Chapter 1502

As November approaches, the whole of the UK is filled with a voice from top to bottom: general election, general election, general election!
The slogan put forward by the Conservative Party is: The British Empire is still great.

The slogan put forward by the Liberal Party is: Liberty leads the British Empire.

The slogan put forward by the Labor Party is: Now is the time for the Labor Party to be in power.

Yes, although the Labor Party has not yet become the parliamentary majority party, Ramsay McDonald has made no secret of his ambitions. The purpose of the Labor Party is not to make a voice, nor to maintain the alliance with the Liberal Party. The purpose of the Labor Party It is the ruling party, replacing the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party as the ruling party.

Circa 1906, MacDonald and Liberal Party leader Herbert Gladstone reached an agreement that would allow the Labor Representation Committee to elect certain labor-dominated constituencies in the general election, while the Liberal Party would not Constituencies field candidates to dilute the vote pool.

In the same year, the House of Commons held a general election. With the agreement signed with the Liberal Party, the Labor Party made a major breakthrough in the general election and won 29 seats in the House of Commons for the first time.

Now that the Labor-Liberal coalition is dead in name only and Ramsay MacDonald is full of ambition, both the Conservatives and the Liberals are feeling the pressure.

During the lunch break, the boss of Mason's company finally came out of the office and announced that he would vote for Labor candidate Felton and hoped that the company's employees would do the same.

"Why Felton? Didn't you always support the Conservative Party?" Mason and his colleagues were surprised, and Murray, the director, asked the question everyone wanted to ask the most.

"The Conservative Party has made a mess of the British Empire. We should give the Labor Party a chance to see if the Labor Party can do something." The boss is in danger of bankruptcy.

In order to win the support of ordinary people, the Labor Party proposed more welfare policies. These policies are beneficial to ordinary people, but not good for Mason's boss, because it means that Mason's boss has to pay more costs to maintain the company's operations.

"Have you decided to join the Labor Party?" Murray asked, the boss's political orientation has a huge impact on a company.

"No, but if the Labor Party is doing well, why not do that." The boss is a standard nonsense, and he will join whichever political party is more beneficial to him.

"Whoever we vote for is our freedom—" George muttered quietly, but his voice was not well controlled, and he was still heard by the boss.

"Freedom? Stupid idea! There has never been real freedom, don't be fooled by politicians' propaganda—" The boss has passed the age of being fooled casually, everything is profit.

Before the boss finished speaking, a person who Mason never expected came to the company suddenly.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Felton, welcome to come—" The boss opened his arms and laughed, and the person who came was the Labor Party candidate Felton.

"Miller, it's great to meet you, I wish your business success--" Felton and the boss Miller hugged each other tightly, as close as brothers who had been separated for many years and reunited.

"Thank you, Felton, and may your dreams come true." Miller knew what Felton wanted to hear.

"Of course we will. We need to make our own voice and let His Majesty and the lords of the House of Lords know our aspirations. The British Empire can no longer be muddled like this. We want to defeat the United States and southern Africa and safeguard the interests of the British Empire. Let the Mizi flag fly high in any corner of the world, long live His Majesty the King!" Felton blushed with excitement, his voice was a little hoarse, God knows how many places he traveled this morning, soliciting votes to this extent Also talent.

"Long live His Majesty the King!" Miller shouted, punching his fists, his warning eyes passing over the faces of the stunned company employees.

"Long live His Majesty the King!" Murray was still quick to respond.

"Long live Your Majesty!" George was obviously affected by the atmosphere, this guy who has no position.

"Long live!" Mason looked at everything in front of him with a smile, but he was cursing MMP in his heart.

Just now Felton said unabashedly that he wanted to defeat the United States and southern Africa.

It's fine to defeat the United States, and the traitor who is only interested in profit is not worthy of pity.

What did Southern Africa do wrong to be so targeted by Felton?

Not to mention that Southern Africa is still a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Even if it is to be defeated, it may not be Felton's turn to speak.

So this is the gimmick of Felton's campaign. After Felton is elected as a member of the House of Commons, Felton will have another rhetoric at that time. Who will remember the bold words that happened in this office today.

On this day, such a scene was staged in countless offices in London. Candidates from the Labor Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, and other parties non-stop went to the streets and various businesses to canvass votes. As long as there were people, there were candidates hurrying. The newspapers are full of various news about the election, and the radio is turned on, and the passionate speeches of politicians come from the radio.

In a frenzied atmosphere, southern Africa is not immune to the impact.

However, the focus of the southern African media is different from that of the British media. The southern African media does not pay attention to popular candidates, but only pays attention to the impact of the general election itself on British society.

"Look, this is the terrible consequence of democracy and freedom. Workers don't work in factories, shop owners close their shops and canvass for votes, school teachers openly order students in class, and hope students will tell their parents when they go home. Vote for the teacher’s favorite candidate—it’s frustrating that this kind of farce happens every few years, it’s really unimaginable, will this happen in the future in our southern Africa?” Philip He had just been interviewed by a reporter from The Times. In front of the reporter from The Times, Philip unabashedly expressed his support for the current British government.

Philip has always leaned towards the Conservative Party.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows—" Rock perfunctory verbally, but he actually made a decision in his heart.

"Isn't it good for the Liberal Party to dominate like before? Now Cecil is integrating the Progressive Party, and the Nyasaland Party is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, our southern Africa will sooner or later be the same as the locals, every few years. This kind of farce happened just once.” Philip was very dissatisfied with Roque and Stoudemire at this point. Although Roque is still a member of the Liberal Party and has nothing to do with the Nyasaland Party on the surface, everyone knows it. It is with the support of the Nyasaland State Government that the Nyasaland Party can develop so fast.

When the Liberal Party was established, it represented the interests of the farmers in the Transvaal. Its purpose was to confront the People's Party, which represented the interests of the Boers, and the Progressive Party, which represented the old forces in southern Africa.

After the rise of Nyasaland, high-level intellectuals represented by engineers, doctors, researchers, and university professors also needed to make their voices heard, so the Nyasaland Party came into being.

The current situation in southern Africa is completely different from when the federal government was first established. Members of Congress in southern Africa also have terms of office, and they have to be re-elected every few years. kind of farce.

But just as Philip worried, there is no such thing now, and it does not mean that there will not be any in the future.

"Let's discuss how we should adjust the relationship between southern Africa and the mainland if the Labor Party comes to power." Roque didn't want to discuss the British issues, which should be resolved by the British themselves.

"Hahahaha, Locke, are you kidding? How could the Labor Party come to power—" Philip laughed. This is the problem. People know the threat brought by the Labor Party, but they are unwilling to face up to the threat of the Labor Party.

"Why is it impossible?" The biggest difference between Rock and Philip lies in Rock's grasp of the situation.

Philip's laughter stopped abruptly. Anything can happen in Britain now.

"If the Labor Party comes to power, will the Labor Party transplant what Russia has done to the UK?" Henry expressed concern about the Labor Party. If this happens, it will inevitably have an impact on southern Africa.

"Hehe, it would be great if the Labor Party had this courage—" Rock dismissed the Labor Party. Even if the Labor Party came to power, it would at best make minor repairs to Britain. Reformism would not fundamentally help the problems that the British Empire was facing.

To put it bluntly, Ramsay MacDonald is not the kind of person who dares to break everything, he is at most at the level of a paper crafter.

"If the Labor Party comes to power, we really need to adjust our relationship with the mainland. At least we can't let this situation spread to our southern Africa." Philip also maintains great vigilance against the labor movement.

"Don't worry, it is impossible for an organization like the Labor Party to appear in our southern Africa—" Rock still has confidence in southern Africa. The situation in southern Africa is fundamentally different from that in the UK. Even if the Labor Party wants to come to southern Africa to develop , I am afraid that there is no support in southern Africa.

"Hmph, if there are workers in Fawalt who dare to join the Labor Party, then I will expel them all. Want to run for Congress? Go back to your hometown and run for it!" Henry was murderous, and this is where the confidence in southern Africa lies.

It is also very strange to say that since the establishment of the Federal Government of Southern Africa, there have been almost no strikes. Generally speaking, the labor relations in Southern Africa are relatively harmonious, even in the Rand mining area with the most acute contradictions. Not to the point of being irreconcilable.

Anyway, Roque was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. The workers' requirements are actually not high. As long as they can survive, no one is willing to mess around with those politicians.

ps: Thank you brothers for your rewards, this update of Yutou, brothers will never give up, feel ashamed and ashamed - I have to remind some brothers that if you don't vote for the monthly pass, it will get moldy and won't give birth to cubs -

(End of this chapter)

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