Chapter 1493

The British electoral system is different from that of the United States. The Prime Minister is not elected directly by the people, but the leader of the House of Commons automatically becomes the Prime Minister. Therefore, the seats in the House of Commons play a decisive role in the selection of the Prime Minister. The so-called "general election" in the UK does not elect the Prime Minister. Is a member of the House of Commons.

In the current British House of Commons, the Conservative Party still holds a majority, but this advantage will become confusing after the November election.

The biggest advantage of the Labor Party now is that it has proposed a series of welfare policies for low-income workers, such as raising the minimum income standard, distributing more relief funds for unemployed workers, building municipal housing for low-income groups, and so on.

Regardless of whether these policies can be realized, the emergence of the Labor Party has indeed shown another possibility to the British who are increasingly disappointed with the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party.

However, the rise of the Labor Party is also accompanied by potential crises. British politics has never lacked speculators. When the Conservative Party is strong, these speculators will join the Conservative Party. When the Liberal Party is strong, speculators will move closer to the Liberal Party.

Now that the Labor Party is rising strongly, more speculators are swarming in, and Ramsay McDonald lacks sufficient political experience. How to integrate the rapidly expanding Labor Party has become Ramsay McDonald's top priority.

Compared with Stanley Baldwin, Neville, and Winston, Austin has extremely rich political experience. He has been in politics since 1888 and has joined the cabinet formed by six prime ministers. , Minister of Indian Affairs, Minister of the Seal and other positions, do not care about temporary gains and losses.

What Austin means is obvious. Since Ramsay McDonald chose Fawalt Steel Group as the target of attack, he does not need the guidance of the Conservative Party. Next, Ramsay McDonald and the Labor Party led by him will face The joint attack of Southern African capital, based on the relationship between Rock, Stoudemire and Henry, will definitely not sit back and watch the labor union attack Fawalt Steel Group. The counterattack of Fawalt Steel Group is just the beginning, and the southern African capital will continue to There will be more initiatives.

As Austin expected, the increase in steel prices by Fawalt Steel Group was just the beginning. In just one week, Johannesburg Textile Group and Rhodesia Foods entered the market one after another, making successive moves in the clothing and food fields. At that time, the prices of British local textiles and food rose rapidly, which not only affected the interests of ordinary people, but also had a huge impact on the interests of local agents. For a while, the House of Commons' dissatisfaction with Ramsay MacDonald reached its peak.

However, members of the House of Commons are dissatisfied with Ramsey McDonald, and cannot affect voters' trust in the Labor Party.

British voters did not attribute the rise in prices to retaliation by southern African interest groups against Ramsay MacDonald and his Labor Party, but instead saw rising prices as another evidence of the Conservative Party's ineffective governance.

So the current British political arena is very strange.

The Conservative government is certainly suffering.

Ramsay MacDonald and his Labor Party are also facing a serious crisis of confidence. The editor of The Times made a prediction about the future British government. After the general election in November, the Conservative Party may lose its absolute dominance in the House of Commons. And the doubts facing the Labor Party are also accumulating.

In other words, after the November general election, the Labor Party may win the trust of voters, but incur a collective counterattack from the House of Commons.

In this eerie atmosphere, the lawsuit against Sapir's family and Christian Human Resources in Manchester Magistrates Court is about to begin.

Unlike the closed hearing in the London Magistrates Court, the Manchester Magistrates Court is preparing for a public hearing.

The night before the trial, Sapir's brother Wallace got drunk in a bar.

"After tomorrow, I will become a new rich man. At that time, I will buy a large courtyard with a swimming pool, and I will also buy a brand new Lord car. I will arrange the restaurant like a bar and invite a band to play every day. , all of you are welcome to visit at that time—” Wallace was still wearing his brand new suit, but perhaps because it hadn’t been changed for a long time, the collar of his shirt was blackened, and one of the buttons on his coat was missing , As for his shiny wristwatch, just now, it has been delivered to the bar owner and exchanged for a bottle of five-star wine from southern Africa.

"Wallace, can you prepare a room for me at that time, I can drink enough with you every day—"

"Great, don't forget old friends when you get rich."

"Wallace, it's time to run for Congress, we support you—"

There will never be a shortage of good-for-nothings in the bar, especially around the nouveau riche like Wallace.

"Running for Congress—it's a good idea, I'm definitely going to—" Wallace finally found another life goal after winning the lawsuit, don't ask if he is eligible, even if Ramsay MacDonald did not received higher education.

It is true that Ramsey Macdonald had no college education after he graduated from high school and was retained to teach because of his excellent grades.

To be happy in life is to be happy. Although he has not yet won the lawsuit, Wallace's life has reached an unprecedented peak.

But for some reason, Wallace felt that something was always missing around him.

At this time, a fashionable lady walked past Wallace.

Wallace's eyes lit up, and he casually touched the woman's tall buttocks, then put his fingers under his nose, with an intoxicated and obscene smile on his face.

The lady let out an exclamation, then glared at Wallace, and slapped him hard.

The slap was crisp and loud, and Wallace's complexion suddenly became as bright as a monkey's butt.

"Bichi—" Wallace roared angrily, jumped off the stool, and rushed towards the lady staggeringly.

Then he was grabbed by the collar and fell to the ground.

"Bastard, don't you want to die?!" A tall and strong bald man was fierce, and Wallace was half sober at once.

"Honey, this bastard just molested me—" The lady immediately took the big man's arm and the little bird was tearful.

"I'm not—I'm not—don't talk nonsense—" Wallace struggled to get up from the ground, denying three times in a hurry.

Even Wallace didn't notice that those cronies who were fawning around him just now are hiding far away, without even looking at Wallace.

"Bastard, don't you know who I am?" The bald man viciously grabbed Wallace by the collar and lifted Wallace's feet off the ground.

"I—let go—I can't breathe—" Wallace struggled desperately, the bald man's hand was strong, and Wallace couldn't break free.

"Of course you can't breathe, because I'm going to strangle you to death, no, this blind bastard, scum, pervert, if you kneel down and beg me now, then maybe I'll let you go—" , You lift the person up in the air, but also make the person kneel and beg, this action is too difficult, Wallace can't do it at all.

"Kenny, don't make trouble in my bar, this guy is dying—" The bar owner didn't want to make trouble.

"Shut up Sander, why didn't you stop this guy when he molested Maria just now?" The big bald man named Kenny insisted, this lady's name is good enough, Holy Mother!

This is not scolding, Jesus’ biological mother was called Mary, so Jesus is the Son, so Mary is the Virgin.

"I didn't see it—this guy was drunk—maybe he just came across it unconsciously—" Sander, the bar owner, also denied three times.

"Unconscious? No, this little thing is intentional!" Kenny slowed down, lifted Wallace up again and squeezed him heavily on the bar.

Wallace rolled his eyes, and it was obvious that he was exhaling more and inhaling less.

"Forget it Kenny, if this guy dies, then you're in trouble too." Sander couldn't see Wallace clearly, but from the extent of Wallace's desperate struggle, he could feel that Wallace was begging.

"Oh, Maria, go and call the police, I'm going to send this guy to the police—" Kenny's eyes were full of disgust, the criminals in the prison like this kind of prisoner the most, and this kind of person should go to the prison, Really life is better than death.

"Okay, okay, call the police, but before the police arrive, can you let him go—" Sander could see that Wallace's struggle was getting smaller and smaller.

"Don't even think about it!" Kenny ignored one thing, the resistance ability of drunk people will drop sharply.

Before the police arrived, Wallace was almost silent.

Kenny quietly relaxed a little, Wallace didn't breathe heavily like Kenny imagined.

"Forget it, I'm not as knowledgeable as you." Kenny finally let go.

Wallace crumpled like a snake with its spine removed.

"Hey, this guy is playing dead—" The panic in Kenny's eyes was fleeting, and he left in a hurry.

It took a long time before someone came to check on Wallace's situation.

"God, he's dead—"

With an exclamation, the whole bar was completely blown up.

"Who, who died?" The police always arrived late, and then saw Wallace collapsed in front of the bar.

"What's this man's name?"


"The name sounds familiar—"

"Should be familiar indeed, he was supposed to appear in court tomorrow—"

"Oh, that's Wallace?"

"Yes, that Wallace—"

"That's a pity—" The police were not surprised. Although the Sapir family's lawsuit against Christian Human Resources Company had a great impact, it was not well known.

Wallace's death did not cause any disturbance, and his attorney, Dart Edmond, did not even know about Wallace's death until half an hour before the trial.

The case has not yet been heard, but the plaintiff died for such a bizarre reason. Dart Edmund's first reaction was that it must be the Christian Human Resources Company who killed him.

(End of this chapter)

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