Chapter 1500 Smog
To be able to work in the London Magistrates' Court, one must either be an elite talent who graduated from a prestigious university, or a dude from an aristocratic family, more or less with a background.

In Britain in this era, the background can almost be equated with the level of education. Winston was like that when he was young, and he could still be a lieutenant after graduating from military school.

The two passersby A and passerby B in the investigation team don't say how high their educational level is, they must not have a high moral level, otherwise they wouldn't speak frivolously and behave like Meng Lang. Not only did they embarrass themselves, but they also made their family and London The courts were also disgraced.

Forget it, they are already passers-by, they don't even deserve a name, and who cares about their family.

When the investigation team started working, Winston was also running for more interests.

An embarrassing fact is that although southern African companies have increased the prices of commodities sold to the British Isles, the prices of southern African commodities after the increase are still lower than the cost prices of local companies. This situation makes Winston really happy powerless.

"Who can blame this? The cost is high and the efficiency is low. When reflected in the end market, consumers will eventually vote with their feet. Instead of focusing on restricting opponents, it is better to find ways to improve their own strength." Rock told Daying The "awe" of the empire is decreasing day by day. Maybe Rock has never been in awe, but it is only now showing it.

The former "Empire on which the sun never sets" is gone forever, and the present Britain is very similar to the Netherlands in the 17th century.

The Netherlands in the 17th century was still the famous "sea coachman", but the Dutch have gradually lost the ability to expand their territories, and they do not want to spend their energy on the hard colonial trade, but shift more energy to the illusory In terms of finance, the famous "Tulip Incident" happened during this period.

At that time, there were no good investment opportunities in the Netherlands, so the wealthy people in the Netherlands turned their main investment direction to emerging countries such as Britain and France. Even during the "British-Dutch War", this trend did not change.

The result is that the industrial strength of the United Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, and the industry of the Netherlands is getting weaker and weaker. Finally, through the four Anglo-Dutch wars, the United Kingdom replaced the Netherlands as the "sun never sets" that dominates the world.

The same is true in the UK now. There are fewer and fewer investment opportunities in the UK. The rich British with a lot of pounds in their hands cannot find investment opportunities in the UK, so they turn their attention to emerging countries such as southern Africa and the United States.

Southern Africa is fine. The Americans slaughter the British without mercy. The economic crisis every ten years basically starts with a stock market crash. The British who invested a lot in the US stock market lost their money, and even Winston was the victim. One of those who almost went bankrupt.

"The Commonwealth of Nations is still centered on the British Empire. Without a strong British Empire, the interests of the Commonwealth cannot be guaranteed." Winston could only try to convince Roque from this aspect. Don't count, they fall faster than expected.

This is clearly reflected in the British political arena. In the past, in Britain, the Conservative Party representing the interests of the aristocracy and the Liberal Party representing the emerging bourgeoisie took turns in power. After the rise of the Labor Party, the Conservative Party and the Labor Party took turns in power. Debilitated, not one out of ten members of the House of Commons.

However, this does not mean that the British bourgeoisie disappeared, but that the representatives of the British bourgeoisie reappeared in the British political arena as members of the Labor Party in a different form.

This can also explain what the British Labor Party is, and the Russian Bolsheviks are completely two groups.

In fact, there are Bolsheviks in the UK. They were established in 1920, but they have almost no sense of existence. The reorganization ended in 1991.

"So? Is it to suppress Southern Africa? Or to gently win over Southern Africa?" Rock no longer concealed it. This is also because the British government has gone too far recently. It's not such a good thing if the horses don't eat grass.

"The British Empire has never suppressed southern Africa—" Winston said in a low voice, and even he himself could not convince himself of such rebellious words.

This is the crux of the problem. Britain's suppression of southern Africa did not arouse Rock's strong reaction, but instead aroused strong resentment from the British in southern Africa, which made Winston very painful.

If it were Roque who confronted each other, then Winston would feel better. After all, people who are not of my race must have different hearts——

Now those who have the strongest aversion to the British Empire are the pure British headed by Henry and Stoudemire. Rock, the Chinese Marquis, is willing to give up profits for the British Empire. This makes Winston feel a strong sense of absurdity. Is it such a failure in education?

In fact, it is not considered a failure. As the saying goes, if the top beam is not right, the bottom beam is crooked. The British won the first pot of gold in development with the "Private Order", so the educated citizens must be a group of pirates.

After the self-government of southern Africa, it began to be self-reliant and hard-working. Although there was a large amount of supplies left by Britain after the Second Boer War, and the addition of the Rand Gold Mine, after all, it developed bit by bit, which is fundamentally different from plundering. .

"So Winston has to put his mind right. Southern Africa today is no longer what it was 20 years ago." Rock now has the confidence to say this. Before the World War, Rock would still be secretive, but now.

"But the problem now is that if we don't do this, the government will not be able to gain the support of the voters, and we will not be able to contain the expansion of the Labor Party. The British Empire must not allow the Labor Party to proliferate—" Winston said the truth, the British government There are also reasons why southern Africa has to be suppressed.

"If the Conservative Party loses power, it is the Conservative Party's own problem. Why should southern Africa be held responsible for it?" Unfortunately, Roque disagrees. It turns out that the British are already very good at throwing the blame away, and there is no need to wait until 100 years later.

While Winston was running around in southern Africa, as the general election approached, the election campaign in Britain began to heat up.

Ramsay MacDonald has been in a good mood recently. Smart people have found that the rise of the Labor Party is unstoppable. More and more people have joined the ranks of the Labor Party and expressed their support for the Labor Party on various occasions.

The Labor Party has indeed tasted the sweetness of prosecuting Fawalt Steel Group, so the Labor Party parliamentary candidates have spread the containment of southern African enterprises as one of their campaign platforms.

For ordinary people who have not received much education, they don’t know the real reason for the rise of southern Africa. The Labor Party’s election platform is indeed very tempting. Ordinary people don’t care whether Britain is an “empire on which the sun never sets” , I only care about whether my life can be effectively improved. The price increase behavior of southern African companies has aggravated ordinary people's worries about life, especially for unemployed workers. Many people blame the competition of southern African companies.

One of the Labor Party's election platforms is to increase unemployment benefits.

And just not long ago, the unemployment data released by the British government reached an unprecedented 220 million.

The current total population of the UK mainland is only 4500 million.

We must know that before the outbreak of the World War, the total population of the UK itself was 4565 million. Now ten years have passed, and the total population of the UK has not increased but declined.

Facing the fierce attack of the Labor Party, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party were losing ground. The situation of the Conservative Party, which represented the interests of the aristocracy and landowners, was relatively stable. Although the election results had declined, the fundamentals were still there. The aristocrats would not easily betray their own class.

The decline of the Liberal Party is obvious. Many members of the Liberal Party announced that they would leave the Liberal Party and join the Labor Party half a year before the election. As a result, the election of the Labor Party has been bullish all the way. Winston returned to the UK from southern Africa at the end of August. Work hard for your own position as a member of parliament.

The trip to southern Africa still brought some results to Winston.

But the result made Winston very regretful. Although Henry and Stoudemire finally agreed to cooperate with the Conservative Party because of Winston's efforts, the prices of southern African goods in the UK did not drop significantly.

The reason is also very simple. Southern African companies enter the British domestic market through intermediaries. When the price of goods is raised, the local intermediaries in the UK respond quickly. For the same pound of meat (450 grams), the southern African price increases by one penny. , the price in the market will rise by twopence, because the price of goods rises, and the import duty rises with it.

However, when the southern African companies lower their prices, the price of chicken in the local market will not drop immediately. The reason for the intermediary business is that it will take some time for the price of bulk commodities to be reflected in the market. In fact, everyone knows the reason, that is, the intermediary business is unwilling Give up that portion of the profit.

But now Winston is definitely not in the mood to care about this situation. His current situation is not good. His opponents include candidates from the Labor Party and Conservative Party. Winston is running as an "independent thinker" , This identity is indeed unique enough, but unfortunately voters don't care what Winston is thinking, they care more about firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, so Winston is facing a very serious situation.

In southern Africa, Roque and Henry are also paying attention to the British general election. The investigation by the London Magistrates Court came to an end, and the final report of the investigation team did not dare to release it. Probably the judges of the London Magistrates Court also believed that if the report was released, then Not only does it not help solve Britain's problems, but it is another widespread propaganda for southern Africa.

In this case, the time gradually came to the confusing November.

In the winter in London this year, the weather is extremely cold and the smog is extremely severe. Just entering November, a severe smog broke out in London, causing hundreds of deaths in London.

This casts a heavy shadow over the upcoming general election.

(End of this chapter)

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