Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1499 Human Nature Is Complicated

Chapter 1499 Human Nature Is Complicated

No matter how India is the most dazzling jewel in the crown of the British king, the British discriminate against Indians is also undisguised.

There is no need to doubt this point. The British even discriminate against the Americans, let alone the Indians.

Although Gore insisted that the food offered by the Indian restaurant was unparalleled, the members of the investigation team did not have the courage to try it after all, which made Gore very regretful.

However, Gore's attitude really left a deep impression on the members of the investigation team.

"Farwalt Steel Group is the most benevolent company in the world, and Lord Fawalt treats workers as generously as God!"

"These guys can't enjoy such good food in their hometown. It's good to have food in their hometown. You haven't seen them when they first came here. They almost collapsed when the wind blows—"

"We don't get a penny for cattle grazing in our hometown. If you want to investigate, you should go to India to investigate those local kings—"

"No one here is dissatisfied with Fawalt Steel Group. The last dissatisfied person has been broken by us and thrown into the steel furnace. Instigated? No one instigated, this is our collective decision—"

Gore was full of praise for Favart Steel Group, and Harrington didn't know how to write the investigation report at night. If Gore's words were written, then the London Magistrates Court must think that the investigation team was punished by Favart. Acquisition of Special Steel Group.

After seeing the Indian restaurant, the members of the investigation team went to the Chinese restaurant where regular employees are eligible to enter.

Compared with Indian restaurants, the dining environment of Chinese restaurants is obviously higher by more than one grade. All the tables in the restaurant are covered with white tablecloths, the chair covers are embroidered with beautiful and complicated patterns, and the tableware is all exquisite. The high-grade porcelain that Harrington found out after asking about it was all produced in southern Africa.

Like Indian restaurants, Chinese restaurants are also in the form of buffets. Of course, the dishes provided are no longer the kind of mushy dishes that cannot be distinguished from the raw materials. The two meat and two vegetables are: beef stew with potatoes, grilled tilapia, fried broccoli, and Vegetable salad, and more than a dozen different fruits, each of which is carefully selected.

"The average annual salary of the regular employees of Fawalt Steel Group is about 250 rand. In addition to the salary, there are also valuable benefits, such as working meals in the restaurant. It only costs one rand per month, and you can enjoy The restaurant is free to enjoy, and regular employees are also allocated single dormitories or apartments. If the family is in Pretoria, they can visit relatives in Pretoria every week, and only need to apply for a monthly ticket of the Transvaal Railway Company. Then you can use it unlimited for the month." Spark showed his ID to the service staff in the restaurant, and then went to the bar to pay for a bottle of wine.

"For the sake of safe production, employees are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours, and the restaurant does not provide it. I bought it with my own money, and I can be reimbursed later—" Spark was thoughtful, and the members of the investigation team looked at each other.

To be honest, the London Magistrates Court does not have such a salary and such benefits.

This is really no joke. There are four members of the investigation team, and Harrington, the highest-ranking judge, is also a trainee judge, and his annual salary is only about 300 pounds.

This is also the result of the rapid depreciation of the pound after the World War, the result of a sharp increase in the salaries of government staff. If it were before the World War, the annual income of a trainee judge like Harrington would not be higher than 150 pounds.

As for the other members of the investigation team, their salaries were even lower, not even reaching Harrington's level.

Harrington calculated the exchange rate between the British pound and the rand himself, and then found out that his salary in Fawalt Steel Group has not yet reached the average level.

"Mr. Spark, what is your annual salary?" Adeline, the only lady in the investigation team, was more gossip, and this question was impolite.

However, Harrington and the other two members of the investigation team did not stop them. They were also interested in Spark's salary.

"Average——" Spark didn't take it seriously. The salary of Fawalt Steel Group is not a secret. It can be found in many public channels. Fawalt Steel Group regards high salary and high benefits as one of the factors to attract high-quality talents one.

"That's already pretty good. If my annual salary is 300 pounds, then I can wake up from my dreams with a smile on my face." Adeline's face was full of disappointment. Judges are an industry that everyone envies in the UK. self-knowledge.

Adeline still rents a house to live in London. The high price level in London is obvious to all. Adeline cannot afford to live in the expensive Chelsea area. Instead, she rents a house with others in the cheaper suburb of Hampstead. It costs about Around £11.

This is much better than when Adeline first arrived in London. When Adeline first arrived in London, she lived in the cheapest part of East London. A house only cost 2 shillings a week, equivalent to 5 pounds 4 shillings a year. make.

"Come on, Adeline, you can do it—" Harrington encouraged Adeline. The high salary of Fawalt Steel Group was based on the exploitation of 5000 people by 14.5 people, which was incomparable to the London District Court.

In fact, the London District Court is already very good. Britain is still the most powerful country in the world, and it is based on the exploitation of the world.

"I even want to quit my job at the London Magistrate's Court and come to the Fawalt Steel Group, but I don't know if they want me—" Adeline was unscrupulous, and this was half-joking and half-serious.

"Of course, our Fawalt Steel Group also has a legal department—" Spark laughed, depending on how you understand it, it may not all be a joke.

Back at the hotel at night, Harrington sat on the balcony of the hotel for half the night.

Opposite the hotel is the brightly lit factory area. There are many chimneys, steel flowers splashing everywhere, and fire dragons flying. The trucks waiting in line for entering and leaving the factory area stretch for several kilometers. And the huge roar resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The living area just across the road from the factory is quiet and peaceful. The regular employees of Fawalt Steel Group live in apartments, and the African and Indian workers live in collective dormitories.

The collective dormitory of Fawalt Steel Group is not the same as the collective dormitory that Harrington imagined. The dormitory of the group is still very good. The standard eight-person room is equipped with toilets and balconies. The sanitation in the room is not bad. The sanitation in the public areas is cleaned by a dedicated person. Some workers return to their hometowns to change after completing the four-year work contract. The fact that names continue to go back to work in Southern Africa speaks volumes about how life in Southern Africa is more stable relative to their life at home.

For this alone, the Labor Federation's accusation against Fawalt Steel Group is not established.

The next morning, Harrington came to the hotel restaurant for dinner. At this time, Adeline had already arrived at the hotel restaurant early, and had communicated with the hotel restaurant staff before dining.

"You will never believe that these restaurant waiters were actually sold to southern Africa. Those human traffickers should be damned. This is what the Justice Department of Southern Africa did very correctly." Adeline gritted her teeth.

It was only then that Harrington noticed that the waiters in the restaurant were all white women with good looks.

"Persians?" Harrington could still tell the difference between a Persian and an Anglo-Saxon.

"Some, more people are from the Asia Minor peninsula. Their hometowns have been reduced to hell. Some of them were even sold to human resources companies by their parents—" Adeline's eyes were red and she didn't know what to eat. Women are always emotional.

Speaking of the Asia Minor Peninsula, after the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, the Asia Minor Peninsula fell into war. After the end of the World War, Britain, France and Italy have delineated their spheres of influence in the Asia Minor Peninsula, but in the end they faced the rebel army retreating steadily. Now only Dada The Neil Strait, the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the Bosphorus are under the control of the League of Nations peacekeeping force.

Years of continuous wars have caused great harm to the Ottomans. Before the outbreak of the World War, the population of the Ottoman Empire was 2380 million. When the World War ended, the population of the Asia Minor Peninsula was less than 2000 million. Now it is estimated that it is even less than 1200 million. It is almost cut in half from the peak.

The direct cause of population decline is migration besides war. Many girls were sold to southern Africa in the process. Fortunately, at least they are still alive.

"It should also be thanks to those human resources companies that brought them to southern Africa, at least they are still alive in southern Africa—" Harrington was not as sad as Adeline. A famine can directly starve tens of millions of people to death, and a random flu in Japan can kill tens of thousands of people. Life is the cheapest.

"Yeah, I don't know how to evaluate those human resources companies. They hire slave hunters in Africa to hunt slaves and bring these girls to southern Africa. That's why we usually say that human nature is complicated." Ai Delin's long-standing beliefs have begun to shake, and the Three Views are being rebuilt.

"These girls all look good, with hot bodies, good looks, obedient and docile, very suitable to take home as wives—"

"Ha, why don't you ask them about their prices—" Two other members of the investigation team also came to the restaurant, and they also pointed at the waiters in the restaurant.

"You two are really too much. I feel ashamed for you when such words come out of your mouths." Adeline broke out in an instant. What she said just now was correct. Human nature is indeed complicated.

These two members of the investigation team were also personable when they were in London, and they fit the position of British gentlemen.

As a result, when they came to southern Africa, the two of them showed their true colors, and the most unbearable side in their hearts was fully exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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