Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1496 Capital Thinking

Chapter 1496 Capital Thinking
Compared with the British Empire, which is slipping into the abyss, southern Africa is like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, full of vigor and vitality. Rock's ideal southern Africa is becoming a reality, and every southern African can deeply feel it arrive.

However, the British government was much more shameless than Rock had imagined. In August, Winston was appointed by Stanley Baldwin as a minister without ministers, and then visited southern Africa.

This is already the second time that Winston has held the position of minister without ministry.

"Congratulations on your return to the cabinet—" Rock's congratulations sounded more like teasing.

"It's not the re-elected prime minister, what's there to congratulate—" Winston didn't care, no matter how low the position of the minister was, he was also one of the cabinet ministers.

The purpose of Winston's coming to Southern Africa was still for the Fawalt Steel Group. Apart from Winston, Stanley Baldwin really couldn't find a more suitable candidate.

"You have to go to Henry for this question. It's useless to go to me." Rock pushed it all out. The Labor Federation sued Fawalt Steel Group, and Fawalt Steel Group naturally had the right to fight back.

"If it would be useful for me to go to Henry directly, why would I still come to you?" Winston also knew that Henry was not easy to mess with, and he could reason with Rock, but he could only lure him for profit.

But the British government can't come up with any benefits that can be exchanged, which is very embarrassing.

It can't be said that it can't be offered, Henry also made a request, as long as the local company promises to only use steel from the Fawalt Steel Group, then Henry agrees to return to the previous price.

The British government dare not agree to this kind of request. Let alone whether the British government, which still advocates free trade, has the right to make this promise on behalf of local companies, Stanley Baldwin also understands the truth that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Otherwise, British local companies can only be slaughtered by Fawalt Steel Group.

"Then what do you want me to do? Persuade Henry not to fight back when he is attacked? Don't be a labor union—" Rock sneered. It's no wonder that Winston didn't want to go directly to Henry. Such a request really needs a thick skin It can only be brought up to a certain extent.

The problem is that the British government really thinks so. Probably in the mind of Stanley Baldwin, southern Africa is still a British colony and will meet any requirements of the British government.

"You also know that all this is caused by the Labor Federation, and has nothing to do with the cabinet." Winston gritted his teeth, and the Labor Federation pretended to be so and ran away, but the British government had to wipe their ass.

If it is not wiped clean, it will prove once again that the current government is not capable enough.

"Who said it doesn't matter? Does the London Magistrates Court have to accept this kind of case? Even if it accepts it, does it have to rule that the Labor Federation has won?" Rock didn't believe that the British government could do nothing in this lawsuit, but I don't want to do it.

Since the Fawalt Steel Group was attacked by the Labor Union at the beginning, don’t blame the British government for the counterattack of the Fawalt Steel Group.

It's right to be uncomfortable!
"You also know that the government cannot interfere with the operation of the judicial system—" Winston was also very helpless, this is another pot of separation of powers.

"Hahahaha, Henry is the Minister of Justice of Southern Africa. Now you say that the government cannot interfere with the operation of the judicial system—" Rock didn't know what to say. The separation of powers in the UK is just like that.

The British political system only proves one thing, and a lie repeated a thousand times is the truth.

The separation of powers, like the two-party multi-party system, is a means for vested interest groups to maintain their dominance. It may not be too advanced, but now the British themselves believe it, and they still believe it.

The two-party system in the United Kingdom was formed during the British bourgeois revolution in the 17th century, and it really played a positive role in the former United Kingdom.

But now it is the 20th century, and it is unreasonable to cling to the things of the 17th century. The things handed down by the ancestors are not static, and some adjustments must be made with the development of the times.

What if I can't adjust?
Then it can only be demolished and rebuilt.

Now the British certainly don't think that their set has reached the point where it must be overthrown and rebuilt, but it doesn't matter, time will force the British government to make changes.

"Well, well, in this case, the cabinet's response was indeed a bit slow, but don't expect the cabinet to admit its mistakes, the British Empire is always right." Winston couldn't find an angle to persuade Rock, so he simply Play tricks directly.

"Heh——" Rock was not afraid of Winston's cheating, and directly arranged for Winston and Henry to meet at night, and the meeting place was at the Governor's Mansion in Kitchener.

This was what Winston requested. After all, Kitchener was the British Governor in Southern Africa. In this matter, Kitchener should be more inclined to the British government.

As a result, Kitchener's attitude was worse than Henry's. After scolding Stanley Baldwin, scolding Ramsey McDonald, and scolding Parliament, scolding the London Magistrates' Court. There is no one good outside.

This map was fired a bit fiercely. Although Kitchener didn't scold Winston directly, Winston was sweating profusely.

This old soldier's swearing vocabulary is quite rich, and it was eye-opening for Rock to hear it.

"——Henry, you are Lord Farwalt of the British Empire anyway, so an appropriate concession is necessary." Kitchener finally lived up to Winston's high expectations, and after venting, he still spoke for Britain.

"My title was conferred by the king, not by the current cabinet. What does it have to do with the cabinet?" Henry also had a firm attitude. In the face of money, the governor's face was not good.

Kitchener directly expressed his helplessness to Winston. I mean, Henry doesn't listen to me and I can't help it.

"Henry, you have to know that if the Labor Party comes to power, the interests of the Fawalt Steel Group will be more affected." Winston moved with emotion and reason. Everyone present here is actually aristocrats. Strictly speaking It's all Conservative.

"Hehe, you think too highly of the people from the Labor Party. Even if the Labor Party comes to power, the interests of Fawalt Steel Group will not be affected in any way." Henry looked down on the group of peddlers from the British Labor Party. People study——

Regardless of the loud slogans of the Labor Party, after taking office, it is still the same as the Conservative Party. It must please the vested interest groups in the UK, otherwise the vested interest groups in the UK will let the Labor Party know what it means to be sinister.

This is really not a joke. When Ramsey Macdonald first served as Prime Minister in another time and space, he did not win any of the policies passed by the British House of Commons. It is not easy to do this.

Therefore, the position of the British Prime Minister is also very aggrieved, especially for the ruling party that does not have a majority in the British House of Commons, even if it becomes the Prime Minister, it is just a show.

"No, no, Henry, we must be vigilant against this trend and not give the Labor Party any chance." Winston is a staunch anti-Nasha activist, and has been for a lifetime, especially when it comes to workers' strikes, Winston's attitude is very resolute.

During the World War II, workers in London went on strike. Winston, who was still the Minister of the Navy at the time, suggested that the Prime Minister use machine guns to deal with the striking workers. Fortunately, the British Prime Minister at that time was not crazy.

Lloyd George, Prime Minister at the time, is still the leader of the Liberal Party.

"Even if there is no Ramsay MacDonald, there will be Philip Snowden—" Rock sneered. After the Russians overthrew the Tsar, they survived the multinational joint intervention, and now they have become the vigilance of the whole of Europe. , this is the real reason why Winston hates the labor movement.

Although Winston is the greatest Englishman, he also has his own limitations. He does not have the courage to break the rules and can only follow the trend.

"If the Labor Party comes to power, the great British Empire will be over. We must not allow this to happen." Winston was resolute. He was born in the aristocratic class and has natural attributes.

"Then don't give the Labor Federation a chance to expand its influence—" Henry also sneered. The British government sat by and watched the Labor Federation sue Fawalt Steel Group. It must also have the meaning of trying to pick the fruit, but this fruit is not delicious. And it's full of burrs.

But the fruit I pick myself, no matter how bad it tastes, I still have to bite the bullet and eat it.

"Henry, if you make a concession, the cabinet will give Fawalt Steel Group the compensation it deserves from other aspects." Winston took the initiative to make a concession, and the British government needed a step up.

Before Henry spoke, Rock was very upset.

Oh, if the Fawalt Steel Group made a concession, the British government can compensate it from other aspects. Before that, Rock also made a concession. Why didn't the British government compensate?

A bowl of water should be level, and one should not be too double-standard.

"For example—" Henry didn't scatter hawks when he didn't see rabbits.

"For example, the proportion of raw materials purchased from Fawalt Steel Group will be increased, so that although the unit profit will decrease, the total profit will remain unchanged." Winston himself is also very helpless. He is also a shareholder of Fawalt Steel Group——

"How can it not be the same? Why can you only earn 100 when you can earn 99 per ton of steel?" Henry was indifferent. category.

Rock is running the whole of southern Africa as a business, so it really doesn't matter how much he earns.

I said this because money has lost its meaning to the current Rock, and Rock has greater pursuits, so he can be so free and easy.

Henry, Stoudemire, and Owen don't have such a clear sense of ownership as Rock. If it weren't for the clear requirements in many aspects in southern Africa, then Henry, Stoudemire, and Owen are the kind of people who would rather pour milk into the river than sell it. A capitalist for the poor.

ps: Sorry for the lateness, I almost made a big mistake, I coded well when I was coding, and then I got carried away, and I still have to ring the alarm bell——

(End of this chapter)

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