Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1492 The Counterattack of Fawalt Steel Group

Chapter 1492 The Counterattack of Fawalt Steel Group

If the labor federation's lawsuit against Fawalt Steel Group was hype, the Sapir family's lawsuit against Christian Human Resources is a conscious attack on Southern African business.

Rock still noticed the impact of these two lawsuits in a timely manner. If this trend cannot be curbed in time, then there will be more lawsuits against southern African companies in the future.

Therefore, Rock's attitude is very firm. If he wants to file a lawsuit, he will file a lawsuit. It is absolutely impossible to lose money. Southern Africa does not accept any form of blackmail.

On July 7, the London Magistrates Court opened a hearing on the Labor Federation's lawsuit against Fawalt Steel Group.

Sure enough, as expected by Rock, the London District Court made a judgment against Fawalt Steel Group, believing that the dumping of Fawalt Steel Group had affected the survival of the British domestic steel industry, which in turn affected the income of steel workers. Fawalt Steel Group is to some extent responsible for the plight of the steelworkers.

"This is evil and shameless blackmail. The judgment of the London District Court violates the free trade policy that the British Empire has adhered to for two centuries. It will definitely have a heavy and far-reaching impact on the British economy. All companies will no longer Committed to producing high-quality and cheap goods, as long as you have a good relationship with the judges, even expensive and unusable goods can occupy the market, and British companies will gradually lose their competitiveness. If the day finally comes, everyone will have to Remember, the origin of everything lies in today’s judgment of the London Magistrate’s Court—” After Smith Harry walked out of the court, he was interviewed by The Times on the steps in front of the court.

"Mr. Harry, will Fawalt Steel Group accept this judgment?" Zhang Yi quickly recorded in the interview book, and reporters from major newspapers surrounded him and Smith Harry.

Next to Smith Harry, Ramsay MacDonald, who had just attended the trial, was also being interviewed by The Daily Telegraph.

"There is no doubt that the judgment of the London District Court is fair. As a responsible enterprise, Fawalt Steel Group should assume greater responsibility. It is under the protection of the British government that Fawalt Steel Group can develop rapidly. , they could do better and be thankful—” Ramsay MacDonald was also not too pleased with the London Magistrates’ Court decision.

Although the London Magistrates Court upheld the Labor Federation's lawsuit, the Labor Federation's demands were not fully met.

One of the demands of the Labor Federation is to ask Fawalt Steel Group to pay living compensation for steel workers living in difficulty.

Probably Sir Arabella also felt that this request was too weird, so the London District Court did not support the Labor Federation's appeal in this regard.

This made Ramsay McDonald very dissatisfied. You must know that the Labor Federation spent a lot of energy and money on this lawsuit, but now it has not won a complete victory. This is not in line with Ramsay McDonald's original intention. imagine.

The Labor Federation filed this lawsuit, on the one hand, to win votes, and on the other hand, to force the Fawalt Steel Group to submit. cold.

Now the Labor Federation has won the lawsuit, but because of the lack of cooperation of the Times News Group, the effect of publicity is not very good, and it has not received actual benefits. Instead, it has completely pushed the Fawalt Steel Group to the Conservative Party. Labor is not really friendly.

"Favalt Steel Group will never accept this result. We have sorted out the relevant information and will continue to file a lawsuit with the Supreme Court. Some people think that Fawalt Steel Group will surrender to power. They are wrong! Favart Steel Group The Special Steel Group has never yielded, nor is it afraid of protracted litigation, and we will form a larger team of lawyers to carry this lawsuit to the end!" Smith and Harry are resolute, let's consume slowly and see who can consume whom.

On the other side, Ramsay McDonald was also facing a trap set by a reporter from the Daily Mail.

"Then Mr. MacDonald, why do you think Fawalt Steel Group is doing this?"

Ramsay MacDonald frowned, this question was difficult to answer.

So far, this lawsuit has stayed in the commercial field and has not involved other parties.

If the answer to this question is not good, then Henry will be involved, which will touch the interests of the entire aristocratic class. Even Ramsay MacDonald cannot face the denial of the entire aristocratic class.

"We won the final victory, that's it—" Ramsay McDonald didn't answer directly, and hurriedly ended the interview and was about to leave.

Smith Harry, who had been staring at Ramsay McDonald, also ended the interview immediately.

"Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, do you think the life of steelworkers will be bettered by Fawalt Steel Group raising the price of its products?" Smith Harry fired directly, and the reporters seemed to be full of chicken blood Get excited.

Considering the great influence of this case, the London Magistrates Court held a closed trial of this case, and the reporters did not know what happened at the scene of the trial.

"At least it won't be worse than it is now—" Ramsay MacDonald hastily left a sentence, walked down the steps quickly, got into the car and drove away.

"Then just wait and see, if anything happens next, you have to remember that it's all because of you!" Smith Harry waved his fists with a grim expression.

Ramsay Macdonald probably didn't realize what was going to happen next.

The next day, the British local military enterprises headed by Harland Wolff Shipyard and the Royal Small Arms Factory received a latest quotation from Fawalt Steel Group.

In this latest quotation, the prices of various steel products provided by Fawalt Steel Group have generally increased by about 5.00% compared with the previous ones.

Don't underestimate the 5.00%. After the World War, all countries are reducing their armaments, and the orders of arsenals have shrunk sharply. In order to win orders, the profits of military enterprises have dropped sharply compared with those during the World War. 5.00% is almost equal to the arsenal. The catastrophe.

"Look, this is the consequence of wanton connivance to the Labor Federation. Someone won the lawsuit and got what he wanted, but we have to bear the final consequences. The Labor Federation should pay for all of this." After Winston knew this situation, he challenged Stanley Baldwin directly.

Harland Wolfe Shipyard is the largest shipyard in the United Kingdom. The famous "Titanic" was built by this shipyard. More than 50.00% of the steel used by Harland Wolfe Shipyard is made by Fawalt Supplied by Steel Group.

As for the Royal Small Arms Manufacturing Factory, this company was already struggling in the face of the competition from the Nyasaland military industry, and now it has reached the point of being unsustainable. It is said that one-third of the engineers of the Royal Small Arms Manufacturing Factory have resigned and went to Niasaland. Saran works in the military industry. Now that the Fawalt Iron and Steel Group has increased the price of raw materials, it will bring greater difficulties to the Royal Small Arms Factory.

The military industry is not something ordinary people can get involved in. The arsenal in the UK is backed by the entire aristocratic class, even including the shares of the royal family. Fawalt Steel Group raises the price of raw materials, and the arsenal will not vent its grievances on Fawalt Steel Group. Because they also need cheap raw materials from Fawalt Steel Group, the British government became the last scapegoat.

"Winston, please communicate with Lord Farwalt—" Stanley Baldwin repeated his old trick.

"Your Excellency, please forgive me. Lord Fawalt is different from Lord Nyasaland. What Lord Nyasaland is willing to do, Lord Fawalt may not be willing to do. Moreover, the relationship between me and Lord Fawalt is still different. For the sake of the overall situation, Lord Farwalt can be made without a single phone call." Winston directly refused, since love is like the balance of a bank account, use less at a time, and if you only withdraw or deposit, you will go bankrupt sooner or later.

Before Winston called Rock, Rock was still very face-saving and met Stanley Baldwin's request to pay more taxes, but did not increase the price of goods.

Now it's Henry's turn. I'm afraid Henry is not as easy to talk to as Rock, taking care of the overall situation?

You fucking Labor Party, which is about to gain power, has no regard for the overall situation. Why do you ask me, a southern African company, to take care of the overall situation?

To put it bluntly, even if Fawalt Steel Group wants to take care of the overall situation, it is still taking care of the Bureau of the Federal Government of Southern Africa. What does it have to do with your British Empire?
Not to mention that the London Magistrates Court will investigate whether Fawalt Steel Group has illegally hired workers.

On the one hand, I am forced to compromise, and on the other hand, I want to kill them all. Even if the three powers are separated again and again, they have not been separated to this extent.

This Nima is not separation of powers, this is a living schizophrenia.

"The current result is the result of the lawsuit initiated by the Labor Federation, and it should be the responsibility of the Labor Federation." On this issue, Neville is undoubtedly on the side of Fawalt Steel Group. He and Winston are both lawmakers. Although the shareholders of Walter Steel Group are the ones who have no decision-making power and only receive dividends.

So the profits of Fawalt Steel Group are affected, and the income of Neville and Winston will also be affected.

"The goal of the Labor Federation is the vote. They have achieved their goal. What do you make Ramsay McDonald take responsibility for?" Stanley Baldwin has a head as big as a bean. .

"Let him take responsibility for the future of the Labor Party—" Austin people don't say much harsh words. This situation may not be a bad thing for the Conservative Party.

(End of this chapter)

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