has the largest diamond mine in the Republic of Congo. Like the Rand mine, Chikapa's diamond mine also uses a large number of African workers to reduce costs.

Although the salaries of the African-American workers in the Rand mining area are not high, the living facilities provided by the mine are not bad. At least the workers can eat enough and their salaries are paid on time. The African-American workers who enjoy themselves in time are quite satisfied.

The diamond mine owners in Chicapa are black-hearted. The workers have almost no salary, and they don’t even have enough food. If they fail to complete the task, they will be abused and punished by the mine owner. Hidden a diamond, the owner of the mine directly cut open the worker's belly in order to find the diamond——

It is impossible to swallow such things as diamonds. The owner of the mine does not want to find diamonds at all, but just wants to kill people for fun.

As a result, the atrocities of the mine owners aroused strong reactions from the miners. The angry miners killed all the mine owners and supervisors. In just a few days, riots swept across the Republic of Congo.

"What's going on in the presidential palace?" Gao Gui doesn't care about these reporters now, if the president doesn't show up, it looks like things won't go well.

"Probably arguing—" Wessels had a complicated expression. The discord between President Isaac Pencey and Prime Minister Benson Moore of the Republic of Congo is well known.

Benson Moore was previously the Minister of Commerce of the Republic of Congo. After former Prime Minister Isaiah Chamberlain "died of illness", Benson Moore succeeded Isaiah Chamberlain as Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo.

Wessels was right that Isaac Pansy and Benson Moore were arguing during the excitement in Victory Square.

The guy who cut open the belly of a worker looking for diamonds was a relative of President Isaac Pencey.

After the incident, Benson Moore proposed a public trial of the mine owner to calm people's anger.

This request was rejected by Isaac Pansy, who believed that doing so would not only do nothing to quell the rebellion, but would have more serious consequences.

"You don't want to solve the problem at all. You just want to protect your relatives. You are still obsessed with no regrets. Do you have to wait for people outside to rush in and tear you and me apart before you understand the mistakes you made?" Benson Moore has spoken harshly. In recent years, Benson Moore has become more and more popular and has surpassed Isaac Pansy. Boma hopes that Benson Moore will replace Isaac Pansy as president. The voice is getting higher and higher.

"You are wrong Benson, I am the president of the Republic of Congo, and I am doing this entirely for the Republic of Congo." Isaac Pansi is still holding on, his political career has come to an end, more economic interests, Is Isaac Pansy's only pursuit now.

Not many of Isaac Pansy's former comrades-in-arms have left since the Republic of Congo was established, and neither Benson Moore nor Louise Benn, who is now Defense Secretary, are even native Congolese.

This is also the crux of the Republic of Congo. After the independence of the Republic of Congo, the living environment of Congolese Africans has not improved, and they are still in dire straits.

The white people in the Republic of Congo did not get the benefits they imagined. Katanga was taken away by Nyasaland, and Lake Tanganyika became the North Sea of ​​southern Africa. Acquired by Southern African capital in large quantities.

It is worth mentioning that this time the rebellion did not affect the plantations controlled by southern African capital. Those Africans who worked in the plantations run by southern Africans even took the initiative to stand up to protect the plantations. This situation is thought-provoking. , some people really want to review.

If they still have the chance.

"So you just watched the Republic of Congo fall into chaos? Yes, your family has left the Republic of Congo and gone to the United States. They will not be harmed, but what about those of us who are still in the Republic of Congo? Should we Paying for cowards and deserters?" Benson Moore said without showing any sympathy, and Isaac Pansy's face changed dramatically.

"You—you are too much—" Isaac Pansy was speechless. His family did go to the United States. Although they were not formal immigrants, they were similar to immigrants and could become American citizens at any time.

After being the President of the Republic of Congo for so many years, Isaac Pansy has accumulated a huge amount of wealth, and the family will not be able to spend it in several lifetimes. If Isaac Pansy stops here, then Benson Moore will not kill them all .

Now, everyone is responsible for their mistakes.

"Excessive is you! Your Excellency Isaac Pansy, look what the Republic of the Congo has become under your leadership, you are as selfish as Isaiah Chamberlain and will only serve My own family has never cared about the interests of the Republic of Congo.” Benson Moore made it clear that if it wasn’t for interests, then Isaac Pansy and Isaiah Chamberlain would not have taken the initiative to stand up against the Congo Colonial rule of the Free State.

"Benson Moore, don't forget that I appointed you as Prime Minister—" Isaac Pansy resisted stubbornly. In fact, he had special reasons for appointing Benson Moore.

Isaac Pencey's appointment of Benson Moore as prime minister came during Barker's visit to the Republic of Congo.

At that time, the former Prime Minister Isaiah Chamberlain had just "died of illness" and the Republic of Congo was in turmoil. Isaac Pansy had to appoint Benson Moore, who had a close relationship with southern Africa, as Prime Minister, otherwise he would not be able to keep himself.

In fact, when Isaac Pencey appointed Benson Moore as Prime Minister, Isaac Pencey had already predicted that this situation today would happen sooner or later.

It's just that Isaac Pansy didn't expect that this day would come so soon, and in such an unacceptable way.

"Well, it is true that you appointed me as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo, so Mr. President, I will now formally resign as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo. I hope that the Republic of Congo will flourish under your leadership—" Benson Moore said nothing Finally, the gate of the Presidential Palace, which had been closed all the time, was finally knocked open by angry people.

"Isaac Pansy step down!"

"Kill the bastard!"

"Isaac Pansy get out!"

Angry people rushed in.

"Guards, guards—" Isaac Pansy was terrified, but unfortunately there was no response.

(End of this chapter)

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