Chapter 1459 Sailors
Isaac Pansy never expected that he would leave this world in such a desperate way.

When the people betrayed their relatives, the sky was angry and the people complained, the crowd was excited, and when angry people surrounded the presidential palace, this result was already doomed.

It was in this situation that Rock arrived in Boma.

"President Isaac Pencey passed away due to illness, Prime Minister Benson Moore resigned, Speaker Augusta was hospitalized due to illness, and the current highest official of Boma is actually Mayor Tomlinson—" Rock was also speechless, "Death of illness" is such a good reason.

Louis Ben and Sidney Milner looked at each other. The rebellion in the Republic of Congo has not subsided, the government departments have been completely paralyzed, internal and external troubles are not enough to describe the current situation.

"How many troops are still trustworthy in Boma?" Rock didn't ask about the number of troops, the key is whether they are trustworthy or not.

How about the troops composed of Africans? Combat strength is not a problem, the will is also very tenacious, and the combat is also very brave. The key is that the stability is not enough. In several turmoil in the Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Congo, both soldiers and police participated. Very problematic.

Louis Benn could not answer this question. After the establishment of the Southern African Union, the army of the Republic of Congo was under the command of the Southern African Union Command. Louis Benn, the defense minister, was actually a polished commander.

As for the police in Boma, they are also untrustworthy. In the previous rally in Victory Square, if the police had done their duty, the final tragedy would not have happened.

"Well, that means, the only thing we can trust now is my guards—" The Republic of Congo is in great danger. In addition to the guards, Roque also brought 120 sailors from the Atlantic Fleet.

Yes, a sailor with a white jumper, a blue shawl collar, and a bowler hat with a black ribbon.

The black streamer is to commemorate the sailors in the age of sailing to mark the wind direction with cloth strips.

Including sailors, Rock's guards did not exceed 500 people, which is actually enough for Boma, a city with a population of less than 6.

The members of Rock's guards are all elite fighters who have been selected thousands of times. Not to mention that all of them are legendary soldier kings, and they all have special skills. Compared with ordinary troops, their combat effectiveness is still very good.

"Order the troops to enter Boma, and implement military control on Boma from now on, and let Benson Moore and Augusta come to see me." Rock did not enter Boma, but lived in a manor on the outskirts of Boma, this The manor is Christian's property.

It was Gao Gui and Will Seth who came to see Rock earlier than Benson Moore and Augusta.

"Boma's situation is fairly stable. After the death of His Excellency the President, people's anger has been effectively alleviated. Brad's office has begun to investigate whether someone is manipulating behind the scenes. Congress is discussing the launch of the presidential election as soon as possible. The police are all dispatched to maintain order. Rifles The association once again issued a mobilization order—" Gao Gui glanced at Will Seth beside him, and Will Seth answered in time.

"It is expected that more than 1000 members of the Rifle Association will respond to the mobilization. I am going to send these people to Chikapa to assist the coalition army in destroying the rebels." Wilseth really deserves to be called the "President in Opinion". Only less than [-] people responded to the mobilization order.

Although the Republic of the Congo has a large population, the Africans who actually occupy the majority of the population do not enjoy the rights that normal Congolese should have. Like southern Africa, Africans in the Republic of Congo are not recognized, and the population of the Republic of Congo is only 20 in name. Wan a little more.

When the government of the Republic of Congo issued the mobilization order, the rebels were far away from Boma and had not yet posed a real threat to Boma.

Now the rebels are pressing on Boma. After the death of Isaac Pansy, everyone in Boma is in danger. At this time, the white people really realize the danger is approaching, so more people respond to the mobilization order.

"Benson Moore or Augusta, who is more suitable to serve as the president of the Republic of Congo?" Roque directly named them. Both of them have a good relationship with the southern African federal government.

In fact, Isaac Pansy can be said to be the only official left over from the colonial era in the current government of the Republic of Congo. After the death of Isaac Pansy, the Republic of Congo has entered a new era.

"Mr. Benson Moore has higher prestige, and Speaker Augusta has older qualifications." Gao Gui has no preference on this issue. Both of them are good candidates, at least better than Isaac Pansy. it is good.

While Rock was busy meeting the big shots from all parties, the sailors entered the urban area of ​​Boma in an armored vehicle.

As the capital of the Republic of Congo, Boma's urban construction is still very good. Like most southern African cities, the streets are wide, the roads are flat, and beautiful palm trees are planted on both sides of many streets. Green spaces and parks can be seen everywhere.

When the sailors came to Victory Square, they were immediately surrounded by Boma people.

The costumes of the sailors are really beautiful. Although the United Kingdom began to distribute sailor uniforms as early as 1857, most Boma people have never seen them. After all, including the previous colonial era, the Congo Free State did not have them. A few real warships, just a few armed gunboats for river patrol.

"Relax, brothers, our mission is to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to make trouble. Don't leave the armored vehicle too far. It is strictly forbidden to act alone. Even if you go to the toilet, you must report first. Now put away your cold expressions and smile at these girls. We are bringing them peace—" In the corner of the square, the sergeant Levi's who led the team looked relaxed. In order not to cause panic, the sailors did not have bayonets on their rifles, and each carried only one ammunition box. However, the armored vehicles next to them With a heavy machine gun installed on it, firepower is still not a problem.

"Boys, thank you for your hard work—" A veteran in the uniform of the Southern African Expeditionary Force came over to say hello.

"Good afternoon, sir, do you need my help?" Levi's saluted before speaking, and his eyes fell on the empty sleeve of the veteran's left arm.

"At the Battle of the Somme, my unit was ordered to attack, and a shell exploded right beside me. Compared with many of my partners, I was luckier—" The veteran has a cheerful personality. During the World War, the Republic of Congo has always been Maintained two full-staffed divisions to participate in the war, and sacrificed more than 5 people.

This ratio is extremely astonishing. In the establishment of the British army at that time, there were only about 1.8 reorganized divisions, and 5 people meant that the two reorganized divisions had been rebuilt many times.

"Then you are really lucky—" Levi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to the veteran. During the Battle of the Somme, the two sides mobilized tens of thousands of artillery pieces to join the battle, with unprecedented firepower. It takes a little luck.

"No, my nickname is Lucky Jack." The veteran looked at the cigarette in his hand in a trance, and the treatment of veterans in the Republic of Congo was far worse than that in southern Africa. For many veterans in the Republic of Congo, these rations during the World War Say it is a luxury.

"Hello Sergeant, I'm a reporter from Time Magazine, can I have a brief interview with you." A reporter suddenly appeared next to Levi's, and he brought a photographer with him. The photographer didn't ask for Levi's permission. , ready to take pictures of the sailors and the armored vehicles next to them.

"Hey, hey, you are not allowed to take pictures without my permission." Levi frowned. It's not that Europeans are racially discriminatory. Many Americans are indeed unpopular.

"Sorry sir—" the photographer put down the camera very regretfully.

"Sorry, I'm working and can't be interviewed." Levi's refused the reporter's request for an interview.

The reporter didn't bother. At this time, a group of citizens lined up and chanted slogans and entered the square. The reporter rushed over and was busy taking pictures and interviewing, and had no time to waste on Levi's.

"God, these people are still unwilling to stop, they have already killed our president—" the veteran muttered in a low voice, no one dared to express his opinion easily at this time.

Levi's was polite, took a few sailors over, and directly stopped the excited citizens.

"Sir, we are going to petition the Presidential Palace—"

"We need to make our voices heard!"

"Are you going to join us?"

The citizens talked a lot. The police were involved in the previous activities. They probably thought that the sailors were similar to the police.

"You have killed your own president, go home now, Boma is about to implement military control, and you are not allowed to move freely after dark." Levi's serious expression, these people probably don't know the news of the military control.

"Military control? Why?"

"Do you want us to be locked up in your own home like prisoners?"

"We want to be free!"

The crowd immediately became agitated, and their understanding of military control was equivalent to going to jail.

"Shut up, leave here immediately, and go back to your own home, you can't solve the problem—" Levi's didn't have much patience, and the sailors were not reasonable.

"You are not from the Republic of Congo, you have no right to tell us what to do—"

"Don't we even have the right to speak?"

"Southern Africans get out of Boma!" The confrontation at the scene was escalating, and the previous scene of besieging the presidential palace seemed to be repeated.

Levi's is not Isaac Pansy who can only call "Guards". When he noticed that the emotions of the people around him were about to lose control, Levi's immediately raised his hand and called the armored vehicle over.


The huge body of the armored vehicle can still bring a strong sense of oppression. The heavy machine gun on the body is 1.5 meters long. Each bullet is almost as thick as a carrot. When it hits a person, it can directly beat the person in two. cut.

"Let's go, let's go home, don't ask for trouble—" The old soldier was also persuading him earnestly. The old soldier had already seen the virtues of the British during the World War.

At this time, a stone flew over from the crowd and hit the old soldier on the forehead, causing blood to flow from the old soldier's face.

ps: Some brothers said that the name was obtained very casually. I really don’t blame me for this. I found a list of Jinshi in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the names in the book were copied from it. Feel free to.

(End of this chapter)

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