Chapter 1497
The slogans put forward by the Labor Party are actually being implemented by the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

For example, unemployment benefits, the Federal Government of Southern Africa stipulates that after being unemployed, southern Africans can receive re-employment training for free, and within a maximum of six months, receive food stamps and unemployment benefits for living every month gold.

In terms of working hours and minimum wages, southern Africa also has relevant regulations, but these welfare policies can only be enjoyed by real southern Africans, and Africans working in southern Africa cannot enjoy the protection of these welfare policies.

This is also the real reason why the UK is facing difficulties. Of course, the British government also knows the benefits of cheap workers, but if cheap workers are introduced, then the British Labor Federation and human rights organizations will have enough room to play, and they will not care about the government. Difficulties and the competitiveness of enterprises. The Labor Federation only cares about its own influence. They formed a cabinet to lead Britain back to the top of the world. The purpose of human rights organizations is more pure. I still remember the people who came to southern Africa during the Second Boer War That Ms. Emily Hobhouse, she still thinks her work is more meaningful than Rock's work.

Maybe, anyway, Rock has forgotten about Ms. Emily Hobhouse. Now Rock is concerned about Winston and the investigative team formed by the London Magistrates Court.

That’s right, after ruling that Fawalt Steel Group lost the lawsuit, the London Magistrate’s Court really organized an investigation team to travel thousands of miles to southern Africa to investigate whether there is really a problem of illegal employment in southern African companies.

Although Roque disagrees with the decision of the London District Court, the investigation team is really not joking. If the investigation results are not good for Southern Africa, then the London District Court may really take further action.

"What is there to investigate? According to the definition of the London Magistrate's Court, illegal employment is widespread in all companies in southern Africa. But when did the power of the London Magistrate's Court become so powerful? What power do they have to define what?" Illegal employment?" Henry was very dissatisfied with the London Magistrates Court, Winston was seeking reconciliation in southern Africa, but the London Magistrates Court added fuel to the fire, and some people in the UK were really schizophrenic.

"You have to know that the bosses of local steel companies are not the same group of cabinet ministers. The Fawalt Steel Group almost crushed the local steel companies. How much do you think the bosses of steel companies hate you?" Luo It is not surprising that the London Magistrates Court is so active, there must be interests behind it, otherwise the London Magistrates Court would not be interested in caring about whether there are illegal employment in southern African companies.

"I am the Minister of Justice of Southern Africa, but the Ministry of Justice in Southern Africa has to cooperate with the London District Court to investigate my own factory. I think I am also crazy, or the world is crazy." Henry himself collapsed, which is considered What?Self-correction and self-examination?

"What are you going to do?" Rock was taken aback, Henry was not the character to swallow his anger.

"I'm going to leave that so-called investigation team in southern Africa forever!" Henry said murderously, he really did this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, the British Empire is still the suzerain of southern Africa—" Rock is still reluctant to let go of the British Empire. The key is the huge market in the Commonwealth.

Henry was actually just talking. The investigation team consisted of four people, three men and one woman, all of whom were not very old. The head of the team, Cole Harrington, was a judge of the London Magistrates' Court.

"Mr. Harrington, hello, I am Spark, the manager of the public relations department of Fawalt Steel Group. During your stay in southern Africa, I will cooperate with you in the investigation of Fawalt Steel Group." Spark brought a The car is ready to take the four members of the investigation team directly from Pretoria to Fawalt.

"Is Fawalt far away from Pretoria?" The investigation team's preparations were not very good, and even Fawalt's location was not clear.

This is also normal. Compared with the British Empire, southern Africa is a "backcountry". Fawalt is not a big city like Pretoria or Johannesburg, so it is not normal to find it on the map.

"It's not too far. There is a highway between Pretoria and Fawalt. Of course, you can also go directly to Fawalt by railway." Spark asked Harrington to choose. The car is faster and the train is more comfortable.

"Let's take the expressway, I've had enough of trains—" Harrington wanted to reach Fawalt as quickly as possible, and they had been tossing about by boat and train for half a month.

Then take the highway. Spark brought a large bus specially used to receive guests. The bus has ample space and the leather sofa is still very comfortable. The highway was built when the infrastructure was upgraded in southern Africa a few years ago, and the road surface is wide. It is flat, with beautiful and tall landscape trees planted on both sides of the road. Pretoria has been positioned as a tourist city in recent years. Its environment is comparable to that in southern Africa, and it is even more contrasting with the British mainland.

How to say the British cities, because the city appeared relatively early, so the infrastructure is not very good, the streets are mostly curved and narrow, and the urban buildings have almost no characteristics. This has a lot to do with the habits of the British.

The British writer Paxman once said, "In the minds of the British, the soul of Britain is in the countryside."

So the country house is the essence of Britain.

Most of the cities in southern Africa have only emerged in recent decades. Metropolises such as Pretoria have also undergone complete reconstruction after the Second Boer War, so no matter in terms of urban layout or city appearance, On the surface, they all fully meet the definition of a modern city.

All this made the members of the investigation team very novel. As rumored, Southern Africa is indeed rich.

The car went all the way north. After entering Fawalt, the color of the sky was obviously no longer the azure blue of Pretoria, but the gray feeling was similar to that of London in winter.

It's no wonder that both the Pretoria City Government and the Transvaal State Government hope that Henry can move all of Fawalt's heavy industry away. Fawalt is too close to Pretoria, and the pollution caused by heavy industry , would have a huge impact on the environment of Pretoria.

"In the past two years, Fawalt Steel Group is gradually moving its factories to Walvis Bay and Victoria. This is the request of the state government and the Pretoria City Government. However, the new factory is still under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Start relocation." Spark casually introduced that in order to let Fawalt Iron and Steel Group move away, the municipal and municipal governments have spent a lot of energy, even at the expense of coordinating hundreds of square kilometers of land for Fawalt Iron and Steel Group, and there are exemptions Henry agreed to move out because of tax and other preferential policies.

After moving to Walvis Bay and Victoria, Fawalt Steel Group will radiate to the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean respectively. The choice of these two places is also very interesting. One is very close to South America, and the other is very close to Australia. Both places are close A large amount of iron ore resources have been discovered, which is more valuable than the iron ore in southern Africa.

"Is there any illegal employment in Fawalt Steel Group?" Harrington has already entered the working state.

"It depends on how to define illegal employment—" Spark curled his lips. Henry is the Minister of Justice of Southern Africa. How could there be illegal employment in Fawalt Steel Group: "According to our standards in Southern Africa, Fawalt Steel Group obtained from neighboring countries Africans are hired to work in the region, salaries are paid to Africans, all labor contracts are signed, and all procedures are reasonable and legal.”

"So the salaries given to African-American workers in southern Africa meet the minimum wage standard in southern Africa?" Harrington also came prepared and would not be fooled by Spark's few words.

"Those Africans are not even southern Africans. Why should they enjoy the minimum wage? The plantations of the British Empire in Asia did not offer the plantation workers the minimum wages that meet the British standard—" Spark was not afraid of investigation, afraid The London Magistrates Court deliberately targeted.

According to the standards of the London Magistrates Court, there may be problems with the plantations of British companies around the world, including India. Although Indians call themselves British, in fact, it is impossible for British companies to hire workers in India. In accordance with the standards set by the British government.

Just kidding, when the whole world is a sweatshop, if your company wants to maintain the enthusiasm of employees with high benefits and high salaries, even if you don’t want to court death, it’s not enough to give such a waste.

"Then, has Fawalt Steel Group ever abused workers?" Harrington had been prepared for a long time, and he would definitely not be able to find any results if he asked this question, and everything would depend on the specific investigation results.

"Which area are you referring to? No food for the workers? How is this possible? If the workers don't have enough to eat, they won't have the strength to work. There is nothing in southern Africa, and there is still plenty of food—" Spark laughed loudly. If southern Africa If there is a shortage of food, people in the British Isles will starve to death.

The farms in southern Africa are very developed. With the extensive use of agricultural machinery and the continuous promotion of new technologies, southern Africa has maintained food growth for nearly 20 years. That is to say, since the Second Boer War, the southern African Food production has been increasing.

"No, no, it's not about this aspect. We got some information that southern African companies headed by Fawalt Steel Group will cut off the hands of workers who have not completed their work tasks. While punishing workers, they will also warn other workers. ——" Harrington didn't know where he got the news, and Spark sounded a little familiar.

"Wait, you don't think we southern Africans are Belgians in the Congo Free State?" Spark suddenly realized that there was indeed a hand beheading, but it was not in southern Africa, but Leopold The Congo Free State during the II period.

(End of this chapter)

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